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The emergence and the widespread adoption of the Internet have brought about many dramatic changes on different levels. Due to its inherent characteristics, the Internet has become an engine of political mobilization and participation, and has led to the proliferation of online communities. Few studies examine how political groups use the Internet to build communities and forge alliances in cyberspace, and this study attempts to bridge this gap. Registered political parties and political expression groups in Singapore were selected for this study. Through hyperlink analysis, the study shows that reciprocity and similarity, two main characteristics observed in online communities, were found in the groupings formed by these political groups. Interestingly, most of the online affiliations that exist among these groups reflect those offline.  相似文献   

We collected behavioral evidence to support the hypothesis that video game conditions have varying influences on hippocampus-dependent memory. Results indicate that participants who played in the video game conditions with clear reward mechanisms performed better on a declarative memory task than those who played in the video game conditions without reward mechanisms. Those who reported spending more time gaming weekly also performed the task better than those who reported spending less time gaming weekly, suggesting that gaming might have short-term and long-term effects on the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of moral disengagement in violent video game play have recently received considerable attention among communication scholars. To date, however, no study has analyzed the prevalence of moral disengagement factors in violent video games. To fill this research gap, the present approach includes both a systematic literature review and a content analysis of moral disengagement cues embedded in the narratives and actual game play of 17 top-ranked first-person shooters (PC). Findings suggest that moral disengagement factors are frequently embedded in first-person shooters, but their prevalence varies considerably. Most violent video games include justifications of the portrayed violence, a distorted portrayal of consequences, and dehumanization of opponents. Implications of the findings for research on violent games are discussed.  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展和网络带宽的逐年增加,网络上视频内容逐渐增多,更多的内容从纯文本网页发布变为文本加视频发布。但是,互联网存档很难采集到网络视频,这些视频通常使用非标准工具和协议。本文提供了该领域采集技术的概述。基于几年采集网络视频内容的经验,本文提供了HTTP协议和RTMP协议视频采集的示例,阐述了采集网络视频内容的问题和解决方案。本文还提出了一种外部下载器作为视频采集模块,用于扩展网络视频内容采集。  相似文献   

The sudden rise in the number of games courses in Communication departments necessitates examination about how those courses operate, not only to define best practices but also to describe the phenomenon as grounded in communication. Through a series of interviews with games professors primarily located in Communication departments at various institutions, the study delineates the commonalities between game courses and discusses issues of course design, materials, and classroom facilities. The article examines these courses as game spaces to identify how games courses operate in fundamentally different ways than other courses in Communication. The article then outlines how games classes might improve by capitalizing on the strengths—as well as mitigating the weaknesses—of game spaces.  相似文献   

In addition to individual risk factors, recent findings surrounding the effects of violent video game play have provided compelling evidence that the contextual features of games also contribute to increased outcome aggression. The current study focuses on the relationship between violent video game play and the use of gun controllers on both social norms related to aggression and real-life behavioral aggression. As predicted, both violent video game play and gun controller use were positively related to behavioral aggression. The implications of these findings are discussed along with their influence on future research in this area.  相似文献   

This study examines how social comparison information provided by video game leaderboards may influence players’ retrospective judgments of autonomy, competence, and relatedness need fulfillment. Participants played a video game and were randomly assigned to receive no postgame feedback or were shown a leaderboard that placed them in the top or bottom quartile of players. Results indicate downward social comparisons increase enjoyment by increasing competence and relatedness perceptions. However, upward comparisons did not have an opposite effect, nor did either type of social comparison influence players’ autonomy perceptions. Implications for applying Self-Determination Theory to video game enjoyment in the context of social comparison feedback is discussed.  相似文献   

Distracted driving is a problem on U.S. roadways. Strategic campaigns have tried to curb this behavior with varying success. Researchers are examining how distracted-driving simulators might be useful in helping to combat this epidemic. Participants (N = 193) took part in a pretest/posttest, between-subjects field experiment where they were randomly assigned to one of five video game driving simulation scenarios (e.g., texting/talking/two combo conditions/distraction-free). Results indicated that participants texting during simulation committed more crashes, fog line crossings, and speed infractions than those talking and those who were not distracted. Further, results indicated that the simulation experience led to reports of being less likely to drive distracted in the future.  相似文献   

该论文对我国网络新闻的分类及其评优标准进行探析,以国内外主要网络新闻奖项的评选标准为例,在系统梳理与比较我国与西方国家网络新闻评优现状的基础上,指出我国网络新闻评优可资借鉴的经验,并提出相应的改进对策。  相似文献   

儿童参与“摩尔庄园”网络游戏的内在动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以摩尔庄园儿童网络游戏为对象,采用深度访谈、参与观察与内容分析的方法,以了解儿童参与网络游戏的内在动机。分析结果显示,儿童参与摩尔庄园网络游戏的内在动机大致分为六个类型:好奇与探索动机、虚拟现实对现实的补偿、社会交往动机、玩乐动机、民主参与动机和逃避动机。  相似文献   

