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Prior research has suggested the value of and the need to provide consistent research data management (RDM) instruction specifically for graduate students. However, there is a lack of RDM instruction that is tailored for the social science disciplines. The effect of a four-hour, online RDM instruction intervention, designed based on the research data life cycle, on the RDM knowledge of graduate students in social science disciplines was investigated. A total of 84 students completed both pre/post knowledge assessments with 40 students randomly assigned into the intervention group receiving online instruction and 44 in the control group. A one-way ANCOVA was used for the data analysis. Results indicated that social science graduate students who received online RDM instruction had a significantly higher score in RDM knowledge than students in the control group. Moreover, the effect of the instruction on participants' RDM skills varied by their disciplines.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》1997,15(4):293-300
Instruction librarians are often asked by instructors to teach the attributes of a peer-reviewed journal. Students are then asked to reference peer-reviewed papers in their written presentations. This column discusses a method of instruction that can be used in upper level undergraduate natural science classes. It focuses on the journal along with the author(s), abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, references, and footnotes to teach the research and publication process and to lead the students to a better understanding of how a journal (and a paper) becomes indexed and enters the flow of information in a particular field.  相似文献   

赫拉克莱冬是一个小国家的小型博物馆,它试图在一个文化产业并不总是受欢迎的环境中努力前行。在过去的10年中,该馆设法将艺术、科学和数学整合到一个独特的教育计划中,旨在使数学学习变得更容易、使学生热爱艺术、使科学更易于理解。为此,该馆正在与包括教育专家、数学家、美术教师在内的各路专家一起工作,使该馆开展的工作能适应并满足学生们的各种需求。  相似文献   

卢春宣 《大观周刊》2012,(40):193-193
新课程美术课程标准曾指出:美术等欣赏领域的教学应注重提高学生的欣赏能力。而学生美术欣赏能力的培养和提高,离不开学生好奇心和想象力的激发,离不开学生美术直觉敏感度的培养,这一切都要借助于学生了解相关美术知识、欣赏方法和正确途径这个前提,从而最终使学生获得在自然与生活中寻找美、发现美,欣赏关的能力。  相似文献   

科普场馆是普及科学知识的重要场所,用科学的方法、新颖的形式进行科学知识普及是科普场馆承担的社会责任。随着现代信息技术发展和大众对文化的需求,沉浸式戏剧成为一种体验感极强的创新艺术形式。本文从沉浸式戏剧和科普戏剧相关研究着手,分析沉浸式戏剧与科普戏剧的关系,提出以沉浸式方式开展科普剧创制与实施的可行性,并以《鲸的寻游》为例探索在科普场馆实践沉浸式科普戏剧的途径。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the relationships between public interestin, knowledge of, and attitudes towards science and technologyand the level of industrialization in 12 countries of the EuropeanCommunity. Using the 1989 Eurobarometer survey no 31 (N=11,678),we constructed four scales measuring interest, knowledge, generalattitudes to science, and support for EC funded science foreach of the 12 EC countries. We found that overall factual scientificknowledge correlates moderately positively with interest andattitudes to science. For example the Netherlands and GreatBritain have relatively high levels of knowledge, interest,and support for science in general. Spain and Greece have relativelylow levels of knowledge, interest, and support for science ingeneral. However, the simple correlation hides more complexrelationships. First, the variance within and across countriesof knowledge, attitudes and interest increases with nationallevels of knowledge. This indicates greater degrees of polarizationof both support and interest. Second, the data indicates a post-industrialismeffect: knowledge, interest in, and attitudes to science showa curvilinear relationship with levels of industrialization.The decline of interest in science and the less positive attitudesin highly developed countries requires further exploration.Third, we found, that the consistency of the knowledge and theattitude measures declines as the national level of knowledgeincreases. We suggest that this reflects a knowledge-ignoranceparadox and knowledge specialization among informed populations.Support for EC level science follows a different pattern. Wefound that France, Italy, and Spain show high levels of supportfor EC level science. This is not the case in Great Britainand Germany. The pattern suggests that attitudes towards ECscience are formed on the basis of national level scientificstrength: if the national science base is strong, EC scienceinitiatives find less support and vice versa. These findingsrepresent a first step towards a comparative assessment of publicunderstanding of science in EC countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to ascertain if college students’ information literacy improves through a faculty-librarian collaboration involving a session of library instruction as part of a regular political science course. The authors conducted two surveys to determine if in-person library instruction increases students’ research abilities. The authors surveyed political science faculty to discover their attitudes toward library research instruction. They also surveyed political science students to gauge their opinions on the value of library instruction and to see if there is a connection between their research proficiencies and instruction by a librarian. Through this case study, the authors found that such instruction does improve information literacy. The researchers concluded that for faculty and colleges interested in improving information literacy skills in undergraduate political science students, such library instruction is helpful towards that goal.  相似文献   

