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The decision of the Supreme Court last June in the “Red Lion”; and “RTNDA”; cases is the most important decision on broadcasting from SCOTUS in many years. On this fact communications attorneys, members of the FCC, editorial writers, teachers, and the Vice President of the U. S. can all agree. To make this landmark decision more readily available, the Journal is providing below most of the verbatim text of the decision. In the interests of conserving space, some minor marked deletions have been made.

The full title of this case is: “Red Lion Broadcasting Co., Inc., etc., et al, Petitioners, v Federal Communications Commission et al. (No. 2)—United States et al. Petitioners, v Radio Television News Directors Association, et al. (No. 717).”; It was argued April 2 and 3, 1969, and decided June 9, 1969, with Mr. Justice White delivering the opinion of the Court. The precise legal citations from the court reporting systems are not yet available.  相似文献   

Much is known about the negative consequences of exposure to ethnic/racial stereotypes in the media, on White audiences. However, there is substantially less research addressing the effects of such media content on members of racial/ethnic minority groups. The present study examines this question using repeated cross-sectional national level data alongside a content analysis of top prime time shows between 1987 and 2008. Multi-level modeling analyses reveal that media representations of Latinos and Blacks were associated with Latinos’ and Blacks’ ingroup attitudes, however effects on attitudes towards Whites were not significant.  相似文献   

“Larry Edmunds Cinema and Theater Bookshop”, Inc. 6658 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028: This bookstore was mentioned earlier in BBB under cinema [I:6:5 and II:4:6]

“Acres of Books”, 240 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90802: Dr. Kittross described this bookstore in an early issue of BBB [I:4:3]

“The Book Shelf”, 1217 South Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif. 90250.

“Gene de Chene Bookseller”, 11552 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Dawson's Book Shop”: 533 North Larchmont, Los Angeles, Calif. 90004.

“Cosmopolitan Book Shop”: 7007 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90038.

“West Los Angeles Bookstore”, 1670 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Wilshire Books”, 3018 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. 90406.  相似文献   


Library and information science as a discipline is undergoing rapid and extensive change, driven particularly by new areas of research. Citation analysis and information literacy are widely researched and have a rich background of growth. Publish or Perish, Buzzsumo.com, altmetrics.com, and textalyser.net have been used to analyze all metrics associated with citation analysis, social networking, and keyword analysis.

The hypothesis of this study is: “There is no significant difference in the citation pattern of the three prominent citation journals: Journal of Information Literacy, Communications in Information Literacy and Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education”.

The hypotheses of the study were tested by assessment of the degree to which each of the journals met set of objective criteria. 697 papers from the three journals were analyzed and the results showed that the citation metrics of the Journal of Information Literacy had the highest correspondence with the criteria. The information linked to the Journals of Information Literacy was moderately posted on social networking sites (SNS) and the highest frequency of the keywords: “Information”; “Information literacy”; and “Information literacy instruction” were found in one, two and three-word searches. Some recommendations have also been offered to improve SNS presence and for further research in this field.  相似文献   


A 1965 Journal article by James W. Carey, “Variations in Negro/White Television Preferences,”; aroused considerable discussion when it appeared. The following article is on a similar topic, using a different sample. Alan D. Fletcher earned his Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Illinois; this article is based on a section of his dissertation. He presently is associate professor of marketing at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):227-247

It is argued here that students of rhetoric and communication, along with scholars in other disciplines, have tended to reflect “Establishment” biases in treatments of persuasion in social conflicts. As a result, we have often failed to come to grips with the nature of conflict, the needs of “OUTS” and “HAVE‐NOTS,” and the utility of conflict for societies. In the place of prevailing “system orientations,” a “dual perspective” is proposed—one which would examine persuasion in conflicts from the viewpoint of both the actors attempting to maximize their interests in conflict situations and the system attempting to regulate conflict in the collective interest. The concept of “coercive persuasion” is introduced, and several suggestions for research are offered.  相似文献   

ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, review of six recent items

Audiovisual Market Place 1980 (New York: Bowker, 1980---$29.95, paper)

Don Kaplan's Video in the Classroom: A Guide to Creative Television (White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1980---price not given, paper)

Anne Howe, ed. International Yearbook of Educational and Instructional Technology 1980/81 (London: Kogan Page/New York: Nichols Publishing Co., 1980---$32.50)

Esther R. Dyer, comp. “Cultural Pluralism and Children's Media” (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978 ---price not given, paper)  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   

