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The Eleventh Survey was published in Volume XIII, No. 1; the Tenth in Vol. X, No. 3; the Ninth in Vol. IX, No. 1; the Eighth in Vol. VIII, No. 1; the Seventh in Vol. VII, No. 1; the Sixth in Vol. VI, No. 1; the Fifth in Vol. IV, No. 4; the Fourth in Vol. III, No. 4; the Third in Vol. II, No. 2; and the Second in Vol. I, No. 1 of the Journal of Broadcasting. Dr. Harold Niven, the compiler, is a vice‐president of the National Association of Broadcasters and Executive Secretary of the Association for Professional Broadcasting Education. He has served on the faculties of several academic institutions. A somewhat more comprehensive report, including lists of faculty members, is available in limited supply from the author.  相似文献   

During his ten‐year stay in England as a colonial representative, Benjamin Franklin exhibited the qualities of a skillful lobbyist. He was committed to, and accurately represented, American interests; he urged moderation on British leaders and moderate resistance on his own clients; he based his major appeal to the British Government on the grounds of practical self‐interest.  相似文献   


To forge a dynamic protest movement requires the rhetorical efforts of aggressive agitators who capitalize on feelings of frustration and discontentment. Beginning in 1915 Midwestern farmers and laborers were effectively united for political action by organizers who assiduously practiced the oratory of attack.  相似文献   

Newspaper preferences for particular formats of speech presentation differ and they change in the course of time. In this contribution we focus on The Times and trace such developments in the formative years of the modern Anglo-American newspapers, from 1833 to 1988. We extracted data from The Times Digital Archive in six samples of roughly 5000 words at intervals of 31 years and analysed the texts manually for instances of reported speech. Our analysis shows that the focus has shifted from the presentation of speech events as coherent wholes in earlier newspapers towards a more selective use of individual statements that summarise an event or characterise it from different angles. And it also shows that the frequency of indirect forms of discourse presentation decreases over the years in favour of direct forms. This gives further support to the claim that in terms of discourse presentation broadsheets slowly develop into the direction spearheaded by tabloids.  相似文献   

Even by modern standards, the success of Huey Long's rhetoric in the 1920s and 1930s is remarkable. When Long was assassinated in September of 1935, he was a potential candidate for the presidency and one of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate. He was also widely perceived as being a demagogue. Long's training as a radio speaker began in the 1920s during his stormy political career. Most city newspapers were against him, but Long had a friend who owned a powerful radio station (KWKH) in Shreveport, Louisiana. Long got free time on KWKH to take his case to the people. Long often talked for several hours at a time, sometimes by remote control from his hotel room while lounging in his pajamas. In the final nine months of his life, from January to September of 1935, Long received free time on national networks for eight major broadcasts. This paper makes a fantasy theme analysis of these broadcasts, and examines whether or not Long was a demagogue and what influences he has had on subsequent political communication.  相似文献   

This article is based on the information provided by seventynine of the approximately ninety colleges and universities offering a degree or major emphasis in broadcasting. The original data was collected in the Fourth Annual Survey of Colleges and Universities Offering Course Work in Radio and Television, 1958–1959 (published in the Fall 1959 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting).

Detailed tables, listing all of the broadcasting courses of each of the seventy‐nine schools, are available in limited supply from the author.  相似文献   

This article surveys the prehistory of broadcasting in the German Reich. It focuses on wireless telegraphy, where the Telefunken Company succeeded internationally with its quenched spark system on the eve of the war. Telefunken's system was developed as an efficient military technology between 1905 and 1908, and it soon became the core of Telefunken's successful attempt to break Marconi's monopoly in maritime radio communication. Encouraged by this success, Telefunken started to establish wireless transoceanic connections to build a global German radio network. The properties of radio broadcasting as a possible new mass medium only gradually became evident before 1918.  相似文献   


