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在服务型经济时代如何对情绪和情绪工作进行良好的管理,最终实现个体和组织的共同和谐发展已得到社会和企业界的高度关注。本文对情绪工作的概念、特征、策略、结构维度、前因变量、后果变量和机制做以简要介绍,并通过分析已有研究的不足,对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The author examines the historical foundations of the university counseling movement, including the origins of professional affiliation, training, and education. The article also reviews existing literature that attempts to determine changes the university counseling profession must address to remain viable on the dynamic, pluralistic, 21st‐century campus.  相似文献   

在回顾邓小平理论研究历程的基础上,阐述了邓小平理论的体系构成,指出其已成为一门新兴的学科。对邓小平理论研究趋势作了前瞻性分析。  相似文献   


The articles included in this special issue of Quest emerged from a research workshop entitled Thinking About Our Thinking in Adapted Physical Activity, held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, from June 18–19, 2013. The aim of the workshop was to examine different worldviews that contribute to the adapted physical activity research literature, to identify key disciplinary assumptions, and to outline their consequences for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the field. A lack of understanding of the basic assumptions held by researchers often impedes communication between the disciplines. Hence, a sub-theme of this special issue is communication across disciplines. These conversations are, of course, essential to interdisciplinary inquiry.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to show that and how philosophy and philosophical thinking can be of relevance for the preparation of future professionals in adaptive physical activity. To this end we utilize philosophical insights from the human science perspective on two central issues, namely experience and intersubjectivity, which are weaved together in an analysis of a reflective journal produced by an adaptive physical activity student. More specifically, by drawing on phenomenological and pragmatist philosophy, we show how the meaning of adaptive physical activity—as adaptive—is created through a complexity of individual and shared meaning making processes between adaptive physical activity educators, students, and the people they meet in their practicum. Through this article, we will show how the human science perspective can provide tools to understand the students, their learning, and their involvement in the educational program.  相似文献   

This article revisits the University of Michigan's 2003 affirmative action cases, Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger. Through the aid of critical textual analysis and critical race theory, the author looks back at the predominant narratives that framed the challenge to, and defense of, race-conscious affirmative action policy in the University of Michigan cases. In the wake of Fisher v. University of Texas Austin, the third affirmative action case to be heard before the United States Supreme Court within the last decade, the author suggests that revisiting Grutter and Gratz may be helpful to understand the evolution of arguments for and against affirmative action.  相似文献   

从研究情况来看,近年来关于傣族教育的研究得到了快速的发展,取得了丰硕的研究成果,但也存在一定的缺憾和不足。对傣族教育研究取得的进展和重要成果进行了综合整理和分析,并展望了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

回顾过去 展望未来 努力推进中国MPA专业学位教育新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育指导委员会五年来的主要工作和成效为推动我国公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育的发展,2001年2月国务院学位委员会、教育部、人事部成立了全国公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育  相似文献   


Where is the moving body in our written bodies of work? How might we articulate truly unspeakable and deeply moving moments of understanding? In what ways can we reflect and honor the knowledge of those who do not use academic words, English words, or any words at all? How might art move us to answer these questions differently—and more importantly, to ask different questions? These lines of inquiry have driven arts-based research movements within many fields including nursing, medicine, and education. In this article, we explore existing and potential uses of arts in adapted physical activity research and practice. We weave theoretical exploration, artistic engagement, and our personal experiences as researchers, practitioners and disabled movers. We do so in order to demonstrate how artistic epistemologies can enrich and expand our inquiry, understanding, and engagement in adapted physical activity.  相似文献   

本文通过对外语教学的回顾,阐述了语言知识在外语教学中的地位,同时也陈述了语言教学中主客体的作用及语言测试的方法。  相似文献   

口语交际教学的历史回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口语交际是现代社会重要的信息交流渠道,口语交际教学是语文教学的重要组成部分。本文对口语交际教学的历史进行了梳理,展现了口语交际教学逐步繁荣的发展过程,为口语交际教学继承传统、不断创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