沈祖荣沈宝环父子分别为中国大陆和台湾地区图书馆学教育先驱,他们的图书馆学教育思想在不同时空下表现出了惊人的相似。沈祖荣沈宝环图书馆学教育思想来源于他们中西结合的教育背景、丰富的图书馆活动实践和图书馆学教育实践,具有十分丰富的内涵。他们认为图书馆学教育是国家图书馆事业发展的关键,事关国家的荣辱兴衰;主张图书馆学教育要本土化,提倡通才教育,注重理论与实践相结合,采用多种方法教学,在理论研究、课程设置等方面与时俱进,注重培养图书馆职业精神等,这些思想相互联系,相辅相成,构成了较为完整和科学的图书馆学教育思想体系。沈祖荣沈宝环图书馆学教育思想的当代价值在于:激励学生坚定对图书馆事业的信念,推动图书馆学教育本土化,培养通才式的图书馆员,建设具有中国特色的图书馆学,并为当今图书馆学教育的改革与发展提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

齐丽霞 《大观周刊》2012,(36):167-167
社会的进步,物理已渗入到人类生活的各个领域。在现代科技发展和科技教育中,增强学生的科技意识,提高学生对科学技术是第一生产力的认识,物理起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

科学和艺术产生的根源是大自然。本文对于实践、大脑活动对科学艺术形成和发展的作用,财富对科学和艺术发展的推动作用等问题进行了讨论;同时也对科学和艺术的效益,科学和艺术的相互影响,以及科学和艺术相互结合对科普工作的重要意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步,艺术与科学将逐渐缩小门类之间的空间距离,汇流成一种总体服务于社会、服务于市场、推动人类 进步的视觉传播学科。一名影视工作者,必须是一个全方位、跨学科、跨领域的新型人才,这样才能适应全球经济一体化的大趋势。  相似文献   

高校自然科学学报编辑的修养与提升   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘少华 《编辑学报》2008,20(3):273-275
分析了高校自然科学报编辑所面临的挑战:学科多样性的要求、科技迅速发展带来的压力、价值多元引起的困惑。明确了编辑修养的内涵及其提升的途径:对编辑事业应有深刻的理解和执着追求、有深厚的人文底蕴、通晓科学技术有关领域的发展动态,对科技创新有敏锐的洞察力以及有高尚的品格和坚持真理的勇气。  相似文献   

科学教育逐渐受到重视,科技博物馆成为科学教育的重要场所。如何通过设计开发教育活动达到科学教育的目的是当前研究的重点。本文结合“基于证据的论证”和课堂教学中的论证模型,构建了“基于证据的论证”用于科技博物馆的教学流程。本研究以此教学流程为基础,以小学三年级学生为对象,设计开发了学习昆虫知识的博物馆教育活动。研究发现,基于此教学流程,学生的科学知识有所提升,并且在活动中呈现出基于证据进行有效论证的对话。  相似文献   

