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平视一代是新时代青年的形象表达,表征着新时代青年正以自信姿态走向世界。平视一代坚定历史自信,彰显着对中华优秀传统文化的敬意与传承、对党百年奋斗伟大历史成就的认同与坚守、对中国共产党人伟大奋斗精神的赓续与弘扬。教育和引导平视一代坚定历史自信,是服务和实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然时代要求、坚定中国特色社会主义自信的深层价值逻辑,更是抓好后继有人这个根本大计的战略之举。在新赶考路上,要充分掌握历史主动、把握历史规律和运用历史经验,激励平视一代以历史主动精神和创造精神,继续绘就中华民族伟大复兴壮丽图卷。  相似文献   

戏曲理论对于“一代有一代之文学”命题的诠解主要有四种观点:倡新求变、殊流同源、天人交响以及命中定数。诠解行为本身是中国古代文艺社会学传统的延续与变革,更是戏曲自我身份认同危机的产物。诠解的先验目的性要求对文学与社会关系研究的进一步深入和完善。  相似文献   

作为经历一战有影响的作家,"迷惘一代"以其独特的精神内涵和写作特点在美国文学史上占有极其重要的地位,而他们在写作手法和技巧上的创新,对美国现代主义文学的发展更是产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

夏志清先生称祢衡"是那种‘垮掉的一代’的儒生",这与由祢衡的人生悲剧而得出的"戒骄戒躁""慎言慎行"之类的"现代启示"有相通之处。这一论断及相关"现代启示"对祢衡之狂的深意以及儒家的道统论缺乏"了解之同情",但同时亦渊源有自。综观历史评价,秉持与"家训体"或"通鉴体"相近的原则,对于祢衡其人其事,往往贬多于褒。而褒扬祢衡者,只要不是出于对曹操的成见,亦多立足于其反抗权贵、维护道统的立场。  相似文献   

"迷惘的一代"是第一次世界大战的产物,而"迷惘的一代"文学又体现出强烈的悲剧意识.本文通过对欧内司特·海明威生平和作品的分析,揭示出"迷惘的一代"的实质和意义.  相似文献   

战争是证明男性气概的最佳场所,战士也是历史上男性气概的典型示范。战争中体现的“勇敢”“威武”和“荣耀”等精神是评判男性气概的主要内容,形成了男性气概的传统。而海明威,作为书写“男性气概”和“迷惘一代”的杰出作家,显然意识到了新时代对于男性气概提出的新要求。他笔下的男性气概以及对“海明威式英雄”人物的塑造都有对传统男性气概的颠覆和对新时代男性气概实质的思考。因此,与其说海明威笔下“迷惘一代”的男性气概因战争而被阉割,毋宁说是经历了战争之后,对于新时代男性气概的建构。  相似文献   

当今冬第一片雪花蹁跹着亲吻我的面颊的时候,我迎来了生命里的第十八个年头。作为第一批步入成人的90后,我们即将开启一个新时代。而随着90后的崛起,80后也会在以后的岁月中沦为回忆,并在我们的演唱中销声匿迹。对于80后,我不能做出全面的评价,毕竟在他们挥斥方遒的时候,我还蜷缩在书山的一角,抑或是卷海的一隅,辛勤求索着那些被学校标榜的知识。但就我所知道的,我还是想说一下,姑且当作一纸悼文,凭吊这个行将死亡的群体。  相似文献   

通过比较分析“垮掉一代”产生的历史背景、产生原因、主要特点、表现方式等,对于它误解的主要原因是表象的误导和认识的不够深入。“垮掉一代”的极端行为是他们对社会的批判和抗议,是其进行精神探索的特殊方式;同时“垮掉”的译法容易影响人们对它的正确理解;“垮掉一代”的作品有其独特的借鉴之处;“垮掉一代”是一直存在并深刻影响我们的生活。  相似文献   

试析《在路上》作品中“垮掉一代”的精神世界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"垮掉的一代"是20世纪50年代兴起于美国的一场文学、文化、社会运动。本文通过分析"垮掉一代"产生的社会历史文化背景,结合其具有代表性的作品《在路上》,来试图阐释"垮掉一代"在疯狂外表下的真实精神追求,并探究它所与美国历史上追求个人价值和个性自由这一精神传统的一脉相承关系。  相似文献   

"垮掉一代"在其社会体制的重压下,精神空间一再萎缩,他们体会到了"奔驰的资本主义"富裕光鲜表面下的不幸和无奈,开始对其反自然、反人性的一面进行反抗。最初他们用疯狂行为来进行反抗,但最终发现一味寻求欲望的宣泄无从使心灵得到安宁,无从提供生命的意义,甚至导致自身生命力的消耗和意志的沉沦,其代表人物凯鲁亚克等遂转向东方禅宗以求心灵解脱。无论是疯狂的个人自由还是内省式的佛禅,都无法改变外部世界。因此,"垮掉一代"应当转身回到"滚滚红尘"中去并摆脱狭隘的自我,关心社会、关心国家和世界大事,走向民众,寻求解决社会问题的人生道路。  相似文献   

沈从文的时间意识与死亡意识相生相成,构成沈从文“生命哲学”的重要而又特殊的组成部分。他认为时间的魔力巨大,能消融生命,能治疗痛苦,还能造就创作;他的时间意识停留在“过去”,具有“过去式”、“静态化”与“突变性”的特点。  相似文献   

