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奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》历来就以其优美的语言形式,鲜活的人物形象闻名于世.本文分析了小说的语言风格特征,并探讨了其在孙致礼的中文译本中的种种表现手法:模仿、重建、凸显.  相似文献   

本研究以自动评分系统反馈和范文反馈为例,探讨纠错反馈与非纠错反馈对大学生英语作文语言复杂度的影响。借助LCA、L2SCA和Coh-Metrix 3.0等在线分析器,对词汇复杂度和句法复杂度共10个代表性指标进行测量和分析。发现系统反馈能提高词汇复杂度但降低句法复杂度,而范文反馈对学生作文的词汇和句法复杂度均有显著的提升作用。由此可见,不同反馈方式对语言复杂度产生错综复杂的影响,相比而言范文反馈能促进文本质量在更多维度上的提升。  相似文献   

Deaf individuals usually face more challenges in reading and writing, because they are often deprived of adequate spoken input from their infancy. Research on the language features of deaf individuals’ writing is abundant. However, their language structures have as yet been unexplored. In order to address this subject, this article uses the holistic approach of complex network theory. This study builds three syntactic dependency networks, the intent being to capture the macroscopic linguistic features in writing of deaf individuals. Three networks are constructed: one is created from a treebank of texts produced by deaf individuals, and the other two are created from two treebanks of spoken and written language samples produced by hearing people. A dependency‐based theory of syntax is used. The results indicate that the language system of individuals with deafness is structurally similar to that of hearing people, especially to that of their spoken language, but individuals with deafness tend to have lower language proficiency in both syntactic and lexical aspects. The rigid use of function words and less diversity of vocabulary might be part of the reason for the observed differences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the reliability of a potentially more practical approach to direct writing assessment in the context of ESL writing. Traditional rubric rating (RR) is a common yet resource-intensive evaluation practice when performed reliably. This study compared the traditional rubric model of ESL writing assessment and many-facet Rasch modeling (MFRM) to comparative judgment (CJ), the new approach, which shows promising results in terms of reliability. We employed two groups of raters—novice and experienced—and used essays that had been previously double-rated, analyzed with MFRM, and selected with fit statistics. We compared the results of the novice and experienced groups against the initial ratings using raw scores, MFRM, and a modern form of CJ—randomly distributed comparative judgment (RDCJ). Results showed that the CJ approach, though not appropriate for all contexts, can be as reliable as RR while showing promise as a more practical approach. Additionally, CJ is easily transferable to novel assessment tasks while still providing context-specific scores. Results from this study will not only inform future studies but can help guide ESL programs in selecting a rating model best suited to their specific needs.  相似文献   

对作为第二语言的英语的写作教学来说,新近出现的"以过程为中心"的方法较诸以往"以产品为中心"的方法似乎更为有效,因为"过程法"允许学习者自主探索并培育自己的写作方法.然而,无论如何也不能将写作教学降低为一种程式或一套公式,或者将"过程法"变成一种具有规定技巧和惯例的"办法".优秀的写作教师并不是为写作教学培育出了某种"方法"的人,而是创造出一种有效学习环境的人.在这种环境中,学习者不仅对写作感到轻松愉快,而且还能对写作的本质进行探索,从而发现自己的长处与弱点.在这个过程中,必须不断地就教师的角色和学习者的角色及二者之间的互动模式进行探讨,而教师对书面话语的本质和有效写作的特点以及成功的写手所用策略的理解,则更是提高写作教学尤其是ESL写作教学效率的制胜法宝.  相似文献   

