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对于利他行为,人们总是站在“经济人”的角度进行分析。这种源于一元动机驱策两种行为的分析,将各种因利他动机而产生的利他行为也解释为是为了追求自身利益的最大化。站在二元动机驱策两种行为的基础上,在理性、利他和追求团体利益最大化的假设下,文章运用“道德人”假说来解释利他行为,并建立了一个分析框架对各种利他行为进行分析。  相似文献   

现实生活中需要利他行为。本文试图通过对利他行为进行社会认知分析!提供一种 弘扬正义、提倡利他的理论依据。文中分析了人们面临紧急情境时是否采取利他行为的认知决定过 程,并着重论述了影响利他行为的内、外因素。  相似文献   

从利他与利己的传统伦理维度出发,人们参与志愿服务的动机可分为主观为己的志愿动机、己他兼顾的志愿动机和纯粹利他的志愿动机三个层次。应该说,在当前社会每一个动机层次都有其存在的合理性。但是,从社会道德向善的要求而言,我们希望人们的志愿行为是从主观为己的志愿行为、己他兼顾的志愿行为逐渐走向纯粹利他的志愿行为。  相似文献   

公益创业鼓励人们提供公共服务,承担社会责任,解决社会问题。高职院校学生公益创业动机有别于传统的商业创业动机,利他动机是其核心动机。重视内部"自我实现、追名求富"利己动机的鼓舞,强化外在"社会支持、家庭影响"利他动机的激励,是培育高职院校学生公益创业心理动机的有效路径。  相似文献   

采用群际囚徒困境差异最大化游戏(IPD-MD)和群际囚徒困境游戏(IPD)的重复决策设计,模拟具有不同冲突历史的群际冲突情境,探讨不同回报方式对个体在群际冲突情境中的决策动机及行为的影响。结果发现,不论群际间是否存在冲突历史,个体在模拟的群际冲突情境中都表现出了一致的决策动机和行为特点:在虚拟回报条件下,超越外群体的竞争动机主导着个体的行为,个体捐献更多的游戏券到组间公用基金以最大化群体的相对收益;在现金回报条件下,使内群体受益的利他动机主导着个体的行为,个体捐献更多的游戏券到组内公用基金以最大化群体的绝对收益。回报方式对个体在群际冲突情境中的决策动机及行为有显著影响。  相似文献   

公益创业作为一种新的解决社会问题的方式引起人们的广泛关注﹐高职院校学生公益创业动机有别与传统的商业创业动机﹐利他动机是公益创业的核心动机﹐也是高职院校学生参与公益创业的的出发点﹐近年来﹐公益创业动机呈混合化发展趋势﹐高职院校学生公益创业心理动机的影响因素主要体现在内因与外因两个方面﹐内因与外因相互渗透﹐共同影响公益创业的心理动机水平。  相似文献   

培养学生的利他行为是道德教育中的重要内容,为了有效地培养利他行为,应从心理学、神经科学视角寻找利他教育方法。共情和社会情境是影响利他行为的重要因素。人类天生具有共情的生理基础,共情促使个体做出利他行为。相互依赖的社会情境促进利他规范的形成,这些利他规范一方面会约束社会群体的行为,另一方面被内化成个体的价值观,从而影响个体的利他行为。基于此,提出利他教育应该重视四个方面:培养社会认知能力、创设社会互动的情境、重视亲子间的情绪沟通、创设相互依赖的学习情境。  相似文献   

主要采用问卷法分析了目前大学生亲社会行为类型的现状,结果表明,大学生亲社会行为类型主要包括利他、紧急、情绪、依从、匿名和公开六种亲社会行为。其中自我报告最多的是利他亲社会行为。总体来说,大学生亲社会行为在独生子女与非独生子女因素上存在显著性差异,其他各方面无显著性差异。  相似文献   

5~7岁蒙、汉族幼儿利他行为实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究是从呼和浩特市区普通蒙、汉幼儿园中选取 5~ 7岁年龄段幼儿各 80名作被试 ,在实验情境中测查他们利他行为的发展情况 ,结果表明 :(1 )蒙、汉两种不同民族的幼儿利他行为之间的一致性随年龄的增长而增加 ,但蒙族幼儿中的男孩、汉族幼儿中的女孩利他倾向增长较快 ;(2 ) 5~ 7岁年龄段的蒙族幼儿利他倾向比同年龄段的汉族幼儿高  相似文献   

就大型体育赛事大学生志愿者参与动机对大学生志愿者进行调查.研究表明:认同动机、利他动机、成就动机、社交动机、压力动机五个维度构成大学生参与大型体育赛事志愿服务动机的因子结构体系.一定的历史时期、社会文化环境、个体生活经验等因素与大学生参与大型体育赛事志愿服务动机具有密不可分的内在关系.  相似文献   

利他主义与效率的关系是探讨利他主义经济学价值不可回避的问题。科拉姆在其全新框架下以利他主义符合帕累托效率的必要条件为依据,揭示了情感、偏好、选择与行为之间的密切联系,提出依据行动主体观念上的自觉性,使其能动选择利他的偏好结构,遵照“完美的利他主义”正义通则,人们更偏爱的利他主义社会状态证明了利他主义的效率。  相似文献   

传统利他主义伦理观在强调无私利他的同时反对一切个人利益的诉求而失去了其存在人性论基础。社会生物学认为利己与利他并非二元对立的两极,只是个体在不同环境中所采取的不同生存策略。就人类来说,亲缘范围内的利他是无私利他,而社会范围内的利他则更多是互惠利他。人类的利他行为是知与情统一,是先天与后天协同作用的结果。在一个神圣祛魅、道德世俗化的时代,我们应从内容到方法对利他主义道德教育进行合乎现实与理性的修订。  相似文献   

