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This study examines predictors of relational, and sexual, satisfaction. Specifically, it is hypothesized that the discrepancy between real and ideal conflict management style is antecedent to relational satisfaction, which is a direct antecedent of sexual satisfaction. It is suggested that communicating in the manner that one sees as ideal is important in predicting relational satisfaction. Surveys including measures for conflict management style, relational satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction were administered to 290 participants. These data were consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

刘锦源 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(4):57-59,34
在回顾服务承诺理论与实践研究的基础上,建立了一个以服务承诺特征为前因、以服务价值和满意度为媒介、以读者推荐和续用意向为结果的结构方程模型。在服务承诺实践真实情景下的调研数据表明:值得信任的承诺内容,方便快捷的操作程序有助于增强读者对图书馆服务价值和满意的认知,进而提高读者对于图书馆服务的推荐与续用意向。研究结果同时引申出若干图书馆服务承诺实践建议。  相似文献   

Links among demographics, motivation for using the Internet, cognitive and affective involvement, and Internet dependency were investigated. By integrating uses and gratifications theory and media dependency research, motivation was found to play a more important antecedent role in explaining Internet dependency than demographics, and cognitive and affective involvement mediated the relationship between motivation and Internet dependency. This finding supported the uses and gratifications argument that certain factors intervene in the media uses and effects process between motivation to communicate and outcomes of communication behavior such as media use.  相似文献   

The field of behavioral medicine has developed out of a convergence of several antecedent disciplines, most noticeably psychosomatic medicine, and behavioral psychology. Definitions of the field vary, but it is generally agreed to involve the formal application of behavioral principles to problems of clinical medicine. This application may take the form of behavioral techniques which (a) facilitate biomedical treatment, (b) assist in the modification of habits with undesirable health consequences, (c) assist in the treatment of stress-related diseases, or (d) produce direct alterations in pathological states. This article defines and traces the field of behavioral medicine. Relevant journal literature is discussed.  相似文献   

Research on trust in organizations shows that it facilitates relationships, cooperation between individuals and organizations, organizational commitment, and employees’ motivation to innovate. Organizational justice, which refers to perceptions of the fairness of workplace outcomes or processes, is often considered an antecedent to managerial and organizational trust. The current research sought to determine whether different types of justice relate to managerial and organizational trust in unique ways. Participants from numerous organizations representing two geographic regions were surveyed regarding their last performance appraisal. Results indicate that procedural justice was the strongest predictor of both organizational and managerial trust, distributive justice only predicted managerial trust, and interactional justice did not predict either type of trust.  相似文献   

This multi-experiment study builds upon extant political entertainment theory, testing whether satire type (horatian versus juvenalian) cues varying processing mechanisms (message discounting versus resource allocation), and if consequential differences to argument scrutiny levels or message persuasiveness result. Using novel stimuli (e.g., animated cartoons, study one) and real-world late-night political satire (The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, study two), results suggest that satire type was a key antecedent in political humor message processing. Additionally, the varying mechanisms had differential effects on political argument scrutiny levels and message persuasiveness.  相似文献   

Burnout plays a fundamental role in students' lives. Although research has examined important themes and topics associated with the learning process (e.g., teacher behaviors), additional research is needed that explores how students influence their own learning. This study presents the results of a survey examining the precipitators of student burnout. More than 350 students were surveyed to access students' perceptions of what constitutes burnout as well as the extent to which burnout exists in their lives. A constant comparison method was employed to analyze students' comments, and five categories of antecedent conditions emerged: assignment overload, outside influences, lack of personal motivation, mental and physical health, and instructor attitude and behavior). Interpretations of findings in this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous health communication studies have highlighted the importance of factual knowledge as an antecedent to health behavior, but few have explored other dimensions of health knowledge, such as structural knowledge. This study seeks to fill this gap by investigating conceptual differences between these two kinds of knowledge in the context of breast cancer in Singapore, and find out how communication and motivational factors are related to them. Using a nationally representative random-digit-dialing survey of women aged 30–70 (N = 802), results showed that interpersonal communication and elaboration were associated with both knowledge types. Attention to online health news and the level of risk perception were positively associated with structural knowledge but not factual knowledge. Theoretical and practical implications for health communication were discussed.  相似文献   

