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《21世纪大学生毕业论文写作要义》一书,具有三个特点:全方位、多角度立体化;针对性强、可操作性强;学术性、可读性统一,实用性强。它为即将毕业的大学生和工作岗位上的专业技术人员撰写学术论文提供了指导和帮助。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the Academic Literacies approach to examine tutor/student relations in the production of academic texts. We address issues associated with learning to write in such contexts, through exploring the perspectives of two groups of non-traditional students as they reflect on their experiences in navigating educational contexts in a Brazilian public university. The term non-traditional is used here to refer to students from social groups whose previous generation had no, or very limited, access to university. In order to explore the “hidden features” of the contextualized nature of academic writing, we present two cases: students from Angola and from Campo, both groups not traditionally represented in Brazilian universities. We explored the development of writing in academic contexts by examining tensions identified by these students and their tutors/teachers as they engaged with academic literacies.  相似文献   

Students with poorly developed authorial identity may be at risk of unintentional plagiarism. An instructional intervention designed specifically to improve authorial identity was delivered to 364 psychology students at three post‐1992 universities in London, UK, and evaluated with before‐and‐after measures of beliefs and attitudes about academic authorship, using the Student Authorship Questionnaire. Changes in questionnaire scores showed that the intervention led to significantly increased confidence in writing, understanding of authorship, knowledge to avoid plagiarism, and top‐down approaches to writing, and significantly decreased bottom‐up and pragmatic approaches to writing. For understanding of authorship, knowledge to avoid plagiarism and pragmatic approaches to writing, significant intervention by year of study interaction effects showed that the greatest improvements were among year one undergraduates. Direct evaluative feedback showed that 86% of students believed the intervention helped them avoid plagiarism and 66% believed it helped them write better assignments. Post‐intervention focus groups revealed changed student understandings about authorial identity and academic writing. The results show that interventions can help students avoid unintentional plagiarism by adopting more authorial roles in their academic writing. Further research could explore other influences on authorial identity, and examine the impact of authorial identity interventions on other outcome indicators.  相似文献   

书面表达能力是初中生英语学习中应具备的重要能力之一,要初中生具备和提高书面表达能力,我的体会有三点:一是掌握写作技能,加强相关文体的写作训练,让学生知道该怎样动手;二是训练学生从词、词组、句子入手,完成文章;三是练讲再练结合,增强学生书面表达的适应性。  相似文献   

In this paper Amanda Fulford addresses the issue of student writing in the university, and explores how the increasing dominance of outcome‐driven modes of learning and assessment is changing the understanding of what it is to write, what is expected of students in their writing, and how academic writing should best be supported. The starting point is the increasing use of what are termed “technologies” of writing — “handbooks” for students that address issues of academic writing — that systematize, and smooth the work of writing in, Fulford argues, an unhelpful way. This leads to a reconsideration of what it means to write in the university, and what it is to be a student who writes. Fulford explores etymologically the concept of “writing” and suggests that it might be seen metaphorically as physical labor. Writing as physical labor is explored further through the agricultural metaphors in Henry David Thoreau's Walden and through Stanley Cavell's reading of that text. In making a distinction between writing‐as‐plowing and writing‐as‐hoeing, Fulford argues that some technologies of writing deny voice rather than facilitate it, and she concludes by offering a number of suggestions for the teaching and learning of writing in the university that emphasize the value of being lost (in one's subject and one's work) and finding one's own way out. These “lessons” are illustrated with reference to Thoreau's text Walden and to American literature and film.  相似文献   

基于成果导向理念,将单一的授课过程整合为“教师知识传授”和“学生论文创作”两线并行的过程,从课程设计思路、课程内容体系、课程授课方法和课程成绩考评四个方面探讨并总结如何对研究生区域经济学课程教学进行改革,最终目的是通过过程控制来保证学生完成一篇较高质量的论文,并能够发表在一定水准的专业期刊上。同时在这一过程中通过“干中学”的方式培养研究生的学术研究能力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Writing can enhance learning by helping students put words to their thinking about course material. The purposes of this study were to assess the influence of a structured academic journal writing exercise on student learning in a food science class and to examine student responses to the experience. Hermeneutics, a philosophy of science and qualitative research method, was used to analyze journal data from 48 participating students during a 2-y period and involved 3 steps: (1) describing themes taken from a global reading of student commentaries, (2) reducing or relating themes to specific, verbatim statements found in student writings, and (3) interpreting or imposing meaning on the themes and the statements (Lanigan 1988). Hermeneutic analysis showed that journal writing was difficult at first but became easier and enjoyable over time, allowed students to relate course content to other knowledge, exposed students to course material multiple times allowing for better information retention, enhanced student understanding, helped students think critically, required students to prepare for class, gave students the opportunity to express opinions, and allowed students to experience writing as enjoyable and positive. Several minor themes suggested that most students found the experience useful to their learning. Findings from this study are consistent with neuroscience and cognitive psychology theories regarding learning and the development of reasoning skills.  相似文献   

