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The objective of this research was to identify the effects of participation in learning on the subjective wellbeing of older adults. Data were from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), a large-scale, nationally representative survey of those aged 50 and above. The survey contains several wellbeing measures and information on three types of learning: formal courses, music/arts/evening classes and gym/exercise classes. Multiple regression analyses were applied to the change in wellbeing outcomes between two survey waves. The key finding was that music, arts and evening classes were significantly associated with changes in each of the measures of subjective wellbeing. Formal courses and gym/exercise classes were not significantly associated with wellbeing, after controlling for other factors.  相似文献   


Objective: This study was designed with the purpose of determining the relationship between social capital and lifestyle and their sub-variables among older adults.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using interviews that was conducted in 2017. This study was performed with randomly selected older people over 60 years of age in an urban area of Iran. Data were collected using a questionnaire in 3-month duration. The relationship between the study variables (lifestyle and social capital) was assessed through correlation analysis (in the case of non control of the underlying variables) and general linear modeling (in the case of control of the underlying variables). Data were analyzed using SPSS v.24 software at a 0.05 significant level.

Results: A total of 512 questionnaires were filed out. According to the Pearson correlation test, all social capital variables were associated with lifestyle components. However, in the general linear model test, feeling of trust and safety (p < 0.001), value of life (p = 0.030), and social participation (p = 0.004) had a significant relationship with the lifestyle.

Conclusions: The results indicated that social capital and lifestyle in the older adults were interconnected. Therefore, there is a need to improve social capital factors, especially social participation, feeling of trust and safety, and value of life, which is in-line with the strategies of achieving healthy older population. The results can be used to learn how to increase lifestyle in older adults.  相似文献   


Health literacy skills are known to be a key mediator of the relationship between education and health in the general population. However, one aspect of health literacy skills—individuals’ actual literacy activities—remains understudied, especially among older adults. Health disparities that are driven by inequalities in education and level of health literacy skills are particularly problematic for older adults since they are exacerbated in old age by disadvantages that accumulate over the life course. This study examined a nationally representative sample of US adults age 50 years and older (n = 2,573) using data from the 2014 Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). Parallel mediation analysis was conducted to examine the partial mediation effects of health literacy skills and literacy activity (i.e., reading at home) on the relationship between education and health. Results showed that both health literacy skills and literacy activity mediated the education–health relationship. On average, literacy skills mediated 31.89% and literacy activities mediated 9.59% of the effect of education of self-rated health. Literacy activity, such as reading, is an easily accessible, autonomous, and sustainable option for promoting health in later life. Policies that support the intersection of public health and education may promote lifelong learning and well-being among US adults.  相似文献   



This study aims to examine the association between attitudes, perceived competence, and social limitation among older adults with hearing impairment.  相似文献   