《科研失信行为调查处理规则》(以下简称《规则》)出台后,针对科技期刊编辑部如何查处科研失信行为的程序问题研究仍处于空白状态。本文以《规则》为分析基点,以查处程序为分析脉络,剖析了科技期刊编辑部查处科研失信行为的公正、秩序和效益价值,并展现了其查处科研失信行为所面临的规范依据不足、主体责任意识缺乏、查处体系混乱的程序困境。通过对《规则》的法教义学分析,构建了以前置程序、调查程序、处理程序及救济程序为内容的程序体系。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从用户视角研究感知有用与易用性对用户移动视觉搜索行为意向的影响,对于理解用户移动视觉搜索行为、改善与扩展MVS的应用与搜索服务具有积极的指导意义。[方法/过程]基于技术接受模型和移动搜索行为意向影响的相关研究,构建了感知有用性与感知易用性对移动视觉搜索的影响的研究模型,并开展结构方程模型对研究假设进行验证和分析。[结果/结论]结果表明,感知有用性与感知易用性对三种移动视觉搜索应用方式的行为意向均有正向影响作用;同时,两者的影响作用受到用户自身特征、搜索期望以及系统特征等方面的多重作用,且对两者起作用的前因变量不尽相同。  相似文献   

中国现代档案学的创建是现代学术发展与社会转型的结果。20世纪初期,整理旧王朝出土和遗留的历史档案,以及改革现行公文程式、文书处理与档案管理等不同性质的档案问题集中到来,史学、图书馆学和行政学等先行现代学科自觉展开相应问题的档案研究。20世纪30年代后期,在现代学术交流机制的推动下,档案学学术共同体初步形成。1940年文华图书馆学专科学校为申请增设档案管理专科致教育部的呈文是中国现代档案学的独立宣言。中国档案学独立化过程表明,中国现代档案学在创建之初具有中国化内驱力和综合性学科属性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 信任是社交媒体和用户之间的桥梁,但频发的隐私侵犯事件常使社交媒体陷入信任危机。因此,在隐私侵犯后,如何重建用户信任至关重要。[方法/过程] 回顾信任修复相关研究,基于社交媒体隐私侵犯的具体情境构建信任修复的四元结构模型,通过调查问卷搜集有效问卷324份,并使用PLS-SEM和fsQCA进行探讨和验证。[结果/结论] 研究结果发现,社交媒体的行动修复策略和政府介入的净效应显著,社交媒体的言语修复策略和技术第三方的净效应不显著。但经fsQCA的组合分析发现,社交媒体言语修复和技术第三方可以与其他变量一起触发高强度信任修复,此外,分析结果中的8种高信任修复的前因变量组合可以为隐私侵犯后的信任修复策略提供参考。  相似文献   

