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Although there is no agreed definition of teaching excellence, ‘excellent teaching’ is an accepted notion. However, recent discussion about the recognition of quality teaching and the rise of standards frameworks has challenged the notion of teaching excellence as rewarded in teaching excellence schemes. It has raised questions about how we evaluate quality teaching and whether, and how, excellent teaching, as awarded in such schemes, differs from good teaching. Applicants for teaching awards are required to present themselves and their teaching for judgement in a prescribed genre. This article analyses two national teaching excellence award schemes which were established as comparable in geographical, temporal and socio-political terms. Erving Goffman’s theory of presentation of self is used to investigate the way in which university award winners have responded to the criteria required by the schemes. The task for the teachers is dual in that they must present themselves as excellent teachers and provide relevant evidence in a compelling presentation of self. The research approach was primarily interpretive, involving the close analysis of award winners’ texts from a period of five years. Discourse analysis was undertaken of both the criteria required for excellence and the response of applicants to the criteria in their presentation of self in the citation which accompanies the application. Adherence to the prescribed genre and skilful presentation of self are revealed as key determinants of the recognition of award-winning teachers as excellent teachers. Paradoxically, while the awards are for excellence in teaching, the mediation of the written word in skilful presentation of self is essential in order to receive an award.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of an award scheme provided by one of the Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs). The award scheme provides financial and other support for lecturers teaching higher education in colleges of further education. Award schemes are common to most of the CETLs and have also been provided in some institutions. The article discusses findings from a focus group discussion held with recipient practitioners. The focus group discussion was part of a study of the impact of the CETLs on reward and recognition for teaching, funded through the Higher Education Academy. The article locates the award scheme in the wider context of the national CETL initiative and in the changing structure and function of further education. The impact of the award is examined in terms of the opportunities and benefits experienced by the individual lecturers and also in terms of the impact on the wider policy agenda of the CETL initiative to improve reward and recognition for teaching.  相似文献   


The Community College Futures Assembly convenes annually as a national policy forum for key opinion leaders to work as a “think tank” in identifying critical issues facing the future of community colleges and to recognize Bellwether Finalist colleges as trend-setting institutions. Ten Bellwether finalists in each of the three award categories are competitively selected and featured as presenters at the Assembly. Finalists then share the lessons they have learned with representatives of colleges interested in replicating their programs.  相似文献   


With increasing moves globally towards the professionalisation of teaching in Higher Education, there is growing interest in the role of accredited professional recognition schemes that provide professional development for established university teaching staff. In the UK, There are now over 120 professional recognition schemes, resulting in institutionally focused evaluation studies examining their impact. This article contributes to this emerging body of work; it draws on cross-institutional data and Foucauldian theorising to address two important questions. In what ways does engagement with an institutional professional recognition scheme impact on participants’ teaching development, and how does institutional culture influence that engagement? The data illustrate that whilst institutional culture drives engagement, it did little to promote teaching development. Across the case-study institutions, neo-liberalism agendas were apparent. Some staff felt pushed to achieve professional recognition in response to the increasing use of metrics to measure the student experience and to inform institutional standing in league tables. Whilst evidence shows the process of seeking accreditation can lead to an enhancement in teaching practices, caution must be taken to ensure that the professional development opportunities offered by accreditation schemes are fully realised.  相似文献   


At a time of intense interest in third level teaching in the Ireland, the UK, and the US, this paper describes an effort underway at University College Cork (UCC) to foster a new kind of scholarship, a scholarship of teaching and learning. Although impelled by the announcement in 2001 of an award for Excellence in Teaching at UCC, the project was framed by ideas first outlined by Ernest Boyer (1990) in his provocative book, Scholarship Reconsidered. This paper describes how Boyer's concept of a “scholarship of teaching” was implemented at UCC through a reflective portfolio inquiry process; presents the value and meanings staff say they find in engaging in a portfolio process; and, concludes with a consideration of the sometimes sobering institutional implications of this work. This case study of an institutions experience is one contribution to an evolving genre currently being invented: a new way of capturing and conveying the knowledge of teaching.  相似文献   


Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) reviewed its policy of awarding academic credit to students for successful completion of the General College Level Examination Program (CLEP), which many institutions use to determine whether students should be awarded credit for knowledge and skills acquired through off-campus programs, life experiences, or self-study. The review revealed several areas of concern about the use of CLEP at VWCC. The findings from this study should be of interest to all institutions that either now award CLEP credit or are considering the adoption of a CLEP credit policy: (1) Faculty review committees questioned the content validity of several of the examinations. (2) Administration of the examinations to VWCC students who successfully completed CLEP courses produced low correlations between CLEP scores and course grades. (3) CLEP policies vary considerably among Virginia's institutions of higher education and this creates serious transfer problems. (4) There are advantages to raising the CLEP cutoff point to the national 50th percentile.  相似文献   

