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Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you rem em ber the following in-form ation, your life will be m uch safer. 莳Always notice the environm ent (环境)around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. M ake sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them quickly. 莳Don’t use earphone when running in the schoolyard or on the street. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can be easily surprised. 莳School bags should be…  相似文献   

Tom sat in the doctor’swaiting-room. On thechairs____1____ the Wall otherpatients were sitting.Somehad coughs,some had coldsand some had ____2____.Theyall Iooked____3___,exceptTom who was reading an____4_____story in a book.Justthen the doctor came in to sayhe was ready to see the nextperson.Tom ____5____and wentinto the consulting-room.  相似文献   

A new special education strategy was launched in Finland by the Ministry of Education in 2007. The new Basic Act was enacted in 2010 and the new national core curriculum concerning three‐tiered support for pupils in 2011. Since the 1990s, teachers across Finland have participated in developing Finnish basic education towards greater inclusion. The goal of this study was to enhance understanding of the implementation of the Finnish educational reforms. In this study, teachers' perceptions of good inclusive teaching arrangements were analysed and compared with the theories of inclusive education. There is still a lack of information available on the implementation of inclusive education practices, and especially about teachers' experiences of teaching in inclusive classrooms. In 2010, basic education teachers (N = 327) in Lapland, Finland, were asked to describe their experiences and perceptions of inclusive teaching arrangements. The results indicated that teaching practices have become more diverse, flexible and differentiated, enabling teaching of diverse groups. More and more teachers preferred teaching in teams and planning their work together, showing that changes in schools change the teacher's profession too. In this study, a framework for inclusive schools was constructed through implementing the indexes of inclusion created by Booth and Ainscow.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Unified Modeling Language (UML)(Eriksson, 2003) is a visual language supporting thedesign and development of complex object-orientedsystems. While UML models focus primarily on thedefinition of system structure and behavior, theyprovide only limited means for describing test ob-jectives and test procedures. Furthermore, thegrowing system complexity increases the need forsolid testing. Thus, in 2001, the Object Manage-ment Group issued a Request for Proposal (U…  相似文献   

边婧 《海外英语》2012,(23):176-177
Toni Morrison’s Sula is written under the background of the Civil Rights Movement and the second wave of feminist movement.The novel mainly portrays two black female characters’whole life.The main character Sula’s life is a lifelong fight.This thesis mainly analyzes Toni Morrison’s Sula from a feminist approach,especially from the angle of androgyny.  相似文献   

We all are gifted. Talents are natural and normal. Talents are gifts that need to be put into action. There are many talents, many more than we usually perceive. Talents are not confined to special gifts and qualities in art and music, in the natural sciences, and in technology and economics.  相似文献   


For researchers wanting to take up critical discourse analysis (CDA) as an analytical tool, Norman Fairclough's (1989) early work provided a step‐by‐step approach that he called ‘a guide not a blueprint’. In response to calls for a more explicit theoretical justification, Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999) attempted to theoretically ‘ground’ CDA and to spell out its underpinning theories ‘explicitly and systematically’. Their recommendation for a ‘shifting synthesis’ of theoretical sources, however, has been criticised, raising significant questions about the extent to which this work is method‐driven and theoretically‐framed. This article explores some of the issues, considerations and advantages that surfaced as the author drew on a Faircloughian approach to CDA, its theory and method in researching literacy learning.  相似文献   

Tom sat in the doctor's waiting-room. On the chairs 1 the wall other patients were sitting. Some had coughs, some had colds and some had 2 They all looked 3 , except Tom who was reading an 4 story in a book. Just  相似文献   

Allhewantedwassomejuice(汁).Astablesfullofhighschoolstu-dentssatCafeteriaB2onthatcloudyafternoon,hewasthirsty.Wesatnearyetawayfromhim,fixingourhairandworryingaboutthetestnextpe-riod(学时)wehadn'tstudiedfor.Hewasfarawayfromourworld,yetforcetobeapartofit.Hestoodatthedrinkmachinewithpurpose,fumbling(摸索)throughhisfakeleather(皮革)walletforsomechange.Hecameupwithawrinkled(褶皱的)dollarbill,andnervously(局促不安地)glanced(一瞥)backathistablewhereotherstudentsinhisspec…  相似文献   

