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论背景知识在阅读理解中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景知识的作用在近20年已引起语言学家的广泛注意。本文首先介绍了几种阅读理论,然后依据图式理论,阐述了该理论在阅读理解中的作用,认为充分利用读者所具有的图式,即背景知识,并发挥其认知能力,将会改查传统的阅读理解中所存在的不足之处,使读者在阅读理解中积极的参与思考,从而提高他们的理解技巧,使理解更快,更准确,更全面,最后指出该作用对教学的启发。  相似文献   

In two experiments, we attempted to analyze the effects of newspaper article headlines and summaries on final comprehension and recall. During the first experiment, the participants consisted of 117 high school students from the 9th grade, 68 from the 11th grade, 79 first year Psychology students from the Autonoma University of Madrid and 66 fifth year Journalism students from the Complutense University of Madrid. The subjects were randomly required to read a news report in one of the following experimental conditions: (1) the whole news article (headline, summary and text), (2) the headline and text, (3) the summary and text, and (4), the text only. The data from immediate and delayed free recall tasks were recorded. The results showed that the structure of the news article did not influence the recall and that there were differences among groups in the amount and quality of recall. The headline and the summary modified by the use of macrostructural criteria constituted additional elements introduced into the second experiment to provide a contrast with the original headline and summary. The results showed that an improvement in article recall did occur with the modified version in comparison with the original version. These two experiments have confirmed that the aims and criteria of journalists differ from those held by the authors of scientific texts and question whether the reading strategies applied are the same in both cases.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of mobile reading devices, many studies have indicated that small screens restrict information transmission, adversely affecting reading performance on mobile devices. Moreover, mobile reading typically occurs in different reading contexts. Therefore, suitable text display type for mobile reading in different reading contexts should be considered, such that learners can effectively read content. This work selected the frequently used static and dynamic text display types (i.e. Paging and Auto-scrolling) and assessed their effects on mobile reading performance. Furthermore, the features of static and dynamic text display types were considered when designing a mixed text display type for mobile reading. Based on brainwave detector, reading-comprehension test sheet, and cognitive-load scale, this work designed a mobile reading experiment with a two-factor experimental design to assess the effects of the selected static, dynamic, and designed text display types, which were respectively presented in sitting, standing, and walking contexts, on reading comprehension, sustained attention, and cognitive load of learners. Experimental results show that sitting obtained the highest sustained attention and the mixed text garnered lowest sustained attention. Moreover, although analytical results show that no significant difference existed in overall reading comprehension with each text type presented with the mobile reading contexts, reading comprehension (i.e. memory, comprehension, and application types) was significantly affected by the reading context, and to some degree, the text display type. This work also found that the text display type is a major factor affecting learners' cognitive load; however, learners' cognitive load is not be affected by the considered reading contexts. Among the three text display types, the mixed type generates the highest cognitive load, followed by the dynamic type, and then the static type. In conclusion, the three reading contexts with the three text display types have both advantages and disadvantages for reading comprehension, sustained attention, and cognitive load. As a result, text display type for mobile reading on small screens should be adjusted according to reading context or to improve reading comprehension, attention, or cognitive load.  相似文献   

The cognitive load theory recommendations for enhancing the success of teaching are effective up to a certain boundary. The paper is dedicated to finding this boundary line in sentence length for 17–18‐year‐old students. The students filled in the blanks in 30 cloze tests. The cloze test results were correlated with the percentage of sentences over the boundary line. When the boundary‐line was low, the coefficient of correlation increased with the rising of the line and the coefficient began to drop when the boundary line passed 140 characters. This size of the boundary line indicated the sentence length, up to which the taking of the load from the learners’ mind was effective. The sentences with 130–50 characters were the most suitable for the students.  相似文献   

从动态语境观的角度出发,通过和静态语境观与听力教学结合的对比,对动态语境能否帮助大学生提高英语听力水平进行了理论和实践上的探讨.并就如何培养学生对语境反应和重构能力提出了建议。  相似文献   

如何构建优质高效的第二课堂,是目前高职英语教学亟待解决的课题之一。认知语境是基于普通语言学中的语境概念结合当代认知科学综合研究的成果。从认知语境出发,将图式理论应用于第二课堂,通过调查和研究,提出改善高职英语第二课堂的策略。  相似文献   

