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试论女子足球运动员的灵敏素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从女性生理特点、解剖功能特征两个方面,对女子足球运动员的灵敏素质进行了分析,指出了影响女子足球运动员灵敏素质的因素,提出了提高女子足球运动员灵敏素质的方法。  相似文献   

对“运动寿命”的研究已为世人所关注。但对此问题的研究一直还局限在个别运动项目运动寿命的延长问题上,缺乏对优秀运动员成长过程的全方位研究和对优秀运动员“运动寿命”影响因素的系统分析。本文从影响人的个性形成和发展的各主要因素等角度去分析造成中西方女子运动员运动寿命存有长短差异的原因.最后得出:社会环境的不同是造成中西方女子运动员运动寿命存有长短差异的主要原因所在.  相似文献   

The interest in skinfolds, given the easy accessibility of the subcutaneous layer and its non-invasive nature, has led to a proliferation of 'skinfold' applications and formulae. To obtain data to investigate body composition methods, particularly the use of skinfolds, two separate cadaver dissection studies were undertaken, allowing for the analysis of data from 32 cadavers with more than 2500 data per cadaver. In addition, 40 elderly 'living' subjects of the same age range were compared with the cadaver population and no significant macro-morphological differences were found. The available data have clearly demonstrated that skinfold compressibility is by no means constant. Adipose tissue patterning by assessment of skinfold thickness using calipers and incision confirms significant sex differences but emphasizes the neglected importance of skin thickness. It appears that the best adipose tissue predictors are different from those used in general. Also the problem of estimating body fat content by skinfold is compounded by the fact that two identical thicknesses of adipose tissue may contain significantly different concentrations of fat. Skinfolds are significantly related to external (subcutaneous) adipose tissue. However, the relation to internal tissue is less evident and the relation with intramuscular adiposity is unknown.  相似文献   

对具有一定水平的运动员,要进一步提高专项成绩,改进训练效果,除了在体能和技能上强化训练以外,训练悟性也起着十分重要的作用。本文从六个方面介绍训练悟性在上海田径队女子短跑组队员提高专项成绩过程中的作用。  相似文献   

为了研究大强度训练期优秀女运动员体内必需微量元素铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)动态变化规律,探讨用无创性头发取样代替血样采集对运动员实施微量元素运动营养监控的可行性,以12名南部优秀女子排球运动员为研究对象,受试者分别于夏训第1天,第7天和第40天采取血浆,并同时于第1天和第40天采集头发,用原子吸收分光光度法测定头发和血浆中铁、锌、铜、锰含量.结果显示:(1)夏训结束时,血浆Fe、Cu含量和Cu/Zn比值显著性降低(P〈0.05~0.001),血浆Mn显著性升高(P〈0.001),血浆Zn无差异.(2)血浆中各元素含量在整个夏训期间的变化速率不同.其中血浆Fe在夏训第1周末即呈显著性下降(P〈0.001),显示出快速变化过程;而血浆Cu、血浆Cu/Zn比值的降低以及血浆Mn的升高表现为逐渐累积的缓慢变化过程,夏训结束才出现显著性差异(P〈0.05~0.001).(3)夏训结束时,头发Fe、头发Cu含量呈显著性降低(P〈0.05~0.001),头发Cu/Zn比值及头发Zn含量无差异.结论:(1)大强度训练期间,可以考虑用发样取代血样进行微量元素铁、锌和铜的营养监控.(2)大强度训练开始后,要及时对运动员进行微量元素铁和铜的补充.  相似文献   

在长期跟踪调查我国36名高水平女子标枪运动员获得的有关资料的基础上,通过文献分析、指标测试和数理统计等方法,总结出高水平女子标枪运动员专项身体素质的主要构成因素及变化规律,利用“前瞻式”形成性评价思路建立运动训练过程中检测专项身体素质因素累进评价量表。并与世界优秀女子标枪运动员专项身体素质做横向比较,从而找出正确发展高水平女子标枪员专项素质的合理途径,为训练手段及方法的选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Junwei Yu 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(10):1264-1280
This paper examines the legend and reality behind Hongye youth baseball. Friendly games against Japan in 1968 created an impact that has a unique place within Taiwanese history. Established both by the government and the media, Hongye was not only hailed as the genesis of Taiwan's baseball, but also as part of a Chinese nation-building project that was acceptable within society. As a result, myths were added to those facts that had become part of the people's collective memory. Such myths still linger today. The truth behind Hongye, as argued here, is that the innovation was actually a tragedy in disguise, both for young players and Taiwanese baseball as a whole [1 [1] This essay employs the Pinyin romanization system, which is used in mainland China and also is internationally recognized, since the systems used in Taiwan are quite confusing. Except for Taipei, and references that are originally written in original fashion, all are in Pinyin style. For example, US-based players Tsao Chin-hui and Chen Chin-feng are written as Cao Jinhui and Chen Jinfeng respectively. ].  相似文献   

武术套路运动是中国传统的体育项目,其训练形式和方法均有别于其它竞技体育训练模式。本文以安徽省优秀武术套路运动员为测试对象,探究了赛前公开课这种大强度训练模式对运动员生理、生化机能影响的内在规律,在此基础上,提出了训练中相应的对策。  相似文献   