Research has shown improvements in science, mathematics, and language scores when classroom discussion is employed in school-level science and mathematics classes. Studies have also shown statistically and practically significant gains in children’s reasoning abilities as measured by the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices test when employing the practice of “exploratory talk”. While these studies suggest that transfer of learning had taken place, a number of dialog-intensive designs have failed to find positive results, only reported delayed transfer, or have been criticized in terms of methodological rigor, small sample sizes, or because they have only shown small effect sizes. In this study, the claim is made that a particular set of studies which focused on exploratory talk and reasoning abilities, and which used designs that are better positioned to meet the standards mentioned above when presenting data in support of far transfer, provides robust evidence of far transfer within the framework of Barnett and Ceci’s taxonomy of transfer. Possible relationships between exploratory talk, argumentation, and key domains in the science of learning are considered in an attempt to explain the apparent far transfer effects when children engage in exploratory talk.  相似文献   

ybestfriendZengLinglivesinapoorfamily.Onedayshedidnocometoschool.Twoweekspassed,butshestilldidnotturnupothecampus.Wewonderedwhathadhappenedtoher.Ourteacherdecidedtogotoherhousewithusinordertofindouwhyshedidntcometoschool.Wesetoffandhadgreattroubleinfindinherhousebecausehervillagewassofaraway.Whenwereachedthavillage,wefounditwasverypoor.Thehouseswereoldandlow,ansomechildrenwearingoldclotheswereplayinginthemuddystreets.WhenwewalkedintoZengLingshouse,Icouldntseeanythinexceptsomeoldfurniture.Z…  相似文献   

The paper examines the school-based element of initial teacher education (ITE) and the ways in which it contributes to the professional learning of student teachers in Finland (University of Helsinki) and Northern Ireland (University of Ulster). In particular it seeks to assess the potential of Training Schools for Northern Ireland. Universities in Finland that provide teacher education have at least one designated training school in which all student teachers have the opportunity to undertake a practicum. The Finnish model was selected for comparison because of the country’s consistently excellent results in the OECD’s Programmes for International Student Assessment which is undoubtedly due, in part, to the quality of the teachers. Teaching/training schools have featured prominently in recent reviews of teacher education in England and Scotland and, while not specifically mentioned in the Northern Ireland (NI) review document, the overall concept could enrich the school-based element of ITE in NI, using existing collaborative networks of schools.  相似文献   

正确使用to与for梁以贵在教学中,我发现学生常对是用to还是用for捉摸不定。为此,根据中学英语的教学内容,我来谈一些它们的用法。一、表示行动的方向和目标:1.to通常用在属于来往行动的动词之后:如:go、come、walk、run、dash、mo...  相似文献   

Assessment for learning is a widely used term and the concept forms the basis of many teaching innovations in higher education. However, the definitions and scope of assessment for learning vary considerably. We describe a conceptualisation of assessment for learning that encompasses current thinking in a holistic way and which has been trialled and extensively refined in practice. A student questionnaire is presented which has enabled us to explore the student experience. Results indicate that the overall student experience is more positive in modules where assessment for learning approaches are used and students are more likely to take a deep approach to learning. It also demonstrates that the student experience is centred on staff support and module design, feedback, active engagement and peer learning. The full questionnaire is made available and its wider use in evaluation, enhancement and research is encouraged.  相似文献   

英语中有很多及物动词后可跟双宾语 ,即直接宾语和间接宾语。如 :Pleasehandmeyourbook .把你的书递给我。Hermotherwillmakeheranewcoat.她妈妈要给她做一件新外套。一般情况下 ,间接宾语要放在直接宾语之前 ,但有时为了强调间接宾语或当直接宾语是代词及其他原因时 ,需将直接宾语移到间接宾语之前 ,这时 ,间接宾语前要加上介词to或for来表示动作的对象。因此 ,上面两句可改为 :Pleasehandyourbooktome .Hermotherwillmakeanewcoatforher.那么 ,怎样确定间接宾语前是用to还是用for呢 ?这主要取决于谓语动词。1.当动词是lend ,give ,pass …  相似文献   

Childhood cruelty to animals is thought to indicate that a child may have been maltreated. This study examined: (a) prevalence of cruelty to animals among 5- to 12-year-old children; (b) the association between cruelty to animals, child physical maltreatment, and adult domestic violence; and (c) whether cruelty to animals is a marker of maltreatment taking into account age, persistence of cruelty, and socioeconomic disadvantage. Data were from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, an epidemiological representative cohort of 2,232 children living in the United Kingdom. Mothers reported on cruelty to animals when children were 5, 7, 10, and 12 years, on child maltreatment up to age 12, and adult domestic violence. Nine percent of children were cruel to animals during the study and 2.6% persistently (≥2 time-points). Children cruel to animals were more likely to have been maltreated than other children (OR = 3.32) although the majority (56.4%) had not been maltreated. Animal cruelty was not associated with domestic violence when maltreatment was controlled for. In disadvantaged families, 6 in 10 children cruel to animals had been maltreated. In other families, the likelihood of maltreatment increased with age (from 3 in 10 5-year-olds to 4.5 in 10 12-year-olds) and persistence (4.5 in 10 of those persistently cruel). Although childhood cruelty to animals is associated with maltreatment, not every child showing cruelty had been maltreated. The usefulness of cruelty to animals as a marker for maltreatment increases with the child's age, persistence of behavior, and poorer social background.  相似文献   

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