For older adults, participating in leisure activities has psychosocial benefits, increases social interactions, and promotes well-being. Among various leisure activities, pickleball is an activity that fosters positive social interaction and health benefits in older adults. Pickleball is regarded as one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, and it is reported to be popular among people of all ages, especially among older adults. The purpose of this study was to gather demographic details of older pickleball participants and elucidate the psychosocial benefits of playing the sport, such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration. To this end, we gathered information from 153 older adults who competed in pickleball tournaments. Multivariate analysis of variance and Hotelling’s T2 test were used to compare the differences that emerged in experiential factors such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration among the different demographic characteristics. The results showed that life satisfaction was significantly different among the following three age groups: 50–59 years, 60–69 years, and ≥70 years. Results of Hotelling’s T2 test showed a significant difference in social integration between male and female participants. The test also revealed a significant difference in terms of life satisfaction between retired and employed participants. The results suggest that playing pickleball can be an enriching leisure activity for retirees and may help them cope with the transition that retirement typically entails.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider the unique cognitive and intellectual factors that influence the learning and education of older adults. With this objective in mind, the paper reviews the empirical literature on patterns of intellectual and cognitive aging, and ends by discussing the implications and applications of these patterns for the practical and effective education of our elderly citizenry. When we consider the aging of intellectual abilities we are concerned with studying the development of fluid, crystallized and practical intelligence and variations in these abilities from adulthood into advanced old age. We are also concerned with looking at changes in cognitive functions such as attention, memory, information retrieval and tolerance for interference in learning capacity. Much recent work has been successful in showing that intellectual and cognitive decline in old age is not necessarily irreversible. While many elderly persons are very able learners, are highly self-directed, and have ample educational and intellectual resources available, others may benefit from assistance or suggestions about how to compensate for some of the cognitive declines in old age. With this objective the implications are discussed for educators and practitioners who must formulate cognitive training programs for older adults.
Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Artikels ist eine Untersuchung der einzigartigen kognitiven und intellektuellen Faktoren, die Bildung und Lernen für Ältere beeinflussen. Unter Berücksichtigung dieses Ziels wird die empirische Literatur über intellektuelle und kognitive Altersmuster neu ausgewertet. Der Schlußteil umfaßt eine Diskussion über Auswirkungen und Anwendungen dieser Muster zur praktischen und effektiven Bildung unserer älteren Mitbürger. Angesichts des Alterns unserer intellektuellen Fähigkeiten befassen wir uns mit der Entwicklung von fließender, komprimierter und praktischer Intelligenz und Variationen dieser Fähigkeiten vom Erwachsenenalter bis zum fortgeschrittenen Altern. Themen sind außerdem die Veränderungen der kognitiven Funktionen wie z.B. Aufmerksamkeit, Gedächtnis, Informationsabruf und Toleranz für die Interferenz in der Lernkapazität. Ein großer Teil der Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema bewies erfolgreich, daß intellektueller und kognitiver Verfall im Alter nicht unbedingt irreversibel sein muß. Während viele Ältere fähige Schüler sind, gut autonom lernen können und freie Bildungs- und Lernkapazitäten zur Verfügung haben, könnten andere von Vorschlägen und Hilfsprogrammen zur Kompensierung der Alterserscheinungen profitieren. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Faktoren werden die Folgen für Ausbilder und Praktiker, die kognitive Programme und Fortbildungen für Ältere erstellen müssen, erörtert.

Résumé L'objet du présent article est d'étudier les facteurs cognitifs et intellectuels uniques qui influencent l'apprentissage et l'éducation des personnes âgées. C'est en suivant cet objectif qu'on examine la littérature empirique sur les structures du vieillissement intellectuel et cognitif avant de se tourner vers l'analyse des implications et applications desdites structures pour l'éducation pratique et efficace de l'ensemble des citoyens âgés. Lorsqu'on envisage l'affaiblissement des facultés intellectuelles, on s'intéresse à l'étude du développement de l'intelligence fluide, cristallisée et pratique et aux variations de ces aptitudes de l'âge adulte jusqu'à un âge avancé. On observe également les changements qui interviennent dans les fonctions cognitives telles l'attention, la mémoire, la recherche documentaire et la tolérance de l'interférence dans l'aptitude à l'étude. De récents travaux ont réussi à montrer que le déclin intellectuel et cognitif dans la vieillesse n'est pas nécessairement irréversible. Tandis que de nombreuses personnes âgées sont des apprenants très capables et hautement auto-dirigés qui possèdent de grandes ressources éducatives et intellectuelles, il se peut que d'autres aient besoin d'assistance ou de suggestions quant à la manière de compenser certaines carences cognitives survenant avec l'âge. Eu égard à cet objectif, on discute des implications pour les éducateurs et les enseignants qui doivent formuler les programmes de formation cognitive destinés aux personnes âgées.

Placement instability places foster children at an increased risk of negative developmental outcomes. Previous research has yielded inconsistent results on risk factors for placement instability. Therefore, we investigated two research questions: (1) Which child attributes and case histories are associated with placement disruptions (moves indicative of child, agency or caregiver dissatisfaction with the existing placement)?; and (2) How do associations of child attributes and case histories with placement disruptions vary by developmental stage --early childhood (0–5 years), middle childhood (6–12 years), and adolescence (13 years or older)? Using a complete entry cohort of 23,765 foster children in Texas, our results demonstrated that the effects of different risk factors varied by placement end reason and across developmental stages. Of note, kinship placement, compared to non-relative foster care, and placement with all siblings were each associated with an increased risk of substandard care disruptions. Placements with females or Hispanic children were at an increased risk of child-initiated disruption, whereas placements with Black children were more likely to end due to placement mismatch or substandard care reasons. Finally, the adolescence age group was always associated with the greatest increase in risk regardless of disruption reason. These findings provide researchers, caseworkers, and policymakers important information on the risk factors for placement instability among children in foster care.  相似文献   

