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In this paper, we present and discuss the results of a survey of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. We shall first describe how those questions have been recently tackled in various programmes of higher education in France. We shall also analyse what faculty members have to say about their motivation or reluctance to enhance these new topics in their teaching. While this survey covered various fields of higher education, in this present, we mostly discuss the issues surrounding CSR teaching in engineering education.  相似文献   

公民教育包含着一种全新的教育理念,是以自由、民主、平等为基础,培养主体性公民的教育活动,它的倡导和开展可以培养人的主体性,健全人格,从而增强社会责任感。  相似文献   

社会责任心研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会责任心是个体积极主动地履行社会道德职责和义务的个性心理品质。国外学者已对社会责任心的概念、结构及影响因素等问题做了一些研究,并开发出了一批社会责任心的测量工具。我国社会责任心研究应在建立中国化的社会责任心内涵的基础上,确立具有本土化的社会责任心的结构模型、测量问卷以及培养策略。  相似文献   

In this paper I introduce the contributions to a special section of the journal: one devoted to the question of how engineering curricula can or should contribute to the preparation of graduates for socially responsible decision making and conduct. The special section is motivated by the circumstance that, although there is broad agreement that engineering education has a role in preparing its graduates for social responsibility, there is a considerable lack of clarity as to how graduates should be prepared for social responsibility, and what this entails for the engineering curricula. Bucciarelli and Conlon both provide reasons why, in order to prepare graduates adequately for social responsibility, considerations of the organisational, social, legal and political context in which engineers operate need to be included in the teaching. Conlon, in addition, explores the possible contributions that the field of sociology can make to this teaching. Heikkerö focuses on the attitudes that are required for socially responsible professional practice and that should be taught in engineering education. Didier and Huet present the results of a survey on how the issue of corporate social responsibility is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. Both Börsen and Zandvoort et al. report on courses that they teach, and which are aimed at preparing students for ethical and social responsibility.  相似文献   

超越象牙塔:现代大学的社会责任   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
早期的西方大学曾经具有与社会保持一定距离 ,以维护其学术研究和教学自由的历史传统。随着社会的发展 ,大学逐步走出了“象牙塔”,与社会的联系越来越密切 ,同时也使大学面临一种艰难的选择———如何既适应社会又崇尚学术 ,怎样才能在为经济和社会发展需要服务的同时保持大学应有的独立品格和价值追求。人类社会已经进入了全球化时代 ,时代强烈呼唤大学不仅要走出“象牙塔” ,还要超越“象牙塔” ,全面承担起时代赋予大学的教育责任、学术责任、既要服务又要引导社会前进的责任以及国际责任  相似文献   

面对目前高职院校学生社会责任感淡薄的现状,应加强高职学生思想道德教育,培养高职学生正确的价值理想,组织学生参加社会实践活动,构建社会、学校、家庭相结合的教育机制。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆社会责任的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆社会责任的履行在高校图书馆事业发展中具有重要的作用。本文研究阐述了高校图书馆在履行社会责任时所面临的挑战,并提出了高校图书馆社会责任实现的有效途径,以期为更为好地提高高校图书馆管理水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Introduction: Education is a fundamental right for all children, including those with disability [UN (United Nations). 2013 UN (United Nations). 2013. General Assembly, 68th Session. The Way Forward: A Disability-Inclusive Developmental Agenda Towards 2015 and Beyond: Report of the Secretary-General (A/68/95). June 14. (Masthead). (2012 Readex microfiche). [Google Scholar]. General Assembly, 68th Session. The Way Forward: A Disability-Inclusive Developmental Agenda Towards 2015 and Beyond: Report of the Secretary-General (A/68/95). June 14. (Masthead). (2012 Readex microfiche).]. Rwanda has numerous policies for inclusive education but has not been successful in implementing these standards nationally. A multisectoral approach, including interdisciplinary liaisons, is cited to achieve inclusive education. Occupational therapy services recently introduced in Rwanda contribute to reducing obstacles and facilitating the transition of children with disabilities into mainstream classrooms. Overcoming the barriers to inclusive education requires first identifying them before solutions are postulated. Objectives: This research maps the literature to demystify the barriers to implementing national policies for inclusive education. Methods: A scoping approach guided by the Arksey and O'Malley [2005. “Scoping Studies: Towards a Methodological Framework.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 8: 19–32] five-stage methodological framework was employed. Results: Seven themes emerged that impede the adoption of inclusive education: financial constraints, physical barriers, insufficient teacher training, cultural attitudes and discrimination, over-reliance on foreign aid, inadequate policies and legislation and ignoring cultural context in policies. Future research: Using a multisectoral approach with occupational therapists, a strategic demonstration project is recommended to: (a) re-operationalise policies, (b) prepare the environment and community, (c) train teachers, and (d) evaluate outcomes. The findings have the potential to assist other regions in identifying challenges to, and adopting, inclusive education in the future.  相似文献   

