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This paper examines potential differences between Korean and American students in terms of their perception levels regarding online education support service quality, online learning acceptance, and satisfaction. Eight hundred and seventy-two samples, which were collected from students in online classes in the United States and Korea, were analyzed using factor analysis, structural equation model techniques, independent sample t-test, and logistic regression. The following results were obtained from this analysis: 1) There were significant differences between the perceptions of Korean and US students with regard to online education support service quality. In this context, Korean students held a significantly higher perception of online support service quality. 2) Perception of online support service quality was a significant predictor of online learning acceptance and satisfaction for both Korean and American students. It appears that a majority of the students in the two countries, irrespective of the differences in their perceptions of online support service quality, believe that the acceptance of online classes would benefit them.  相似文献   

For the past 30?years, beginning with the seminal work of Herbert Marsh in Australia and New Zealand, institutions of higher education have developed internal practices and procedures to collect and analyse student evaluations of teaching and learning. However, the question remains: has this development resulted in the achievement of institutional goals that maximise learning across all teaching contexts? As is the case in many other countries, a recent review of Australian national student evaluation data failed to conclude that student evaluations have improved overall teaching. However, these data have made student perceptions of teaching and learning more salient in the minds of tertiary educators. Certainly, teaching staff are aware of the impacts of student evaluations on informed decision-making, such as the continuation or discontinuation of courses, and on their promotion processes. This paper will review student evaluation practices according to criteria used in change theories, such as the transtheoretical change model (TTM). TTM construes organisational change as a process involving progress through a series of five stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. This paper will focus on organisational and behavioural outcomes that can be linked to the use of student data. It will recommend strategies for better aligning evaluation results to the stages of change.  相似文献   

Researchers completing a study of liberal arts education sought to identify learning outcomes associated with both wisdom and citizenship. They have synthesized these themes into seven outcomes that facilitate effective student learning and development.  相似文献   


Students with disabilities (SWD) in Australian higher education need to disclose to their institution to access a range of ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support their learning. Nationally, 5.8% of the university population disclose their disability to their institution. It is suspected that there is a much larger population of students who choose non-disclosure, and therefore decide not to access support. Very little is known about the reasons for non-disclosure as this group represents a hidden population in higher education. The research reported here is based on a survey of undergraduate students in one regional Australian university where disability was reframed as ‘learning challenge’. This identified the institutionally non-disclosed group. This research identified that there were sound reasons for non-disclosure, students continually weigh up potential disclosure during their study, and students have difficulty with the disclosure process. We conclude that institutions need to understand that they have an invisible group of non-disclosing SWD in their student populations and that, to meet their learning challenges, universities need to support changes to policies, procedures and curriculum design.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the relationship between perceptions and/or evaluations of the learning environment and approaches to study have either not included measures of students' learning outcomes, or have included quantitative differences and not qualitative differences in learning outcomes. The studies reported in this paper focus on the relationship between qualitative differences in learning outcomes, perceptions/evaluations of the learning environment and approaches to study. The results support previous research in identifying relationships between perceptions/evaluations of the learning environment and approach to study and between approach to study and the quality of the learning outcomes. The second of the two studies reported also identifies a relationship between perceptions, approaches and the quality of the outcomes. The results suggest that perceived environments which encourage deep approaches are more likely to facilitate higher quality learning than environments designed to discourage surface approaches.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the findings of a study employing a partial least squares (PLS) structural equation methodology to test a customer satisfaction model of the drivers of student satisfaction and loyalty in higher education settings. Drawing upon a moderately large sample of students enrolled in four ‘types’ of Australian universities, the findings suggest that student loyalty is predicted by student satisfaction, which is in turn predicted by the perceived image of the host university. While the perceived quality of “humanware” (e.g., people and process) and “hardware” (e.g., infrastructure and tangible service elements) has an impact on perceived value, this was found to be weak and indeterminate. Of most importance was the impact of the institution’s institutional image, which strongly predicted perceived value, and to a lesser extent student satisfaction. The findings have implications for newer, less prestigious universities seeking to compete in a more deregulated, market driven environment.  相似文献   