张嵩  汤亚男  陈昊 《图书情报工作》2021,65(14):109-118
[目的/意义] 通过社交媒介进行信息转发已成为慈善信息扩散的重要手段,对扩大筹款范围和提高筹款效率起着关键作用。旨在探讨影响慈善信息转发行为的关键前因要素及其作用机理。[方法/过程] 基于说服传播理论,从信息渠道、信息来源、信息接受者和信息内容4个层面厘清影响公众转发态度的前因要素;引入双重态度理论,揭示外显态度和内隐态度对转发行为的作用差异。通过SC-IAT实验和问卷调查相结合的方式收集数据,使用结构方程模型方法对模型进行验证。[结果/结论] 研究发现,相较于外显态度通过作用于转发意愿进而影响转发行为,内隐态度可以直接对转发行为进行预测;外显态度的形成受到社会联结强度、来源可信度和信息质量的影响,而内隐态度仅由来源可信度塑造。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]社交媒体环境下意见领袖与受众社群间形成了自运转、自循环的范围舆情系统,有效甄别意见领袖并评价其影响力对加强网络舆情管控具有实践意义。[方法/过程]结合OCA扩展理论、群际关系理论、舆情场势理论以及SIC理论,通过系统动力学分析意见领袖作用、前因变量及其动因机制,构建意见领袖影响力评价体系的一般性框架,提出一种变权重灰色关联度的意见领袖甄别算法,并以舆情话题"11·3留日女生遇害案"进行实证研究。[结果/结论]"蝴蝶图示"架构了意见领袖作用与前因变量的因果关系及反馈回路,揭示了舆情系统内社群生态与意见领袖作用协同演化的内在机理;本文提出的理论模型具有多维度测度、权重集科学、算法性能优越等特点,适用于社交网络中意见领袖形成的动态过程。  相似文献   

The governments worldwide have attached great importance to open government data (OGD), and many OGD projects have emerged in recent years. However, the performance of OGD greatly differs in various districts and governments. Therefore, the influencing factors of OGD performance should be explored. However, the existing research has not yet established a systematic analytical framework for OGD performance, and the explanation degree of performance differences in OGD implementation is limited. Thus, this study takes technical management capacity, financial resource, organization arrangement, rules and regulations, organization culture, public demand, and inter-government competition as antecedent conditions under the perspective of technology–organization–environment framework and resource-based theory. From the cases of 16 provincial OGD practice in China, we employ fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to explore the influencing mechanism of the interaction and coordination of multiple conditions on OGD performance. Results indicate that OGD performance depends on the integration of the total effect of various factors. Moreover, four configurational paths could be utilized to achieve high OGD performance, namely, organization–balanced path, organization–environment path, balanced path, and organization–technology path. Furthermore, a substitution relationship exists among different conditional variables, which points out the direction and focus of the implementation of OGD for governments with different endowment characteristics. This study enriches the existing studies of OGD implementation and provides references for OGD practice.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面对海量专利文献,如何使用户快速、精准地掌握知识,是优化专利服务的关键课题.中文专利文献中大量存在的零形回指现象,严重影响了知识的自动识别与提取,但由于专利文献零形回指识别与消解涉及到众多文本分析技术及特定资源建设,因此,目前尚未发现针对性研究.[方法/过程]在物性结构理论、语义角色及修辞结构关系理论的指导下,展开相关规则的研究,开发句法及语义角色标注工具和篇章标注工具两种工具,并构建了4个资源库:①"专利动词物性角色库",将专利的动词归纳为4类;②"专利知识论元结构库",用于自动标注专利动词物性角色及其论元结构;③"专利动词论元结构规则库",用于分析零形回指的先行语;④"零形回指修辞结构类型库",用于分析当零形回指搭配"功能角色"和"部件角色"的情况.[结果/结论]通过资源库的建设,得出5条消解规则.初步成果已成功应用于机械领域专利文献的自动处理工作.  相似文献   