一条龙作业--联机环境下编目人员管理的可行模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐振云 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(9):39-39,46
本文探讨了在联机合作编目环境下编目管理模式变革的必要性,提出一条龙作业模式并指出其优势与可行性。  相似文献   

Americans are increasingly concerned about video games, presumably due to the amount and graphicness of violence they contain. Social Cognitive Theory suggests that people are more likely to imitate characters they see as attractive or similar to self. To date, however, little research has examined attributes of violent characters in video games related to this issue. This content analysis examined 10 minutes of play from 60 of the most popular video games. Adapting the coding scheme from the National Television Violence Study (Smith et al., 1998 Smith, S. L., Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Colvin, C. M. and Donnerstein, E. 1998. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 3. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara study, 5220. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar]; Wilson et al., 1997 Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Donnerstein, E.Smith, S. L. 1997. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 1. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara study, 3268. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar], 1998 Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Donnerstein, E.Smith, S. L. 1998. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 2. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara, 3204. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.  [Google Scholar]), various demographic and contextual features of violent characters and violent interactions were assessed. The results show that violent game characters have attributes that are likely to increase the extent to which some players perceive them as attractive and similar. Moreover, these violent characters engage in aggression that is presented as justified or graphic.  相似文献   

因特网的分析索引:乌托邦的梦想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
祝力 《图书馆杂志》2000,19(6):13-17
检索互无关联的信息条目和数字内容时,所有查询因特网资源的方法都变得力不从心。本文通过研究现有的因特网查询方法、传统的书目控制和网站设计,探讨了对分析索引的需求问题。通过对这些索引的开发、设计和筛选过程中遇到的相关问题的讨论,得出一个结论,即在因特网上创建全面的分析索引不现实,而创建小型具体化的索引可能是查询某些具体数字信息的最佳途径。  相似文献   

刘伟 《图书情报知识》2011,(5):89-92,88
洛特卡和普莱斯探索了科学生产的分布规律,他们认为大量作者发表一篇文章,而少量作者却出版大量文章。普莱斯更在洛特卡定律的基础上提出了“平方根定律”。来自三个论坛社区的五个子论坛的数据显示,发帖者和发帖量的累计百分比有着很强的正相关(Somer’s D=0.93,P=0。000);Spearman相关系数是0.988(P=0.000)。数据也揭示了电子论坛的两极化倾向:10%最多的发帖者贡献81%的总发帖量,而60%的发帖最少的网民才贡献1.1%。同时,数据不支持“平方根定律”。  相似文献   

表达自由:媒体与互联网——以美国为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以美国法为视角,在理清表达自由权利内涵的基础上,探讨表达自由与互联网的关系。作为一项受到人权条约和各国宪法承认和保护的基本权利,表达自由包括利用传播媒介的权利。不同传播媒介因为传播特性的不同,会对表达自由权利的行使和实现带来不同的影响。互联网作为一种全新而独特的媒体,它会产生什么样的表达自由问题、政府和法院如何处理这些问题将是本文讨论的重点。  相似文献   

Internet diffusion is not homogeneous and depends on many factors. This study uses data from the Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) to explore the extent demographic variables affect Internet use by individuals in Canada. A logistic model confirms that certain factors, educational attainment, and geography in particular influence Internet use in Canada, controlling for age and income. Education maintains a strong, significant impact on Internet use such that the odds of using the Internet are about three times greater for someone who has some post-secondary education than someone who has, at most, a high school education. An urban–rural digital divide persists in Canada with the odds of using the Internet being almost one-and-a-half times greater for someone who lives in an urban area. While language also has a large effect on Internet use, the presence of children in households no longer seems to be a significant factor. This study thus underscores the changing digital environment in Canada and the need for adaptive, flexible policies addressing national connectivity issues and, in particular, broadband Internet availability.  相似文献   

因特网大众分类法--一种独创的分类法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从因特网大众分类法的产生背景、结构、适用人群、使用环境、所采用的方法等方面分析,说明它是一种独立创造的分类法,而不是对传统分类法改进和发展的结果,因此不宜用传统分类法的准则来对它进行框范,也不宜用它的准则来框范传统分类法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 旨在探究能够契合"网络一代"自主探究学习模式的在线课堂教学及课程设计方式。[方法/过程] 以"数据分析"课程为例,选取TED-Ed和中国大学视频公开课这两类具有代表性的在线课堂进行对比分析,调查发现互联网思维对于在线课堂的影响是深刻的。[结果/结论] 在面向"网络一代"的在线课堂设计中应以学生的需求为中心,以学生的学习为主体,围绕知识单元和主题,以扁平化方式组织教学资源,创建互动在线学习环境及符合其学习需要的课程内容和课程结构。  相似文献   

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