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Eleven teachers and 254 urban middle-school students comprised the sample of this study examining the social and moral development outcomes of the integration of social cognitive domain theory within regular classroom instruction. Participating teachers were trained to construct and implement history lessons that stimulated students’ moral reasoning and conceptions of societal convention. In comparison with baselines and controls, teachers reduced didactic instruction and increased the proportion of class time devoted to small group discussions. Student engagement in transactive discourse significantly increased in participating classes with significantly greater post-test levels of moral reasoning, concepts of social convention, and cross-domain coordination. Student production of operational versus representational transacts through transactive discussion was associated with growth in moral and societal concepts. Teachers continued teaching lessons constructed in the project a year after the research ended.  相似文献   

弘扬人的主体性,既是培育和谐社会主体基础的必然要求,也是高校德育的明智选择。高校德育工作者要牢固树立“以学生发展为本”的教育思想,以和谐社会所需要的道德素质为培养目标,尊重学生的主体地位,挖掘学生的主体潜能,发挥学生的主体作用,有目的、有计划地引导学生参与道德认知和道德实践活动,使他们通过独立思考、自主选择和积极实践来培养自主德育意识,掌握自主德育方法,养成自主德育习惯,提高自主德育能力,逐步形成主体的现代道德素质,让学生的主体之光在德育中闪烁。  相似文献   

赵宏义 《中国德育》2006,1(1):14-19
规范约束和意义引领是社会道德的本来内涵,是人生成长和发展的必然关涉,它们是德育应予认真对待和解决好的基本问题。道德的本性不只是单纯的行为规范问题,还包括人生的意义问题;学校德育,不应只注重规范约束,更应注重意义引领;现实德育,过分注重或停留在规范约束上,而弱化意义引领,无益于德育的深化发展和人思想品德的真正发展;现实德育的深化发展和有效展开,必须在观念上和实践上对规范约束和意义引领问题进行有机的整合。  相似文献   

20世纪西方德育出现了以培养学生道德认知能力为根本目标的主知型模式。由于该模式以自由主义理论为背景,强调个人在道德上理性自主的哲学理念,造成了在实际道德教育中学生缺乏道德实践力量和个体与美好生活相疏离等问题。根据埃蒙.凯伦博士对道德上理性自主哲学理念的限制性修正,相应地调整、深化和改进主知型德育模式的目标、内容和具体实践方法,可以实现主知型德育模式的自我完善。西方完善德育主知型模式的经验对我国德育在道德情操的养成、道德自主和道德认知能力的培养、生活实践的德育方式等方面的改革具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

当前部分高校道德教育陷入知行脱节和实效性低迷等困境,一个重要原因是道德信仰的缺失,道德信仰对大学生的道德养成具有坐标、动力、凝聚等作用。高校道德教育中缺失道德信仰主要表现在:对道德本体认识的片面与道德教育内容、方法、目标定位等方面的错位。对大学生道德信仰的重建可以从加强道德信仰教育、加强法制意识、加强校园道德舆论监督等方面入手。  相似文献   

Certain difficulties pervade the course of moral education and in this essay a broad picture of these shall be sketched. Moral educators need to understand the problems they will face if they intend to enhance their performance; this includes knowing the limits of moral education, and not going beyond their capacities. These difficulties may be put in two groups, one internal, which is within the control of moral educators; the other external, which is beyond the control of moral educators. Internal difficulties concern the gap between moral cognition and moral conduct. Since moral educators are not saints and suffer from vices themselves, students might learn the contrary of what educators mean to convey. External difficulties are more complicated. In this essay the author concentrates on proving how moral education provides an incentive to breach morality itself. The author shall also endeavor to show that a higher standard of morality might cause greater failure in moral education. Under this logic, we need to first deal with the external difficulties in order to tackle internal ones, for they are intertwined.  相似文献   

构建德育新理念——从知性德育到生活德育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知性德育专注道德知识的教与学,注重道德思维能力的训练,不是真正意义上的德性培养,要想使学校德育有所成就,就必须构建生活德育模式。生活德育是指把理想化的道德教育回归现实生活中,以道德主体为核心,围绕其社会现实生活而进行道德教育的一种新的德育模式。这种德育模式的实施必须借助其内容和方法的改革。  相似文献   

在儒家经典中,《礼记》对于德的阐发较为系统全面,《礼记》的德论具有丰富的内涵和明显的整体性,探讨《礼记》中的德论,不但对于把握儒家思想的“德”这一范畴具有重要意义,而且对可以为我国现代的治国方略提供借鉴,还可以丰富和发展我国当代的思想道德建设理论和德育思想,对改进我国德育观念与方法有重要而积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this article the current empirical research on morality and giftedness is reviewed with an emphasis on moral sensitivity. The component of moral judgment has been the most studied aspect in morality. Although high-ability students have been shown to be superior in moral judgment when compared to average-ability students, morality includes other components as well, such as sensitivity, motivation, and character. Furthermore, the critics of Kohlbergian research argue that moral reasoning does not necessarily lead to moral behavior. The gifted students might be able to give “correct” responses in the Defining Issues Test (DIT) test but their actual moral behavior cannot be predicted based on these test results. Hence, the limits of interpretation of these findings need to be acknowledged. The component of moral sensitivity is introduced with case studies regarding Finnish gifted students and Finnish Academic Olympians. The beliefs and values in academic work ethics of the Finnish Academic Olympians are discussed to give examples of how ethics can be combined with excellence in science. Some implications for the moral education of gifted students are suggested based on the research findings.  相似文献   

