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Despite the ubiquity of programmes in educational administration and leadership little is known about the resources used to teach them. This article reviews the sources currently employed in such programmes in Australia by examining the textbooks, book chapters and journal articles specified for 53 separate units (papers) offered at 15 of the key institutions that responded to requests for copies of their reading lists. Surprisingly, few of the units prescribed textbooks (35), relying instead on book chapters (243) and journal articles (362). While there was a very eclectic spread of sources across institutions, 10 major themes emerged. However, there appeared to be little emphasis on Australian research on educational leadership and little reference to major Australian authors of the previous decades. This may be because the field has become global. The second part of the article therefore examines an audit of the contributions made by Australian authors to the global literature represented by leading journals in the field. The audit shows that during the period 1977–2007 an average of 12–13% of papers in key journals were contributed by Australian authors, perhaps more than might be expected given the comparative size of the Australian community.  相似文献   


Peer review has been the focus of an ongoing study at a series of recent annual conferences of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE). A further development of this study has been to explore the perspective/s of the authors of these conference papers and the impact that peer review can have on their development as researchers. This paper uses the identity-trajectory framework to illustrate relationships between peer review and academic identity construction for engineering education authors in the AAEE community. Participants’ responses illustrate how various aspects of responding to reviews and writing reviews for other authors, contribute to the development of the networking and intellectual strands of their academic identity as engineering education researchers. We suggest that members of the global engineering education community should be mindful of how they write their peer reviews of conference papers to ensure the opportunity to constructively contribute to their peers’ successful transition into this different research paradigm is not missed.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a workshop that was held in Valencia during the annual conference of SEFI in 2004. The authors give remarks on the results supported by relevant and recent research. In the workshop, where about 35 participants were present, the following questions were discussed and answered:

Which factors indicate that an institute of higher engineering education is woman friendly? How can we rank these factors and what is the weight of the factors? What initiatives did your institute or other institutions of your country make to increase the percentage of female academic staff and to attract and retain more female students?  相似文献   

In this study we empirically investigate the claim that articles published in computer science education journals are more methodologically sound than articles published in computer science education conference proceedings. A random sample of 352 articles was selected from those articles published in major computer science education forums between 2000 and 2005. Each article was then coded in terms of five indicators of methodological quality. It was found that there were no practically or statistically significant differences between the articles published in journals and those published in conference proceedings on any of the indicators of methodological quality. One implication of this finding is that those who evaluate the academic output of computer science education researchers should be wary of arbitrarily prescribing more academic merit to journal publications than conference publications.  相似文献   

Discipline-based education research (DBER) conducted by faculty within geoscience departments can address identified needs in undergraduate geoscience education. This study explores the evolution of undergraduate geoscience education research (GER) from 1985 to 2016, primarily in terms of the types of published research and secondarily in terms of the insights this literature offers on the evolution of GER as a scholarly discipline. Stokes’ (1997) quadrant model of research types is used as a theoretical framework for the former and Kuhn's (1970) model of disciplinary paradigm for the latter. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach to a systematic literature review of 1,760 articles is utilized. The period 1985–2000 is characterized by proto-research as evidenced by the abundance of instructive and informational education articles rather than research articles. From 2000 to 2011, GER underwent a growth period characterized by the presence of applied, use-inspired, and pure basic research. The period 2011–2016 appears to be a period of relative steady-state conditions in the normalized number of GER publications per year. Existing gaps in knowledge about geoscience education, the evident unfamiliarity with education and social science research methodologies among authors of GER articles, and efforts to build consensus about what GER is and how to conduct it suggest that GER is preparadigmatic or at a low paradigm state. That is, GER is an immature discipline as far as the evolution of a discipline goes. A path forward is proposed for the continued evolutionary growth of GER. This study provides new perspectives on the emergence of GER as a discipline that can be used as a basis for studies on cross-disciplinary DBER comparisons.  相似文献   

伴随"一流本科"建设步伐的加快,本科教学质量研究成为我国高等教育领域研究的重要主题。运用文献计量学方法,选取2009—2019年CNKI数据库,以"本科教学质量"为篇名进行文献检索,筛选得出2029篇有效文献。利用CiteSpace 5.6 R3软件进行可视化知识图谱分析。研究发现:(1)新建本科院校、实践教学、教学改革、人才培养、质量监控等关键词成为近10年来的热点;(2)我国本科教学质量研究脉络主要是以教学质量、质量工程、本科教学、应用型本科院校、教学评价等话题交织演进;(3)突发性检测揭示以应用型本科、国家标准、审核评估、保障体系、应用型本科院校为话题引领的研究前沿。文章分析指出,我国本科教学质量研究的多元交叉研究有待增强,影响机制研究有待深化,定量实证研究亟待推进。  相似文献   

