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More and more frequently, infants and preschoolers with special needs are being included in classrooms with typically developing children. This article suggests ideas for teachers—practical ideas about how to cope with the challenge of inclusion, how to address the needs of the group as well as how to further the comfort and learning of each child in an integrated setting.  相似文献   

Robert Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Scotland, is interviewed by Stephen Jackson, who attempts to assess progress made since he criticised Scottish provision for training teachers of the handicapped in Special Education , September 1971  相似文献   

The practice of integrated education for pupils with special needs has been attempted nationally in Portugal. This has prompted the development of area support teams across the country. Whilst this is a positive move, it has created a pressure for specialist training of teachers. This demand is yet to be fulfilled; an example of an inservice course is outlined in this report.  相似文献   

全纳教育的核心内涵就是教育公平.特殊儿童作为弱势群体中一个规模较大的群体,在其接受教育时,用全纳教育的思想指导,更有利于特殊儿童享受公平的教育权利.本文基于全纳教育视角,试图从受教育权利平等、教育过程的公平及教育结果的公平三个方面论述教育公平理念,并在此基础上提出促进全纳教育的发展是促进特殊儿童教育公平的有效途径.  相似文献   

Three studies that explore the usefulness and effectiveness of computers for training language skills of young children with communication disabilities are reviewed. A study of eight toddlers with Down syndrome compared traditional individual language intervention with computer-based instruction for developing comprehension of vocabulary and early grammatical patterns over a period of three months. Both approaches showed a similar, highly significant effect, indicating that computer-based intervention was as successful as traditional one-to-one language therapy.
A second study used 52 children (ages 4–10) who were enrolled in special education classes for children with severe language, learning and behavioral disabilities. The effectiveness of adding twice a week, 30-minute interactive computer language training sessions to the regular classsroom language curriculum was examined. Children showed significantly more progress in vocabulary, general language ability and social communication during the 10 week period they were receiving the computer training.
Lastly, the effectiveness of using a parent volunteer to work with toddlers on computer-based language tasks was compared with language progress when these children worked with a professional speech language pathologist. Four out of five of the children showed more progress when working with the parent volunteer.
The article concludes with a discussion of educational considerations for planning computer-based language intervention and includes a sample language lesson for the computer as well as software evaluation guidelines.  相似文献   

在隆重庆祝新中国成立60周年和见证澳门回归10周年的喜庆日子里,我们满怀豪情迎来了中国人民的"虎"年--2010年!在这虎虎生威的吉祥气氛里,我谨代表<中国特殊教育>杂志社的全体同仁,通过<中国特殊教育>杂志,向全国和世界有特殊需要的朋友及其家人,向从事特殊教育事业的全体同行,向关心和支持特殊教育事业的领导和社会各界友好,致以新春的祝福!  相似文献   

Principles affecting inservice training of teachers are influenced by national technological and demographic developments as well as the economic and political climate. Effects of these different factors are discussed briefly and illustrated by the experience of one College's inservice course for teachers of pupils with special educational needs.  相似文献   

试论大特殊教育观   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
本文从我国社会基础,特殊教育发展趋势,特殊教育与普通教育关系,服务对象概念的变化,特殊教育安置形式和实践特征等方面阐述了大特殊教育的观念,宏观地勾画了我国特殊教育发展的新前景  相似文献   

扩大随班就读规模 提高随班就读质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,特别是近10年来,我国特殊教育事业得到了很大的发展,仅从学生数量增长角度看便可说明这个问题:截至2002年,全国三类残疾儿童少年在校人数已近40万,比1990年增加了4倍多.残疾儿童少年入学人数猛增,原因固然是多方面的,其中很重要的一点,就是从20世纪80年代末开始在全国范围内大力推进了残疾儿童少年随班就读工作.随班就读的学生从1993年统计部门第一次正式统计的6.88万人增加到目前的25万人,这使得残疾儿童少年义务教育的普及率有了较快提高,特殊教育事业因此有了长足的进展.由此可以得出一个结论:随班就读这种安置残疾儿童少年接受义务教育的形式,对于推动我国特殊教育事业的发展起了举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   


The paper discusses some theoretical and practical problems in using information technology to help people with special needs with some aspects of education. The paper reports the progress on two projects and some findings from a recent survey on Information Technology and Special Needs.  相似文献   

Many initiatives relating to young people's sexual health have focused on under 16s. Yet, most young people become sexually active between the ages of 16 and 19 and 80 per cent of under-18 conceptions are to 16- and 17-year-olds. The shift from school to further education marks a time of transition in young people's lives. It is a time when information and support with sexual health issues is particularly relevant.
Reforms to the further education sector invite a fresh look at how every young person's health and well-being can best be supported. This is in the context of the government teenage pregnancy strategy, which aims to reduce under-18 conceptions. This paper reports on research conducted by the Sex Education Forum with young people and staff in further education settings across England. This research was used to write guidance on the provision of sexual health services for young people in further education settings, which was published by the Department for Education and Skills and with support from the Department of Health and ministerial backing in June 2007.  相似文献   

上海市特殊教育师资的需求及其对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文回顾了上海市特殊教育师资队伍建设及其培养的工作基础,探 讨了上海市特殊教育发展对师资的需求和挑战,提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

"特殊需要"已成为当代特殊教育的核心概念,关注并建立基于"特殊需要"的特殊教育研究具有重要的理论价值和实践价值,它既为批判和审视以往传统教育实践中对残疾、障碍现象的歧视倾向和根源提供新视角,同时也为实现"满足学生的特殊教育需要"目标、反思特殊教育理论研究、加快特殊教育学科建设提供理论依据和方法论启示。  相似文献   


Behavioral modification techniques were evaluated by observing litter collection behavior of commercial rafting groups. A verbal appeal and role modeling comprised a treatment intended to prompt litter pickup. Designated pieces of trash were planted at the first night's campsite. The number of litter pieces retrieved by treatment and control groups was deemed statistically significant at the .10 alpha level. Treatment groups left campsites cleaner; therefore, results support the hypothesis that verbal appeal and role modeling by river guides can be effective litter control techniques.  相似文献   

随着教育事业的发展,有特殊教育需要幼儿的入园人数已显著增长, 学前随班就读的一体化教育体制已成必须。虹口区十二所幼儿园就普通幼 儿园随班就读的管理、师资建设、评估与安置、教育策略等方面进行了随班就 读的教学实践研究,对幼儿园中如何进行特殊儿童的教育进行了探索,并讨 论了学前随班就读成功的原因以及所存在的问题。  相似文献   

我国大陆特殊儿童家庭教育研究综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在普通儿童的成长过程中,家庭教育发挥着尤为重要的作用,对于特殊儿童来说更是如此。本文从研究对象、研究者、研究视角、研究内容等方面对我国大陆特殊儿童家庭教育这一领域已有研究进行归纳总结,并对现状进行分析,力图为今后特殊儿童家庭教育研究提供一些建议。  相似文献   

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