Truisms have the disadvantage that by dulling the senses they obscure the truth. Almost nobody will become alarmed when told that in times of continuity the future equals the past. Only a few will become aware that from this follows that in times of socio-cultural change the future will not be like the past... At any moment we are free to act toward the future we desire. In other words, the future will be as we wish and perceive it to be. This may come as a shock only to those who let their thinking be governed by the principle that demands that only the rules observed in the past shall apply to the future. For those the concept of change is inconceivable, for change is the process that obliterates the rules of the past (Von Foerster, 1972).  相似文献   

As increasing attention has been given in the past decade to positive psychology, this has likewise been directed toward understanding methods of nurturing positive mental health. These methods have moved toward empowering clients in the development of skills to enhance their own sense of wellbeing (Khong, Counseling and Spirituality, 25, 67–84, 2006). Advances in neurosciences are adding to this understanding, especially through the power of neuroimaging. Mindfulness training and self-compassion are key practices undergoing development for empowering clients in ways to nurture their own positive mental health. Counselors who become familiar with these practices and ways in which they promote positive mental health can gain new understanding and methods for assisting clients and thereby extend their therapeutic effectiveness. Counselors can teach clients practices that can serve to enhance coping capabilities and to reduce suffering.  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of an intergenerational friendly visit program on the attitudes toward the elders of one fourth grade class. Students visited with their elder "special friends" at a nursing home every week for five months. In-class lessons regarding students' knowledge and attitudes toward elders prepared students for the visits. The results of this qualitative study indicated that students gained a raised level of awareness regarding elders and the aging process. Their attitudes revealed a realistic view of both the positive and negative aspects of aging. Their attitudes toward their "special friends" were consistently positive and their empathy increased during the course of the study.  相似文献   

本文简要地回顾了一个世纪来中国外语教学所走过的历程 ,归纳了目前外语教学中存在的两个主要问题 ,从宏观和微观两个方面就此展开了讨论 ,分析了问题的症结所在 ;批评了部分人对外语教学采取十足的实用主义态度 ,即对其进行纯经济学式的成本核算、而忽略其本身固有的开启学生心智的重要价值 ;指出外语教育界目前应克服急功近利的浮躁心态 ,正确对待并处理好外语教学中“实”与“虚”的关系。  相似文献   



To investigate the prevalence of child physical maltreatment (CPM) by parents in a city locating in central-western region of China and identify associated risk factors.


Cross-sectional survey was carried out among a randomly sampled population of primary school students’ parents in Yuncheng City. Data on parental CPM during the past 3 months, definition of CPM, Parenting Scale, parent-child interaction attitudes, social support, socio-demographic background were collected by a self-report questionnaire. Logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the associations between CPM and related risk factors.


Of parents from 1,394 primary school students, there were 595 (42.7%) and 301 (21.6%) of them reported that they had minor/severe CPM behaviors toward their children during the past 3 months, respectively. The risk factors that were significantly associated with both prevalence and frequencies of minor/severe CPM included child problem behaviors, overreactivity and hostility parenting.


CPM by parents is not uncommon in China. More attention should be paid to programs that help parents learn parenting skills and use nonviolent child discipline.  相似文献   

高中教师对高考科目设置的态度很大程度上受其任教科目的影响。数学教师与外语教师,物化生教师与政史地教师对"统考科目设置"的态度差异显著,更多的数学与物化生等理科教师不赞同把外语作为统考科目。对"高考各科目权重"的态度,大多数教师选择所任教科目权重大的科目设置模式。对"非统考科目如何设考",仅有"主科"教师与"副科"教师维度呈现显著差异,虽然更多的"副科"教师希望分科设考以体现各科的学科地位,但是,更多的"副科"教师同时希望以综合科目的方式维持其作为高考科目的地位,而更多的"主科"教师认为在保持"主科"统考科目地位前提下可以实行"副科"选考。  相似文献   

The participation of specialists in environmental protection and their active participation in industry, research and planning is considered an essential demand in all efforts to improve the present environmental situation and to find solutions which will avoid the mistakes of the past. Of late, many countries have devoted considerable time, money and resources toward broadening the training of such specialists.

In this context, we present the following article, written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Dr. ing. Gheorghe Borilà and Dr. ing. Ionel Constantinescu from the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest.  相似文献   

The several reports and papers of the past decade suggesting paradigm shifts in engineering education are shown to reveal a common theme, to wit: engineering is an integrative process, and thus engineering education, particularly at the baccalaureate level, should be designed toward that end. Suggesting a change in intellectual culture, the roots of contemporary collegiate education in the United States are traced to their origin and attention is given to discussing the current emphasis on reductionism vis-à-vis integration or, said another way, a course-focused education compared to a more holistic approach in which process and knowledge are woven throughout the curriculum. A new construct for systemic change in baccalaureate engineering education is suggested in terms of a taxonomy of intellectual components connected holistically with a core focus on developing human potential, as opposed to the present system in which students are passed serially through course filters.An early version of this work appeared as Engineering education: Innovation through integration,Journal of Engineering Education 82(1): 3–8, 1993.  相似文献   

Investigation of academic dishonesty has increased markedly in the past two decades; however, the body of research offers inconclusive evidence for many variables. This study examines faculty and student perceptions of in‐class and out‐of‐class cheating behaviours and provides contextual evidence for the prevalence of assessment practices used. Faculty and students differed only slightly in their attitudes toward collegiate cheating and their views on possible reasons for it. We found that the prevalence of teaching and assessment types used in student grading is significantly correlated with perceptions of out‐of‐class cheating, but not with out‐of‐class cheating behaviours. Students with less experience in out‐of‐class assessment display a less ethical attitude toward out‐of‐class cheating.  相似文献   

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