德育的“道德性”范畴是成立的,德育并不具有天然的道德合理性,应该对德育进行“道德性”追问。这种追闺既是时代的要求,也是德育发展本身的内在需要。道德性审视作为一种特殊的视角有助于德育理论与实践的更深层次的分析与构建,只有道德的德育才能培养出道德的人。  相似文献   

在建设社会主叉市场经济体制的过程中,我国的道德建设和道德教育一直存在实效性差的问题,导致这种局面最根本的原因,是德育工作者对社会的变化无动于衷。要改进高职院校思想道德修养课,必须加强理论学习,转变对道德教育的认识;尊重学生的需要,改进道德教育内容;改进德育方法,走向引导和共同构建的道德教育模式。  相似文献   

学校道德教育向生活世界的回归并不必然导致道德教育的高效。回归生活世界的道德教育仍然需要对一些问题作出回答:生活世界中的道德是应如何生活还是事实上如何生活;基本的道德认识是把道德看成是道德德性还是权利;“做人”的道德规范是否完善。在现代性条件下,学校道德教育应当关切基本道德规范的教育;关切道德规范背后的道德权利教育;关切“做人”的道德规范的教育。这些问题不解决,学校道德教育即便回归生活世界也无法提高效率。  相似文献   

师德是教师的核心职业素养,师范生作为人民教师的后继者,师德素养是其不可或缺的部分.新时代条件下,我国的师德教育虽然取得了一定成效,但仍面临教育实践不足、教育途径单一、教育氛围不浓、教育效果欠佳等问题.因此,师范生师德教育亟需通过拓展师德实践渠道,巩固师德认知;创新师德教育途径,激发师德情感;营造师德教育氛围,培养师德意...  相似文献   

在人学视野下,道德是人的道德,生活也是人的生活,德育不仅应该回归生活,更应回归人。“人”不是抽象的道德主体,“生活”也不是抽象的道德母体,道德更不是所谓的“德育内容”。相反,三者是一体相连、密不可分的。人即人的境况;人的境况即人的生活境况;人的生活境况即人的道德境况。德育不应只是传授道德知识的“知性德育”,也不应只是提供可能生活的“生活德育”。我们应改变这种“给予性德育”思维,让人了解人自身的真实境况,从而严肃地进行道德抉择。  相似文献   

在全球化大背景下的高校德育,不应仅仅定位于个体自身素质的提高,更应考虑到社会人的使命——社会道德的社会法则性。该文辨证分析了德育的社会本质与个体幸福追求的关系,指出现阶段学校本位的德育教育的误区,并探究从关注个体幸福体验的角度进行社会本位的德育教育的可行性。  相似文献   

This article addresses a puzzle about moral learning concerning its social context and the potential for moral progress: Won’t the social context of moral learning shape moral perceptions, beliefs, and motivation in ways that will inevitably limit moral cognition, motivation, and progress? It addresses the relationships between habituation and moral reasoning in Aristotelian moral education, and assesses Julia Annas’s attempt to defend the possibility of moral progress within a virtue ethical framework. Focusing on the motivational core of the puzzle, the article argues that Self-determination Theory (SDT) provides resources for better understanding how moral progress is possible and how moral education can facilitate such progress.  相似文献   

当今的中国大学存在一定程度的道德失范、失序,但这些问题却不是一种“普遍现象”.大学道德危机的实质是道德上的信任、信念和信仰危机,表现为“大道德”与“日常道德”的脱节、道德认知与道德行为的割裂、随波逐流与坚守原则的矛盾.政府不是大学道德危机的“替罪羊”,道德危机是众多因素协同作用的结果.大学是一个道德共同体,在道德上更需强调精神独立、思想自由和学人品格.唯其如此,中国大学的道德前景才能更加光明.  相似文献   


Emptiness, indeed nihilism, is a characteristic of so much contemporary discourse regarding morality and moral education. This is found in facile notions of teaching right and wrong but also in the prevalence of rights-talk, with its sacrosanct assumptions about equality. This article examines this discourse in the light of Levinas' account of the primacy of ethics - of my absolute responsibility in the face of the other, of the asymmetry of my relation to the other. It seeks an account of receptivity that releases the ethical from the limitations of moral reasoning.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的"商谈"理论,对我们思想道德建设和教育有着重要的启示,基于商谈理论的双向案例教学法从根本上改变了传统的道德教育模式,有利于道德观念的创新,具有道德自我教育功能,有利于学生真诚、尊重和合作品质的培养,也有利于道德践行。通过构建"类赛博空间",师生在平等、开放、自由的商谈空间中达成道德共识,形成道德习惯,这对于我们社会转型时期在更广阔领域"新道德"的构建和教育有着积极作用。  相似文献   

郑利 《成才之路》2020,(7):30-31
道德与法治有效课堂教学必须充分关注学生的认识差异、思维差异、课堂生成差异,这不仅是落实道德与法治课程改革、发展学生核心素养的需要,也是解决德育过程中主要矛盾的需要。文章以"关心国家发展"教学为例,探讨道德与法治有效课堂教学聚焦差异的依据与策略。  相似文献   

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