赵树理自 40年代崛起至今 ,对其研究大致可分为三个阶段 :1 943— 1 962年 ,以颂扬为主调 ,周扬的《论赵树理创作》 ,为最早也是最权威的论文 ,此后的大量论文 ,难有超越 ,殊少新意 ;1 963— 1 971年 ,则无一不是残酷的“大批判” ;1 978年以来 ,乃赵树理研究之中兴期 ,资料臻于完备 ,队伍日渐壮大 ,研究领域也拓展深化。时至今日 ,赵树理研究似有“到头”之感  相似文献   

Can high school students become contributors as well as users on the World Wide Web? This research explores a new Web-based curriculum idea, that of having students write and publish critical “reviews” of scientific resources. Writing reviews can be a means of both practicing critical evaluation of Web resources, and of making an authentic value-added contribution to the Web. This paper presents content analyses of 41 source documents and 63 critical reviews published by 11th grade students in a project-based science class. The source documents are described as to their publishing source, use of organizational elements, and use of graphics. Two aspects of student-written critical evaluation are analyzed: evaluation of organization and evaluation of graphics. While evaluations of graphics were somewhat thin in these reviews, this was due mostly to the lack of good content representations in the source documents. The on-line review form did successfully prompt students to make conceptual connections between organizational structure and their own sense-making process. Reviews also sometimes showed students engaged in perspective-taking related to potential readers. The literature review of this paper examines critical evaluation models and current social filtering models for large, distributed databases. A section on future directions for Web reviews describes a review-publishing system developed for the University of Michigan Digital Library system.  相似文献   

English learners (ELs) from Confucian heritage culture (CHC) are often perceived to be reserved and conforming to the authority of the classroom. But a careful look at struggles between a CHC student and the mainstream teacher reveals that the teacher's views and pedagogical approaches shape academic and social hierarchy in the classroom. Implications regarding working with Asian- and CHC-background learners are included.  相似文献   


20世纪乡土小说成就辉煌,但也存在着种种遗憾:主要表现为观念的功利性与创作的概念化、主题的单向度与形象的平面化及视野的封闭性与手法的单一性等。在未来的发展中,乡土小说必须面对多种挑战:现代化进程的加快使之逐渐失去时代的垂青;商业主义的压力使之处境艰难;作者队伍的枯萎与读者的疏离使之日趋尴尬……但机遇与挑战并存,古老乡土中国现代化进程的艰难与沉重仍为乡土小说提供着丰厚的题材资源与表现空间,20世纪末乡土小说的多元发展格局已部分地预示出其发展前景,上世纪形成的优秀文学传统也必将是其反抗危机的重要资源之一……因而我们有理由相信,未来的乡土小说会前途广阔、收获丰硕。  相似文献   

现代语文教育百年历史回眸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理念兴替、教材嬗变和教学法探索三个方面回顾现代语文教育百年来的风雨历程和发展脉络,检讨其中的得失,并对课程改革中的语文教学进行适当的思考,对我国当前语文教学改革是十分必要和有益的。  相似文献   

政府对人民的诚信,必须依靠完备的法制维系。近年来,由于我国国家考试制度的不完善和立法构架上的欠缺,政府的公信力颇受争议。若要从根本上走出目前国家考试制度所面临的公信力危机,就必须尽快制定《国家教育考试法》,从国家考试管理者而不是参与者的角度,系统完善国家教育考试制度,以重塑政府公信力。  相似文献   

目前,农村青年工经过普及9年义务教育的启蒙,与其前辈相比,他们呈现出许多新的特征,总体说是分化趋势明显,属于动态群体.他们普遍文化程度较高,适应性较强,就业较灵活等.他们中不少人已经不适应农村劳作或生活,盼望融入城镇社会.如何改革农村农业体制,加强对他们的职业技能培训,将他们逐渐转化为非农产业的城镇人,是一项关系到社会和谐发展的重要课题.  相似文献   

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