Whereas ethnic humor scholars purport that groups disparaged through stereotypes derive enjoyment through a sense of connection and identification, few studies examined out-group members' enjoyment experience of the same disparaging content. The present study examines predictors of Whites' enjoyment of stereotyped entertainment when Blacks and Whites are the targets of humor. Integrating critical race theory, entertainment theories, and empirical methodology, this study examines levels of White racial identity as predictors of stereotyped enjoyment. Findings reveal that cultural competence is crucial to digesting racial humor and useful to cultivating cultural cohesion. Further, this article argues for an expansion of enjoyment theories to consider affiliation.  相似文献   


The following verbatim extracts from FCC Annual, Reports are part of a continuing series published in the Journal of Broadcasting that includes: “The Evolution of Television: 1927–1943” (Summer, 1960); “The Evolution of Television: 1944–1948” (Winter, 1960–61); and “The Evolution of FM Radio: 1935–1940” (Spring, 1961).  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):135-161

This study attempts to summarize selected concepts from the theory of Kenneth Burke and test their applicability in a formal organization. Semantic differential scales and the paired‐comparison technique were used to gather data on “order,” “mystery,” and “identification” as perceived by members of all levels of the hierarchy within a university.  相似文献   


When Villa Madonna College moved from Covington to Crestview Hills, Kentucky in 1968 to become Thomas More College, the designers of the new campus knew that the library would be a vital component of academic success for future students. As Thomas More transitioned from “College” to “University” in 2018, the library had unfortunately endured a long slow decline. With a recent renaming to the “Benedictine Library” in 2017, administration knew that more substantial changes were needed. In April 2018, the library started a new course with the 16th Library Director in institutional history. This column illustrates the ambitious first two years of the new library administration, and details the work completed in the library’s “digital modernization plan”.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):229-233

A general paradigm of a rating error theory is presented with a study testing relationships from the theory. The study aimed to discover the effects of source credibility, attitude valence, and task sensitization on trait errors in the evaluation of speeches. The main hypothesis of the study was an interaction effect on trait errors in the speech ratings. The results indicate a significant triple interaction, suggesting that when speech raters are sensitized to the task and are in favor of the view of the speaker, their trait errors on “ideas” will favor a low credibility speaker. The results are explained in terms of attraction and similarity.  相似文献   


This essay argues that the study of “speech” as an act and as a subject matter may present the characteristics of a “Tao.” A “Tao” consists of a way of life leading to an increase in humane being for the individual and for society.  相似文献   


The question of “who is to supply programs” to television networks is one that affects viewers, advertisers, and licensees as well as networks and program producers and packagers. The revolutionary change that took place in the early 1950's, when the advertising agency was supplanted by the network as the primary source of programming, cured many then‐existing problems, but led to complaints that the networks could and did prevent “outside” creative program agencies from having an outlet for their productions. These complaints, added to those presented in Congress and elsewhere about the present quality of television programming, led to the proposal discussed in the following article. Often mislabeled, and still more often misunderstood, the FCC's proposal is intended to “preserve intact the present structure of television network broadcasting, but seeks within that structure to improve conditions of competition in the program process.”  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):261-282

The study reports a factor analytic investigation of the interpersonal attraction construct. Two‐hundred and fifteen subjects completed 30 Likert‐type, seven‐step scales concerning an acquaintance. Factor analysis indicated three dimensions of the interpersonal attraction construct which were labeled “task” “social” and “physical.” The results of this study and four replications suggest that the resulting 15‐item instrument can be expected to measure reliably three dimensions of interpersonal attraction.  相似文献   


In this study, a group of recent law articles was examined to determine the proportion of cited resources that are easily findable online. Searches were conducted in databases such as LEXIS and Westlaw, and on the Internet, for full-text versions of every source cited in seven articles. The results have been broken down into 13 categories, including “federal cases,” “books,” “foreign law,” and “legal periodicals pre-1990.” Not surprisingly, coverage differs widely between the categories. Overall, the study found that 77% of the 1,984 citations in the articles reviewed are available online. The article concludes with a general discussion of why the percentage is likely to increase in the future.  相似文献   

The following essay updates my TABLOID JOURNALISM: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH‐LANGUAGE SOURCES (Westport, CT: Greenwood “Bibliographies and Indexes in Mass Media and Communications, Number 10,”; 1996—$65.00, ISBN 0–313–29544–1, 187 pp.)

A. U.S. print journalism

IT'S ALIVE! HOW AMERICA'S OLDEST PAPER CHEATED DEATH AND WHY IT MATTERS by Steven Cuozzo (New York: Times Books, 1996—$25.00, ISBN 0–8129–2286–7, 342 pp.)