In science-technology research, papers and patents are used to represent science and technology, respectively. Detecting sleeping beauty papers and their princes in technology (patent field) could uncover dynamic knowledge contributions from science (paper field) to technology (patent field). However, previous studies have mainly focused on sleeping beauty in science. Some studies have examined SB patents in technology, but SB papers in patents are rarely studied and need to be further discussed. In addition, knowledge could flow along citations. Thus, if one paper is cited by one patent's reference (indirect citation), it also contributes to the patent, even though the patent does not directly cite it. At the same time, indirect citations are rarely discussed in sleeping beauty studies. This could lead to a loss of significant information. Therefore, to reveal the dynamic knowledge contribution from science to technology considering indirect citations, this study proposed a new method of mining sleeping beauty papers in technology and their princes. The lithium-ion battery domain is selected as a case study. The findings are as follows: (1) Most papers do not contribute knowledge to technology continuously, even when considering indirect citations, and the time-varying knowledge contribution strength changes significantly overtime. (2) The knowledge contribution strength with a time delay of more than 11 years occupies 80% of the total knowledge contribution strength. It is suggested that the window period of paper publication evaluation be extended. (3) 22 sleeping beauty papers in technology are detected. Nine papers are among the top 10 regarding the total knowledge contribution strength. (4) The princes of 9 typical sleeping beauty papers in technology are all papers. This implies that the awakening of these papers in technology was all provoked by scientific development.  相似文献   

网络时代图情专业的计算机教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
网络时代图情专业的计算机教育齐向华ABSTRACTTheauthorthinksthatinthecomputereducationinli-braryandinformationscience,therearethefolowingproblems...  相似文献   

实现科学教育改革愿景并提高公民科学素质的唯一方法就是使科学探究和科学本质同面向所有学生的科学机构结合起来。非正规环境中的教育者可通过多种方式影响公众对科学、科学探究和科学知识本质的理解,而这是正规教育难以实现的。因此,非正规教育工作者自己需要理解科学探究和科学本质的内容,并有效利用非正规教育环境向公众传达上述理解。  相似文献   

长期以来,图书馆学情报学的教育者们一直致力于探索国际的学术交流和教育合作,以此提高教学课程和专业实践的质量。但目前仍存在很多阻碍,限制了传统的国际化教育的规模和发展,尤其是在发展中国家。该文介绍一个使用现有远程教育技术,在中国与美国之间建立一个面向研究生的知识管理课程的案例。该示范项目由美国富布莱特基金资助,综合利用学习技术、基于互联网的WebCT系统、视频会议、个人间的交流和阅读等多种手段,创建了一个国际化的虚拟学习空间。该文描述了师生们如何实现三个课程目标:(1)采用国际化的学习方式进行教学和学习;(2)双向交流;(3)知识管理。通过研究和实践得出如下结论:使用主动学习教学方法可以促使学生更加投入到学习过程;应用多种技术实现国际化交流;最大化地利用异步交流和同步交流两种方式,鼓励个人和小组学习;关注于更宽泛的多学科内容,促使更多人参与到国际学习环境中。  相似文献   

李美霞 《大观周刊》2012,(36):149-149
在数学教学中,教师富有哲理和情趣的幽默,能深深地感染和吸引学生,使自己教得轻松,学生学得愉快。如著名教育家斯雏特洛夫所说:“教育家最主要的,也是第一位的助手是幽默。”调查表明,学生喜欢富于幽默感的老师,而不喜欢表情冷漠呆板、语言寡淡无味的老师。幽默是一种艺术,一种以喻快的方式调整人际关系的艺术;幽默是一种力量,一种可以减轻压力,缓和师生关系,摆脱逆境的力量。数学教师在教学中要具有幽默感,才能更好的叫学生在和谐愉快的环境中,轻松自如的把枯燥的数学概念原理理解并能灵活应用。而数学教师的这种幽默是要不断的在生活中具有细腻的观察能力,还要有一种知识的联想能力,能有一种把数学和生活想结合的能力。  相似文献   

韩继章 《图书馆》2012,(4):56-59,2
王子舟教授是我国图书馆学研究中具有实力和影响的图书馆学家。在理论图书馆学研究中曾创立图书馆学研究对象的"知识集合说",进入新世纪后关注基层图书馆生存状况和发展,指导学生赴全国各地县市图书馆调查研究,在图书馆弱势人群知识援助的新政策研究领域颇见功力。  相似文献   

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