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This pilot study from self-selected institutions of higher education provides an estimate of the causes and rates of mortality among college students between the ages of 18 and 24 years old. One hundred fifty-seven 4-year colleges participated in an online survey of student deaths during one academic year. A total of 254 deaths were reported. The mortality rates (per 100,000) were as follows: total accidental injuries, 10.80; suicide, 6.17; cancer, 1.94; and homicide, 0.53. Within the accident and injury category, alcohol-related vehicular deaths (per 100,000) were 3.37 and alcohol-related nontraffic injuries were 1.49. Men had significantly higher rates of suicide (10.46) than women (2.34). Suggestions for future research and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

高校体育教师能力素质的高低直接影响到人才的培养质量.体育教师所需具备的素质主要体现在政治思想素质和业务素质水平这两方面.全面提高高校体育教师的整体素质,是形势发展的需要,是搞好高校体育改革的关键.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of a protocol mandating psychological assessment of college students exhibiting specific signs of suicide risk and/or nonsuicidal self-harm. Thirty-seven current and former students who had been documented as at risk completed a structured interview in person or by phone. Outcomes suggest this protocol identifies students at risk for suicide, with 27% having made an attempt at some point in their lives and 50% having been suicidal at the time the report was written. The majority of participants endorsed the value of this intervention.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网发展和智能终端的普及,基于智能手机的移动学习成为大学生学习的新型方式之一。本文从移动学习内涵,以及国内外移动语言学习研究,结合武汉某大学移动英语学习现状和需求的调查分析,总结高校如何利用现有教学和网络环境,创建大学英语泛在移动学习环境,促进学生自主性、个性化、协作学习。  相似文献   

张晓寒 《职教通讯》2011,(11):55-59
欧洲资格认证框架作为欧盟一体化进程的产物,主要从知识、技能和能力三个维度来对不同职业教育模式下的学习成果做出等级评定,从而促进欧盟各国之间劳动力资源的资格互认,提高资格的透明度。欧洲资格框架是一个用处广泛并且十分有效用的工具,其对普通教育、职业教育和培训机构、劳动力市场,以及手工业和个体公民都起着重大作用。  相似文献   


This paper explores the feasibility of introducing National Vocational Qualifications into the Offshore industry. A case study is used to examine the changing perceptions of trainers as they work through the implications of adopting the new framework. Conceptualisations developed in the educational innovation literature are used to help understand the change process. Three areas of concern are identified which illustrate a gap between the aims and practicalities of implementing the qualifications. The conclusion differentiates four emerging research issues.  相似文献   

职业素养是一个人职业生涯成败的关键因素。培养学生的职业素养是高职教育的责任,高职院校的语文教学应努力处理好人文性与工具性的有效结合,多角度、多层次渗透职业素养教育,促使学生综合素质不断提高,从而走向成功的职业人生。  相似文献   

根据IT专业大学生就业的紧迫性以及国内外的学业规划开展状况,阐述IT大专学生学业规划的意义,提出IT大专学生学业规划的相关步骤以及有效实施学业规划的措施。  相似文献   

文中根据国家对体育教育的要求 ,提出了 2 1世纪高校体育教师应具备的教育教学能力和专业技能 ,并说明具备该条件的必要性  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of an image study conducted by a college of business among business people in the service area of the university. A mail survey of 2000 businesses was randomly selected using a commercial mailing list. Results reveal the current image and provide guidance for defining a desired image and, subsequently, preparing a marketing program that will communicate that image.  相似文献   

With an increased demand for mental health services, perceived increased severity of students presenting for services, and increased number of students prescribed psychotropic medications, university and college counseling center directors have had to increasingly identify psychiatric service options. Psychiatry residents can potentially help fill these needs. To better understand the role of psychiatry residents in university and college counseling programs, we conducted a web-based survey of United States psychiatry residency program directors. This study describes clinical activities and rotation characteristics of psychiatric residents working in counseling centers. Of the 48 residency programs that responded, 27 provide rotations at university or college counseling centers, and of those with rotations, 100% report that the residents rate these as very good or excellent. Expanding psychiatry residency rotations at college counseling centers may be mutually beneficial both to the centers and to psychiatric residents.  相似文献   

IT类专业高职学生学业规划初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学业规划可以帮助学生认清自我,提高就业竞争力,但是目前IT高职类学生学业规划意识淡薄,对于高职类学生学业规划的研究基本空白。根据IT类专业的特性,提出了IT专业的学生制定学业规划的要求和措施。  相似文献   

近代中国大学教师的资格检定与聘任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学教师的专业化水平是大学教育现代化程度的重要指标之一。中国近代大学教师的资格检定与聘任制度既是保证大学教师朝专业化方向发展的外部强制性力量,同时也是其专业化程度的重要指标。中国近代大学从创办之时起,其教师任职资格的检定与聘任制度经历了清末的教师资格检定制度之缺失与聘任的随意性时期,民初的教师资格检定与聘任中的"大学自治"与校长集权时期,20世纪20年代末至抗战前的逐渐"规范化"时期,30年代末至40年代末的"制度化"时期的几个发展阶段,在不同的发展阶段,政府、学术团体、大学自身都曾起着不同的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide documentation of a one year Pilot Mentoring Program (PMP) that was implemented within a department at a school of education within a private university. PMP was tied to the culture and specific needs of the department. It included seven newly hired faculty members and their mentor who were from various programs within the department. Even though PMP evolved over the course of an academic year, and was labeled a formal mentoring program, it was restricted to a trial basis. As PMP evolved, an exploratory qualitative action-research study was conducted.  相似文献   

When it was first announced that central funding for SEMERCs would end in March 1989 teachers and teaching bodies expressed dismay. However, a regional network of new centres has now been established largely through local educational authorities. Peter Fowler, special needs coordinator, National Council for Educational Technology, describes the network.  相似文献   

治理:高校管理新理念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“治理”作为当前国际学术界最流行的术语之一,仅局限于国家行政管理和企业金融领域的广泛应用和研究。尚未在层次较高的社会子系统-高校领域被广泛关注,高校的职能,地位,影响,都要求其深入实施管理改革。对治理实践和理论进行探索,而且,高校目前已具备了这方面实践和研究的条件。  相似文献   

高校学生社团发展的新趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学社团一直担任着丰富大学生课余文化生活,培养大学生适应社会需要的综合素质与能力,促进高校校园文化的全面繁荣等方面的作用。而当拥有多元、特殊个性的"90后"群体逐渐进入大学校园,将会给高校社团带来新的特征与功能。  相似文献   

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