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In the United Kingdom, 233 higher education institutions were surveyed in 1988 and 1989 providing 166 returns. The survey sought information on equal opportunities policies, provision of technical support, the availability of support personnel and interpreters, funding arrangements, and the numbers of deaf students within higher education (HE). With a few notable exceptions, the returns showed a generally poor level of services available to deaf students, an ignorance of the required support needs and a low representation of deaf people within HE. The need for positive action seemed to be least recognized within teacher training colleges. The study also highlighted the absence of any monitoring of deaf or disabled students within HE. Several suggestions are made on how policies and practices in institutions could be changed to widen access to this group of students.  相似文献   

自我校2007年招收听障生以来,我们发现所接收的高等教育听障生的实际语文水平与聋校高中语文课程标准存在较大差距。为此,我校根据听障学校的语文教学目的任务与听障生对语文的需求,设定了语法、阅读鉴赏(包括古代文学、现当代文学、外国文学三个部分)、语言交际、应用文写作四个教学板块,对听障生的语文教学进行了探索,并在2007、2008、2009三个年级进行实践,取得了一些经验,形成研究文章。  相似文献   

我国高等教育步入大众化发展阶段后,自学考试考生特点和自考学习出现了新情况.本研究以厦门市自考生为样本,通过对395份有效问卷的分析,指出目前自考生的年龄较以往有低龄化的趋势,独立性和自学能力较以往偏低;自考生学习目标有多元化发展的趋势,他们对教学辅助机构和教学形式都有新的要求,因此,如何更好地结合这些新情况新特点,制订出符合新时代自考生需要的高等教育自学考试政策,是我们今后需要面对的问题.  相似文献   

信息无障碍是为方便人们,尤其是方便残障人群的学习生活而发展起来的更加人性化的先进技术理念。为跟上国际IT行业的发展趋势,同时针对国内就业形势和企业人才需求,国内高校在构建计算机课程中应普及无障碍教学理念。北京联合大学率先在国内把软件测试技术作为无障碍课程建设试点,继而成功开发了整合无障碍技术的计算机课程群。无障碍技术成为学生就业新增的一项技能,呈现出学生、企业和社会都受益的良好局面,为国内高校普及无障碍教学理念和计算机课程整合无障碍技术提供了借鉴。  相似文献   


This article aims at analysing and discussing student participation in Portuguese higher education institutions and, specifically, in university governance. In a first moment, it describes this participation under both the previous (1988–2007) and the new legal frameworks (since 2007). A discussion of the changes introduced by this last framework and the extent to which it has contributed to the erosion of student participation in governance is undertaken. Next, the article deals with the ways students are involved in quality assessment at both its systemic and institutional levels. The case of a specific Portuguese university is used as an example of how this involvement takes place. The article concludes with a discussion on the main features of Portuguese student participation in governance, focusing on its effectiveness and suggesting measures for improvement.


This paper seeks to inform the development of media education in primary schools through an analysis of classroom utterances. A rationale for the analysis based on concerns with scaffolding pupils’ media will be presented. The capacity of this approach to allow comparisons to be made between age groups, teaching arrangements and pedagogic priorities, focusing on distinctions between image making and image study, will be illustrated. The conclusions drawn include reference to the applicability of the method, and to effective media teaching in primary classrooms.  相似文献   

在可雇佣性能力及其开发实践上,英国高校在就业与就业能力框架的概念与内涵界定、完善就业指导服务、可雇佣性能力植入教学课程、从实际工作中获得经验、雇主参与课程设计、重视创业教育等方面的经验对我国大学生可雇佣性能力培养带来了有益启示。  相似文献   

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for OPWL529‐Needs Assessment in the Boise State University master of science degree in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning, a team of the first four authors completed a needs assessment focusing on learning accomplishments of hearing impaired students at Alpha University. This case study report describes the needs assessment process and results.  相似文献   

在教育学领域,越来越多的学者们意识到,培养学生独立的社会活动能力,发展学生独特的个性在当代的教育价值取向上占有越来越重的分量,尤其是对于残疾人这样一个特殊的群体,更容易因为自身身体上的缺陷而埋没了自己独特的潜力。如何通过有效的教育方式,为残疾人挖掘出更大、更多元化的发展可能,是值得关注的一个问题。文章将个别化教学与聋人高等教育相结合,提出了在聋人高等教育的背景下个别化教学的内涵,并分析了个别化教学在聋人高等教育中被实际应用的必要性,以及在对聋人进行个别化教学中应该注意的关键因素及恰当有效的应用模式。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a study of undergraduates’ expectations about, and experiences of, networked learning using computer-mediated conferencing (CMC). The data come from questionnaires administered at the start and end of four different courses, and their interpretation is informed by a set of interviews with students and teachers involved in these and other networked learning courses. Students’ views were generally positive at the start and at the end of each course, though they became more moderate over time. The structure of students’ reported feelings remained relatively stable over time. There was no evidence to suggest that male or younger students had more positive feelings about networked learning. The thoroughness with which CMC is integrated into a networked learning course appears as a significant factor in explaining differences in students’ feelings about the worth and value of their experience. As might be expected, a well-integrated course was associated with more positive experiences.  相似文献   

