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CiteSpace分析发现:水文化和大运河文化的研究热点分别为"大禹治水""李冰"和"大禹"与"大运河""京杭大运河""浙江"和"漕运"。前者的演化路径呈现为从"李冰""郭守敬"及"水利工程"向"大禹治水",再向"导淮""大禹""张謇"及"李仪祉",最后向"治水思想""都江堰"及"长江"转向的趋势。后者呈现为从早期关注隋炀帝开凿运河的原因探索、功过评价、个人轶事追溯向大运河漕运研究、大运河沿线城市研究以及大运河文化带建设研究转向的模式。在研究前沿方面,前者以"李冰"以及"李冰父子""李冰水利功绩"和"李冰修复都江堰"为重点,而后者以"大运河"以及"漕运"和"大运河沿线城市发展与繁荣"为重点。上述分析结果对中国水文化在世界范围走出去、走上去、走进去,并向不同文化背景的听众讲清、讲明、讲懂大运河文化故事能够发挥积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

中国茶文化史上,文人常常就是茶人。他们品茗阅读,著书写茶。明末清初的散文家张岱就是其中之一。张岱(1597-1679),字宗子、石公,号陶庵,山阴(今浙江绍兴)人,侨居杭州。他的散文取公安派、竟陵派诸家之长,风格以公安派的清新流畅为主调,在描写刻画上杂以竟陵派的冷峭诙谐之趣,短隽有味。  相似文献   

白沙 《文化交流》2005,(1):55-56
在激昂谙熟的号子声里,一条50多米长的金龙横空出世,腾云驾雾而来,天地间为之风云变色.珠引龙舞,云随龙翻,它时而腾飞,时而盘绕,转眼间这条巨龙突然飞跃入水,变成身披蓝绸、翻江倒海的水龙,只见它斗巨浪、戏海潮、忽隐忽现、气势磅礴,让人惊心动魄,心潮起伏!……这便是临安水龙参加中法文化年活动在法国尼斯演出的一个激动人心的场面.  相似文献   

With the aim of identifying new water dispersed polymers for textile conservation, the structure and properties of three commercial polyacrylates and one commercial polyvinylacetate were analysed. The characteristics of these materials, not previously used in the conservation and restoration fields, were compared with that shown by Primal AC33 and Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5, widely used as consolidating or adhesive agents of ancient textiles. To achieve a thorough characterisation of each polymer, molecular, thermal, structural and mechanical investigation techniques were applied on film samples, obtained from polymer water dispersions through water casting at room temperature and/or compression moulding. The photo-oxidative resistance of these materials was also assessed by artificial weathering of water cast films and by measuring the Yellowing Index (YI) as a function of the exposure time under xenon-arc lamp. Collected data were used to appropriately compare the performances shown by these polymers when applied on artefacts consisting of natural fibres. In particular it was found that, among the products not previously used in the conservation and restoration fields, a high potential for carrying out treatments on textiles is shown by the samples commercialised with the trade names of Acrilem RP6005 and Acrilem 30WA. These products, in fact, exhibit properties that make them suitable as substitutes for Primal AC33 and Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5, respectively, depending upon conservation needs. It was very interesting to note that Acrilem 30WA, also after aging, shows YI values lower than that shown by Mowilith DMC2 and SDM5.  相似文献   

每年的春夏两季,正是西湖莼菜采收的时节。莼羹、鲈脍是我国古代的美肴。早在千年之前的西晋,就流传着"莼鲈之思"的佳话。吴郡吴县(今江苏苏州)儒生张翰,曾在洛阳齐王司马冏手下任大司马东曹掾,张翰见司马冏骄奢专横,又沉湎于酒色,将来必然失败,会祸及自己。  相似文献   

李民 《文化交流》2004,(2):51-52
被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产预备清单的江南水乡南浔,是一个有着深厚历史和文化积淀的古镇.军旅出身、现就职于浙江湖州市南浔镇文化站的国家一级书画师杜圣贵,对水乡景物情有独钟,他是古镇一位虔诚的钢笔书画家.  相似文献   

山贤 《文化交流》2016,(9):69-70
正中国魅力水乡,小桥流水人家。房屋临河而筑,居民择水而居。江南大宅门,庭院深深处,正在讲述着一个个丝路蚕花的美丽故事;那山脊黑瓦所组成的线装书里,记载着的是一部部经典有趣的古老童话。"人家两岸柳荫边,出得门来便入船。"以前的水乡就是这样,没有公路,出门坐船。婚丧嫁娶所用的主要交通工具,除了船,还是船。"万工轿、千工床,十里红妆迎来美娇娘。"这就是当时湖州南浔具有浓厚水乡传统特色的婚庆典礼。  相似文献   

江南水乡,如梦如幻。浙江乌镇,小桥流水、桨声舟影,白墙黛瓦,从古至今,由内而外,令人魂牵梦萦。如今,在这个最适合织梦的地方绽放出最美丽的世界互联网之花。  相似文献   

