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李璟 《海外英语》2012,(16):173-174
In the middle of the 19th century, with a series of excellent novels the great British critical realist writers Charles Dickens created us a vivid world ofhope and despair. Of all his voluminous works, the famoustrilogy of orphansis all representatives ofhope and de spair. which not only greatly influenced many contemporary writers, but also used for reference by the budding young writers.  相似文献   


This article examines the importance of doubt in Western philosophy, with particular attention to the work of Søren Kierkegaard and Miguel de Unamuno. Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous author Johannes Climacus ventures down the pathway of doubt, finds it perplexing and difficult and discovers that he is unable to return to his pre-doubting self. In despair, the meaningfulness of his life is called into question. Unamuno, a great admirer of Kierkegaard, acknowledges the suffering that accompanies doubt while affirming the pivotal role of uncertainty, despair and struggle in realising our humanity. From Unamuno, we can acquire a keener sense of the part education has to play in both forming us as doubting beings and allowing us to work constructively with the despair engendered by this formation.  相似文献   

鲁迅的《狂人日记》以短短六千余字揭露了几千年旧社会的黑暗和罪恶,吃人就是他的总罪状,而结束语中救救孩子的呼喊也成为众多学者研究的对象。本文着重分析了救救孩子这一呼喊其实表现了鲁迅深深的绝望,由此反映出鲁迅终其一生都在反抗绝望的战斗精神。  相似文献   

旅居香港后期,施叔青将自己对于生活了十七年的香港的爱恋,化为史诗般的波涛汹涌之作《香港三部曲》,以风尘女子黄得云的传奇一生串连起香港自开埠以来的重要历史事件,向读者展现香港百年沧桑的殖民史和社会变迁,为后人留下一部香江风情图录。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代是斯坦贝克在艺术上走向成熟并创作出最具代表性作品的时期.农业工人三部曲真实反映了大萧条时期的美国社会和处在社会最底层的广大农民的苦难生活,作家以其独特的方式书写那个年代美国的历史,阐释同时代人的梦想和追求,突现梦幻与现实之间的巨大反差.  相似文献   

师陀的"‘一二·九’运动三部曲"在《师陀全集》中仅收录其中的《雪原》(前9节),近期解志熙发表《芦焚的"一二·九"三部曲及其他》,披露了他新发现的《雪原》(后9节)及《争斗》,最终完成了"三部曲"的全部发掘。但解文对刊发《雪原》的《学生月刊》、《争斗》未完成的原因等问题的论述有错讹,应予说明。  相似文献   

教育落后是导致儿童失学的深层次原因。所以,希望工程的发展方向最终应落实到教育质量的提高上。应从高等师范院校品学兼优的学生中,选择经济困难的学生作为教育援助的人才资源,将经济援助与教育援助同步实施,促使希望工程滚动发展。  相似文献   

对照教师专业化的五个标准,可以发现当前我国的教师专业化陷入了目的困境、知识困境、权力困境、制度困境和伦理困境五大困境。但存在困境并不等于否定教师专业化的必要性和合理性,从困境中我们也看到了教师专业化的希望。  相似文献   

穆旦的诗记录了诗人希望与绝望心灵轨迹,残酷的现实和坚定的执着交织在一起,使得穆旦和他的诗文形成一种痛苦的扭结状态。现实的虚无与心灵深处的理想难以取得平衡。穆旦时刻处于二者之间的游离徘徊之中。  相似文献   

池莉的成名作“烦恼三部曲”中,以印加厚为代表的男主人公在窘困的物质条件的压迫下,在浓厚的传统文化的熏染下,消解了诗意的爱情神话,形成了“不谈爱情,只谈好好过日子”的婚恋观。  相似文献   

Wuthering Heights,written by Emily Bronte,hasbeen neglected for a long time,just because of itscomplexity and singularity of the structure.It describestwo love stories of two generations.The plot can bedivided into the external part(Catherine and Heathcli…  相似文献   

植根于被压迫者教育学,弗莱雷提出了他的希望教育哲学,认为希望是人的本体使命和需求,它与实践紧密相连,但是又超越于实践,它直指未来,是推动历史前进的动力。弗莱雷认为,希望教育只有通过民主的方式才能得以真正进行,人类的解放才会有希望。  相似文献   