Magnesium carbonate, or 'chalk', is used by rock climbers to dry their hands to increase the coefficient of friction, thereby improving the grip of the holds. To date, no scientific research supports this practice; indeed, some evidence suggests that magnesium carbonate could decrease the coefficient of friction. Fifteen participants were asked to apply a force with the tip of their fingers to hold a flattened rock (normal force), while a tangential force pulled the rock away. The coefficient of friction--that is, the ratio between the tangential force (pulling the rock) and the normal force (applied by the participants)--was calculated. Coating (chalk vs no chalk), dampness (water vs no water) and rock (sandstone, granite and slate) were manipulated. The results showed that chalk decreased the coefficient of friction. Sandstone was found to be less slippery than granite and slate. Finally, water had no significant effect on the coefficient of friction. The counter-intuitive effect of chalk appears to be caused by two independent factors. First, magnesium carbonate dries the skin, decreasing its compliance and hence reducing the coefficient of friction. Secondly, magnesium carbonate creates a slippery granular layer. We conclude that, to improve the coefficient of friction in rock climbing, an effort should be made to remove all particles of chalk; alternative methods for drying the fingers are preferable.  相似文献   

International sporting associations (ISAs) like the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) have throughout the twentieth century promoted political neutrality as a source of autonomy. With FIFA and the IOC’s official adherence to the United Nations’ human rights conventions in 2017, FIA remains one of the few large ISAs where neutrality is not underpinned by a corrective on human rights. However, this position is in conflict with the ethical obligations FIA contracted when it was given full recognition by the IOC in 2013. To discuss this problematic, this paper draws upon J.S. Mill’s On Liberty and the concept of ‘inaction’ as a source for ways in which the FIA might reconsider its current stance.

Abbreviations: IOC (International Olympic Committee); FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile); FIFA (International Federation of Football Associations); ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross); ISA (International Sporting Associations); UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)  相似文献   


This article analyses the near-impossibility, for the duration of the amateur-professional divide, of cricketers born into working-class families being admitted to amateur status and, thus, to county captaincy, in the English first-class game. Its principal argument is that the hegemony achieved in the latter half of the nineteenth century by the English upper class (the aristocracy, major landowners and leaders of financial capital and their families) had one of its most visible manifestations in the culture of first-class cricket. The hegemony of this group (represented by the Marylebone Cricket Club) was sustained by a specific myth of amateurism that was rooted in caste-like social relations. By the late 1930s these relations had become unsustainable and hegemony was maintained by a subtle and unacknowledged switch to relations of class. The article charts this process, using four case studies of working-class professional cricketers, each of which brought the ideological reality of the amateur myth into sharp relief.  相似文献   


Although coaches and players recognise the importance of leaders within the team, research on athlete leadership is sparse. The present study expands knowledge of athlete leadership by extending the current leadership classification and exploring the importance of the team captain as formal leader of the team. An online survey was completed by 4,451 participants (31% females and 69% males) within nine different team sports in Flanders (Belgium). Players (N = 3,193) and coaches (N = 1,258) participated on all different levels in their sports. Results revealed that the proposed additional role of motivational leader was perceived as clearly distinct from the already established roles (task, social and external leader). Furthermore, almost half of the participants (44%) did not perceive their captain as the principal leader on any of the four roles. These findings underline the fact that the leadership qualities attributed to the captain as the team’s formal leader are overrated. It can be concluded that leadership is spread throughout the team; informal leaders rather than the captain take the lead, both on and off the field.  相似文献   

Sedentary behaviour (SB) has recently emerged as an independent risk factor for different health outcomes. Older adults accumulate long time in SB. Understanding the role that SB plays on health is crucial for a successful aging. This short systematic review summarizes the current evidence related to the effects of objectively measured SB on frailty, physical performance and mortality in adults ≥60?years old. The literature search produced 271 records for physical performance (n?=?119), frailty (n?=?31), and mortality (n?=?121). Finally, only 13 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. All articles but one included in the physical performance section (n?=?9) showed a negative association between longer time spent in SB and physical performance. A significant association of SB with higher odds of frailty was found, however this association disappeared after adjusting for cognitive status. Lastly, two of the three included studies showed positive associations between SB and mortality, but this effect decreased or even disappeared in the more adjusted models. In conclusion, there is consistency that SB is negatively associated with physical performance. However, the relationship between objectively measured SB and frailty incidence and mortality rates remains unclear and deserves further research. The use of homogenous criteria to assess SB and the inclusion of more robust research designs will help clarifying the independent effects that SB could have on physical performance, frailty, and mortality. This will ultimately help designing more efficient and comprehensive physical activity guidelines for older adults.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the old German football myth that the fouled player should not take the resulting penalty himself, as he is at an increased risk of missing. Previous analyses are improved on as we adjust for potential confounders that might influence self-taking as well as successful penalty conversion. Our findings reveal some important predictors for self-taking but, somewhat surprisingly, neither self-taking nor any of the potential confounders predicts scoring a penalty kick.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、哲学思辨方法,从武打影视视域,从武术的技击、道德、艺术层面审视武术人文教育内涵.研究表明:武术技击蕴涵的人文教育思想主要体现为中华文化阴阳思想的运用,体现了“以巧胜拙”乃至“不战而屈人之兵”的人文精神;武术道德教育从伦理学出发,彰显了习武之人更注重“侠义”、遵守“信诺”、凸显“勇敢”、倡导“和谐”的人文精神;武术艺术教育以中华审美文化为基调,体现了武术的审美意象、生命意境以及既彰显武力又解构暴力的和合生存策略.在“弘扬中华文化”、构建“和谐社会”的时代号角下,对于传承中华武术、弘扬中华文化、提升审美情趣,培育高尚的人文素养具有特殊的教育价值.  相似文献   

为更好地通过树立良好的国家形象来提升文化软实力,首先研究了国家形象,将其定位于"和平崛起的大国形象";其次论证了作为"中国最大的文化出口"的武术影视作品是宣传和塑造国家形象的首选途径;再次确立了当今武术影视作品的文化定位,即立足于中国武术的防卫型文化特色,以此宣传注重和谐的和平型文化;最后论证了根据以上定位对武术影视市场的规范。  相似文献   

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