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This investigation reports a typology of maintenance behaviors that were derived through inductive analyses of papers students wrote about their strategies for maintaining various relationships. Ten major strategies were inductively derived: positivity; openness; assurances; sharing tasks; social networks; joint activities; cards/letters/calls; avoidance; anti‐social; and humor. These strategies extend the previous research on relational maintenance strategies. More specifically, the latter five strategies and the subcategories of all the strategies are additions to Stafford and Canary's (1991)typology. In addition, analyses revealed the positivity, openness, assurances, sharing tasks, and cards/letters/calls differed in their frequency of use among lovers, relatives, friends and others.  相似文献   

Parks’ (1980) criticism of the cross‐situational consistency of communication apprehension produced several studies that replicated the measures and procedures, hut found different results. A meta‐analysis of 17 studies was conducted to determine what conclusions are warranted given the available data. The meta‐analysis disclosed a large effect (combined z = 17.48, p < .0001) for cross‐situational consistency. The average r between trait‐CA and state/situational anxiety was .473. Further analysis of the “file drawer problem” showed that over 96 non‐significant tests must be unpublished in various file drawers to reduce the combined z to statistical non‐significance. Thus, the meta‐analysis warrants a strong claim for the cross‐situational consistency of communication apprehension  相似文献   


This study investigated how the interpersonal traits of communication apprehension (CA) and interaction involvement (II) are related to one's attitudes toward and use of computer‐mediated communication (CMC). Data were collected by administering a self‐report survey to a sample of 133 participants, and results were analyzed with multiple regression. Findings revealed that CA and II failed to predict CMC attitudes. However, each trait predicted communication style during online interaction. Findings are interpreted within the context of current theories of CMC.  相似文献   

Word‐of‐mouth (WOM) communication is introduced within a hierarchy‐of‐effects context. The results of a laboratory experiment suggest that amount of WOM information about products is less important than valence of that information. Counter to previous research implying a disproportionate influence of negative information on product evaluation, negative WOM information in the experiment reported resulted in less familiarity with the mentioned brand. Further, a somewhat surprising finding indicated that brand‐specific negative WOM communication can have the effect of decreasing primary demand for an entire product category.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):380-394
Among “corporate rhetors,” none has been regarded as more creative and aggressive than Mobil Oil. This essay examines Mobil's use of “Observations"—half‐page Sunday newspaper magazine section ads—during the years of 1976–1980. The first focus is upon “Observations” as epideictic discourse developed in response to Mobil's 1975 rhetorical situation. Attention is then turned to examples of the discourse itself and a summary of 149 “Observations.” Following the analysis are treatments of the identificational strategies used by Mobil and the Promethean myth which gives those strategies universal appeal. Finally, Mobil's “epideictic advocacy” is evaluated by the standards of effect, ethics, and art. Through “Observations” Mobil intends to be—like the Sunday newspaper—a part of America's afternoon.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):304-311
This study hypothesized that cognitively complex individuals would be more effective than cognitively simple individuals at accomplishing a communication dependent task. Analysis revealed that messages (generated by an exercise with tinker toy models and a password game) of complex individuals were more effective than the messages of comparatively simple individuals.  相似文献   

With increasing evidence of non‐maximal communication skills, an investigation of variables that could impact the inclination of students to continue development was undertaken. This study initiates exploration of student perceptions of communication effectiveness relative to self peers and people‐in‐general. Results indicate that most students perceive themselves to he very effective communicators and perceive others to be less effective. A reverse pattern was evidenced by high apprehensive students. The challenge for communication education is discussed. Potential action paths are elaborated.  相似文献   

This study examines how communication related anxieties are related to individuals' use of computer mediated communication (CMC). 225 respondents were given the PRCA‐24, WAT, and RAT tests. They were also given a measure of computer anxiety. Respondents were then asked to indicate the extent to which they used e‐mail, interactive messaging, or web browsers. The results indicate that there is no relationship between communication anxieties and CMC use. Computer anxiety appears to be the main predictor of e‐mail, chat, and web use.  相似文献   

The phenomena of “library anxiety” and “computer anxiety” have been sometimes hypothesized as emotional responses to new technology. This research investigated the construct validity of two instruments, a Computer Anxiety Index and a Library Anxiety Scale. The criterion measure of anxiety was the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (IPAT) Anxiety Scale. Undergraduate students enrolled in English, psychology, and philosophy courses participated in the research. For the men, there were no significant correlations between the IPAT and the Computer Anxiety Index or the Library Anxiety Scale. For women, there were significant medium-effect size correlations between the IPAT Anxiety Scale total score and Computer Anxiety Index as well as Library Anxiety Scale scores. Additional analyses are reported, and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Individuals in temporary task‐oriented dyads or groups must manage conflict competently if they hope to be successful in reaching their goals. Thus far, however, research on the associations between conflict styles and communication competence has focused on acquainted dyads, such as relational partners and coworkers, rather than unacquainted dyads assigned to work on tasks. The present study tests the applicability of the competence model of interpersonal conflict to temporary task‐oriented dyads. Dyads (N = 100) who had little or no relational history completed a simulated decision‐making task that involved choosing two out of four employees to lay off in response to a company's need to downsize. Results indicate people generally perceived the solution‐oriented strategy as appropriate and effective. Although people perceived their partners' use of the controlling strategy to be inappropriate, people rated themselves as more effective when they used the controlling strategy. People evaluated nonconfrontational strategies as particularly incompetent.  相似文献   