以人为本,是马克思主义关于未来社会的本质规定,是思想政治教育的本质要求,是思想政治教育的历史启迪。要进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,提高大学生思想教育的效果,必须把以人为本的教育理念落实到大学生思想政治工作中去,着眼于尊重人,理解人,相信人,发展人,服务人.  相似文献   

自我导向学习能力作为终身学习能力的重要组成部分,在成人的学习中具有不容忽视的重要作用。针对成人高等学历教育学生自我导向学习出现的目标模糊、资源获取不强、方法落后、自我评估能力不足等问题,基于自我导向学习理论的指导,探析了其解决策略,即设定明确具体的学习目标,利用信息技术获取学习资源,掌握有效的学习策略,培养自我评价能力。  相似文献   


This paper reports on one aspect the Research-led Teaching and Learning (RLTL) Project, which set out to investigate the reality of the university rhetoric concerning the relationship of research to teaching. The university, like many others, bases some of its claims to the excellence of its teaching and the quality of the learning experience enjoyed by its students on the close connection that is made between its research, and teaching and learning. The project was initiated to explore this relationship through evidence from students, academics and other members of the university. In doing so, we hoped to gain a clearer and deeper understanding of what the university means by research-led teaching and learning. The findings of the research and the report covered a wider range of issues than had been originally envisaged. This paper focuses on the first part of the report: what academics and undergraduate students understand and experience as research-led teaching and learning.  相似文献   

特教学校心理健康教育是素质教育的重要组成部分。要使聋生健康心理素质得以形成,必须全面了解和研究聋生的心理。提高聋生的认识水平,培养聋生的道德感和世界观。注重书面语言的情感交流,给聋生以成功的体验。创设交往空间,友善人际关系。开展个别心理辅导,不断创新健康心理教育模式,搭建健康心理发展的平台。  相似文献   

培养高职听障学生阅读和写作能力教学模式的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究对本年度来自全国17个省32个城市或地区共182名听障生高考语文卷面成绩的分析,提出听障生在阅读和写作方面问题的成因.根据大学语文课程的设置、教材等现状,提出两种高职语文教学的模式主题教学和"统整教学".  相似文献   


This paper presents a case study on an electronic forum to enable university staff to discuss networked learning. The paper begins by describing networked learning and argues that its implementation will require rethinking approaches to teaching and new relationships between staff carrying out different roles within higher education institutions. The paper goes on to describe how an electronic forum was set up to enable staff to share their understanding and experiences of networked learning at a local university. This forum was valued by participants as it gave them the opportunity to contribute to a discussion and reflect on different approaches. However, the level of sharing was less than many would have liked due in the main to the high threshold to the discussion and time pressures on the participants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to outline recent changes to higher education in Australia and assess the implications of those changes for teaching and learning in universities. Three main changes have been identified:
1. The meta-policy context that has transformed a binary system of higher education into a unified national system of universities. This has given rise to the concept of the comprehensive university accompanied by an economic rationalist approach to the funding of higher education. Issues identified are the relativities to be accorded to teaching and research in the new universities and the push for more efficient modes of teaching.
2. Institutional changes that have influenced the traditional character of universities. These changes include the politicisation of Vice-Chancellors whose peak body is now recognised by the government as the single voice of the university sector, the changing student composition of universities as a result of government policies relating to overseas students and students who have been traditionally underpresented in universities and the introduction of academic staff appraisal. An assessment is made of this broad range of changes on teaching and learning.
3. Changing conceptions of teaching are discussed with a particular emphasis on the work of Shulman and its implications for teaching in the university.  相似文献   

Higher education and K-12 school partnerships are typically designed with an end-goal that serves the instructional needs of one group over the other. For this project, a university professor and elementary school instructor used problem-based and project-based learning strategies to design a curriculum that served the academic needs of both groups of students. Undergraduate students in an urban planning course partnered with elementary students from a local school to work on an interdependent civic engagement project. The partnership provided innovative, twenty-first teaching for both groups of students while also reinforcing public service.  相似文献   

高师函授学员在学习过程中碰到的学习困扰,是客观存在,是由成人、在职学习和函授等特点决定的。应着力解决这些学习困扰,因为这体现了以人为本、重视满足学员需要的科学发展观。解决这些问题的对策是:面授讲求实效;教学与生活安排力求让学员满意;中小学建构教师进修的学校文化;开辟多样化的助学形式。  相似文献   

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