In the context of science education globalization, the International Conference on Science Education was held in Nanjing, China, in October 2012. The purpose of this conference was to provide a forum for science education researchers from China and from the rest of the world to exchange research ideas and best practices in science education. A call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Science Education and Technology was made to all conference participants, and a set of six articles was resulted from a standard peer review process. This set of six articles provides a snapshot of research in China and in some other countries, and represents a dialogue between Chinese science education researchers and science education researchers from other countries. We call for more exchange and collaboration in science education between China and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

本文以我国自2000年以来的665篇以“教师教育”为关键词的已有文献为研究对象,基于文献计量相关方法,对我国教师教育领域的研究情况进行基于作者、被引期刊以及关键词等信息的系统梳理。研究发现:(1)我国教师教育领域的研究文献数量呈现逐年上升的趋势;(2)该领域的研究者数量较多,且主要集中在师范院校,但作者间的合作程度较低;(3)期刊共被引分析印证了《教师教育研究》为该领域的核心期刊,且我国教师教育研究具有显著的国际化趋势;(4)关键词共现分析揭示了该领域的研究热点为课程改革、教师专业化和师范院校转型。  相似文献   

This article is the first of a series of three that reviews the citation patterns of references cited in the entire collection of International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) journal articles (1962–2007) and all chapters published in the three editions of Handbook of Human Performance Technology (1992, 1999, and 2006). It includes an analysis of journal articles cited and lists which journals and particular articles are cited most frequently, both overall and by decade. Part 2 in this series will present an analysis of books cited in the entire ISPI literature collection, and part 3 will report on the most cited authors, both overall and by type of reference (e.g., journal articles, books, sections of books, reports, conference papers, dissertations).  相似文献   

教育工学初论   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教育理论与教育实践关系的不协调,其根本的原因在于教育学科体系结构的结构性缺失,具体而言,就是教育工学的缺席。一般认为,教育学科可以划分为理论研究和应用研究两个领域。教育工学是教育应用研究领域的一个具体层次。其核心的意图是把教育理论的探索和教育技术的探索以至教育实践的操作连接起来。它通过阐释教育理论和教育实践之间的转化原理,为教育理论价值的实现和教育实践水平的提升提供服务。教育工学的基本任务是阐明教育工程的一般原理和教育工程的问题域。  相似文献   

教育公平是影响社会稳定发展的重要因素。基于中国知网(CNKI)中教育公平研究主题下的核心期刊文章及CSSCI文章进行文献计量研究,结合CiteSpace可视化软件对教育公平研究主题下的成果数量、作者、机构合作特征、关键词等进行分析,结果表明:一是教育公平的研究发文数量呈现"波动式增长"的态势;二是北京师范大学、华中师范大学、浙江大学等是主要的研究权威机构;三是高等教育公平、和谐社会理念下教育公平研究和教育公平改革与创新是主要的研究热点;四是从本质上追求教育公平,构建适合时代的公平而有质量的教育理念与机制是未来研究的热点内容。  相似文献   

This study scrutinizes Asia Pacific Education Review (APER) that has been weathered 13 years of journey from its inception. Numerically, 504 peer-reviewed articles have been published so far, and 0.5 of impact factor has been achieved. This article recollects the history of APER, overhaul the accomplishment and shortcomings of it. Through an overview of the annually submitted and published articles, 14 domains of research area, research methods, and the demographics of contributors were examined; 30 nationalities of authors’ papers were published, and 2/3 of articles used quantitative research method. The most published domains were educational administration and policy, educational psychology and special education, and higher education; however, the most cited articles covered all research area of education impartially. This study also suggested APER’s contribution to the advancement of education research community internationally and interdisciplinarily.  相似文献   

模糊性是自然语言的一个重要特征,模糊限制语是模糊语言的一个重要组成部分。关于语言模糊性,很多学者从不同角度对其进行过研究,如认知语言学、语义学以及语用学角度。研究的对象主要有新闻报道、政治演说、科普文章、新闻访谈等,但是鲜有针对新闻发布会中相关语料而进行研究的。因此从语用学角度,对新闻发布会中的模糊限制语进行分析,探究其主要特征和语用功能,以期更全面、系统地解释模糊限制语是很有必要的。  相似文献   

