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Internationally, ‘College for All’ policies are creating new forms of vocational higher education (HE), and shifting relationships between HE and further education (FE) institutions. In this paper, we consider the way in which this is being implemented in England, drawing on a detailed qualitative case study of a regional HE–FE partnership to widen participation. We focus on the complex mix of collaboration and contestation that arose within it, and how these affected socially differentiated groups of students following high- and low-status routes through its provision. We outline Bourdieu’s concept of ‘field’ as a framework for our analysis and interpretation, including its theoretical ambiguities regarding the definition and scale of fields. Through hermeneutic dialogue between data and theory, we tentatively suggest that such partnerships represent bridges between HE and FE. These bridges are strong between higher-status institutions, but highly contested between lower-status institutions competing closely for distinction. We conclude that the trajectories and outcomes for socially disadvantaged students require attention and collective action to address the inequalities they face, and that our theoretical approach may have wider international relevance beyond the English case.  相似文献   

This paper reviews findings from a longitudinal study of students making the transition from FE to an ancient university. This paper compares the younger and older students' reasons for higher education study. Our analysis of the quantitative data suggests that the older students had different reasons for entering university. We use the qualitative data to investigate the meanings participants attributed to higher education study in order to make sense of the patterns in the quantitative data, drawing on Wenger's perspectives on identity development as encompassing participants' trajectories in relation to communities of practice. The findings show a positive picture of the motivations of the whole cohort but the mature students seemed to have a particularly rich understanding of the meaning and relevance of their studies. The study therefore has implications for policy-makers and teachers as they seek to make use of the positive aspects of greater diversity.  相似文献   

提出了以社会职业分析为起点,兼顾学生的智能差异,构建高等职业教育人才培养的模式。对高等职业教育人才培养模式的培养目标、课程体系、教育策略等进行了探讨。高等职业教育应突出"综合职业能力和全面素质"与"高级实用型"的特点。课程体系设计可采用职业群集分析法与以能力为中心的方法。提出职业技术课程综合化;职业技术理论与实训教学一体化;整合社会教育资源,实现"校企合作,产教结合";毕业设计与生产实际问题相结合;发挥社会评价的重要作用;招生考试内容要注重学生的作品;加强对学生职业生涯发展的指导;建立"三师型"的师资队伍等9种教育策略。  相似文献   

By 2008 a total of 87, 339 students were studying on foundation degrees in the UK (Foundation Degree Forward 2009 Foundation Degree Forward. 2009. “Forward 10.” http://www.fdf.ac.uk/uploads/journal10.pdf. [Google Scholar]). This article reports on the views of selected students and academic tutors regarding ICTs (Information Communication Technologies) associated with the Early Years Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree (EYSEFD) in England. The students study part time at five further education (FE) colleges working in partnership with a UK higher education institution (HEI). The research project has gathered data on the views of students and programme tutors about ICTs since October 2009. Data has been gathered through questionnaires with students and focus group discussions with selected students and tutors about the perception of ICTs. A main finding is that the students in this study associate ICTs with computers and software whereas their academic tutors focus on the wider pedagogical learning associated with technology. The article discusses some of the debates that surround pedagogical practice and ICTs in further and higher education. The students’ association of computers and pedagogical best practice appears to reiterate current neoliberal educational values as opposed to reflecting the learning goals of their academic programme. This article presents the findings of this study and the conclusions that are drawn will be of relevance to those involved in the delivery and development of higher education in further education contexts.  相似文献   

高职计算机相关专业既重视实践,也需要理论的支撑,与本科专业和其他高职专业都有不同。基于工作过程的教学模式强调职业能力的培养.却不能完全照搬到其他任何课程。本文以《网络安全技术》课程为例,分析了课程的基本情况。并结合工作过程导向的教学理论,重新设计了课程的教学内容选取、组织与编排。  相似文献   

高职人文课程体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高职院校以行业和职业需求为主要价值取向,主要进行专业知识和专业技能教育,其人文课程体系中存在着体系分散、形式单一、内容陈旧等问题。高职院校需要通过建立与学分制相适应的人文课程体系和合理的课程文化以及开发相应的校本课程,有效地增强人文课程体系的时代性、灵活性、针对性,从而提高学生的人文素养。  相似文献   

Few studies have looked at the strengths and weaknesses and needs of students with developmenal co‐ordination disorder (DCD). This paper describes a cohort of 93 UK students currently studying at further or higher education and who have reported motor difficulties present since childhood. The study group consisted of 21 reporting to have DCD only, 38 with DCD plus another diagnosis (a combination of any of the following: dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), learning difficulties); 23 subjects reporting dyslexia only, and 11 students who have not been formally diagnosed. The aim of this study was to first ascertain the similarities and differences between the students in the type of support received in childhood and while at university. The second goal was to examine the reported strengths and difficulties and see how they vary for each subgroup. The DCD group reported higher levels of motor‐related difficulties such as handwriting and also executive functioning difficulties. They also had higher levels of professional support given in childhood and were also more likely to be living at home with parents compared with the dyslexia group. Despite different types of difficulties reported in the DCD group, the range of student support given across all groups was similar. Significantly more of the dyslexia group were reported to be in receipt of disability student allowance than the DCD group. The DCD and other disorders group were seen to be an intermediary group in most of the areas studied.  相似文献   

电子商务专业高职教育培养目标与课程体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了电子商务专业高职教育的前景,电子商务专业高职教育的人才培养目标和毕业生应具有的知识能力结构,提出了以模块化构建课程体系的整体框架。  相似文献   

Staff and student perceptions of what constitutes good academic writing in both further and higher education often differ. This is reflected in written assignments which frequently fall below the expected standard. In seeking to develop the writing skills of students and propose potential solutions to writing difficulties, a study was conducted in a university and a nearby further education college in the north west of England to explore barriers and solutions to AW difficulties. This paper reports the findings generated using unmoderated focus groups with second-year university health studies students (n=70) and moderated focus groups with further education college teachers (n=3) and health studies lecturers in a university (n=6).

