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While young South Koreans’ (SKs’) views on North Korean (NK) refugees, North Korea and Korean reunification have become increasingly negative or callous, less is understood about viable interventions to address their aggravating attitudes. Through the lens of Allport’s intergroup contact theory, the current study explored how SK college students’ friendships with NK refugees influence their perspectives on (a) attitudes towards NK refugees; (b) interest in North Korea; and (c) views about Korean reunification. We used a concurrent triangulation mixed-methods design that integrates quantitative data via a survey and qualitative data via in-depth interviews. Survey data drawn from 276 SK college students revealed that those with NK refugee friends showed more favourable attitudes towards the NK refugee population, greater interest in North Korea-related issues and NK society, and more positive perspectives on Korean reunification. A cross-analysis of in-depth interviews with 11 SK college students who developed friendships with NK refugees yielded five primary domains: (a) initial occasion on which they met the NK refugee friend(s); (b) feelings and thoughts about friendships with NK refugee(s); (c) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of the NK refugee population; (d) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of North Korea; and (e) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of Korean reunification. Based on the intergroup friendship’s promising effects that our findings suggest, we discussed the benefits of employing educational practices that could promote intergroup contacts and understandings of North Korea and the refugee population.  相似文献   

朝韩半岛分裂55年来朝韩之间举行的第一次首脑会晤。引起全世界人们的广泛关注,本文对双方首脑会晤取得的成果、发展前景以及会晤对有关国家和地区带来的影响进行了比较详尽的阐述。  相似文献   


This article analyses and compares the motivations and (re)actions of the education authorities and parents in South Korea and mainland China towards schooling reform. The focus is on two policy initiatives – Free Semester Programme in South Korea and Comprehensive Practical Activity Curriculum in China. Applying the theoretical constructs of sensemaking and sensegiving, it is contended that the policy actors in both countries mutually influence each other in their calculated responses to prevailing educational challenges and policy measures. The examples of South Korea and China illuminate the power of resources, processes and meanings as an integral part of sensegiving and sensemaking.  相似文献   

朝鲜战争是二战结束后最大的一次局部战争。在这次战争中,由于国家利益、政权性质和意识形态的不同,各参战国的行为大相径庭,而这又直接影响到它们对待战争的态度。章主要通过对战争爆发前几个主要参战国的考察,揭示朝鲜战争爆发的背蒂及发展为国际战争的原因。  相似文献   

朝鲜—韩国古典诗歌理论批评直接受到中国汉语诗话影响,并以汉语诗话为其主要载体,但它在接受与运用过程中,自始至终立足于本民族文学创作发展,从形式到内容多方面显示一种强烈的自尊、自主、自立、自强、自豪的精神,求创新,求发展,走自己的路。诗学的民族意识随着历史的推进而不断增强。这种精神和意识建立在全面大胆开放接纳的思想、实践与方法的基础之上。其开放接纳,文学以汉族为主,也有少数民族文学;体式以诗词为主,亦取小说戏曲;国别以中国文化文学为主,远及经由西域传播的印度文化与文学。在接纳中比较,在比较中接纳。双向交流促进了朝鲜—韩国古典诗学的发展。  相似文献   

Arran Magee 《Compare》2019,49(2):266-282
This paper argues that education underpinned by critical pedagogies offers an alternative for engaging with the complexities of conflict, peace and social transformation in refugee contexts. Drawing upon a semi-ethnographic qualitative study with a focus on a non-formal educational programme for supporting Jordanian and Syrian refugee youth, we find that participatory pedagogies provide a promising mechanism for reaching out-of-school refugees in host communities. However, a series of intersecting factors, namely the perception that empowerment education is antithetical to the goal of gaining certification, leads to manipulation of the pedagogies. Hence, empowerment education risks being co-opted by the ‘banking model’ of education. The paper critiques the dominant market-oriented education and suggests an alternative approach to engage with challenges in refugee contexts.  相似文献   


Drawing from a larger ethnography of North Korean young adults learning English in Christian educational programs in South Korea, this article explores the power relations between evangelicals and minority people and the political economy of missionary English teaching. This article follows Christian educational programs that provided various forms of resources—including English teaching—to North Korean young adults to examine how access to resources was regulated in relation to learner identity. Building on the sociolinguistic framework of political economy of language and emerging research on religion and second language learning, this study illustrates the integration of Christianity and English, and the intersection of religion, nationalism, and neoliberalism. The findings elucidate how English works as a secular resource in religious spaces, thus serving as a site of religious contact between people of divergent goals. Issues of professional ethics are also discussed.  相似文献   

1994年至1998年为朝鲜经济最困难时期,大量朝鲜人非法越界进入中国。2002年前后,经中国边防部门拘留遣返,非法越界的势头得到遏制,国际社会对此持不同态度:一是以韩国、欧盟为代表谴责中国违反人道主义原则和国际难民条例强行遣返朝鲜非法越界人员;一是朝鲜要求中国扣留并遣返进入中国的朝鲜人员。对朝鲜非法越界情况和原因进行理论分析,以期为相关部门决策提供参考。目前北朝鲜非法越界情况趋于好转。  相似文献   

介绍了韩国“新农村运动”的概况、主要特点,韩国政府为推动新农村运动采取的措施,韩国“新农村运动”的影响。针对我国“新农村运动”的实际,文章提出了三点借鉴意见:农村现代化与工业化、城市化同步推进,发挥政府职能作用,形成改变农村落后面貌的体制机制。  相似文献   