In this study, 114 preschoolers (M age = 53 months) completed a battery of literacy assessments to explore the interplay between name writing and letter knowledge in early literacy learners. Name writing was significantly related to children's letter knowledge, and the relationships were moderate to high. However, many children exhibited an incongruity in name writing and name-specific letter-recognition skills (i.e., they could write their names but not recognize the letters in their names, or recognize the letters in their names but not write them). When these two groups were contrasted statistically, the children with superior name-specific letter recognition (but poorer name writing scores) had significantly higher letter knowledge scores than the children with superior name writing scores (but poor name-specific letter-recognition scores). Writing one's name, in itself, did not appear to correspond to a literacy advantage. Thus, with regard to the recommendation that name writing be used as a literacy assessment tool in preschool, the results from this study suggest that name writing should be used as a measure of mechanical skill only and should not be used as a means to assess children's conceptual knowledge (of letter names, letter sounds, or the alphabetic principle).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the interactions among measurement theories, writing theories, and writing assessments in the United States from an historical perspective. The assessment of writing provides a useful framework for examining how theories influence, and in some cases fail to influence actual practice. Two research traditions are described to classify measurement theories (test-score and scaling), and three research traditions are proposed for classifying writing theories (form, idea and content, and sociocultural context). The results of this study trace the impact of measurement and writing traditions on writing assessment practices within selected time periods during the 20th century in the United States. One of the major findings of this historical analysis is that measurement theory has had a strong influence on writing assessments, while writing theory has had minimal influence on writing assessments. We also found support for the idea that a new discipline of writing assessment has emerged. This new discipline combines multiple fields including the writing, composition, and measurement communities of scholars, and it has the potential to set the stage for the future of writing assessment in the 21st century.  相似文献   

对关英报刊标题的写作特点从时态、选词、修辞等方面进行了归纳总结,并指出学会读标题还应具备一定的文学修养和背景知识,注意平时各方面知识的积累。  相似文献   

新西兰英语与英国英语、澳大利亚英语、毛利语有着千丝万缕的联系 ,在语音、词汇、习语等方面具有鲜明的特色 ,是英语世界中的一个重要的区域变体  相似文献   

写作活动是由文章、世界和主体这三个元素构成的,主体是最活跃的、具有决定意义的元素。主体必须依靠跟外部世界不断进行信息能量的交流才能保持自身的活力,生产新的信息。写作教学的首要任务是考虑选择什么样的信息传送给学生,以及如何组织、以何种方式传送的问题。写作活动是一种丰富、复杂的精神生产过程,对它的探索必须深入到写作主体结构的深处。  相似文献   

The Developing Understanding of Assessment for Learning (DUAL) programme was developed with the dual aims of improving both the quality and consistency of feedback students receive and the students’ ability to use that feedback to improve. DUAL comprises a range of processes (including marking rubrics, sample reports, moderation discussions and peer-review activities) which support explicit knowledge exchange between staff, and between staff and students and the development of tacit knowledge of standards in all participants. This paper describes the study which quantified the extent to which the DUAL programme improved reliability and efficiency of marking of first year biology reports by a large team of laboratory demonstrators. Marker reliability increased after participation in DUAL, with demonstrators marking laboratory reports significantly closer to the marks awarded by an expert marker of the discipline. Efficiency was also improved since time taken to mark the reports did not increase significantly, despite the fact that demonstrators were adapting to a new system of marking. Demonstrators valued the programme and nominated the marking rubric, feedback code and moderation discussion as the most useful elements. The community of practice built through joint participation in the DUAL programme created a supportive working environment for demonstrators and strengthened the collaboration between the discipline and academic language and learning lecturers.  相似文献   

随着二语习得和外语语言教学的相关研究理论的不断发展,从微观层面关注语言教育的实效已逐渐引起研究者的重视。Practice作为语言教学过程中不可缺少的环节与手段,对非母语环境下的外语学习起着十分重要的作用,其行为的有效发生与跨文化教育环境共同作用于中国学生的英语学习,影响着学习者的英语学习心理和学习效果。本文主要从学习者,话语修正理论及外语课堂学习等方面对practice的外语语言认知功能进行分析,探讨其对外语教学的启示。  相似文献   