The success of Marabel Morgan's Total Woman indicate its rhetorical effectiveness despite its substantive flaws. This article argues that the book's strong appeal to readers stems from: (1) its promise of fulfillment if woman expiate the guilt they bear for marital discord by self sacrifice; (2) its reinforcement of readers perceptions of themselves and their husbands; and (3) its emphasis on the power of “Total Women”; and its encouragement of sexual fantasy and play. These strategies produce a persuasive message which plays on readers’ concerns for their marriages, offers an alternative to the self consciousness urged by feminists and permits women to fulfill comfortable stereotypes yet experience the power and sexual freedom promised by liberationists. For readers with troubled marriages Morgan provides an alluringly simple, emotionally attractive answer to complex questions. Her message is rhetorically effective even if intellectually weak and psychologically misleading.  相似文献   

Dictamen was one of the two major directions of medieval rhetoric theory. Beginning as a series of rules for church letters based on classical antecedents, the art was spread widely through the use of formularies.  相似文献   

The possibility that one mass medium might be used to stimulate another has been only imperfectly explored. For instance, a campaign by radio personality Jean Shepherd some years ago led to the birth of the monumental spoof that was the novel I, Libertine by “Frederick R. Ewing.” The delight of Shepherd's “night people” at being able to demonstrate their numbers was matched by the consternation of booksellers all over the city who impotently thumbed through their catalogs . . . until Shepherd took pity on them and arranged for the book to be written and published. In another instance, a participant on a late‐evening network program casually commented on a book that had caught his eye—and it was a national best‐seller within 24 hours.

The research reported in the following article attempts to discover whether this “touting” function of the broadcast media can be used systematically. A number of informal observations following “book review” or “library” programs on both radio and television would tend to support this idea. However, the following study was specifically designed to generate data that would demonstrate to broadcaster and librarian alike whether radio programs could be used by librarians (and presumably booksellers as well) to promote selection by the audience of pre‐determined books.  相似文献   

The rhetoric of Black nationalism is used as a case study to illustrate problems involved in the criticism of contemporary protest rhetoric. The conclusions resulting from the application of traditional theory are contrasted with those developed from Burkeian dramatism in order to outline an alternative perspective toward this rhetoric and in order to provide a technique for increasing the self‐consciousness of the critic.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen changing and shifting technologies as well as an uncertain economic climate. This research focuses on how audiences have reacted to these shifts, using a number of different sources of data to test hypotheses related to spending time and money on media. We suggest that previous studies examining audience expenditures and diffusion of new technologies may have overlooked the stressful economic conditions surrounding diffusion of some of those technologies. We find an increase in entertainment technology purchases as well as time spent with new and traditional media during recession years, beyond that indicated by the longer term trends. While there is a general decrease in coviewing behavior in recent years, the recession years reversed the trend. Results are discussed in terms of the constancy hypothesis and our hypothesis that the media provide outlets for reducing stress during difficult economic times.  相似文献   

In recent years Qatar has invested a significant sum of money on exhibitions of contemporary artists and public art. This paper discusses decision-making processes in the conservation of contemporary artworks installed in newly emerging art markets such as Qatar, where there are no established practices. In 2014, Richard Serra's East–West/West–East, an installation of four vertical plates made of weathering (Corten?) steel, which span one kilometre at heights so as to reach the level of the surrounding gypsum plateaus, was installed in the Brouq Nature Reserve near Zekreet desert, two kilometres from the sea in the western part of Qatar. The artwork is already considered by some a landmark for the isolated area. The plates have started to develop protective corrosion layers, although Corten? is not completely corrosion resistant when located near coastal sites. They have also started to bend and are heavily inscribed by visitors. Conservation of public art is complex, as site-specific artworks are linked with the landscape and defined by the relationships they develop with the public. Art installations of this magnitude demand not only conservation measures but also a management plan. The isolated location, the scale of the artwork, the aggressive environment, and the lack of supervision and monitoring of the area challenge current practices but offer an opportunity to develop methods to preserve art of site-specific art in new environments and diverse audiences. Monitoring will allow a better understanding of the interactions of visitors with the artwork and will shed light on the material's behaviour in this specific environment.  相似文献   


Russian scholarly publication has doubled since 1995, led by private scholarly imprints, which have tripled. The increase in the publication of monographs, in which private publishers now dominate, is particularly noticeable. The majority of private scholarly publication is in history and literary studies, but private presses account for a relatively larger share of publications in philosophy and religion. Scholarly publishing is to a considerable extent funded by a robust network of government and private foundations.  相似文献   

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