写作是一种用文字和隐喻标记世界的方式,是一个引领学生批判地、深度地阅读和有效地、清晰地书写的过程,是一个让学生发现自己真正关心所在和写出自己所思所想的路径。写作课在美国高校通常是必修课,旨在培养学生的书面沟通能力和批判性思维。哈佛大学说理文写作课程创建于1872年,如今是本科生的唯一一门必修课。对话从南希·萨默斯完成的著作以及她对中国的关注开始,依次展开缘何倾情于写作教育、为何关注修订和反馈研究领域、如何创立哈佛本科生写作工程、因何设立研究生写作工作坊等话题。在对话过程中,萨默斯将所获成功归结为喜爱阅读、喜欢写作,指出学习写作是本科生学习科目的一种方式,认为写作是帮助学生确定人生方向的力量,强调写作是本科教育的核心、修订是写作的核心。另外,萨默斯还对学生写作者的修订策略、对学生写作者的反馈、工作坊中的写作伙伴、一万个小时定律、说与写的关系、写作时内心的恐惧、避免抄袭或剽窃等话题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Is it possible to teach people to write fiction? A more important and helpful question is: how do we teach creative writing? And who are the teachers? A published writer is not necessarily qualified to teach creative writing. To helpfully share their declarative knowledge with students, a writer must embrace the art and craft of teaching, consider how different students learn and create the optimum setting to enable learning. There is a parallel challenge for the writer with the student, as each is faced with challenges around their previously held assumptions about ways of learning.  相似文献   

没有话说是中学生写作文普遍碰到的困难 ,提高他们的作文水平必须首先解决好这一问题。造成无话说的主要原因在于学生不懂得写作就是表达“自己的意思” ,而误以为是“写生活———特别是写自己所没有的不平凡的生活。解决的办法是引导他们写自己成长中的感受 ;这不仅有说不完的话 ,也是他们很愿意表达的意思 ,这样写还能收到弘扬作文教学的人文精神 ,促进学生人格成长 ,尽快提高他们的作文水平  相似文献   

本研究采用历时质性个案研究方法,对北京某重点高中两位英语教师进行了为期一年的跟踪调查。通过分析访谈、课堂观察等多种数据,本研究发现两名教师都认为英语写作教学应以培养学生的批判性思维和语言综合能力为目的,且与其他技能的培养相融合。她们采用体裁式写作教学方法,将写作教学嵌入日常英语教学活动,关注学生学习写作的过程。本研究发现表明高中英语教师在日常教学中可以突破应试束缚,切实培养学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

Plagiarism is a concept that is difficult to define. Although most higher education institutions have policies aimed at minimising and addressing student plagiarism, little research has examined the ways in which plagiarism is discursively constructed in university policy documents, or the connections and disconnections between institutional and student understandings of plagiarism in higher education. This article reports on a study that explored students’ understandings of plagiarism in relation to institutional plagiarism discourses at a New Zealand university. The qualitative study involved interviews with 21 undergraduate students, and analysis of University plagiarism policy documents. The University policy documents revealed moral and regulatory discourses. In the interviews, students predominantly drew on ethico-legal discourses, which reflected the discourses in the policy documents. However, the students also drew on (un)fairness discourses, confusion discourses, and, to a lesser extent, learning discourses. Notably, learning discourses were absent in the University policy. Our findings revealed tensions between the ways plagiarism was framed in institutional policy documents, and students’ understandings of plagiarism and academic writing. We suggest that, in order to support students’ acquisition of academic writing skills, plagiarism should be framed in relation to ‘learning to write’, rather than as a moral issue.  相似文献   

