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Knowing is an enacted, communicated process that is difficult to observe, let alone manage, in organizations. Communities of practice (CoPs) offer a productive solution for improving knowledge and knowledge management, but the communicative processes that enact CoPs have not been explored, leaving CoPs as an organizational black box. This research extends CoP theory as a means to determine the presence of a CoP and distinguish between various CoPs, and as a practical means to evaluate the communicative processes of organizational knowledge. CoPs enact the communicative nature of knowing through the elements of mutual engagement, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and shared repertoire. Specifically, two groups of volunteers are examined through a combination of participation, observation, and interviews in order to explore CoP theory as a dynamic system for examining and evaluating organizational knowledge.  相似文献   

Knowing is an enacted, communicated process that is difficult to observe, let alone manage, in organizations. Communities of practice (CoPs) offer a productive solution for improving knowledge and knowledge management, but the communicative processes that enact CoPs have not been explored, leaving CoPs as an organizational black box. This research extends CoP theory as a means to determine the presence of a CoP and distinguish between various CoPs, and as a practical means to evaluate the communicative processes of organizational knowledge. CoPs enact the communicative nature of knowing through the elements of mutual engagement, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and shared repertoire. Specifically, two groups of volunteers are examined through a combination of participation, observation, and interviews in order to explore CoP theory as a dynamic system for examining and evaluating organizational knowledge.  相似文献   

重视知识共享是组织发展在现代竞争环境中的一种必然选择,也是强化组织核心竞争力的重要方式。文 章从知识链的角度出发,对比组织内部与组织之间的知识共享特点,通过知识链组织之间知识共享的过程来分析知识 共享的影响因素,进而从知识主体、组织文化、信任机制方面提出了知识共享的策略。通过知识共享,知识从个别组 织逐渐扩散到其他组织进而到整个知识链,并在这个过程中不断完善,使得属于个别组织的专有知识上升为具有完整 的共性、为整个知识链所适用的知识。  相似文献   

组织网络化发展研究,必须考虑对知识资源的合理配置问题。本文从面向组织现实的立场出发,通过对组织网络化发展中知识内涵和特性进行分析,提出了网络组织的知识整合模式、过程与机制。  相似文献   

基于组织学习的知识创新过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先界定了知识创新与知识创造、组织学习的关系,然后从组织学习过程模型出发,分析了组织学习过程中的组织创新,最后探讨了基于组织学习的知识创新过程模型。  相似文献   

本文在分析图书馆组织文化内涵和功能的基础上,探讨了组织文化建设对于图书馆知识管理实施的重要性,分析了知识管理条件下图书馆组织文化的新特征及图书馆组织文化建设现状,提出了构建适应知识管理的图书馆组织文化的途径与策略。  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) and innovation have been recognized as critical success factors for libraries since 1990s and 1980s, respectively; however, neither is easily achieved. In this context, the current study aims to explore – using structural equation modeling – the extent to which various organizational, technological, and personal factors influence the creation of new knowledge and innovation in academic libraries. More specifically, vision and goals, culture, and structure (formalization and centralization) are explored in terms of organizational factors; IT support is examined in the technological context; and human resources skills and perceptions toward KM are investigated in terms of personal factors. For the collection of primary data a structured questionnaire was developed and distributed electronically to Greek academic library personnel. The final sample comprised 312 professionals from 28 libraries. Results indicate that a visionary leadership facilitates the creation of new knowledge through fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and learning, providing opportunities for taking initiatives, and creating the appropriate technological environment. All these help libraries develop innovative services, thus responding more quickly and effectively to their changing external environment. Most importantly, library leaders should focus on building a common vision that will guide necessary practices and changes for innovation to be achieved.  相似文献   

媒介融合趋势下的知识生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息、通讯技术的迅猛发展,互联网、手机等新媒体开始崛起,与报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体构成一种多向竞争、交融互渗的媒介生态。媒介融合为知识生产、传播注入了新内涵。传媒技术改进会导致知识形态、思维模式和接受方式的变化。针对媒介融合的发展趋势,研究者需要多学科的视野,跨越多个领域的话语界限,全方位地审视信息社会的媒介实践。  相似文献   

基于两种模式的知识管理系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
知识管理系统的模式有两种:用于正常的结构化信息处理的知识管理模式、非正常和非结构化的认知发展型知识管理模式。现有的知识管理系统存在着局限性。对基于两种模式的知识管理系统在商业与技术战略、组织控制、信息共享文化、知识描述、组织结构等五方面要素进行了分析。图4。参考文献7。  相似文献   

This essay critically considers two corporate executive positions: the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) and the Chief Learning Officer (CLO). I argue that these positions are key instantiations of noopower, or power over thoughts, perceptions, and memories. Theorized by Deleuze, Arquila and Ronfeldt, and Lazzarato, noopower is an assemblage of older forms of power such as sovereign and disciplinary power into a new form that is prevalent in a time where knowledge, perceptions, and images are the hegemonic forms of value. This essay traces the CKO and CLO literatures' theorization and suggested deployment of this form of power in global corporations.  相似文献   

