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高等教育的现实呼唤不同类型高校差异化的发展策略.本文提出以生命周期理论来观照大学学科发展问题,并基于知识生命周期理论对不同类型的大学分层发展进行了研究,深入刻画了研究型大学和应用型本科高校的学科发展图景,并进一步提出了促进应用型本科院校学科发展的建议.  相似文献   

从我国重点产业发展的需求出发,论述了构建产业技术创新服务平台的必要性,在总结了前人的研究成果,并充分借鉴发达国家和我国发达地区创新平台构建的经验基础上,结合我国重点产业发展的客观实际,通过官产学研相结合构建了符合我国国情、具有可操作性的产业技术创新服务平台的理论模型;分析了通过平台的构建,集成创新资源联合攻关,实现资源对外开放和高效服务,以支撑企业自主创新和产业技术进步。  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, when the international com...  相似文献   

作为我国基础研究"国家队"的重要组成部分,联合型SKL已经成为我国开展高水平基础研究的重要基地,但其原始创新和集成创新能力有限,且不同类型的联合型SKL自主创新绩效差异显著。首次运用SWOT法对我国联合型SKL自主创新进行了比较全面系统的分析。研究表明,我国联合型SKL在自主创新方面具有各自的优势和劣势,面临不同的威胁和发展的机遇。因此,发挥多种策略的协同功能,就成为提升我国联合型SKL自主创新能力的应对之策。  相似文献   

本文从技术链的视角,基于演化理论和均衡理论阐释了政府在我国汽车产业技术发展中的作用,认为当前我国汽车产业的技术发展是从整车架构技术到核心元件技术再到前沿研究开发的技术积累过程,政府在不同的技术环节具有相异的作用形式和内容,依次表现为前沿研究开发的推动者、核心元件技术的支持者和整车架构技术的引导者,政策设计应从基于均衡理论的弥补"市场失灵"转向基于演化理论的弥补"系统失灵",呈现出从专注于直接投资向着力于系统完善的演变。  相似文献   

The energy demands of socioeconomic development keep growing. Like other major countries, China is also facing an increasing shortage of conventional energy supplies. The large-scale exploitation of fossil fuels is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Economic development under the dual constraints of limited energy sources and the need for environmental protection has become a matter of global concern. Therefore, developing diverse new energy sources is a strategic priority of governments around the world.  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.  相似文献   

On April 22,2013 , the CAS Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), China's largest in the field, convened a meeting to mark its formal inauguration. Its title plate was jointly unveiled by senior officials, including Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) WANG Qinmin, CAS President BAI Chunli, former Chinese S&T Minister XU Guanhua, CAS Vice President YIN Hejun, CAS Member SUN Honglie and RADI Director- General GUO Huadong.  相似文献   

Scientists from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica(SIMM) under the CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences have made significant progress in suggesting a possible mechanism for the accumulation of amyloid β-peptides(Aβs),which are believed to cause Alzheimer‘s disease.  相似文献   

The research value of the right of resistance in the administrative law has been highlighted gradually in recent years with the enhancement of legal awareness and the increase of administrative cases in our country.In this paper,based on the concept and characteristics of the administrative counterpart's right of resistance and the present situation of its development in our country,a conception of system of administrative counterpart's right of resistance is proposed with the use of the regulations concerning the right of resistance in other countries for reference.  相似文献   

目前协同机制在知识创新过程中越来越表现出突出的作用,为了更有效地实现组织的知识创新,将协同机制引入科研团队知识创新系统。首先根据国内外创造力理论和知识创新相关文献分析以及不同科研团队案例调研,构建了科研团队知识创新系统,论证该系统具有复杂系统特性。此复杂系统具备应用协同机制的条件,据此建立了科研团队知识创新体系的协同机制应用模型,并对其静态特性和动态效应进行了分析,最后通过某科研团队的案例分析,即在整个科研项目过程中实施协同管理,观察协同机制在各个子系统中的具体实施和实际应用,并验证研究内容。  相似文献   

Engineering nano-materials & their impact on human health or environmental security constitute a newly emerging R&D hot spot and a key problem now urgently waiting for its solution in supporting the su...  相似文献   

运用统一标准的测量工具(问卷)了解我国高校理工科博士生的激励需求并得出重要激励因素及其偏好,最后通过对不同激励因素之于不同背景特征博士生的重要程度的比较分析,提出针对不同特性的高校理工科博士生要有不同的激励重点的建议。  相似文献   

<正>Since the 20th century,technologies for outer space exploration have developed rapidly,but we still know little about the deep sea on Earth."We know even less about the deep sea than the Moon or Mars",Professor WANG Pinxian from the Chinese Academy of Science once remarked.It means that we are on a relatively low level of scientif ic research about the deep sea,but it also indicates a huge potential in the f ield.1.The manned deep-sea submersible will guide the development of deep-sea exploration technologies The deep-sea exploration technology is a complicated and integrated set of high technology that involve many ST disciplines and can provide methods and instruments for the scientif ic research and resources exploration of the deep sea.It can also promote the development of a variety of general technologies and equipment concerning deep sea exploration.The technology is an essential means to detect resources in the  相似文献   

Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED) in 1992, when the international community reached a consensus on sustainable development. On the one hand, some progress has been made in advancing sustainable development worldwide and in achieving the  相似文献   

In collaboration with their colleagues from the ROK and Mongolia, CAS scientists achieved their first success in obtaining a 40.18m ice core in a drilling operation from 5 to 20 June in an expedition to the (Hovd) Tsambagarav glacier in Altay Mountains of Mongolia.  相似文献   

从知识产权政策溢出的视角出发,基于2001—2010年的面板数据,运用DEA-Malmquist指数分析法对我国29个省、市、自治区的知识产权政策绩效进行实证分析,研究结果表明,各省市知识产权政策绩效差别较大,且传统意义上的知识产权富集区域并非知识产权政策绩效方面的效率大省;运用政策溢出的理念对八大区域政策绩效进行效果分析,并重点论述四大效应下各区域存在的优势与不足;提出促进区域经济发展、改善区域知识产权政策绩效的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Dramatic changes have taken place in global environment and sustainable development patterns since 1992, when the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development convened in Rio de Janeiro, Br...  相似文献   

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