Student teachers are expected to develop their teaching skills sooner and more rapidly. However, a sound evaluation instrument that can be used to diagnose and monitor the skilfulness level to aid formative assessment of student teachers is still limited. This article is aimed to calibrate and validate a teaching skill evaluation instrument for use in secondary education. A total of 264 student teachers in the Netherlands participated in the study. Rasch and multilevel analyses were used. Results suggest that the evaluation instrument meets the restrictive assumptions of the Rasch model and has predictive value for academic engagement. This adds validation evidence and justifies the calibration of the evaluation instrument to be used for monitoring the development of teacher's teaching skills.  相似文献   

Effects of peer response using instruction in genre knowledge on the writing of 140 sixth-grade students are investigated. In one condition students were taught specific genre knowledge involving functions of linguistic indicators of time and place. In another condition students were taught more general aspects of communicative writing. Both conditions were compared with a baseline control, receiving regular writing education. Students were randomly assigned within classrooms to each of the three conditions. The use of indicators of time and place was positively related to writing quality. Furthermore, strong effects of the specific genre knowledge condition on the use of these linguistic features in writing and revision were found. Findings indicate that instruction in specific genre knowledge is a valuable addition to writing with peer response.  相似文献   

Research has shown that a high level of content knowledge (CK) is necessary but not sufficient to develop the special knowledge base of expert teachers known as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). This study contributes towards research to quantify the relationship between CK and PCK in science. In order to determine the proportion of the variance in PCK accounted for by the variance in CK, instruments are required which are valid and reliable as well as being unidimensional to measure person abilities for CK and PCK. An instrument consisting of two paper-and-pencil tests was designed to assess Grade 12 teachers CK and PCK in organic chemistry. We used the Rasch measurement model to convert raw score data into interval measures and to provide empirical evidence for the validity, reliability and unidimensionality of the tests. The correlation between CK and PCK was estimated as r = .66 (p < .001). We found evidence to suggest that while topic-specific PCK (TSPCK) develops with increasing teaching experience, high levels of CK can be acquired with limited teaching experience. These findings support the hypothesis that CK is a requirement for the development of TSPCK; proficiency in CK is, however, not necessarily associated with high levels of TSPCK.  相似文献   

在中学的英语学习中,大部分人对阅读理解很重视,而对写作的重要性认识不足,忽视写作能力的培养。虽然单单强调写只会成为典型的哑巴英语,其实英语写的地位绝不亚于听、说、读,因为每年英语考试必考"书面表达",分数比例甚高,即是明证。笔者结合自己当年的经历,摸索出一套"准备一初写—修改"的英语写作提升模式,愿和大家一起分享交流下。  相似文献   

从思维与语言的关系入手,讨论了英汉思维差异形成的原因及其在英汉两种语言中的体现,并具体谈论了英汉思维差异对语篇组织的影响,指出中国大学生在英语写作中常出现的问题并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of academic self-concept and language achievement from Grade 7 to Grade 12 by repeated assessment of 2826 Flemish adolescents in 50 secondary schools. Latent growth curve modeling showed that both girls and boys experience a declining academic self-concept during the period of secondary education and that girls declined at a faster rate. Furthermore, girls were shown to have an increase in Dutch language achievement over time, whereas boys showed a decrease in middle years, followed by an increase from Grade 9 on. The multivariate multilevel growth curve model suggested that the evolution of academic self-concept was not related to the evolution in achievement, neither at the individual level, nor at the school level. There is, however, a positive relation between students’ academic self-concept and their achievement, the magnitude of which decreased throughout secondary school. At the school level, the correlation is small, but also positive, except for the girls from Grade 10 on. The results are discussed in relation to the reciprocal effects model and the developmental perspective regarding the self-concept/achievement relation.  相似文献   

谈说课理论、写作模式及量标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据教育学、心理学的理论基础知识,结合教学大纲(新课程标准)和教材,并考虑学生的实际情况等因素,提出了新的说课写作模式,制定出了相应的新的说课量标。  相似文献   

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