This review examines the available evidence on the impact of noncognitive factors on the cognitive performance of young and older adults. After considering studies organized around a framework of cohort-associated modifiers, motive states, task and measurement factors, and environmental effects, the observation is offered that noncognitive factors and age-related deficits in cognitive processes are related and account, in part, for age differences in cognitive performance. It is argued that the time may be ripe for educational psychologists to renew and to expand their contributions to the adult development literature. Several areas of research pertinent to educational psychologists are identified.  相似文献   

While aquatic exercises have been considered one of the most appropriate learning activities for older adult learners because they are safe and beneficial for health, limited evidence exists regarding how older adult learners perceive their learning environment and different learning strategies. Thus, our research explored older adults’ perceptions of peer-led aquatics classes. We interviewed 19 individuals who participated in aquatics exercise courses in a community recreation center in order to answer the following research questions: (a) How do older adults perceive a peer-led aquatics class? (b) How do older adult learners describe their interaction with their instructor and other learners in their learning environment? Using constant comparative analysis, we identified the participants’ perceptions of peer-led learning with regard to their perceived relationships in class, optimistic views on the peer-led learning concept, mixed and neutral attitudes, and professionalism of teaching. From our findings, we discussed empathic relationships, mixed perspectives derived from learners’ physical condition and personal value, and a lack of peer instructor training programs, especially in a senior fitness field. Findings have implications for senior fitness instructors and educators of older adults.  相似文献   


The Internet has the potential to enable older adults to live a socially active and self-determined life. An important facet of active aging is participation in outdoor activity. Previous research has shown that older Internet users participated more frequently in outdoor activities. However, understanding of how Internet use can influence the behavior of going outdoors is still limited. To bridge this gap, the goal of this study was to examine whether informational Internet use specific to opportunities and offerings in the city facilitates participation in outdoor activity. Primary survey data from individuals aged 65+ living in a medium-sized city in Europe (N = 1,117) was analyzed. The results show that Internet as an information source predicted community activity for participants living in urban neighborhoods but not in a rural neighborhood. Further, informational Internet use predicted cultural activity for residents living in all three neighborhoods. The results thus emphasize the positive effect of informational Internet use on behavior through providing older adults with useful information about opportunities and offerings available in their neighborhood. Taken together, the findings provide a rationale for the development of digital neighborhood platforms and interventions targeted at older adults’ digital skills.  相似文献   

This short report describes the extent to which sociometric test results are validated by observations of children's social behaviour during playtimes. The sociometric terms ‘star’ and ‘isolate’, in particular, are examined in the light of measurements of the social interactions of children thus labelled.  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2012,38(12):708-718

Older adults often suffer from psychological, functional and health-related diseases. Literature has documented the relationship between, malnutrition with adverse health outcomes. This study aims to examine the relationship between malnutrition with the cognitive, functional and psychological status of older adults living in long-term care houses. The study employed a cross-sectional approach in which 99 participants were included from seven nursing homes in six different cities across the West Bank, Palestine. The nutritional status of older adults was assessed using anthropometric measurements and meal patterns. Malnutrition risk was assessed using Mini Nutritional Assessment; the cognitive function using Mini Mental Status Examination; the functional status using the Activity of Daily Living. Results: A total of 99 participants (45.5%) men and (54.5%) women were included in the final data analysis. The results revealed 47% of the participants were at risk of malnutrition, while 23% were malnourished. Variables that were significantly associated with malnutrition; male gender, higher score of depressive symptoms, and impaired cognitive function, p < .05 using chi square test. However, number of meals and hours of overnight fasting were not associated with being malnourished. Greater dependency level was associated with high risk of malnutrition, p < .05 using One Way ANOVA test.