期望教育的心理学理据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
期望是人类活动的本质特点。教育是期望引导的传递期望的活动。要使学生从教育中受益,关键在于使每个教师对每个学生抱有期望,使每个学生对自己的发展与提高满怀期望。要使每个教师和学生认识到,每个学生都是独特的,有价值的,有发展潜力的,充满希望的。只有这样,才能使学生真正活动起来,满怀信心地去实现自己的期望和理想。  相似文献   

Education for sustainable development represents a politically prioritized area of knowledge in contemporary Swedish education and as such it has acquired a prominent position among the governing values of educational policy. Insofar as education for sustainable development is directed at securing the future of human well-being, this article suggests that it concerns a moral discourse where notions about what may or may not happen in the future plays an important role in the governance of practices and behaviors in the present. Since the future is shrouded in uncertainty, it is suggested that the emotions of hope and fear may be understood in terms of tools for governing the everyday lives of children, invoking alluring and deterrent images that influence their decision-making. Besides seeking to gain a better understanding of some of the preconditions of education for sustainable development, the aim of this article concerns an investigation into some of the effects that education for sustainable development may have on the lives of children. To this end, it looks at how hope and fear are being put into play within the discourse as strategies for governing individuals in relation to the uncertainty of the future.  相似文献   

史铁生的小说《命若琴弦》把我们从人生的困境推向幸福的彼岸,就像他本人那样,以温和坚忍的姿态拨动着生命的琴弦,满怀希望的去穿越苦难。希望之路就成了史铁生彻悟后的救赎之路。他借助一个寓言故事用象征的手法展示给我们,在平静的叙述下蕴含深沉的人生感悟,具有耐人寻味的艺术效果。  相似文献   


Sacred teaching takes many forms across religious traditions, focusing on creation and sacramentality in Christianity, God’s nature and creation of human beings in Judaism, and spiritual and social practices in both. At the heart of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions are accents on the sacredness of life, creation in the image of God, and human dignity. This essay analyzes the three traditions to discover textures of sacrality and practices of sacred teaching and learning. Can such teaching be revolutionary in divided contexts? The paper proposes an approach to sacred, revolutionary teaching to foster compassion, openness, humility, and hope.  相似文献   

The Nature of Hope and its Significance for Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper offers an analysis of the nature of hope and explicates its significance for and relation to education. This entails distinguishing initially two kinds of hope – absolute and ultimate hope. While absolute hope is an orientation of the spirit which sets no conditions or limits on what is achievable and has no particular ends in view, ultimate hope is an 'aimed hope', that is to say a form of hopefulness that entails identifying and struggling to realise in the here and now particular improved states of affairs – for oneself, for others and for society generally. To that extent, ultimate hope, despite efforts to undermine it prompted by despair, relativism, cynicism and fatalism, is a crucial aspect of the educational process. On the other hand, absolute hope, combined with a 'larger love' of teaching, provides those educators who have it with a significant personal resource in coping better with the special demands of their work.  相似文献   

古典教育的精神大师们,在揭示教育的目的和本质时,为我们确立了以精神反思为基本方法的德育哲学.这一德育的方法论既是一种哲学态度,又是一种精神气质.赋予我们诠释教育本质的一种哲学品质,即关注教育与人的灵魂和命运的关联.作为古典教育精神的延续和发展,希望哲学继续着古典教育精神反思的传统,将对人的本质和精神世界的追问,由当下实然世界指向作为尚未存在的未来——作为人性向善的可能性.希望哲学借助于时间哲学实现着对古典教育及其方法论的超越.要求人将对道德的追求指向作为终极的未来——最高的善或德性的可能性.这是希望哲学作为一种德育方法论的本质和精神.  相似文献   

本研究在文献分析与专家咨询的基础上,构建适应我国文化背景的中小学生希望量表.探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明,<中小学生希望量表>由三个维度构成,分别是未来信念、动力信念和方法信念,共13个项目.经检验,该量表具有良好的信效度,可以在今后相关研究中作为快速测评中小学生希望发展状况的测量工具使用.  相似文献   

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