Translating basic sciences into a clinical framework has been approached through the implementation of various teaching techniques aimed at using a patient case scenario to facilitate learning. These techniques present students with a specific patient case and lead the students to discuss physiological processes through analysis of provided data supported by independent learning and research. However, no literature exists that describes a reverse teaching methodology in which students are given disease diagnosis and then asked to construct a patient case. This article discusses an explorative learning approach introduced in the gross anatomy course in which students were asked to use clinical skills and reasoning to create a patient case. The online knowledge‐sharing portal utilizing MediaWiki provided a necessary base for students in completing their task. Teams were given 4 weeks to complete their written online project with weekly feedback provided by 3rd year teaching assistants using the Wiki discussion page. A survey was performed to assess competence regarding a patient write up and oral presentation. Skills that the teams acquired through the completion of this project will benefit future patient interactions. This project also emphasized and reinforced the importance of effective communication, leadership, and teamwork. This study shows that a clinical anatomy project that incorporates explorative learning can be an effective way of introducing students to the skills needed for patient write ups and oral presentations. Furthermore this approach to learning allows students to excel during their clinical years and to correlate anatomy to clinical diagnoses. Anat Sci Ed 1:106–110, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The success of a traditional residential education program is typically measured by numbers of students who attend and how much they liked it. Kathleen Kerr and James Tweedy offer a peer‐reviewed curricular approach that determines success by how much students learn.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the role of self-regulation failure in procrastination. In addition, it also aimed to investigate the effects of procrastination on affective well-being and academic life satisfaction. Three hundred and twenty-eight undergraduate students participated in the study. The most obvious finding emerging from this study is that the absence or lack of self-regulation skills, as an indicator of underregulation, plays a significant role in procrastination among college students. Whether procrastination is an underregulation or misregulation form of self-regulation failure, it has a negative impact on students’ affective well-being. The contribution and implications of these findings were discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In response to tragic school shootings, heightened attention has been devoted to making schools safer through the implementation of security features. However, excessive security measures have a negative impact on school climate, student functioning, and academic achievement. Therefore, there is a critical need to design schools that are safe and secure, yet also welcoming and comfortable. As a promising approach in this regard, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is an architectural philosophy that aims to deter criminal or antisocial behavior through environmental design, and it includes a focus on natural surveillance, access control, and territorial reinforcement. This review discusses pertinent effects of the school environment on student outcomes, extant research on the impact of visible security measures, the relationship between students’ perceptions of safety and academic functioning, and how using CPTED could concomitantly address the physical safety and psychological comfort of students at school.  相似文献   

A study by Mullen and Tallent-Runnels (2006) found significance in the differences between online and traditional students' reports of instructors' academic support, instructors' demands, and students' satisfaction. They also recognized that the limitation to their study was their demographic data. In an original report funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Dziuban, Hartman, Moskal, Brophy-Ellison, and Shea (2007) identified multiple student satisfaction groupings into dimensions that can provide structure to studies in online learning. In the present study, differences between academic standing and ethnicity were added to broaden the Mullen and Tallent-Runnels (2006) demographic deficiencies and used several student satisfaction dimensions identified by Dziuban, Moskal, Brophy-Ellison, and Shea (2007) and Moskal, Dziuban, and Hartman, (2009). The differences between academic standing and the studied dimensions were found to be statistically significant: the largest effect was Facilitated Learning and academic standing, which accounted for nearly 15% of the student scores' variance; and Engagement and Information Fluency had variance effects of, respectively, 4.5%, and 5.1%. However, error accounts for the majority of total variance in all the tests, which implies other variables' influence.  相似文献   


This paper investigates what it may mean to re-imagine learning through aesthetic experience with reference to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). The discussion asks what learning might look like when aesthetic experience takes centre stage in the learning process. It investigates what Dewey meant by art as experience and aesthetic experience. Working with Dewey as a philosopher of reconstruction of experience, the discussion examines responses to poetic writings and communication in learning situations. In seeking to discover what poetic writing (as art) does within the experience of a reader and writer it considers three specific learning situations. Firstly there is an examination of a five-year old child’s experience of shared communication through the story of Horton the Elephant. Secondly there is an account of the responses of an 11-year-old child to poetry in a 1950s classroom setting, and later reconstructions of those experiences by the child as adult. Thirdly, the paper extends to intensive writing with 12 to 13-year-old children. The focus is on the process of learning via acts of expression as aesthetic experiences. Through art as experience the child develops perceptions that recover a coherence and continuity of aesthetic experience in art as in everyday life.  相似文献   

Support for student learning is a key element in optimizing student learning experiences in any learning environment and its importance has been widely discussed. This study looked at student support, particularly in the course context, focusing mainly on guidance provided to students within a course. Three categories of support were identified and used for the purpose of this study: instructional, peer, and technical support. A total of 110 students completed an online survey on students' perceptions of support and course satisfaction in an undergraduate online course at a large southeastern university. The results showed perceived support was significantly related to their overall satisfaction of the online course. The findings of this study suggest that teachers should communicate what types of support are available to students and provide an easy way of accessing and taking advantage of the support.  相似文献   

Higher Education - This paper summarizes the discourse on student ratings of teaching in higher education. It reconceptualizes student ratings within a larger process of promoting quality in...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the impact of inquiry-based learning (IBL) on students’ academic performance and to assess their satisfaction with the process. Linear and logistic regression analyses show that examination grades are positively related to attendance at classes and tutorials; moreover, there is a positive significant relationship between academic performance and IBL, which is considered useful for better understanding of the subject. While students’ satisfaction is directly associated with class attendance and motivation and with the perceived usefulness of IBL, it is unaffected by attendance at tutorials. We conclude, therefore, that students become more involved in learning and acquire increased knowledge of the subject when an IBL-based method is followed.  相似文献   

