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The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), began developing a program for a new library in 1977, started the design in 1985, began construction in 1988, and opened the library in September 1990. The primary objectives were to design and build a facility that would house print collections under optimal conditions, allow for ten years' growth, be flexible enough to permit future reconfiguration, support present and future technologies, and provide beautiful spaces in which to study. The planning process is summarized, planning concepts are outlined, and considerations for the electronic library are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

于兆军 《图书情报工作》2011,55(13):143-146
汴梁是北宋的绘画中心,同时也是北宋的刻书中心,汴梁绘画和汴梁雕版印刷事业的兴盛共同促进汴梁版画的繁荣。在汴梁,版画的雕印技术被广泛应用到生活中,佛经版画的刊印也较前代有很大的提高,版画作为书籍插图被成功运用,木版年画也因此得以发明。无论在题材开拓上,还是在应用形式的创新上汴梁版画都具有划时代的意义。  相似文献   

论世纪之交的情报学整合陈文勇,杨永生Abstract:Theproblemsofactuallyexistingconditions,patternsofthinking,strucureoflevelsandorders,etc.aredealtw...  相似文献   

孙晶 《晋图学刊》2015,(1):71-75
中国古代版画艺术长廊中,清代宫廷内府刊刻的版画作品因其内容丰富,镌刻秀美,保存完整,在中国版画乃至世界版画史占有重要地位。辽宁省图书馆所藏清代内府图书中穿插了大量宫廷版画,整体数量在全国居于前列,有较高的历史价值、艺术价值和学术价值。  相似文献   

Jimmy Carter's unusual success in the Presidential Primaries of 1976 has been the subject of much discussion. One rhetorical explanation posits that Carter's message may be described in terms of Weber's concept of charisma, and Bormann's theory of rhetorical vision. The charismatic message was caught up in a unique rhetorical situation, the social fantasies attending the Bicentennial Celebration. Carter's rhetoric and the people's fantasies transcended along similar lines. This confluence helped to carry Carter to the White House.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):141-153
This essay explores the rhetorical implications of presidential travel spectacles. A form of political illusionism, travel spectacles enable administrations to marginalize verbal eloquence, visually simplify complex political issues, narratively interpret presidential agendas, synoptically reify presidential personae, and construct or mystify political realities. Discussed are implications of political illusionism for the presidency, citizenry, and rhetorical critic.  相似文献   

This article describes Genung's definition of rhetoric in relations to major writers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  相似文献   

The proliferation of scientific journals, starting in the middle of the seventeenth century, marked the beginnings of a new epoch in the dissemination of scientific information. The new medium brought with it the influences of a long heritage going back to scribal cultures, which even before the invention of printing, had produced almanacs and newsletters in writing. The economics of periodical publications varied little from those associated with other kinds of printing in this period. They involved the relationship of fixed and variable costs and their effect on edition size in relationship to anticipated markets. Examples of these aspects of scientific publishing are examined in scientific journals published independently and under the auspices of scientific societies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):259-263

Viewing pro‐war rhetorical discourse directed to the general public as a genre, the author suggests that three basic appeals— those to territoriality, ethnocentrism and optimism—pervade the genre, though the appeals are developed differently under various historical circumstances. He further suggests that stated war aims, though usually expressed ambiguously, tend to change as a war progresses. These points are amplified by a close examination of New England rhetoric during the last French war and a general consideration of some other war rhetoric.  相似文献   


Traditionally, law and justice have been conceived in a cognitive or formal mode, but in today's society the legitimacy of law must be based on its immanence: Does it address and make sense to the everyday concerns of citizens? This essay argues for a critical theory of justice based on the communicative competence of the community.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):203-254

The purpose of this investigation was to isolate personality correlates of leadership by determining the unique personality profiles associated with autocratic and democratic leadership styles. Based on a multiple discriminant analysis which separated the autocratic from democratic groups on the basis of seven personality variables (of 53 considered), subjects were classified as autocratic or democratic with a 75.66% accuracy. Also, a personality profile emerged from the pattern of scores on the variables from the discriminant analysis which allowed for a useful personality‐based characterization of autocratic and democratic leaders.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):187-223

Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationship of six predictor variables to immediate comprehension and delayed retention of a lecture. Listening comprehension ability and extrinsic motivation accounted for a statistically significant proportion of the variance in immediate lecture comprehension scores; and initial information, aroused interest, and intrinsic interest were found to be the best predictors of ‘delayed retention of the materials. However, intrinsic interest was inversely related to delayed retention. The data suggested that although persons with high initial information and low intrinsic interest did not comprehend the lecture any better than others, they retained more of what they heard. Thus the variables which most influence lecture comprehension may not significantly influence the delayed retention of what was heard.  相似文献   

Spoken language is encoded extremely rapidly and by exceedingly complex cognitive operations, yet it is amazingly free of errors. In recent years there has been debate on the question of how the speech‐production system guards itself against erroneous output. One explanation is that the system is sufficiently sophisticated and rule‐governed in its early message‐formulation stages so as generally to avoid constructing anomalous plans. The authors have argued elsewhere, however, for an explanation whereby anomalous and other error plans are formulated during early production stages but are vetoed and corrected (i.e., “edited”) during later encoding stages. We have yet to synthesize these arguments into a coherent encoding model, however, and that is our purpose here. An “Editing” model of speech production is presented, featuring prearticulatory evaluations of impending speech segments via feedback to a spreading‐activation lexicon which is susceptible to semantic, syntactic, phonological, and extralinguistic influences.  相似文献   

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