Employing attachment theory and self-determination theory, this study argues that attachment style represents essential innate needs for social connection among individuals and an important antecedent factor in social media research. Thus, attachment style influences how individuals use Facebook for social interaction to satisfy their need for relatedness and achieve psychological well-being. The results from university and national samples showed that individuals with high secure attachment gain satisfaction of the need for relatedness and perceive positive well-being, individuals with high attachment avoidance do not use Facebook for need satisfaction and perceive negative well-being, and individuals with high anxious attachment gain a sense of community through Facebook but still perceive loneliness. Indirect analyses showed that individuals with high secure and anxious attachment dimension lead to higher Facebook use, which provides a higher level of satisfaction of relatedness needs and results in more positive psychological outcomes. Additionally, communication with good friends on both Facebook and offline predicted higher well-being. These results successfully linked attachment theory to the self-determination process and extended both theories into the realm of social media. This study also provided a theoretical framework for future studies to examine the association between Facebook use and well-being. After controlling for personality traits including extraversion and self-esteem, attachment style still had considerable influence on psychological well-being, showing that attachment style is a distinct factor in predicting variances in well-being and further showing that innate need for relatedness is important when studying the need satisfaction process in social media. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Facial recognition technology has been adopted for the better delivery of m-government services, but the ease and frequency with which users' personal information is being accessed and misused have inevitably increased. This has recently triggered a new phenomenon of privacy fatigue in e-governance, which makes people feel powerless to protect their privacy. A comprehensive understanding of users' privacy fatigue is important, since negative user perceptions may lead to disengagement and the distrust of the government. Drawing on the Person-Environment fit theory and user agency perspective, this study examines the antecedents of privacy fatigue, manifested as emotional exhaustion and cynicism. A large-scale telephone survey allowed data to be collected from 3, 436 users of facial recognition-based m-Gov services in China. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) results reveal that: (1) privacy fatigue indeed occurs among the users of facial recognition-based m-Gov services in China; (2) the perceptions of privacy control is the core antecedent of users' privacy fatigue, which influences two dimension—emotional exhaustion and cynicism—in different directions; (3) the effectiveness of both privacy self-efficacy and government legislation positively influences perceived privacy control, while the effect of the effectiveness of privacy policies on it is insignificant. This study contributes to the research by empirically testing the notion and antecedents of privacy fatigue in the context of facial recognition-based m-Gov services, and provides a mechanism analysis with an overarching theoretical framework. In addition, the findings may generate new research avenues related to privacy fatigue under an AI-enabled government.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从高校图书馆用户出发,引入图书馆焦虑的前因变量学业压力和后果变量到馆行为,构建理论模型并进行检验。[方法/过程]通过问卷调研获得226位高校图书馆用户数据,并采用标记变量法控制潜在的共同方法偏差,利用偏最小二乘结构方程(PLS-SEM)验证新的图书馆焦虑量表的结构,并检验图书馆焦虑与其前因变量和后果变量的关系。[结果/结论]验证5个维度18项的图书馆焦虑量表并发现共同方法偏差对图书馆焦虑测量的影响,说明利用标记变量法控制共同方法偏差适用于图情领域的实证研究。在控制共同方法偏差的影响后,发现学业压力对高校图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑产生显著负向影响,并间接影响用户到馆频次。同时,图书馆焦虑直接影响高校图书馆用户到馆频次并间接影响其到馆停留时间。这说明了高校图书馆用户图书馆焦虑的前因变量和后果变量,揭示了图书馆焦虑产生的内在机制,为理解我国图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的实证依据,也为图书馆缓解用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的思路。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]追求优质内容生产还是知识付费情境建设,是知识付费平台需要面对的重要权衡,本研究旨在为知识付费平台建设和知识营销策略优化提供指导。[方法/过程]采用定性比较分析方法,探究影响在线用户知识付费行为的主要因素及前因构型,分析"内容"(Content)"情境"(Context)"辨识"(Conciousness)各自作用和协同并发对用户知识付费行为的复杂影响机理。[结果/结论]根据实证析出的典型路径发现:①"内容-情境-辨识"(CCC)联动匹配的组态能够激活研究框架,驱动在线用户"行为"(Behavior)选择生成;②付费产品中"内容质量*内容效用*合法化"是用户需求响应的核心条件,付费情境中"群体规范"是用户知识扩散行为的充分条件;③存在5种高解释力的复杂解结果,对网络交易论以及本文倡导的用户知识付费观的影响及整体效益有所差异;④与许多文献结论不同的是:受限认知能够成为用户行为决策的支持性因素,而涉入认知却成为组态中起调和性作用的变量,需要与具体情境因素共同促成用户选择;⑤不同参与条件的搭配存在"结果等同但效益不等同"的等价替代作用,具体条件及其组合可以通过等价替代的方式促成用...  相似文献   

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