The study of human anatomy is an integral component in the education of future occupational therapists, yet there is a paucity of research that explores the anatomy needs of students and new practitioners. As a follow up from a pilot study that surveyed a small cohort of practicing therapists, this article aimed to determine occupational therapy (OT) practitioners' views on anatomy course structure and content deemed important to include in OT curricula, entry level practitioners' anatomy knowledge, and application of anatomy in current practice. A Likert scale and free text questionnaire was distributed to practicing occupational therapists across the United States. Fifty‐four percent of the participants in this cohort favored a standalone course, as compared to 94% in the pilot study group. Anatomy course content areas were comparable across groups. Systems identified as essential to cover in an OT anatomy course included skeletal, muscular, and nervous. Regions included the upper limb, thorax/trunk, head and neck, and lower limb. Seventy percent of participants in both groups felt that entry‐level practitioners had adequate anatomy knowledge; 30% did not. Practice areas requiring anatomy knowledge included assessment of joint movement, muscle strength, pain, and functional mobility. Qualitative analysis of free text response data revealed the importance of anatomy knowledge in OT assessment and intervention strategies, determining the impact of injury or disease on occupational performance, client safety, and communication with other health care professionals and families. Anat Sci Educ 11: 243–253. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在公司行为导致一系列社会问题的今天,如何看待公司社会责任,如何界定其内涵和性质,有经济责任论、道德责任论、法律责任论等观点。并拟结合各国立法情况对公司社会责任做进一步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

This paper examines the underexplored role adult education activities play as part of Canadian Mining Companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. We argue that adult education as CSR provides companies with a symbolic capital they can draw upon to detract from government oversight, increase profits, and continue operations. Taking place within a structure of increased corporate power and lacking any regulatory framework, CSR is often divorced from the overall ethos of a company. Moreover, the impact of adult educational initiatives on individuals and communities remains largely unknown, highlighting the need for further research.  相似文献   

论当代大学生的责任感教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人必然要追求有意义的人生。而追求意义人生,就要承担人生责任。文章从自我、家庭、职业、集体、他人、社会六个方面分析了当代大学生的责任感现状,在此基础上,提出了大学生责任感教育的对策:对个人来说,提高修养,树立正确的价值理想;对家庭、社会、学校来说,则要全力配合,突出教育重点内容,优化教育途径。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that volitional aspects, i.e. ethos, attitude, pathos, will, underlying emotion, in engineering action need to be addressed when teaching social responsibility within the engineering curriculum. After presenting reasons for this claim, I look at two different, but not mutually exclusive, approaches to address volitional aspects. First, the recent revival of virtue ethics can be applied in engineering ethics. A moderate version of virtue ethics can explicitly elaborate on the engineering virtues. The second way makes use of various processes, e.g. research, design, learning, negotiation, decision-making, and reconciliation as processes, as a forum for teaching. This approach can be used to indirectly reveal the functionality and dysfunctionality of different attitudes to the students. Practical didactic suggestions are presented.  相似文献   

The role of engineering in promoting global well-being has become accentuated, turning the engineering curriculum into a means of dividing well-being equally. The gradual fortifying calls for humanitarian engineering have resulted in the incorporation of social responsibility themes in the university curriculum. Cooperation, communication, teamwork, intercultural cooperation, sustainability, social and global responsibility represent the socio-cultural dimensions that are becoming increasingly important as globalisation intensifies the demands for socially and globally adept engineering communities. This article describes an experiment, the Development Cooperation Project, which was conducted at Aalto University in Finland to integrate social responsibility themes into higher engineering education.  相似文献   

企业社会责任是社会对企业所寄予的经济、法律、伦理和慈善期望的总和,是社会期望企业履行的义务。市场经济条件下,国有企业作为政府实现其经济社会职能的重要工具,其社会责任具有内生性,内容上也较一般的企业更为广泛,有其特殊的功能优势,应遵循特殊的准则,追求特殊的目标。国有企业履行社会责任应妥善处理企业基本社会责任和国有企业特殊社会责任的冲突,正确认识其与“企业办社会”、公益性捐赠的差异。国有企业社会责任的涉及面广,社会影响大,有必要建立政府、企业、社会联动的长效机制。  相似文献   

Prior literature suggests that teaching corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability has led to little development of students' reflexive engagement with the challenges of sustainable development. To shed light on this criticism, we apply sensemaking—as entailing the three stages of scanning for information, interpreting it and identifying alternatives of action—to CSR/sustainability education. Analysing cognitive maps of CSR, drawn by undergraduate finalists from a UK business school, we find that students are able to produce complex cognitive maps in terms of scanning for information; however, cognitive bottlenecks occur at the second and third stages of sensemaking. A key pedagogical challenge is, therefore, to support students in moving beyond scanning towards developing meaning and acting on that basis. By introducing a sensemaking lens, we add to a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with CSR education as it aids (or impedes) critical engagement and action.  相似文献   

农村社会保障的国家责任   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在社会转型时期,由于我们的社会还没有充分发育,市场存在着失败.因此,农村社会保障只有由国家和政府来承担主体责任,成为农村社保资金的主要提供者、农村社保政策法规的制定者和执法环境的维护者,才能最低限度地满足广大农村居民对社会保障的制度需求.  相似文献   

本文对社会责任心概念进行了整合,描述是了当代青年责任心培养对于中国社会发展进步的重要意义,并从自身、家庭、学校和宏观环境四个角度出发,提出了激发青年学生的社会责任感的有效措施。  相似文献   

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