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This study examines how support seekers can integrate verbal and nonverbal cues in social network sites (SNSs) to elicit quality support from others. Building from sensitive interaction systems theory and verbal person centeredness (VPC), participants (N?=?579) evaluated a SNS profile that contained manipulated levels of directness in status updates used to seek support and nonverbal emotional expression in profile pictures. To capture the transaction of support, participants provided supportive messages in public and private conditions that were coded for their level of VPC. Negative emotional cues in profile pictures increased VPC in private messages, whereas directness in status updates negatively predicted VPC in private messages. Participants produced messages with higher levels of VPC after they viewed profiles that incorporated more features to disclose distress effectively. Broadly, this study addresses whether the content people post on SNS profiles shapes the quality of the supportive messages they receive.  相似文献   

This study extends a rich line of research on racial microaggressions (Sue, 2010) by examining the way friendship networks of Black women communicate support to a targeted individual. Groups of Black women friends (n?=?52) engaged in supportive discussions about racial microaggressions by white women perpetrators, and a research team of Black women inductively analyzed the supportive encounters. The findings indicated that groups engaged in a two-phase process of supportive communication that began with Individual Orientation, which describes person-centered messages that solely supported a target, and continued to Collective Orientation, which describes group-centered discussions about the prevalence and effects of racial injustice on all Black women. Three co-occurring sub-themes emerged in Collective Orientation: Hostile Differentiation, Socio-political Contextualization, and Collective Uplift. Humor and Laughter were important in both phases. Generational dynamics were also considered in this study, but few differences emerged. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

所谓情感倾诉类报道,指都市报倾诉类栏目中由记者采访主述人写成的口述实录类个人情感故事。其传播所营造出的夸张的"滥情化"拟态环境及其产生的广泛的社会影响,是对社会伦理道德和社会行为规范的一种动摇。因此,媒介当重新审视情感倾诉类内容传播的社会性选择。  相似文献   

Supportive communication was examined as a component of mothers’ sex discussion with children. Results demonstrated that mothers who communicated supportively were more open and disclosing when discussing sex and were more likely to provide sons with birth control information and instruction than mothers who communicated nonsupportively. The study concludes by raising several issues for future research and sex education pro‐ams for parents.  相似文献   

高校中小型图书馆实施学科馆员制度时遇到的最大问题是人才短缺,本文就此探讨了组建学科馆员队伍和提高学科馆员素质的具体措施.  相似文献   

试论数字图书馆的人力资源建设   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李青 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(1):51-53
数字图书馆是图书馆事业发展的重要阶段,本阶段图书馆的管理方式和运行机制发生了前所未有的变化,笔者认为管理的中心从文献管理逐渐向人本管理转化。本文从人才管理的内涵出发,对人才队伍的结构、能力要求以及人才建设的工作内容和具体措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   



This study describes the literature of hospital pharmacy and identifies the journals most commonly cited by authors in the field, the publication types most frequently cited, the age of citations, and the indexing access to core journals. The study also looks at differing citation practices between journals with a wide audience compared to a national journal with a focus on regional issues and trends in the field.


Cited references from five discipline-specific source journals were collected and analyzed for publication type and age. Two sets were created for comparison. Bradford''s Law of Scattering was applied to both sets to determine the most frequently cited journals.


Three-quarters of all cited items were published within the last 10 years (71%), and journal articles were the most heavily cited publication type (n=65,760, 87%). Citation analysis revealed 26 journal titles in Zone 1, 177 journal titles in Zone 2, and the remaining were scattered across 3,886 titles. Analysis of a national journal revealed Zone 1 comprised 9 titles. Comparison of the 2 sets revealed that Zone 1 titles overlapped, with the exception of 2 titles that were geographically focused in the national title.


Hospital pharmacy literature draws heavily from its own discipline-specific sources but equally from core general and specialty medical journals. Indexing of cited journals is complete in PubMed and EMBASE but lacking in International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. Gray literature is a significant information source in the field.  相似文献   

高校就业信息服务人才队伍建设探究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尹发跃 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(2):55-57,81
提出高校图书馆在就业信息服务方面要为学校培养和开发高水平的人才队伍,并充分发挥自己独特的情报信息传播功能,开展大学生就业信息服务工作。  相似文献   

数字化公共图书馆事业产业化、企业化运营模式,将严重威胁数字图书馆事业的公益性价值。在财政供养不足与市场化背景的共同作用下,数字化公共图书馆只有在非企业化的信息中介人模式中,才能维持图书馆事业服务费率上涨与图书馆公共职能实现之间的良性联系。  相似文献   

陆溯  谢珍 《晋图学刊》2021,(1):45-48
随着图书馆创客空间的普及和大学生创客理念的发展,高校真人图书馆应进一步升级自身的服务,将原先的促进高校阅读推广或大学生之间的交流上升到促进大学生创客的合作。在此背景下,真人图书馆应建立基于创客团队需求的服务模式,建立“真人书”的人才资源库、大学生创客的交流平台,以及创客成果的展示平台,以满足大学生创客群体的需要,并推动真人图书馆自身服务模式的改进。  相似文献   

