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《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):365-389
Family stories work to construct family identity. Little research, however, has examined storytelling in families. This study examined storytelling content and process to assess the extent to which families jointly integrated or fragmented a shared sense of identity and how these discursive practices relate to family qualities. Results of a study involving 58 family triads indicate relationships between story theme (e.g., accomplishment vs. stress), person referencing practices (e.g., we-ness vs. separateness), and interactional storytelling behaviors (e.g., engagement, turn-taking). Moreover, story framing, perspective-taking, statements about selves-in-the-family, and identifying as a “storytelling family” emerged consistently as positive predictors of family satisfaction and functioning. The results offer a portrait of how families communicate identity and functioning in joint storytelling interactions and further position storytelling as a communication phenomenon worthy of consideration.  相似文献   

讲故事是表达展览主题的有效方法之一,它包括了“故事”和“讲”两个含义:“故事”是叙事内容;“讲”是叙事方法,是对故事再创造的过程。讲好故事除了选择一个好的内容外,还需要设计好故事的结构,选择好讲故事的载体。本文从叙事学的角度围绕实际案例从博物馆、科技馆展览的叙事结构、叙事载体两方面展开分析,探讨如何利用展览的空间特性植入故事、讲好故事。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):357-385
Family members create a social environment that varies in terms of the degree to which it evokes hurt. Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of hurtful family environments and to assess whether the association between people's experience of their family environment as hurtful and their perceptions of hurtful family interactions could be described by a sensitization or a habituation model. The results indicated that hurtful family environments are characterized by aggression, a lack of affection, neglect, and violence. Individuals’ views of their family environment as aggressive were negatively associated with their own verbal hostility and their self-esteem, but positively linked to their anxiety and to their tendency to see a family member's hurtful behavior as intentional. People's tendency to note their family displayed a lack of affection was positively linked to their own verbal hostility and negatively associated with their self-esteem. The findings also offered partial support for a habituation model: Those who said their family environment was characterized by a lack of affection rated hurtful family interactions as less emotionally painful than did others. Together, the results provide a rationale for examining the emotional contexts created by family members as well as the implications of those contexts for individuals and their family relationships.  相似文献   

叙事学发端于20世纪早期的西方文学研究,至90年代延展至博物馆学领域,应用于分析和指导博物馆的叙事,至今已经取得了丰硕成果。2000年后,我国开始对博物馆叙事展开讨论,并经历了三个发展阶段。研究以展览叙事为重点,从文本内容和话语表现两个层面,在内涵特征、作用意义、构建方法和语境关系上取得了一定进展。但整体而言,我国博物馆叙事研究还存在着对理论的认识和应用不足,缺乏宏观思考等问题。  相似文献   

张志钰 《编辑学报》2008,20(6):493-493
工具酶是基因重组技术不可缺少的工具,已被广泛应用于DNA分子的克隆和序列分析,而其中最常用、在期刊中出现频率最高的就是限制性内切酶和DNA聚合酶(尤其是Taq酶);然而,在分子生物学技术领域中,对这些工具酶的编排,国家标准没有明确规定,书刊的处理也就自成一体,编排方式很混乱.  相似文献   

This project uses a narrative view of identity to interrogate how individuals construct notions of ability and disability within their families. Participants include children with disabilities from diverse ethnic backgrounds, their parents, siblings, and extended family members. Interactions within four families are explored as well as interactions family members have with people outside their families. Interview and observational data demonstrate ways that participants construct identities that highlight intersections of ability/disability and individuality/relationships. Results indicate that families primarily construct identities of “normal” through their interactions and routines as they negotiate contradictions inherent in their everyday lives. Theoretic implications of narrative dimensions of constructions and contradictions are offered. Finally, practical applications for professionals and families of children with disabilities are suggested with future directions for research and practice.  相似文献   

在博物馆收藏史中出现了大量为认知服务的展品,这些展品的集合所形成的主题性展览旨在帮助人们理解某一事件、现象或进程。对展品进行阐释是帮助观众理解展览的必要工作,也是展览策划与设计的核心任务。阐释工作可以从个体的和群体的两个层面展开。在对个体展品的阐释中,主要要解决实物展品在传播中的信息隐蔽性与表达非耗时性带来的困难,除了符号化外,内涵与语境的可视化,在展项中注入时间维度,都是解决传播难点的有效方法。展品的群体性集合可以通过分类和叙事展开,分类和叙事都具有良好的阐释功能,使集合体中的个体得到有效的解释。  相似文献   

每年如约而至的叶问系列影片俨然撑起了华语功夫电影的半壁江山。尽管叶问系列影片屡获殊荣,实际上它却承载了电影界给予的过高评价与期望。叶问系列影片自身的美学价值与其在电影界所得到的认可之间存在着严重的不平衡。该系列影片在其所表现出的矫饰的人物情感、二元对立的人物关系、英雄片类型模式上的欠缺也折射出当下华语武侠功夫片所遭遇的叙事空间及寓意输出的狭窄现状。  相似文献   