Conclusion: Risk of malnutrition was common among the study sample, and it was associated with impaired cognitive, psychological and functional status. Hence, there is a need to provide older adults living in long-term care houses with health programs to enhance their overall health and decrease the level of dependency. These findings are important to design educational programs targeting the stakeholders in the long-term care facilities to improve the residents' nutritional and functional status.  相似文献   

As a supplement to the International Adult Literacy Survey, the Netherlands devoted special attention to the literacy proficiency of older adults. A close look at the literacy skills of older adults and their use in daily life is relevant because demographic developments, individualisation, the position of older employees in the labour market and technological innovations require an increasing level of literacy skills. Accordingly, this chapter compares the literacy skills of older adults with other age groups, and presents an analysis of the determinants of literacy proficiency of older adults. In addition, results from follow-up interviews conducted with 40 older adults who had low proficiency scores in the Netherlands are presented. This includes (a) the kind of problems they experience in daily life, (b) the kind of coping strategies they develop, and (c) their attitude towards educational interventions. The results show that the literacy proficiency of older adults gives reasons for concern. They score significantly lower than other age groups. However, many older adults develop practical coping strategies, such as using social networks, assertiveness in asking for help, etc. Yet, some of the coping strategies are vulnerable because of societal changes such as rationalisation in industry and public services.  相似文献   

Love and romance in later life as a field of investigation has gained a notable place among academic circles in recent years, with attention mainly directed to the portrayal of older characters’ sexuality in movies. In this article, we examine the ways four movie advisory boards, the social entities responsible for setting age limits on movie admissions and presenting their justifications, investigated movies considered by the American Association of Retired Persons as Best Grownup Love Story films. It was found that the American and British movie advisory boards regulate age admissions more strictly for these movies in comparison to their counterparts in Australia and New Zealand. Yet all boards share the same concerns, namely, attaching warnings that these movies are heavy in profanity and sexuality.

This directs attention to the potential contribution of movie advisory boards in the construction of representations of older adults.  相似文献   

Meaningful intergenerational interactions between older and younger adults are rare outside of family relationships. Interventions to increase positive intergenerational interactions are growing, but finding appropriate measures of attitudes toward both younger and older age groups is difficult. Many measures assessing attitudes toward older adults can remind participants of negative stereotypes of aging and are rarely used to assess attitudes toward younger adults. We adapted Pittinsky, Rosenthal, and Montoya’s allophilia measure to assess attitudes toward younger (18–25 years old) and older (over age 65) adults. In the first study, 94 traditional college age and 52 older adults rated older and younger adults. The allophilia measure distinguished between younger and older adults’ attitudes toward each age group. In the second study, we compared the age-related allophilia measures with seven traditional measures of attitudes toward older adults. Forty-seven traditional college age students completed measures. As predicted, correlations between allophilia toward older adults and the traditional semantic differential measures were weak (i.e., r = |0.15|or less), whereas correlations with general attitudes toward older adults were more moderate (r = 0.59 or less). Correlations between allophilia toward younger adults and the traditional measures were primarily non-significant as predicted. The allophilia measure differentiated between the five domains of positive attitudes toward younger and older adults and was not highly correlated with measures of more negative attitudes toward older adults. Results suggest that the allophilia measure can fill a need for a measure of positive attitudes toward older and younger adults.  相似文献   


This study examined ways in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a role in contexts between two countries: the US and South Korea, comparing individual situations and structural factors that support the use of ICT among older adults. Surveys were administered to 113 US and 104 Korean community-dwelling respondents, inquiring about their ICT use, eHealth Literacy, and Social Capital. Significant differences between the two countries were found in respondents’ educational levels, marital status, and types of social activities. A vast majority of Korean elders (77.9%) reported being current users of the Internet, compared to 63.7% of their US peers. A greater level of eHealth literacy was found among Koreans. In both groups, factors affecting eHealth literacy included educational levels and confidence in using ICT. In both countries, ICT can provide a diverse array of online resources for low-income elders to manage their health problems and maintain social connections. Hence, further services are needed to help older adults become more involved in technology in order to maximize the utilization of ICT.  相似文献   


Age-Tastic! is a health and wellness intervention designed for older adults. Incorporating game theory and behavioral activation concepts, this intervention is a board game that engages older adults in an interactive and immersive experience over 8 weeks. This paper reports on a pilot study that evaluated the impact of this intervention on health literacy about depression among community-dwelling older adults from New York City. The sample comprised 123 older adults recruited from 15 senior centers. Participants were tested on their knowledge and awareness of depression prior to the intervention and again at the end of the intervention after eight weeks. Statistically significant gains were made in the knowledge and awareness regarding the relationship of aging to depression, stigma of seeking help and knowing where to seek help. Implications for replication and use of this intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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