Socialization and situational influences on sustained altruism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E G Clary  J Miller 《Child development》1986,57(6):1358-1369
In this conceptual replication and extension of Rosenhan's study of civil rights activists, the sustained altruism (i.e., help that extends over time) of volunteers at a telephone crisis-counseling agency was examined. Using a prospective format, it was predicted that volunteers with a socialization history of exposure to nurturant parents who modeled altruism (autonomous altruists) would exhibit a greater degree of sustained altruism than those with a history of less nurturant parents who modeled altruism to a lesser degree (normative altruists). The altruism of the normative volunteers, however, was expected to increase given certain situational conditions (here, participation in a highly cohesive training group prior to the actual volunteer activity). As predicted, the rate of sustained altruism of normative volunteers in highly cohesive groups was increased to a level comparable to that of autonomous volunteers, while the altruism of autonomous volunteers was not affected by the training group experience. The implications of these findings for research on altruism and its development, as well as some applications to volunteerism, are discussed.  相似文献   

人类利他行为究竟是理性的产物还是经验的产物呢?社会生物学以现代生物进化论为基础,从基因的角度探讨人类利他行为的形成,强调亲缘选择对绝对利他行为的决定作用,同时通过进化博弈说明人类的文明源于相对利他行为的出现.这些观点再次为道德的起源做出了经验的说明.  相似文献   

传统经济学理论中关于“经济人”的假设无法有效解释经济人的利他行为,在将行为人的行为目的统一为获取个人价值的基础上,构建群体意识选择模型解释并分析经济人利他行为选择,得出降低经济人个人欲望、降低社会利他行为成本、密切人与人之间的关系有助于增进社会的利他行为。  相似文献   

Using data collected over a 1-year period on a stratified random sample of 368 parents with children studying in nurseries (mean age = 3.97 years), this study assessed the predictive effects of parental corporal punishment, parental psychological aggression, preschoolers’ altruism, and preschoolers’ forgiveness on preschoolers’ anxiety symptoms in Hong Kong, China. Results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that parental psychological aggression, preschoolers’ altruism and preschoolers’ forgiveness at Time 1 significantly predicted preschoolers’ anxiety at Time 2, when controlling for the initial level of preschoolers’ anxiety and important demographic variables that co-vary with preschoolers’ anxiety. Moreover, preschoolers’ altruism moderated the predictive effect of parental psychological aggression on preschoolers’ anxiety symptoms. The study has several significant contributions. First, the study supports the predictive effect of parental aggressive discipline on preschoolers’ anxiety. Second, we provide evidence that preschoolers’ altruism and forgiveness negatively predict preschoolers’ anxiety symptoms. Third, preschoolers’ altruism and forgiveness are shown to protect them against parental psychological aggression. A dual-focus approach to intervention and prevention is proposed to reduce aggressive discipline by parents as well as to enhance altruism and forgiveness in children. Parent training programs could be provided to teach parents positive discipline strategies. Home-based or school-based interventions could be designed for preschool children to foster and enhance their altruism and forgiveness.  相似文献   

斯密的《国富论》论述了国家增加财富的基本方式,同时也从人性的角度剖析了人们追求财富的动机,即人的利己性.斯密认为利已是人的本性,但是利己不同于自私,利已往往要通过利他才能实现.市场机制是利己与利他的中介,利己会在市场机制的条件下充分发挥作用,实现利已与利他相结合,实现个人利益与社会利益的双赢.在此基础上斯密提出了自由贸易的思想,认为在国内政府要实行自由放任的政策,在国际上要展开自由贸易,这种自由贸易原则成为贸易和平论的思想渊源.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the plasticity of altruistic behavior in children, analyzing the effect of a short intervention on 6- to 7-year-olds. After a 10-session intervention performed in a school context, altruism significantly increased. The intervention, which included relaxation practices, cooperative activities and emotional security priming, positively modulated altruistic behavior in children, beyond reciprocation and reputation. The experiences of collaborating, feeling emotional security and attaining moments of relaxation increased participants’ awareness of themselves and of others, favoring the emergence of intrinsic altruism. These results are in line with our hypothesis that altruism is an embodied human resource, highly susceptible to experience within social contexts.  相似文献   

从利己本身看 ,利己无利无害他人及社会 ,无所谓善恶 ,无所谓好坏 ;从利己实现的手段和给他人及社会带来的影响看 ,利己可善可恶 ,可好可坏。利己和利他是使人类社会得以生存的不可缺少的手段。利己不是一种病害 ,对自我的追求不应成为一种禁忌 ,为自己谋幸福不应受到轻视。  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(67-68):185-197

Cognitive-developmental theorists have maintained that children's development of altruism does really mean a movement from centration to decentration. In this paper we make a different claim. Borrowing from the two micromodels Piaget used, in succession, to account for the child's transition from preoperational to operational throught (i.e., a cost-gain model guided by game theory, and an affirmation-negation model based on equilibration theory), we suggest that children's development of altruism represents a movement from centration or cost-perception to compensation or gain-construction. Ninety children from three age levels (30 5-year-olds, 30 7-year-olds, and 30 10-year-olds) were presented with four prosocial dilemmas appealing to sharing, donating, helping, and conforming. Children's cost-perception/gain-construction competence was first assessed and then related to their level of altruism in an opportunity-to-donate situation. Consistent with our cost-perception/gain-construction approach, children became more likely with age to think of prosocial acts in terms of gain than in terms of cost. Positive associations between gain-construction competence and observed altruism were also found. These results strengthen our Piagetian approach to children's development of altruism  相似文献   

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