韩国"新农村运动"的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了韩国"新农村运动"的概况、主要特点,韩国政府为推动新农村运动采取的措施,韩国"新农村运动"的影响。针对我国"新农村运动"的实际,文章提出了三点借鉴意见:农村现代化与工业化、城市化同步推进,发挥政府职能作用,形成改变农村落后面貌的体制机制。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,为扭转人才流失、缩小教育领域贸易赤字并提高高等教育核心竞争力,韩国政府开始积极推进高等教育国际化建设。各高校为提升大学排名、获得政府财政资助并增加学费收入,积极配合政府实施各项高等教育国际化策略。韩国政府出台《留学韩国计划》吸引外国留学生以提高生源国际化水平,设立"21世纪智慧韩国"工程提高科研水平以加快科研国际化步伐,通过"世界一流大学项目"引进优秀外籍教授以加强师资队伍国际化建设,提高英语授课课程比例以深化课程国际化改革,建立区域教育枢纽以打造高等教育国际化高地,同时整合有效资源以丰富国际化形式。当前韩国高等教育国际化虽保持良好的发展势头,但仍存在很多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

韩国学术伦理建设评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
做学问的人应当遵循道德规范。近年来韩国接二连三地发生各类违反学术伦理的研究行为,韩国政府和学术界由此开始致力于学术伦理的建设,通过规范学术伦理准则、重建学术伦理促进机制等举措取得了一定成效,了解这些措施对于中国学术伦理的建设也有所裨益。  相似文献   

随着教师培训机构重要性的日益凸显,为进一步加强教师培训机构建设,更好地发挥教师培训机构的服务功能,韩国政府于2011年首次对教师培训机构进行评价。分析韩国教师培训机构评价的现状,展望其未来发展趋势,对我国县级教师培训机构评价的发展具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

In many industrialised societies, women remain underrepresented in the sciences, which can be predicted by the gender gap in math achievement at school. Using PISA 2006 data, we explore the role of family background and single-sex schooling in girls’ disadvantage in maths in South Korea and Hong Kong. This disadvantage is found to be associated with single-sex schooling, but not with family background. Attending a girls’ school confers a benefit only in South Korea, whereas the gendered curriculum counteracts the selectivity advantage of girls’ schools in Hong Kong. We find that a gendered social structure prevalent in both societies.  相似文献   

韩国从1971年最初设立特殊班级开始,历经40年的发展,目前已形成独具特色的全纳教育体系.回顾韩国全纳教育的产生与发展,分析韩国全纳教育的实践策略与存在问题,对中国随班就读的理论与实践具有重要借鉴与参考价值.  相似文献   

韩国的现代化发展经历了开始、高潮和平稳三个阶段,积累了一定的经验和教训,针对我国现代化发展的问题也有一定的借鉴意义,本文从政府与市场的关系、政府和企业的关系、出口贸易和国际市场的关系、生产和科研的关系等四个方面总结出了韩国现代化发展历程对中国现代化的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

朝鲜素有"三千里锦绣河山"的美誉,拥有丰富的旅游资源。但是长期以来传统体制下的朝鲜旅游业是对外友好交流和宣传的工具,并没有产业来运营。朝核问题以后,特别是金正恩执政时期,朝鲜加上核导实验以后,遭受史无前例的国际社会的经济制裁,使朝鲜在不得已的情况下把旅游当做对外经济交流,争取外汇的特别手段,采取了一系列发展旅游业的政策和措施,使旅游业在短短的几年间发展成为朝鲜最重要的对外经济实体,受到国际社会的广泛关注。朝鲜的旅游发展战略表明,旅游业不仅现在甚至将来也将成为朝鲜的支柱产业之一,在朝鲜的对外开放中将起至关重要作用。  相似文献   

This year marks the 25th anniversary since action learning (AL) was first introduced in 1993 in South Korea. Although AL has greatly contributed to meeting organizational needs so that it would result in its strong presence as an organizational learning tool, there is no single review study on the development of AL practice in Korea. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the development of AL practice in Korea to understand its current state and envision the future. To that end, two research questions guided our inquiry: What are the distinctive features of the development of AL practice in Korea? What is unique about the development of AL practice in Korea? To answer the two research questions, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 AL practitioners who have experienced AL practice for many years, analyzed 13 annual AL conference proceedings published since 2005, and reviewed Korean publications on AL published since 2000. Based on the triangulated data analysis, we discuss the uniqueness of the development of AL practice in Korea and implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

韩国之所以能成就举世瞩目的“汉江奇迹”,成为经济发达、工业化程度较高的“亚洲四小龙”之一,与韩国政府大力发展职业教育、努力促进产学合作密不可分。借鉴韩国政府推动产学合作的成功经验,完善政策法规,加大经费投入,加强“双师”队伍及实训基地建设等,是促进我国高职教育改革发展的有效对策。  相似文献   

李宥林 《成人教育》2014,34(10):106-108
近一时期,韩国政府意识到高校能成为优秀的终身教育机构,为此在2008年颁布了《终身学习中心大学》政策,通过每年不断更新与改善该政策,韩国政府逐渐扩大该政策执行的范围。探析从2008年到2013年韩国高校终身教育政策的改革动向,深入分析其政策的特点,从中得出相关的启示,对中国终身教育的发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

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