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本文对使用PowerPoint 97制作高等代数教学课件以及使用计算机大屏幕投影教学进行了有益的探讨  相似文献   

总结了P0werPoint在使用过程中的一些技巧。  相似文献   

介绍了使用PowerPoint中的触发器实现交互控制的方法,在制作课件时可以使用此方法制作人机交互的练习题。  相似文献   

PowerPoint是较通用的多媒体集成软件 ,它易学易用 ,用时少 ,效率高 ,比其它的多媒体制作工具 ,其动画、交互、循环等功能不足 ,但如能挖潜其功能 ,巧妙使用 ,还是能制作出令人满意的效果 ,作者结合实例 ,介绍了一些PowerPoint的使用及制作技巧。  相似文献   

现代科学技术的迅猛发展给外语教学模式带来了极大的变化,特别是计算机辅助语言教学取得了很好的教学效果。PowerPoint也可使外语教学别开生面。该文旨在分析PowerPoint的主要特点,评价PowerPoint作外语教学平台的优势。  相似文献   

PowerPoint2000以其简单方便的操作方式,丰富多彩的表现手法等特点被广泛运用于外语教学。在大学英语课堂教学中应该利用其集声、光、色、图、语言文字于一体的优势,提高英语课堂教学。  相似文献   

Prior literature suggests that teaching corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability has led to little development of students' reflexive engagement with the challenges of sustainable development. To shed light on this criticism, we apply sensemaking—as entailing the three stages of scanning for information, interpreting it and identifying alternatives of action—to CSR/sustainability education. Analysing cognitive maps of CSR, drawn by undergraduate finalists from a UK business school, we find that students are able to produce complex cognitive maps in terms of scanning for information; however, cognitive bottlenecks occur at the second and third stages of sensemaking. A key pedagogical challenge is, therefore, to support students in moving beyond scanning towards developing meaning and acting on that basis. By introducing a sensemaking lens, we add to a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with CSR education as it aids (or impedes) critical engagement and action.  相似文献   

教学工作是学校全部工作的中心,这也决定了教学管理是高校管理的中心地位。高校教学秘书是教务处和二级院系联系的纽带,教学秘书素质的高低直接影响着高校教学管理水平。本文主要结合当前教学秘书工作,浅谈如何做好一名称职的教学秘书。  相似文献   


This article presents the authors’ successful experiences with Cirrus, a purpose-built Digital Humanities teaching and learning platform developed at The University of Queensland between 2016 and 2018. Our case studies in teaching the crafts of close reading, critical analysis, and writing show that Cirrus’s annotation tools enable teachers to push students towards close critical engagements with the material they are studying – across textual, image, audio, and video formats – while the exhibition-building software allows for the transformation of the classic essay into a multi-faceted online presentation combining words, images, and other resources. However, we problematise our own involvement in the development of the platform by considering the ways such tools may become implicated in the negative impacts of neoliberalisation on the university sector in Australia and internationally. We are concerned that universities are using digital tools and innovative teaching practices to further reduce their investment in teaching.  相似文献   

在物理课堂教学中,通过创设类似于科学研究的情境,使物理教学过程尽可能地成为一种“亚研究”过程,让学生亲历物理概念的形成过程,在探究中获得真知;让学生追溯物理规律的发现过程,在探究中提高能力;让学生体验物理实验的设计过程,在探究中培养素质。  相似文献   

Peer review of teaching is a collegial process designed to help academics reflect on and improve their teaching practice. Considerable research supports the value of peer review of teaching. However, uptake of voluntary programs is typically low. Few studies have examined the predictors of engagement in voluntary peer review. This study surveyed 221 (106 female, 115 male) academics in the first year of implementation of a peer review of a teaching program at a large dual-sector university. Results supported the impact of four key variables on willingness to engage in peer review of teaching: the perceived benefits of the program, an individual's perceived need for support around teaching, perceived drawbacks of the program and career-related benefits. Level of teaching experience was related to willingness to engage: staff with moderate levels of teaching experience were most willing to participate in the program. Limitations of the study are noted and recommendations for peer-review programs are provided.  相似文献   

教学内容、方法与教学手段的改革是教育教学改革的重要组成部分,因此,必须加大实验教学改革的力度,力争在实验教学内容、方法和手段的改革上有所突破,为培养优秀人才,创造一个良好的实验教学环境。  相似文献   

作者在几年的数学教学中,逐步尝试应用概念图,收到了较好的教学效果,从中我也摸索出概念图制作使用的一些方法并总结出概念图在教学中的作用。教师在实际的教学中要重视概念图的作用,合理地运用概念图,最大限度地优化教学,提高教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

开放实验教学管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了新的开放实验教学理念,介绍了学校及院系开放实验教学的二级管理模式,结合同济大学化学系开放实验教学平台的建设经验,从项目管理、仪器管理、网络管理及开放实验教学考核4个方面探讨了管理的措施和效果。  相似文献   

Postgraduate fellowship training programs are expanding at Chinese universities. This growing cadre of advanced trainees calls for the development of new learning and training models wherein postgraduate fellows have an ample opportunity to teach more junior learners, thereby expanding their own knowledge base and competitiveness for future employment. Educational reform at Sun Yat-Sen University has recently allowed postgraduate fellows to act as teaching assistants for undergraduate anatomy courses. This model is common in western countries but is novel in China.  相似文献   

本研究以高二学生为被试 ,采用不同教学方法进行高中生物“新陈代谢”一章的教学后 ,对高二学生的认知方式及其学业成绩进行了分析。结果表明 :(1)不同的教与学方法对学生的认知方式会产生显著影响。 (2 )使用画概念图的实验班学生多选择“规则 (P)”为其认知方式。这表明 ,学生主要以有意义的方式在进行学习和建构自己的认知结构 ,其生物学业成绩较好。 (3)运用传统教学法的控制班选择“回忆 (R)”为主要认知方式。这表明 ,控制班学生以机械记忆为主构建自己的认知结构  相似文献   

建立教学督导制度是推进教学管理民主化、科学化、规范化的一项重要措施,也是教学质量监控体系的重要组成部分。扎实推进教学督导工作,有利于重点监控主要教学环节,维护良好的教学秩序,促进教风和学风建设,推进高校整体教学水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术和多媒体技术的发展,在教育领域使用PPT(PowerPoint)进行教学变得越来越广泛,并对传统的教学模式产生很大的冲击和影响。针对在实践教学中应用PPT的利与弊进行初步的探讨和分析,力求找到使用PPT进行教学的最佳应用方式。  相似文献   

作为高校文献学教师,要努力构建切合教学理念的专业传授体系。在文献教学过程中,任课教师如何营造生动的课堂氛围,依据课堂实际选择教学方式,讲求创新,合理收放,制导学生的思维推理活动,都是值得深入探讨的课题。  相似文献   

语言与文化密不可分。大学英语教学不仅是语言知识和技能教学,同时也是文化教学。本文首先阐述了大学英语教学中文化教学的重要性,然后着重探讨大学英语教学中文化教学的实施办法以及注意事项。  相似文献   

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