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Extant research has established that racially based brawn and brain frames are common within sports media. Framing theory suggests that these brawn and brain frames should influence audience members’ behaviors and attitudes, but little empirical evidence to support this notion exists. This study used a quasi-experimental design (Frame x Athlete Race) to understand how exposure to sports news articles that emphasize the physical or mental attributes of White and Black athletes may result in audiences’ subsequent observable behaviors or character judgments toward athletes. Results indicated that frames influenced audiences’ behaviors in a simulated environment and attitudes regarding athletes’ mental abilities, whereas athlete race influenced audiences’ attitudes of athletes’ physical abilities. These findings support sports scholars’ assertions about framing effects and underscore the potential dangers of current sports media trends.  相似文献   

本文运用西方新闻学研究的框架和符码理论对美国媒体有关中共“十六大”的报道进行定性和定量分析 ,旨在揭示美国媒体与主流意识形态间的互动关系 ,加深我们对美国媒体国际新闻报道运作规律的认识  相似文献   

This study sought to develop a typology of communication challenges perceived by frontline employees during the implementation of organizational change. A sample of midlevel managers (N = 166) self-reported 486 challenges they perceived encountering while implementing a new customer service program at a national textbook retailer. These perceived impediments were inductively analyzed into a five-tiered typology including (a) resistance from external stakeholders, (b) a lack of resources and decision-making authority, (c) personal management issues, (d) competing changes, and (e) staff resistance.  相似文献   

Recent theorizing in hostile media perception (HMP) has focused on the impact of news content on perceptions of media bias. Using a 2 (an outcome frame versus a value frame) × 2 (a societal frame versus an individual frame) experimental design (N = 114), this study examined the differential effects of news frames on perceptions of media bias. The results showed that an outcome frame induced relatively less HMP than a value frame. Further, a societal frame was more likely to elicit HMP than an individual frame when the medical abortion controversy was framed in term of values (vs. outcomes). Directions for future research on the potential impact of news framing on HMP were discussed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):177-206
The current research integrates and extends the notion of issue framing to the study of innovation-diffusion and explores the influence of frames on the formation of beliefs about a technological innovation. Frames reflecting a new note-taking software's attributes were developed based of the Unified Theory of Technology Adoption and tested within a randomized experiment. Results revealed a significant and unique framing effect. Frames influenced the psychological importance attached by adopters to specific attributes or beliefs about the technology rather than their generalized beliefs about technology. These salient beliefs, in turn, shaped the individual's expectations from technology and influenced their decision to adopt it. Of the frames tested, extrinsic frames that highlighted social influence factors had a stronger effect. This effect was strongest when the frame presents negative extrinsic information about the innovation. In contrast, frames that positively highlighted performance and ease of use of the innovation tended to create higher expectations from the innovation, get compared to the feature-based triggers in the innovation, and get rejected by users. Interestingly, though there was an attenuation of framing effects across all conditions after one week of actual technology use, the framing effect endured and significantly influenced perceptions about the technology's performance. The results suggest the possibility of using small changes in content to significantly alter the meaning attributed to a technology and powerfully influence its rate of adoption over time.  相似文献   

Based on qualitative data from participant interviews, this study explores how nonprofit arts managers construct the notion of career, and more specifically, how they frame the nature of their work and career choices. Findings revealed that participants employed a spiritual framework of calling, service, sacrifice, and personal rewards to socially construct, understand, and legitimate their nonprofit careers. These framing devices provided the language for participants to make sense of their career decisions and to define their career successes in terms of their own values instead of traditional measures of extrinsic rewards. As contemporary workers place increasing importance on meaningful work, spiritually centered discourse has implications for career theory and organizational practices in both for-profit and nonprofit sectors.  相似文献   

This study conducted a content analysis to examine how weight and race/ethnicity impacted how people were portrayed in the imagery accompanying broadcast and cable television news stories about obesity compared to stories about health. Five hundred and seven people were analyzed in 135 stories. Results showed that people who were overweight were often shown as an isolated body part, but their portrayal was not entirely stigmatizing. Overweight people were often shown exercising, which combats weight stereotypes. Additionally, race/ethnicity did not make the portrayal more stigmatizing. The results of the content analysis are discussed with an emphasis on the larger implications of the findings.  相似文献   

This study examines reactions to ethical and strategic framing in the news coverage of the embryonic stem cell research controversy, depending on the level of issue involvement. In order to test hypotheses regarding the effects of strategic vs. ethical frames and the moderating role played by issue involvement, an online experiment was conducted. Results indicated that these two frames interacted with issue involvement and generated different reactions among participants.  相似文献   

This experimental study assessed the effectiveness of fundraising messages. Based on recent findings regarding the effects of message framing and evidence, effective fundraising messages should combine abstract, statistical information with a negative message frame and anecdotal evidence with a positive message frame. In addition, building on research into social dilemmas, it was hypothesized that information about charity goal attainment (e.g., the contributions of others) should increase donation intentions. The hypotheses were tested in a 2 (goal attainment: yes/no)×2 (framing: positive/negative)×2 (evidence: statistical/anecdotal) factorial design. Abstract information was more effective when combined with a negatively framed message, whereas anecdotal information was more effective when combined with a positive frame. In addition, donation intentions were higher for messages that addressed charity goal attainment issues.  相似文献   