陆亨 《国际新闻界》2009,(11):42-45,64
大众传播不仅具有传播、传承知识的功能,以大众媒体为载体的内容传播本身还是建构知识的过程。本文以此为基本视角,以《北京晚报》和《新京报》关于《北京媒体公信力调查报告》的抽样样本是否具有代表性的争论为案例,解析媒体传播知识的同时也是建构知识的过程,认为知识传播本身可能导致建构某种偏见为知识本身。同时,本文还对描述性研究的抽样原理进行了必要的解释。  相似文献   

基于图情领域权威期刊论文数据集,利用概率潜在语义分析(PLSA)算法对表征专家专长的文档进行处理,以此来定位图情领域专家的研究领域。实验结果表明,该方法具有可行性并取得较好的实验结果。  相似文献   

人类社会的知识活动根据其特征可以分为知识创造活动、知识管理活动和知识利用活动三类。知识计量贯穿知识活动全过程,但知识创造、知识管理和知识利用过程中对知识进行计量采用的知识单元不同。知识单元的构建是突破知识计量研究瓶颈的关键。参考文献16。  相似文献   

The Japanese allegedly are disinclined to argue. This study supports that allegation. Japanese university students were compared to American students using the Infante/ Rancer Argumentativeness Scale. The scale measures tendencies to approach arguments and to avoid them. Additionally it indicates the general argumentativeness trait of respondents. The Japanese were significantly less inclined to approach argument situations and had a significantly weaker argumentativeness trait than the Americans. No significant difference appeared for avoiding arguments.  相似文献   

知识管理中的知识生态环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“Ba”可以被理解为相互交互的个体或组织之间的知识空间或是一个知识场。对应于SECI模型的4个步骤(社会化、客观化、合成化、组织化),Ba提供了相应的4种环境场(知识的发现场、交互场、技术场和实施场),支持多维动态的知识管理。图2。参考文献6。  相似文献   

Research examining the individual–organization relationship has largely ignored the linking role of groups. Grounded in Scott, Corman, and Cheney's (1998) structurational model of organizational identification, we analyzed data obtained from members of groups embedded in a large religious organization. Results revealed three primary ways groups link individual members and the organization via identification. The connection function provides members with local copresent linkages to the organization and an environment in which to express their connection/relationship to the organization. The restructuring function enables members to restructure conflicting individual and organizational identity structures. The buffering function enables members to disidentify with a portion of the organizational identity and still maintain a sense of organizational identification.  相似文献   

高校图书馆知识管理中的知识库建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
樊晓峰 《当代图书馆》2006,(1):50-51,56
知识库的建立是今后高校图书馆实施知识管理的重点和难点。本文概述了高校图书馆知识库的内容,重点分析了知识库在知识管理中的作用,探讨了建立高校图书馆知识库的原则、模式以及需注意的问题。  相似文献   

Organizational Surveys: A System for Employee Voice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although surveys are often used to assess and track employee attitudes and opinions over time and are used quite frequently by applied communication researchers, the use of surveys as a channel to voice employee attitudes and opinions has not been fully explored in the employee voice or basic organizational communication literature. With the increased call for accountability, effective applied communication researchers can play an important role in ensuring that organizations engage in the survey process in a manner that is “safe” for employees, and ethical and practical for the organization. Because the question of how to accomplish this task is complex and cannot be fully addressed within the constraints of a commentary, I offer three general principles to guide future researchers in helping overcome organizational communication problems:
  1. Build trust in the organizational survey process, the researcher(s), and the organization.

  2. Eliminate the adversarial relationship that often exists between management and employees who speak up.

  3. Provide evidence that the organization does more than purport to value the things that it says it values.


从知识供应链到知识星座   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在现有的知识供应链理论的基础之上,介绍知识供应链的概念、模型及主体,分析其在描述企业知识流过程中存在的不足之处,提出知识星座的概念及概念模型,指明知识供应链和知识星座之间的联系和区别,阐述了提出这一概念和模型的意义,并在最后说明有待进一步探讨的相关问题。指出企业管理中,知识传递和利用不是仅仅以链式结构存在,而是一个更为复杂的星座式结构。  相似文献   

Although computer-mediated support groups have been argued to be beneficial for individuals coping with health-related stigma, few studies have explored how communication processes may moderate perceptions of stigma and health outcomes. Increasing our understanding of the relationships among these variables may help to inform social support interventions for individuals facing stigmatized health issues. Drawing from the optimal matching model, the reported study examined the relationships among strong-tie/weak-tie support network preference and health-related stigma for stress and depression among members of health-related computer-mediated support groups. The results indicated that health-related stigma was positively associated with preference for weak-tie support, and preference for weak-tie support was found to moderate the relationship between stigma and both stress and depression. The implications of the findings for the role of on-line weak-tie network supportive relationships in reducing stigma and its application to developing support-focused health interventions and segmenting potential intervention participants are discussed.  相似文献   

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