Findings indicated that staff and students’ perceptions of what constitutes AW differed. The barriers to academic writing that were identified included lack of time and confidence; lack of extended writing at FE level; lack of reading and understanding of academic texts or journals; referencing; and academic jargon.  相似文献   

高等职业教育是以就业为导向培养高级技术应用型人才的教育。就业工作对高等职业教育生存与发展有着重要的导向作用,高等职业教育必须面向市场办学,坚持以就业为导向,以提高学生就业能力为目标,坚持以人为本的科学发展观,大力推进办学模式的转变和教学课程体系的改革。本文着重阐述了就业在高等职业教育办学中的导向作用及对教学课程体系改革的重要性。  相似文献   

高职教育复合型人才培养与课程改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本从知识经济发展、科技成果产业化、现代企业管理、中小企业发展等四个方面分析了高职教育复合型人才需求的背景,阐述了复合型人才的知识与能力基本特征和培养的主要形式,从高职教育课程改革的“重应用、活模块、人本化”的角度,探讨了复合型人才培养的两条实现途径:一是能力本位与人格本位并重,二是强调学生的“自主性”学习。  相似文献   

高职教育管理要树立以人为本的管理理念,努力做到专业设置市场化、课程结构模块化、教学内容现代化、培养手段技能化和教育管理弹性化。  相似文献   

This article raises questions that challenge assumptions about values, interests and power in further and higher education partnerships. These topics were explored in a series of semi-structured interviews with a sample of principals and senior higher education partnership managers of colleges spread across a single region in England. The data suggest that common assumptions evident in the literature and professional discourse about the hegemony of higher education institutions in partnerships with further education and sixth form colleges may be misplaced. Questions are also raised about an exclusive focus upon shared values in educational partnerships, and it is suggested that greater clarity about the focus of educational partnerships can explain how successful partnerships can negotiate which values and interests are shared and which are not – an approach that can be a useful modus operandi in the increasingly competitive educational markets in which universities and colleges operate.  相似文献   

为了解决高职教育人才培养中存在的过强的专业化、过高的功利倾向、过弱的文化熏陶等问题,高职教育应主动适应市场变化,把握社会对人才需求的动向,引入通识教育,探索走通专结合的道路,培养学生“做人”、“做事”两方面的能力,成为新世纪高素养、高技艺和谐发展的新人。  相似文献   


The Dearing Report highlighted the need for HE programmes to enhance students' basic skills, and one of these is numeracy skill. There is a history of low confidence and negative attitudes to learning about numbers and 'maths anxiety' in undergraduates which means that delivering 'numerate graduates' may be something of a challenge to HE institutions. This college surveyed attitudes to numeracy and learning about numbers in all first-year students (over 1000 students). Over 40% of students returned their questionnaires. This survey found considerable negative attitudes and low confidence among respondents as a whole (25% of those who returned the questionnaire), and anxiety was highest (over 40%) in students taking a Humanities programme. This raises considerable concern about how we can deliver numeracy to students in HE. The findings of the survey, gender issues and the individualised concept of 'maths anxiety' are discussed in relation to the social and cultural construction of attitudes to maths and maths confidence as empowerment (Benn, 1997). The main conclusion is that HE institutions need to consider carefully how to provide good educational opportunities for individuals with low motivation to engage in maths-related activity. There is also an urgent need to challenge cultural myths and stereotyping relating to maths learning if we want the next generation of graduates to have more confidence in their maths skills.  相似文献   

基于CDIO模式的高职教育改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究CDIO教育模式、高职教育现状及改革方向的基础上,分析了两种教育模式在教学理念及人才培养等方面的共性,提出将CDIO教育理念应用于高职教育,借鉴其工程教育改革的成功案例,推动高职教育改革的发展。  相似文献   

高等职业教育既具有高等教育的特点,又具有职业教育的特点,无论是在培养目标、培养模式还是在教学管理等方面,与普通高等教育都有明显的差异。  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育的地方性表现在:高等职业教育兼有社区教育和高等教育的双重特征,高等职业教育与地方社区经济的发展相融合。在高等职业教育的应用性人才培养方面,要正确理解“应用性人才”培养目标,合理安排理论教学与实践教学,注重毕业设计与生产实际相结合。  相似文献   

学校体育课程模式的研究是当前学校改革的重要课题之一.通过对福建省高职体育基本设施、师资学历、年龄、职称等情况及教学指导思想、体育课、课外体育活动等方面的调查研究,分析福建省高职院校体育课程模式现状,并提出了进行高职体育教学改革的几点建议.  相似文献   

高等职业教育培养目标的独特性决定了其课程设置理念的特色化。文章通过探讨高等职业教育课程设置的五个特色理念:动态生成性课程理念,整体建构性课程理念,真实体验性课程理念,人文素质性课程理念,政策导向性课程理念,力求优化课程体系,培养适应社会需求的高素质人才。  相似文献   

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