“Reversing the Romance: Class and Gender in the Supermarket Tabloids,” by Theron Britt (Prospect, 21: 435–451 [1996])

“Virgins, Vamps and the Tabloid Mentality,” by Linda Fairstein (Media Studies Journal, 12: 92–99 [Winter 1998])

SCOOPED! MEDIA MISS REAL STORY ON CRIME WHILE CHASING SEX, SLEAZE, AND CELEBRITIES by David J. Krajicek (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998—$24.95, ISBN 0–2311–0292–5, 230 pp., bibliographical references)

B. U.S. television

“The World Outside: Local TV News Treatment of Imported News,” by Raymond L. Carroll and C. A. Tuggle (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 74: 123–133 [1997])

“Tabloid TV, Courtesy of the Education Department,” by Steven Drummond (Teacher Magazine 9: 14–15 [April 1998])

THE JOURNALISM OF OUTRAGEOUSNESS: TABLOID TELEVISION NEWS VS. INVESTIGATIVE NEWS by Matthew C. Ehrlich (Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs, No.155 [1996])

“Presumed Innocent? A Comparative Analysis of Network News, ‘Newsmagazines’ and Tabloid TV's Pretrial Coverage of the O. J. Simpson Criminal Case,” by Steven A. Esposito (Communications and the Law, 18: 49–72 [December 1996])

“Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions,” by Maria Elizabeth Grabe (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 73: 926–946 [1996])

TABLOID TELEVISION: POPULAR JOURNALISM AND THE “OTHER NEWS” by John Langer (London: Routledge “Communication and Society,”; 1998—$24.99, ISBN 0–4150–6636–0, 192 pp., appendix, bibliographical references)

“Human Nature and Crime Control: Improving the Feasibility of Nurturant Strategies,”; by Bryan Vila (Politics and the Life Sciences, 16: 3–21 [1997])

C. Legal implications

‘Get That Camera Out of My Face!”: An Examination of the Viability of Suing ‘Tabloid Television’ for Invasion of Privacy,” by Eduardo W. Gonzalez (University of Miami Law Review 51: 935–953 [1997])

“Punishing the Press: Using Contempt of Court to Secure the Right to a Fair Trial,” by Stephen J. Krause (Boston University Law Review 76: 537–574 [1996])

“The Confluence of Sensationalism and News: Media Access to Criminal Investigations and the Public's Right to Know,” by Jimmy R. Moye (CommLaw Conspectus, 6: 89–99 [1998])

D. International perspectives

“Public Discourse/Private Fascination: Hybridization in ‘True‐Life‐Story’ Genres,” by Ib Bondebjerg (Media Culture &; Society 18: 27–45 [1996])

“Anthropology in the Body Shop: Lords of the Garden, Cannibalism, and the Consuming Desires of Televisual Anthropology,” by Rosalind C. Morris (American Anthropologist, 98: 137–146 [1996])

“The Media's Impact on International Affairs, Then and Now,” by Johanna Neuman (SAIS Review, 16: 109–123 [Winter/Spring 1996])

“Core of the Problem: Newspaper's Fate Will Gauge More Than Press Freedom,”; by Andrew Sherry (Far Eastern Economic Review, 160: 61–63 [3 July 1997])  相似文献   


In spring 2005, Sims Memorial Library at Southeastern Louisiana University initiated “Text A Librarian,” a service that enables Southeastern students, faculty, and staff to use the text message feature of their cell phones to send questions to and receive answers from the library. Librarians at Sims use a dedicated text messaging telephone number and “e-mail/SMS” conversion software, provided by Altarama Systems and Services, to send and receive text messages.  相似文献   

THE MASS MEDIA AND POWER IN MODERN BRITAIN by John Eldridge, Jenny Kitzinger and Kevin Williams (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press “Oxford Modern Britain”; series, 1997—£8.99, paper, ISBN 0–19–878171–7, 199 pp., photos, bibliography, index)

A JOURNALIST'S GUIDE TO SOURCES by David Spark (Jordan Hill, England/Newton, MA: Focal Press “Journalism Media Manual”; series, 1997—$28.95, paper, ISBN 0–240–51470‐X, 398 pp., appendices, index)

CREATING LOCAL TELEVISION: LOCAL AND COMMUNITY TELEVISION UNDER THE RESTRICTED SERVICES LICENSE by Dave Rushton (Luton, England: University of Luton Press/John Libbey Media, 1997—about $16.00, paper, ISBN1–89940–501–1, 96 pp. Diagrams, appendix)

THE PRESS AS PUBLIC EDUCATOR by Colin Lacey and David Longman (Luton, England: University of Luton Press/John Libbey Media, 1997—about $28, paper, ISBN 1–86020–536–4, 236 pp., tables, charts, bibliography, index)

MEDIA, CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT by Alison Anderson (London: UCL Press/New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997—$50/17.95, ISBN 0–8135–2394‐X hard, 0–8135–2395–8 paper, 236 pp., photos, diagram, references, index)  相似文献   

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