中国大学英语教学将写作单纯地视为一项技巧,忽略了其重要的表义功能,至使学生为了写作而写作。为了改善这种现象,笔者在介绍过程性写作以及过程性写作教学法的基础上,提出来新的见解,认为写作本身就是英语学习的一个过程。写作是学会的而非是教会的,学生才应该是写作课的主体。教师应该培养学生写作的兴趣,以写促学,以学促写从而提高英语水平。  相似文献   

Although learning to write for publication is an important outcome of doctoral education, it has received surprisingly little scholarly attention. Within a socialization and supervisor pedagogy framework, this study uses narratives of faculty who regularly write with their doctoral students for publication to expose challenges students commonly encounter in the writing process. Common challenges include international students' ‘writing problem’, misconstruing the nature of disciplinary writing and not realizing that ‘public’ is part of publication.  相似文献   

学生运用英语进行流利的写作是我国大学英语教学的重要目标之一。本文以认知建构主义理论为依据.提出把体验学习模式应用于写作教学的设想,借助网络资源激发学生的写作兴趣,使得学生在亲身体验中获得知识,实现学生书面表达能力的提高。  相似文献   

Writing retreats are structured events during which a group of people write in the same room over several days. In this paper, we report on findings from a study exploring the impact of writing retreats on PhD students’ writing and their sense of self as academic writers. A second aim of the study was to contribute to the search for appropriate pedagogies to support writing at the PhD level. The data consist of interviews with 19 PhD students who had taken part in writing retreats as well as evaluations and pre- and post-retreat reflections by these students. In the interviews, we discussed the role of writing retreats in the context of the students’ wider biographies as writers and how it relates to their experiences of writing. Our findings suggest that writing retreats can be important events for PhD students positively affecting their relationship with literacy [Besse, J.-M. 1995. L’écrit, l’école et l’illettrisme. Paris: Magnard]. Taking part in a retreat generates pleasure, emphasising the role of emotions in academic writing. Writing retreats and the opportunities they offer students to write and to reflect on their experiences as writers are a valuable part of PhD training.  相似文献   

There is a perception in British universities and art colleges that art students are not very good at writing, that they don't want to write, and furthermore, that writing gets in the way of the real business of making art. These perceptions are reinforced in much of the literature that has been produced about, and in support of, undergraduate art education in the last few decades. This paper will examine the tensions, both historical and contemporary, between academic practices (such as the academic essay, the dissertation) and fine art studio practices. This translative gap both produces, and perpetuates, a set of binaries: visual/textual, art/literature, words/images, Studio/Art History, making/writing. The net result of which is a resistance to writing from many Art students in Higher Education. I will outline subject specific multidisciplinary strategies used with undergraduate and postgraduate students to harness, and develop, this resistance as both transformational and inventive.  相似文献   

刘国正长期从事语文教育研究,其语文著述,蕴藉深沉,纯朴素雅,叙写对语文教育的深层憬悟和对语文生活现实的诠释,总是以丰厚的内涵发人深省。他早就提出并建构的富有思维创新性和语用发展性的写作教学观,实际上是着眼于整体性素质即核心素养的“作文综合性的训练”,倡导训练学生写“规矩文”,也鼓励写“放胆文”和“课外练笔”,指明了学生...  相似文献   

Tertiary students' knowledge of their own learning and a SOLO Taxonomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is a report of the analysis of statements by 869 students and their 21 lecturers in 12 courses in 5 Faculties in the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The students and lecturers were asked to write a page about learning. The objectives were to collect data to devise a taxonomy of levels of knowledge of learning held by tertiary students and lecturers and to use this to describe student knowledge to lecturers as a basis for planning for teaching. The statements were categorised, using the SOLO Taxonomy as a model (c.f., Biggs and Collis 1982, 1989), by two trained researchers and checked by the author and a consultant. The majority of responses for both students and lecturers were multistructural. A MANOVA for SOLO levels by deep, surface and achieving motives and strategies showed that as SOLO levels increased surface motives declined and deep motives and strategies assumed more importance. The key concepts in learning identified by a random sample of 100 students were further analysed and described for each SOLO level. A SOLO type model of levels of knowledge of learning is proposed, based on the structure of the responses.  相似文献   

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