从社会建构论的角度来看,人的情绪虽然以生物性反应为基础,但主要是社会建构的结果。文化和语言是建构情绪的重要手段。个体情绪借助语言在社会网络间传播,实质是一场以情绪理解为内核的群体情感互动仪式。互联网群体传播帮助人们通过建立弱关系扩大社会网络,促进个体情绪在传播范围上的量变和情绪性质上的质变,形成社会情绪型舆论。网络语言具有表层和深层双重情绪基因,通过模因复制进行群体传播。在此过程中,网络语言具有三重效应:一是凝合效应,促进深层情绪整合,形成社会舆论;二是转移效应,其表层的娱乐性、游戏性特征能推动情绪转化,疏导社会舆论;三是沉淀效应,累积社会情绪氛围,沉淀社会参与基因,建构网络语言所诞生和维护的社会文化。  相似文献   

情绪劳动是近20年来西方组织行为学研究中一个新兴的研究领域,并且,作为一种新型的劳动形式,越来越受到组织管理者的关注。如何运用情绪劳动理论提高高校图书馆管理工作的服务质量和服务水平,是一个值得研究和开发的新课题。应开展针对情绪劳动的技能开发培训,建立以情绪劳动为核心的激励机制,建立以情绪劳动为特色的图书馆文化,鼓励馆员情绪劳动的自我管理。  相似文献   

近年来,我国出版高等教育在迅速发展的同时,与业界的期望和要求反而日益疏远,专业教育的改革已是迫在眉睫。针对这一现实,本文首先明确了新时期出版教育的目标与原则,强调出版教育人才培养目标的确定要正确处理“专与博”、“掌握知识与发展能力”的关系,指出教育发展“规模适度、优化结构、保证质量、追求效益”的战略原则。其次,在宏观层面提出出版教育的改革思路,即:明确学科定位、整合学科体系,人才培养层次清晰、目标明确,课程设置规范化、科学化。最后,以微观视角对出版教育的改革从合作办学、课程体系、培养方案三个方面提出了具体的构想。  相似文献   

This study investigated an on-line cancer support community emphasizing communication concerns important to the community administrators. The researcher conducted an on-line survey of participants (N v = v 103) focused on their on-line communication activities and social support. The results indicate a modest negative correlation between emotional support received on-line and perceived stress, differences in emotional support scores based on perceptions of disadvantages of on-line support groups, and different motives for using the community between people with cancer and family members. The study also describes suggestions based on the results that were made to community administrators and which could be used by other on-line support communities.  相似文献   

The article argues that the legal about face in 1950s law in which film was granted First Amendment protection was driven in part by a change in the “emotional regimes” of US democracy, or emotions/performances of emotion that are part of legitimate political culture. The legal understanding of how film does or does not contribute to democratic political culture tracks historical shifts in these emotional regimes. In the teens, elites feared the activation of the masses, as crowds, in political uprisings. By 1950, elite fears had turned to passive audiences, “narcotized” masses that might easily be seduced by totalitarian demagogues.  相似文献   

笔者选取清人所撰记述一朝或几朝兴衰更替的纪事本末体史书为研究对象,主要从撰述内容及体例特点等方面进行初步考察,有助于正确认识清人朝代纪事本末体史书的史学地位及学术价值,并为深入研究朝代纪事本末体史书在清代的发展提供依据.  相似文献   

国家叙词库采用以《汉语主题词表》为中心表、其他中文叙词表向中心表映射的模式进行基于概念的语义集成。为了研究学科交叉对国家叙词库语义映射造成的影响,本文选取八部叙词表中环境科学大类5 120个概念,与《汉语主题词表》环境科学大类8 329个概念进行映射实验。通过计算机自动匹配发现,多表映射存在一个概念等同映射到多个概念,多个概念等同映射到一个概念等逻辑问题。本文以实例形式分析这些逻辑问题的存在形式,并从概念专指度、概念语义模糊、语义关系结构、学科背景等方面分析产生这些逻辑问题的主要原因;在此基础上,提出解决这些逻辑问题的原则以及映射完整性的判定规则。图16。表5。参考文献14。  相似文献   

Emotional support is often conveyed to people with cancer; however, not all support messages are effective, leading some potential supporters to fear appearing incompetent when communicating support. Additionally, nonverbal behaviors, such as vocal fluency, pitch variety, eye contact, and conveying concern, have previously been associated with support recipients’ outcomes and perceptions of speaker competence. This experiment determines whether these nonverbal behaviors can be increased through message planning. Participants were randomly assigned to either a planning condition or a distraction task condition before recording emotional support messages for a friend hypothetically diagnosed with cancer. Results showed that planners spoke with significantly more vocal fluency and conveyed significantly more nonverbal concern than nonplanners. Planners also used more eye contact and pitch variety than nonplanners, but these differences were not statistically significant. Results suggest that planning may improve some nonverbal aspects of communicating support, which may in turn improve perceptions of supporters’ competence.  相似文献   

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