正"五水共治"开拓浙江发展新境界。那些平凡治水人却不平凡的治水故事,深深打动着我们。千千万万治水人让钱江两岸、江南水乡再现诗画意境,充满勃勃生机。"沧桑,我真的没什么好采访的,我帮你找人,具体都是他们做的。"2016年暮春,当我冒雨前往家乡玉环寻找治水的故事,一条微信,让我预感到,迎接我的将是一次艰难的采访。父亲带着我去我小时候常去的河边,他的话让我感动"晨雾绕岛,形状如环,上有流水,洁白如玉。"这是古志《太平寰宇记》中关于玉环的记载。早在新石器时  相似文献   

孙迎庆 《文化交流》2008,(11):84-86
古老的平江河尽头,伴着婉转悠长的评弹声,远远驶来一条花船,一对新人相互搀扶着站立船头,喜娘、家丁、丫鬟抬着小姐的嫁妆紧随新人身后。船上新郎不停作揖,吹鼓手鼓着腮帮卖力吹奏,"上花轿、跨火盆、  相似文献   

历史的悲剧悲剧的历史--论《水浒传》的内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以《水浒传》文本为依据,探讨了作者的创作观;分析了宋江、林冲、吴用、潘金莲等典型形象的社会意义;通过"拳打镇关西"等情节研究了义与不义的衡量标准,得出《水浒传》是一部内涵极为丰富的颠峰之作的结论.  相似文献   

大美 《文化交流》2011,(4):40-43
如今,喝水成了新时尚,于是一种新的职业也应运而生,那就是品水师。广西女孩陈筱静,凭着勤奋和执著成为加拿大—名优秀品水师。从事这个时尚新职业,使她收获了一种美丽的体验……  相似文献   

黄山归来不看山, 九寨归来不看水, 这已成为许多中外游客的共识。 水是九寨沟风景的特色, 水是九寨沟风景的精华。 盛夏,水量丰沛,我到九寨沟游览,漫山遍野都是水的世界,水的王国。 九寨沟是世界自然遗产,世界生物园保护区和国家级自然保护区。她深藏于四川省阿坝藏族,羌族自治州九寨沟县西部的崇山峻岭之中,因沟内曾有九个藏寨而得名。 九寨沟地处青藏高原向四川盆地过渡地带,地质构造复杂,地貌形态多样,以生物喀斯特钙化沉积为主导,形成了九寨沟艳丽典雅的群海、奔泻湍急的群瀑,古穆幽深的林莽,连绵起伏的群峰的和谐组合。 九寨沟景区面积6500多公顷。118个高山湖泊,17处瀑布群,3大滩流,47眼泉水,分布于树正群海沟,则查洼沟,日则沟等3个石灰岩质的沟谷里。  相似文献   

黄龙位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州松潘县境内,在一条由南向北逐渐隆起的山脊上,遍布的浅黄色碳酸钙华蜿蜒在莽莽林海和皑皑雪峰之间,宛如一条金黄色的巨龙昂首腾跃。这条黄龙长约3.6公里以涪源桥为尾,以五彩池为首,镶嵌其中的千百座晶莹清澈的彩池,就是龙身龙鳞了。大自然的这  相似文献   

中国古代早期的珠玉崇拜和水崇拜联系在一起。神话中的珠意象往往伴随出现水及水族动物 ,索珠、赠珠神话的神灵角色都是水神。早期的玉神话和水崇拜密不可分 ,玉和水的渊源极深 ,玉神话突出表现水的润物功能。早期珠玉神话沿着优美的方向发展 ,出现众多女性神灵。到了后来 ,珠玉出现阴阳之分 ,受到传统哲学的影响。神话中的珠玉意象往往寄托先民的长生之想 ,而珠玉作为美饰意象则是后来的事情。  相似文献   

The paper tries to convey the idea that choosing a winner among a group of nominees or short-listed candidates may hurt those who bestow prizes, those who are selected, as well as those who base their own choices on the ranking. We base our observations on examples of contests (movies, literature, and music) in which winners often turn out not to be better than nominees. Our suggestion is therefore to select, say five candidates, and not to rank them, but reward all nominees equally.  相似文献   


There is growing interest in the relationships between the arts, entrepreneurship and innovation. Nevertheless, the concepts of arts, entrepreneurship, and innovation, and the overlaps between, lack specificity, especially in terms of how each supports the other. This article proposes a definition of art entrepreneurship both as a concept and a field of study. The definition proposed helped target articles to be included in the special issue that this article also describes, which focus on relationships between arts, entrepreneurship and innovation for workers, firms, and industry.


This paper examines three situations in which distances between languages, genes, and cultures matter. The first is concerned with the determinants that govern the learning of foreign languages. One of these is the difficulty of the foreign language, represented by the distance between the native and the foreign language. The second case deals with the formation and breaking-up of nations. Here, it is suggested that genetic distances between regions with diversified populations (such as between the Basque country and the rest of Spain) need to be compensated by more generous transfer systems if the nation wants to avoid secession-prone behavior. The last case looks at a very popular cultural event, the Eurovision Song Contest, in which nations are represented by singers who are ranked by an international jury that consists of citizens chosen in each participating country. It is shown that what is often considered as logrolling in voting behavior is rather generated by voting for culturally and linguistically close neighbors.  相似文献   

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