The Community College Futures Assembly has served as a national independent policy think tank since 1995. Its purpose is to articulate the critical issues facing American community colleges and recognize leading-edge trendsetting programs. Convening annually in January in Orlando, Florida, the Assembly offers a learning environment where tough questions are raised, critical issues are discussed, and policy implications are challenged. The 2006 Community College Futures Assembly focused on “The New Rules of Business.”

This special focus issue of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice highlights the “best practices” of 30 Bellwether trend-setting institutions. These institutions competitively presented their “lessons learned” to representatives of colleges interested in replicating their award winning programs. In each of the three award categories, Instructional Program and Services; Planning, Governance and Finance; and Workforce Development; 10 Bellwether finalists were competitively selected. Finalists were featured as presenters at the assembly to share their leading-edge ideas with participants. Three institutions then won the prestigious Bellwether Award in their respective category.  相似文献   


The article discusses how sections of a video can best be used in the instructional process by activating the minds of students and using their reactions to viewing to produce intellectual action. It gives some suggested schemes for this activity and shows how technological forces can become energies of change.  相似文献   


This article considers the involvement of schools and teachers in schemes which develop work with young offenders as an alternative to prosecution. Data from one such experimental scheme are presented and discussed. Issues are raised about the consequences of schools’ involvement in this kind of policy initiative which begins outside the educational system and entails co‐operation with professional workers in other statutory agencies. A central theme is whether a tightening of the welfare network in this way is unambiguously in the interests of young people.  相似文献   

中学数学中的证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
证明是检验方案的一种类型,证明有构造性证明与非构造性证明之分。信息时代的中学生需要熟悉各种不同类型的检验方案,目前的中学数学中涉及到的大多数证明都是构造性的。在很多情况下,许多检验方案与古典类型的构造性证明相比更有效,概率论方法就这样的检验方案之一。将一些不同于经典证明的检验方案应用到中学数学教学中去,用以培养学生新的数学观是十分必要的。  相似文献   


Although University Counseling Centers continue to report increased rates of served students, those who hold marginalized identities continue to be underrepresented. Many factors may contribute to such discrepancies, including stigma, access, and trust in providers. College students across the nation have recently called for an increase in the number of professionals who identify as racially/ethnically diverse. The current article reviews one university’s response to their own students’ call for action, and particularly explores how the program was implemented and its associated costs and benefits. Considerations for other university administrators seeking to employ similar methods are discussed.  相似文献   


This article describes the author's experiences of tutoring on a College of Further Education BTEC course designed to enable qualified nurses to continue their professional education. In particular it focuses upon the relevance of an individual module on ‘Caring for Older People’ for enrolled nurses seeking conversion to registered nurse status. It discusses ways in which students who were keen to extend their knowledge and further their careers in nursing were poorly‐served by a system which stood to profit from their fees but which paid little attention to meeting their self‐defined most pressing needs.  相似文献   


In this paper, the writer, a senior teacher in a comprehensive school, describes his role as a critical friend to two teachers who were undertaking self‐initiated action research projects as part of a school‐based, award‐bearing curriculum development scheme offered in conjunction with the local higher education institute (HEI). He concludes that such a relationship, in providing both challenge and support for colleagues who are attempting to improve practice, is a powerful vehicle for the professional development of teachers and has a positive impact on whole‐school development.  相似文献   


As a second article in a series devoted to an ongoing evaluation of our antiracism field project, a controversial assignment rooted in our Smith College School for Social Work's antiracism commitment, this paper focuses on the review of 128 assignments completed between September 1998-August 2000. A thematic analysis of these projects revealed interesting findings regarding the types of projects, population served, race of student, institutional receptivity, factors that enhanced or impeded student learning, obstacles encountered and degree of collaboration. Specific case examples are included that illuminate the complexity of the processes involved in learning skills utilized in antiracism work.  相似文献   


This article is an investigation into the Reading Partners scheme at a large inner London comprehensive school in England; this research comes from a small scale study I carried out as part of my Masters of Teaching at the Institute of Education, University College London. Reading Partners is a project whereby younger and older students within the secondary school education system are paired up to read aloud together in the school library every week over the course of a school year. The purpose of my study was to explore the relationships between these readers and to further understand what is gained from such shared reading. I argue that such collaborative reading aloud provides fertile ground for students’ development and that the sessions go beyond ‘just’ reading and, in fact, make reading become a ‘social’ activity. The significance of the personal relationship these students build and all that happens ‘beyond’ reading texts together should not be underestimated.  相似文献   


This article is the second of a two‐part article which reports research on the development of managers in further education (FE). It draws on a survey of all general FE colleges in England, and two case study colleges, Peterborough Regional College and Leicester South Fields College. The first part of the article reported on the number of managers in FE, the allocation of responsibility for their development and the extent of development activity.