We rarely think of the possible beneficial results of training in something “everyone knows how to do”—such as learning from television. This article is drawn from Mr. May's M.A. thesis, completed in 1963 at the University of Maryland under the direction of Prof. George F. Batka. Mr. May is presently working toward a PhD. in the University of Wisconsin, as a teaching assistant in the Division of Radio‐Television‐Film.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which the self‐reports and observations of extreme levels of both dominant communicator style and communication apprehension are congruent Data collected from teacher trainees did indicate that when extreme scores are used self‐reports and observations are more inclined to validate each other.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if the independent variables of self‐efficacy expectations and self‐handicapping strategies would predict trait anticipatory public speaking anxiety. A model was proposed and tested in which self‐efficacy expectations were found to be significant independent predictors of trait anticipatory public speaking anxiety. Self‐handicapping was not a significant predictor. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that dyads composed of two cognitively complex individuals would be more successful at a communication task than would dyads composed of two individuals who are both noncomplex. Another hypothesis was that mixed dyads (one person complex, one noncomplex) would be more effective than noncomplex dyads but not as effective as complex dyads. The data supported the hypotheses. When both members of a dyad were complex or when the complex member of a mixed dyad was the person giving directions, the directions were more effective than when both members are noncomplex or when the noncomplex member of a mixed dyad was giving directions.  相似文献   

This research explored the communication accuracy of individual self‐images in same‐sex relationships. Both male and female groups were examined across three relational levels: Strangers, Acquaintances, and Friends. Exploration of a significant interaction effect indicated that Female Acquaintances had significantly lower communication accuracy than did Male Acquaintances and significantly lower communication accuracy than either Female Strangers or Friends. There were no differences between male and female communication accuracy at either the stranger or friend levels. Further analysis of self‐image indicated all cells were comparable with the exception of Male Acquaintances who indicated significantly higher self‐images than Male Friends and Female Acquaintances. Analysis of the perceived image of partners indicated that all cells were comparable. Future research is encouraged to explore gender differences relative to unique elements of the acquaintance relationship that may impact upon communication accuracy of self‐image and the potential for relational development.  相似文献   

This study concerned how coaches’ efforts to solicit better performance from athletes related to male athletes’ perceptions of their coaches’ communication and to athletes’ self‐reports of satisfaction and performance. Data were collected from 192 former male high‐school athletes. Results indicated that when male athletes perceived that their coaches used more aggressive tactics athletes evaluated their coaches communication unfavorably and that when male athletes evaluated their coaches’ communication unfavorably they reported less satisfaction with their coaches, less team success in terms of win‐loss percentage, and less sportsmanship.  相似文献   

The research reported in his study was a cross‐cultural test of the communibiological model of communication apprehension as temperamental expression. The study was designed to replicate the findings reported by Beatty, McCroskey, and Heisel (1998) in the U.S. and Japan. In this study participants from Japan and the U.S. completed measures of communication apprehension, neurotitism, and extroversion. The results indicated that, for both Japanese and U.S. college students, scores on the measure of communication apprehension were significantly correlated with measures of neuroticism and extroversion. Multiple regression analyses indicated that both neuroticism and extroversion predicted unique variance in communication in both cultures and that the multiple correlations for the two cultures did not differ significantly. It was concluded that the replication was successful and that temperament scores are substantially predictive of communication apprehension across the cultures tested.  相似文献   

This study examined workplace romantic relationship partners’ e‐mail practices and perceptions. Results suggest that the relationship may play an integral role in determining participants' uses and perceptions of e‐mail Workplace romantic couples used e‐mail as frequently as face‐to‐face communication to interact with romantic partners and rated it as both rich and important Participants used e‐mail for both work‐related and social tasks. In addition, participants used business e‐mail addresses for communicating with relational partners and perceived that few organizational policies existed regarding its use. Theoretically, these findings suggest the importance of studying the relationship as a factor that affects e‐mail practices and perceptions. Practically, results indicated that e‐mail may present an additional channel for enhancing communication and connectedness in workplace romantic relationships, and that organizations may need to reflect more carefully about policies concerning e‐mail use in the workplace.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of a 10‐week program, designed to communicate job‐specific and general company information, on levels of worker satisfaction and work‐unit productivity. Data were collected from assembly line workers in a large health care industrial plant. Differences between scores on a general satisfaction measure administered before and after the program were observed suggesting that attitudes about the organization did improve after the program. When compared with a control period, work‐unit productivity also improved after the program. Implications of these findings for future organizational communication research were discussed.  相似文献   

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