This study examines associations between adolescent reports of family communication patterns (FCPs) and difficulties experienced during the deployment and reintegration of a military parent. Data from 106 adolescents (9–17 years) in 72 National Guard families where a parent had recently returned from overseas deployment were analyzed to examine direct and indirect links between FCPs, perceived family understanding, inappropriate parental disclosures, and adolescent difficulties. Results indicate direct effects for conformity orientation, with it being inversely associated with adolescent difficulties during both deployment and reintegration. Conversation orientation exerts mixed effects on adolescent difficulties during deployment. At a trend level, conversation orientation shares a direct, negative association with adolescent difficulties during deployment but also an indirect, positive association via family inappropriate parental disclosures. Implications of the findings for future research on FCPs as well as programs working with military families are discussed.  相似文献   

西方科技博物馆在两次变革中调整了科技与时间的关系,科技的历时性在科学中心的呈现中普遍缺失。科技与时间的脱钩是欧美特定历史条件下的产物,并非因为科技本身所具有的恒定性。我国科技博物馆的使命应当立足于本土条件与现实需要,在吸收科学中心优势的同时,着力将科技与时间统一起来,采用叙事式科技观,展示科技的历时性变化及其与社会互动的复杂度。  相似文献   

This study explores the uses of Islamic television content in bridging the gap between Javanese and Malay identity among the Malay women of Javanese descent in Malaysia. Malaysian religious television programmes have constantly promoted the Islamic identifications of Malayness, enabling the Malay audience to reconstruct the culturally religious identity. While the reconstruction of Islamic identity through television viewing simply represents a lived experience for the majority of the Malay society, it has some cultural meanings for certain Malay sub-ethnic communities, such as the Javanese. This ethnographic study on a Malaysian Javanese community reveals that the interpretive engagement of this particular community in Islamic television viewing serves the purpose of negotiating Malay identity. The results of this study suggest that religious content can serve as an engaging platform to construct multi-ethnic identities beside popular and ethnic-related contents.  相似文献   

In this essay, we examine recent developments in battles over race- and gender-based affirmative action across a 10-year period from the California Civil Rights Initiative (1996) to the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (2006). While affirmative action policies have historically been contested within a paradigm of redistribution, our analysis of the Michigan case suggests a new strategic emphasis on disputing the legitimacy of the state's recognition of social difference. Drawing on the work of critical race and critical rhetoric scholars, as well as social theory on citizenship in the post-soul moment, we argue that a neoliberal understanding of difference and neoliberalism's appropriations of multiculturalism have allowed the anti-affirmative action movement in Michigan to avoid racist appeals completely by invoking the neoliberal myth of free, entrepreneurial individuals against a meddling, inefficient, authoritarian state. Further, we find that these shifts have permitted assaults on the positive consideration of gender—a strategy that was not possible when debates were centered over competing claims of racism. Finally, we argue that these strategic adjustments since California have enabled the anti-affirmative action movement to discursively align itself with contemporary neoliberal assaults on a range of social and cultural rights.  相似文献   

The bounds of permissible hate in post-apartheid broadcasting in South Africa have been shaped by the state's withdrawal from certain regulatory processes, as well as the emerging regulation by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA). The BCCSA—established, financed, and operated by South Africa's broadcasting industry—filled the regulatory void not just by governing post-apartheid hate; the BCCSA has sought to govern the racial constructs upon which hate depends. With the state's withdrawal, BCCSA officials have configured hate and race in neoliberal ways, shifting responsibility for post-apartheid hate away from apartheid's beneficiaries and toward those apartheid was intended to subjugate.  相似文献   

We argue that the film Mad Max: Fury Road challenges stigmas associated with disability by conceptualizing a world that embraces the differences between disabled and abled bodies. Drawing on crip theory and eco-ability scholarship, we examine how Mad Max: Fury Road’s narrative criticizes normative and ableist understandings about the body by imagining a world that constructs accessible and valued spaces for the disabled. Dolmage [Dolmage, J. (2013). Disability Rhetoric. New York: Syracuse University Press] argues that scholars need to situate rhetoric on the experiences of disabled bodies to generate new meanings about disability. Mad Max: Fury Road generates such meanings by challenging normative and stigmatizing conceptions of disability through positive and nuanced representations of disabled bodies.  相似文献   

温芳芳 《图书情报工作》2019,63(21):117-127
[目的/意义]自引本是科学交流的一种普遍现象,但在科学评价问题上却陷入了长久的争议。自引研究综述有助于增进学者们对自引的认识和了解,理清对自引的偏见与误解,启发更多人对自引做持续的关注与思索。[方法/过程]通过国内外相关文献的系统调研分析,客观描述自引研究的发展历程与现状,梳理其学术脉络和演化轨迹,归纳主要成果和思想,指出当前研究存在的问题,预测未来研究重点与方向。[结果/结论]自引研究经历了长期的质疑和反复的求证,至今并无定论,分歧源于研究视角的差异。自引研究亟需新的突破,重心将从单纯的计量与统计分析转向数据背后规律和机理的深度挖掘与解析,自引在考察学术传承和知识扩散方面的功能也将被进一步发掘。  相似文献   

This study examines the roles candidate race and gender may play in the evaluation of candidates presented via campaign Web sites. Apparent race and gender of a candidate were manipulated while issue information was held constant on a campaign Web site. The candidate's gender was shown to affect evaluations of the candidate (positively for female candidates) after controlling for participant political ideology, political knowledge, and political self-efficacy. The candidate's race did not affect evaluations of the candidate. Findings are discussed in the context of peripheral bias of central processing.  相似文献   

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