The second part of the article explores the process by which the development needs of managers are identified, showing that two parallel processes exist, a systematic approach based on appraisal and an ad hoc process based on individual initiative and serendipity. The choice of development activity is also analyzed, concluding that cost is the major factor driving the process, but that other attitudinal and resource issues are part of the overall picture.

The links with strategic planing are also described, questioning the extent to which such links are happening in practice, and how far they may be viable, given the difficulty of prioritizing managers’ personal development needs against other more concrete college goals.

Finally, the article returns to the Pedler et al. (1988) framework used as an analytical tool in the first part of the article, to conclude that colleges appear to have made some progress in introducing systems to the development of managers, but that there are still many barriers to the implementation of systems which embrace management development in the widest sense.  相似文献   


In 1981 two separate Assisted Places Schemes were launched. One was introduced for England & Wales, and another for Scotland. This paper examines the differences between the two schemes. It shows that they can be seen to be related to the differing educational systems of the countries, and to differences between the grant‐aided and direct grant schools which the schemes were designed, in part, to replace. It is shown that the Assisted Places Scheme is more important to the independent sector of Scotland than to that of England & Wales, for the scheme established in Scotland has been structured in such a way that it gives greater flexibility and greater funding to individual schools in that country.  相似文献   


The article describes an experiment in teaching training undertaken in the context of the Masters programme in Teacher Training (for primary school teachers) at the Lisbon College of Education. The training experiment was able to: (1) incorporate mother tongue teaching into the broader curriculum; (2) relate the teaching of texts and the teaching of grammar; and (3) integrate the theoretical and practical dimensions of teacher training. The didactic scheme adopted relies on theoretical assumptions such as the concept of the integrated curriculum, the model of didactic sequence and the principles of socio-discursive interactionism. This training experiment has proved to be particularly useful for all the participants in the process (teachers of the course; trainee teachers; children in the schools; and the form teachers of the classes where the trainees do their practice). As a result of it, there has been a clear improvement in the quality of the teaching provided by our trainees in the domains of writing and grammar. The main advantages of this approach are that: (1) it structures the teaching of writing and grammar; (2) it uses projects to socially contextualize writing tasks; (3) it develops various language skills in an integrated fashion, while at the same time working on different areas of knowledge; and (4) it defines forms of spiral progression.  相似文献   


The modern careers service has its origins in the post‐war world of full employment. Unlike its inter‐war counterpart, which concentrated on finding jobs for young people, the post‐war service has been preoccupied with giving them vocational guidance. With a professional rationale resting on an assumption of genuine occupational choice for young people, high unemployment could have generated serious professional challenges to those occupationally socialised during a period of full employment Yet most of the careers officers interviewed in a Midlands conurbation maintained that though their day‐to‐day work had changed and become more difficult, their professional role, far from being diminished, had been unchanged or even extended by high unemployment. It would seem that they, like their clients, had been ‘rescued’ from unemployment by YTS. 1 1. The Youth Training Scheme (YTS) was introduced in 1983 as a replacement for the Youth Opportunities Programme. One key element in the new scheme was that on‐the‐job training had to be complemented by the equivalent of 13 weeks off‐the‐job training. Initially, schemes lasted for one year. However, in 1985 it was announced that in future they were to be two years in duration. In 1990, YTS gave way to Youth Training (YT). Under YT, only those training providers who offered courses leading to at least National Vocational Qualification Level II or its equivalent would be able to run schemes. The newly created TECs were to be responsible for ensuring the quality of the training.



This paper argues that the scheme of appraisal agreed between NATFHE and college employers is capable of implementation in a developmental manner that is compatible with the ideal of further education teaching being a professional practice. It outlines a case study of the innovation of one appraisal scheme at a College in the south west, identifying the key elements of the scheme that give it a developmental emphasis and some elements which inhibit it.  相似文献   

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