Numerous instructional design models have been proposed over the past several decades. Instead of focusing on the design process (means), this study investigated how learners perceived the quality of instruction they experienced (ends). An electronic survey instrument containing nine a priori scales was developed. Students responded from 89 different undergraduate and graduate courses at multiple institutions (n = 140). Data analysis indicated strong correlations between student self-reports on academic learning time, how much they learned, First Principles of Instruction, their satisfaction with the course, perceptions of their mastery of course objectives, and global course ratings. Most importantly, these scales measure principles with which instructional developers and teachers can evaluate their products and courses, regardless of design processes used: provide authentic tasks for students to do; activate prior learning; demonstrate what is to be learned; provide repeated opportunities for students to successfully complete authentic tasks with coaching and feedback; and help students integrate what they have learned into their personal lives.
Pamela GreenEmail:

Theodore Frick   is an Associate Professor in the Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. His current research interests include improvement of teaching and learning, simulations and games for understanding educational systems, and predicting patterns in educational systems. Rajat Chadha   is a doctoral student in the School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. His areas of specialization include instructional systems technology, educational measurement, and statistics in educational research. Carol Watson   is the Program Manager, Fundamentals and Online Training Development at the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands at Indiana University Bloomington. Ying Wang   is a doctoral candidate in the School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. Her areas of specialization are instructional systems technology, educational inquiry methodology, and technology preparation for teachers. Pamela Green   is a doctoral student in the School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. Her areas of specialization include educational measurement, application of instructional design theories in corporate e-learning courses, and systemic change school reform research.  相似文献   

The aim of this study examines the relationship between quality of life, satisfaction with life and multidimensional perceived social support in people aged 65 years and older. The implementation part of the study was carried out with elderly people living in the city center of Burdur, Turkey. Data were collected in March 2018 from 517 participants and then assessed. The results of the analyses revealed that perceived social support explained 11.7% of the total variance in the satisfaction with life, 22.1% of the total variance in the quality of life. In addition to, the perceived social support and the quality of life explained 28.6% of the total variance in the satisfaction with life. And the quality of life was the most influential variable on the satisfaction with life. The findings of this study suggest that making improvements to the elderly people social support and quality of life will increase their satisfaction with life.  相似文献   

While the evaluation of the development, implementation and use of technology in higher education can legitimately be carried out on an individual by individual basis, it is reasonable for institutions to develop their own evaluation approaches to support and guide the evaluation efforts of their staff. This paper outlines an institutional approach that guides the evaluation of educational technology in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne. It proposes roles for an internal evaluator and educational technology practitioners and provides a conceptual framework that guides the evaluation process. Practitioners are supported using micro evaluation guidelines and this process is discussed for two types of evaluation. A discussion of the practical implementation of the framework is supported by the presentation of two evaluation case studies.Une approche institutionnelle d'évaluation de la technologie de l'éducation. Alors que l'évaluation du développement, de la mise en oeuvre et de l'usage de la technologie dans l'enseignement supérieur peut avec légitimité être marquée sur une base d'individu par individu, il est raisonnable que les institutions développent leurs propres approches d'évaluation pour soutenir et guider les efforts d'évaluation de leurs enseignements. Cet article décrit l'approche institutionnelle qui guide l'évaluation de la technologie de l'éducation dans la faculté de médecine, dentologie et de sciences de la santé de l'Université de Melbourne. Il propose des rôles pour une évaluation interne et des praticiens de technologie de l'Education et fournit un cadre conceptuel qui permet de guider les processus d'évaluation. Les praticiens sont aidés par l'emploi de guides de microévaluations et ce processus est discuté pour deux types d'évaluation. Une discussion sur la mise en oeuvre pratique du cadre est illustrée par deux études de cas d'évaluation.Ein institutioneller Ansatz zur Auswertung der Bildungstechnologie. Während die Auswertung der Entwicklung, Umsetzung und die Verwendung von Technologie im Bereich der höheren Bildung mit Recht auf individuellen Basis ausgeführt werden kann, ist es vernünftig, daß Institutionen ihre eigenen Auswertungsansätze entwickeln, um die Auswertungsbemühungen ihres Stabs zu unterstützen und zu leiten. Dieses Papier umreißt einen institutionellen Ansatz zur Auswertung der Nutzung von Bildungstechnologie in der Fakultät für Medizin, Zahnheilkunde und Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Universität von Melbourne. Es beschreibt die Rolle eines internen Auswerters und Bildungstechnikpraktikers und liefert einen begrifflichen Rahmen für den Auswertungsprozeß. Praktiker werden durch Micro-Auswertungsrichtlinien unterstützt. Dieser Prozeß wird für zwei Evaluationstypen erörtert. Die praktische Umsetzung des Rahmens wird anhand zweier Auswertungsfallstudien diskutiert.  相似文献   

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