This research analyzes a peace-media initiative in Kenya designed to promote conflict resolution and reconciliation in the months following the 2007 post-election violence. This multifaceted intervention featured a 19-episode television talk show that aired in Kenya for six months; a series of open-air screenings of the show; and workshops held in eight areas heavily affected by the violence. Using criteria for evaluating “media for peace,” I evaluate the effectiveness of the program strategy and provide recommendations for practitioners and researchers. Based on interview data, and analysis of internal documents and the talk show, I assess the program's effectiveness and offer suggestions, which can be used by both practitioners and academics interested in peace media. In addition, the findings suggest that recognition of the other was an important part of the conflict resolution process as workshop members recognized their “enemies” and Kenyans from disparate parts of the country as similar to themselves in their experience of the violence. This research contributes to our understanding of the implementation of media-for-peace initiatives using a systemic evaluation process that academics and practitioners can use when designing, implementing, and researching these types of programs.  相似文献   

中国传媒产业习惯上采用行政官僚制度,在内部冲突管理上沿袭传统冲突管理理论,以消除内部纷争。不过,传媒企业的信息产业特点要求保持较激进的创新性与竞争性,使得传媒企业内部冲突行为必然不同于传统产业。本文应用组织行为理论,采用数理统计方法对境内上市传媒公司内部冲突行为动因给予实证研究,结果表明制度在抑制负向冲突、引导冲突走向等方面具有重要性。  相似文献   


We propose to submit the existence of the five generic frames advanced by Semetko and Valkenburg [2000. “Framing European Politics: A Content Analysis of Press and Television News.” Journal of Communication 50 (2): 93–109. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02843.x] to a qualitative validation test. We strive to enrich this theory, given its potential to do comparative research across borders, testing it outside the cultural context where it was created, and thus contributing to perfecting its research methods and application, with the inclusion of local frames, better adapted to the Latin American cultural space. A three-year sample of political coverage was analyzed in two Chilean mainstream newspapers often accused of uniform ideological perspective. Although the five frames are used, a simplified form of the conflict frame practically eclipses the other four in use. Two others were identified (“defense” and “informative”), as well a narrative perspective, almost like a meta-frame, which installs the perception that the journalist knows more than ordinary citizens, their colleagues and other political actors.  相似文献   

隐私报道是一个敏感而又较为复杂的问题,因此引起的争议也很多。笔者认为,在隐私报道的背后,涉及到新闻、法律、伦理和价值观四个层面(或许更多),各自掩盖着一种矛盾,正是这四种矛盾的冲突造成了记者对他人隐私报道的诸多争议。而如  相似文献   

This five-country study examined the extent to which the news coverage of the Iraq war by newspapers from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines and by one news agency from Pakistan is framed according to the principles of war/peace journalism outlined by Johan Galtung. The findings, based on a content analysis of 442 stories from eight newspapers, suggest a slight peace journalism framing. Two important factors shaping the news framing of the conflict and support for the war and for the protagonists in the war (Americans/British vs. Iraqis) are religion and sourcing. Newspapers from the non-Muslim countries, except the Philippines, have a stronger war journalism framing, and are more supportive of the war and of the Americans/British than the newspapers from the Muslim countries, which are more supportive of the Iraqis. Stories produced by foreign wire services have a stronger war journalism framing, and show more support for the war and for the Americans/British than stories written by the newspapers’ own correspondents.  相似文献   


Intellectual property rights are threatened by current trends in publishing and by the changing market. In this presentation, Patricia S. Schroeder, an advocate for intellectual property rights, describes the need for understanding and cooperation and for support for legislation to protect authors' rights.  相似文献   

The study of generational cohorts has seen an increase in popularity in scholarly and popular literature. Millennials comprise the newest cohort to enter the workplace. This study explores how managers use social categorization to make sense of their Millennial-generation employees. Data were collected through interviews conducted with managers in order to learn how they viewed and described Millennials. Twenty-five managers in the hospitality industry were interviewed. Data were analyzed by searching for membership categorization devices (MCDs), then patterns in usage and meaning of the devices were explored. Three patterns were identified in using MCDs to reference Millennials: “kids”, “age group,” and “Millennials”/variations of the term. These findings are examined in reference to how they may inform managerial behavior as well as guide further study of generational cohorts.  相似文献   

Managed care poses numerous opportunities and challenges for today's health care organizations and their employees. This article investigates the ways that hospital nurses develop and make sense of their professional roles and organizational environments in a changing and often uncertain managed care setting. The case study approach used in this research combined qualitative methodologies to gain a rich, detailed, and contextual understanding of nurses' work roles and organizational experiences. After an analysis of interviews with 24 nurses and observations of nurses' communicative activities on one inpatient unit, the complexity of sensemaking and role development in a managed care environment is considered. Conclusions are then drawn regarding the theoretical and pragmatic implications of nurses' communicative processes, as they attempted to develop and understand their roles in a changing organizational context.  相似文献   

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