为廓清改革开放以来应用型本科研究发展现状,梳理该研究领域的热点问题及发展脉络,文章借助CiteSpace软件,运用文献计量法对国内"应用型本科"为主题的2336篇CSSCI和核心期刊数据库文献的关键词进行了可视化分析。结果表明:(1)历经三个阶段:萌芽探索阶段(1978-1992年)、稳步发展阶段(1993-2007年)和全面改革阶段(2008年至今)。(2)热点主题聚类:应用型本科院校、转型发展、地方本科高校、人才培养模式、实践教学以及产教融合等。(3)研究力量:顾永安发文量占首位,潘懋元、吴中江的成果是重要的研究理论基础;发文量前三位机构分别为常熟理工学院、南京工程学院、厦门大学。作者之间与机构之间的协作关系和整体联系均较为薄弱,行业企业鲜有研究。(4)研究规律:通过体制机制创新,各行为主体建立对接机制,相互协作,走内涵式发展道路。  相似文献   

The authors, citations and content of European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE) and Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) in 1973 (JEE, 1975 EJEE), 1983, 1993, 2003, and available 2013 issues were analysed. Both journals transitioned from house organs to become engineering education research (EER) journals, although JEE transitioned first. In this process the number of citations rose, particularly of education and psychology sources; the percentage of research articles increased markedly as did the number of reference disciplines. The number of papers per issue, the number of single author papers, and the citations of science and engineering sources decreased. EJEE has a very broad geographic spread of authors while JEE authors are mainly US based. A ‘silo’ mentality where general engineering education researchers do not communicate with EER researchers in different engineering disciplines is evident. There is some danger that EER may develop into a silo that does not communicate with technically oriented engineering professors.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a review of 33 journal articles chosen from 87 empirical studies on learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language (CFL/CSL) education, published during the years 2005–2019. By analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords in these Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journal articles, this review identifies the theoretical perspectives and topical trends of CFL/CSL education research on learner identity. The review shows that while such post-structuralist theories and notions as capital, identity and investment model have continued to play a predominant role in CFL/CSL identity research, interdisciplinary perspectives seem to also demonstrate their theoretical value and interpretive power. Furthermore, the review found that researchers explored a wide array of topical issues in relation to learner identity involved in the complex linguistic and social ecology of Chinese language learning. The review concludes with suggestions for future projects to consider that expand the thematic and theoretical scope by exploring intersections between different social categories and learner identities in societal contexts.  相似文献   

In this response to Waghid (2000) the authorsquestion the validity of conclusions reachedfrom an examination of the proceedings of anengineering education conference in SouthAfrica. The authors argue that these papersdo not represent the views of engineeringeducators in general. Furthermore they querythe way in which Waghid uses reference toteaching methods in these papers to deduce thetheoretical perspective of the presenters. Itis suggested that the views of the educatorsinvolved in this conference and others like itin South Africa, can be characterised asfalling within a broad interpretivist(constructivist) perspective. Finally, theauthors agree that an engagement with acritical perspective would contributesignificantly to the transformation of theculture of engineering education in SouthAfrica.  相似文献   

以近年CNKI数据库中发表主题为"礼仪教育"论文的期刊为研究对象,通过绘制载文年度分析把握礼仪教育的总体研究现状;通过绘制载文年度分析、载文基金分析、第一作者分析以及合作作者分析,结合中心度研究关键学术团体的构成及资助情况;借助绘制高频关键词频次分析、共现图谱分析和聚类图谱分析解析近年来我国礼仪教育研究的热点主题;实施...  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,我国的研究生教育实现了跨越式发展。运用文献计量学方法,对CNKI数据库中1978-2018年核心期刊6988篇文献的关键词、发文机构、发文作者等进行知识图谱可视化分析,结果显示:改革开放40年来,研究生教育研究的热点领域聚焦于研究生课程设置、研究生培养质量监控、专业学位认证、学位授权点建设等方面;王战军、王传毅、袁本涛、张文修、廖湘阳等学者的研究在该领域主题演进中颇具影响力;研究生教育研究的前沿趋势主要集中于研究生培养机制改革、研究生质量保障体系完善、研究生国际化水平提升和研究生创新能力的培养等方面。已有研究主要呈现出以下四个特点:研究主题较为多元化;研究整体呈现出明显的政策导向性;逐步聚焦实现研究生教育内涵式发展;学术共同体逐步形成,研究生教育学成为将来的可能趋势。  相似文献   

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