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为了提高全体国民的素质,梁启超主张兴办师范教育,他从理论到实践进行了卓有成效的探索,对师范教育提出了许多有益的建议。在师范教育逐步向教师教育转型的今天,对师范教育的再认识有助于促进我国教师教育的改革。  相似文献   

中学现有英语师资的素质与现代社会的需求极不吻合,存在着知识结构不合理、能力水平较低、现代教育理念滞后等差距,通过继续教育尽快提高中学英语教师的基本素质是当务之急.文章主要探讨当前中学英语教师存在的主要问题及对其进行继续教育的有效途径.  相似文献   

Making Consistent Judgments (MCJ) was a systemic professional development program designed to increase teachers’ capacity to make consistent judgments about students’ achievement of educational standards in government schools in Western Australia; the MCJ program was in operation from 2004 to 2007 (Department of Education and Training 2007 Department of Education and Training. 2007. Department of Education and Training annual report 2006–2007, East Perth, Western Australia: Government of Western Australia. Available at www.det.wa.edu.au/education/AnnualReport/docs/det0607.pdf [Google Scholar]; 2008). The author describes the MCJ program as a case study in the context of the educational environment in which it was implemented and evaluated. Data were collected as a result of participant observation, documentation, and artefacts. Examples are drawn from the English learning area.  相似文献   

本文在明确面向21世纪中小学老师继续教育的必要性和意义的前提下,结合我校的教育改革,着重探讨了中小学教师继续教育的层面与目标、课程内容与设置、培训模式与方法三个最为重要的问题,并论及了在教师教育一体化的思想下师教育改革的若干问题。  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the relationships between the understanding of gender equity and gender issues in education held by academic staff in an institute of higher education, and their views on the importance of incorporating gender into the curriculum. The paper discusses findings pertaining to how academics approach gender issues in their teaching in their relationships with students and with other members of staff. In so doing the question is raised—what messages are trainee teachers receiving about gender issues? The findings also discuss some of the pedagogical implications arising from the absence of theoretical perspectives or orientations in relation to gender in preservice teacher education.  相似文献   

本文采用“边界机制”理论分析一位师范生的顶岗实习经历,从中反观教师教育课程.作者认为,作为教师教育课程的一部分,教育实习应该与理论学习紧密衔接,教育实习也应帮助实习生理解和运用在师范院校课堂上获得的理论知识.笔者进一步提出以具体教学任务为核心,提供多种课程资源,促进教学反思的教师教育课程模式.  相似文献   

教师教育过程中教师职业倦怠的组织应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师职业倦怠的普遍现象已经引起我国教育界、心理学界的广泛关注。教师教育作为教师培养和成长的主要载体,在整个教师教育体系中设置科学规范化的组织策略,将有助于避免或减少教师职业倦怠感的产生,进而完善教师从职前培养、人职教育到在职培训的一体化进程,以确保我国教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

教师教育中的反思性实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试从哲学上的“反思”谈起,进而从几个不同的方面论述教师教育中的反思性实践,包括:反思性实践的由来;反思性实践的突出特点——突破理论与实践二元分裂的传统;教师的实践知识和实践智慧;并在此基础上揭示反思性实践对于教师专业成长的意义。  相似文献   

对中学数学教师继续教育工作进行调查和分析 ,从而探讨提高继续教育质量的策略。  相似文献   


The physical education teacher education (PETE) pipeline makes it clear to historically racially minoritized pre-service teachers the value of White norms and experiences while simultaneously “othering” their cultural knowledge. Using Critical Race Theory, Critical Whiteness Studies, and emotionality as theoretical frameworks, this visual narrative inquiry explored self-identified Black and Latinx pre-service physical education teachers’ (n = 10) stories of a racialized identity within predominantly White PETE programs as well as the emotionality of whiteness for myself as a White researcher and teacher educator. I utilized narrative-based semi-structured and conversational interviews, along with photo-elicitation, as methods of data collection. The results contrast participants’ experiences of normalized racism with my heightened emotions of shock and dismay, shedding light on my own white emotionality toward racism. The critical examination of the emotions of whiteness demonstrated the potential to lead PETE faculty toward deeper reflection as to how whiteness is upheld, but also how they might further work to de-center whiteness within their pedagogies, curricula, and programs.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that doping in sports is, by definition, cheating. If we allow that cheating is advantage-seeking behavior utilized by one party in an agreement-defined activity that disallows that behavior, then taking drugs when others do not is cheating. The focus of this definition is on the intentions and purpose of the actor, which is primarily about advantage seeking. This article will argue that the effect of anabolic steroid addiction on the volition of the actor caeteris paribus invalidates the adequacy of cheating to describe this behavior.  相似文献   

培养跨世纪人才需要一支高素质的教师队伍。在现代教育环境下起码应具备师德素质、业务素质、教法素质、语言能力、科研素质,五个方面的素质。  相似文献   

世界教师教育正发生着重大转型,最显著的特质是教师教育向专业化方向发展。本文探讨了转型期世界教师教育的现状、课程和教学模式、专业化发展趋势和教师教育改革的基本经验。在此基础上,尝试探索中国教师教育发展策略。  相似文献   

随着教师教育改革的推进,传统的学前师资培养的弊端日渐显现出来。借鉴中小学教师教育的模式及课程设置,试图从学术引导、专业化培养、优化课程、转变模式及政府辅助等方面提高学前师资培养的质量,促进学前教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

为了培养优秀的教师候选人,美国教师教育项目开展了教师品性评价。该评价贯穿于教师候选人的整个学习和实习期间,旨在使教师候选人的品性在不断的反馈中得到充分发展。美国各高校教师教育项目对教师候选人的成功至关重要的品性评价内容进行界定。评价所使用的方法包括行为检核表、评价量表、访谈和品性反思文章。品性评价的实施涉及教师品性评价介绍课程、签订教师品性评价协议、四次主要评价、不定时的评价和评价结果的应用。教师品性的改进采用发挥教授和导师的模范作用、教师品性研讨会、品性改进课程和PDR-PREP方法等途径。  相似文献   

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