影响我国学生听力理解能力的主要原因是学生对于文化背景知识的缺乏以及迥异的思维模式。本文主要探讨了文化背景知识,思维模式和听力理解能力之间的关系。本人试图从文化背景层面谈英语听力教学中亟待解决的问题,从而使社会文化因素的到足够的重视,加强文化背景知识的理解。  相似文献   

The specific purpose of this study was to examine the effects of conversational themes and attention focusing strategies on conversational comprehension and recall. A 2×2×2×2 between subjects factorial designs was used to test the research question with 247 participants. The results demonstrated that the unambiguous themes predicted conversational comprehensibility and recall accuracy. The results indicated that personal conversational information may be processed differently from content conversational information. Future conversational processing research should focus on discovering the reasons for the processing differences between content and personal conversational information.  相似文献   

Limited processing capacity constrains learning and performance in complex cognitive tasks. In traditional instruction, novices' failure to adequately learn cognitive tasks can often be attributed to the inappropriate direction of attention and the related high or excessive load that is imposed on a learner's cognitive system. An instructional design model for the training of complex cognitive tasks should provide instructional strategies that control cognitive load. We propose such a model and recommend research in which the cognitive load of instructional manipulations is systematically investigated and determined with mental-effort based measures.  相似文献   

Many researchers use information and communications technology (ICT)-tools to augment learning in a great variety of tasks. Their effects are generally measured in terms of intended outcomes. This article argues for the use of additional, more general measures to obtain a more complete impression of the effects of ICT-tools. The first study presented in this article shows why tools should not only be studied in terms of their specific intended outcomes, but also in terms of their effects on working memory, and the cognitive mechanisms needed to achieve the intended outcomes. The second study uses cognitive load measurements and stimulated recall interviews to obtain a more comprehensive view of the effects of learning tools. Results suggest that traditional outcome measures need to be complemented with quantitative and qualitative measures of cognitive processes to substantiate conclusions about intended effects of ICT-tools.
Pieter J. BeersEmail:

浅谈认知语境与言语交际   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统语境不同,认知语境由逻辑信息、百科信息和词汇信息组成,以草案和图式为推理单位,是认知的动态建构过程,对话语理解具有解释和制约作用.  相似文献   



Research has suggested that background music can have a positive or negative effect that can influence the affective state of individuals. Although research has demonstrated that fear negatively influences our cognitive performance, there is a research gap in understanding the combined effects of different background music tempo and fear in influencing reading comprehension performance.


Data were collected from 70 participants enrolled at a public university in Canada. Participants were required to listen to background music of varying speeds with three conditions (no music, slow music and fast music). We adopted a cross-sectional multi-level modelling approach for the main analyses, and further analyses using t-test and ANOVA.


Results indicated that expression of fear was not a significant predictor of participants' reading comprehension performance (Model 1). However, when music condition was added (Model 2) in addition to expression of fear, a significant relationship between reading comprehension performance and music condition was found, showing better reading comprehension performance in the slow music condition than in the no music condition. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction effect between music condition and expression of fear on reading comprehension performance (Model 3). Importantly, not all individuals were affected by the music to the same extent, with the possibility that baseline level of fear being the key issue in influencing comprehension performance.


Considering both expression of fear and music condition is required to understand the combined effects on cognitive performance. Expression of fear during cognitive tasks such as reading could be an essential signal that interventions should be applied. Such strategies may be especially beneficial for task performers with higher baseline levels of fear and possibly provide us with insights for best practice and research implications in the field of reading comprehension among individuals with special needs.

This research looked into the effect of how cognitive development toward imagery is formed through visual perception by means of a quantitative questionnaire. The main variable was the difference between the learning backgrounds of the interviewees. A two-way ANOVA mixed design was the statistical method used for the analysis of the 2 × 4 (2 by 4) study design. The analysis on the main effect was conducted, and a significant difference was also shown in the result. First, the two variables of student learning background and imagery cognitive development interact with one another. Second, there is a significant difference in students’ learning backgrounds. The cognitive level between the two was visibly apparent. Last, the four aspects that made up the visual perception all showed significant difference. Therefore, cognitive development will be affected by lifestyle, personal preferences, interests, and biological conditions which will have different levels of influence on visual perception.  相似文献   

论图式理论对英语新闻听力理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从认知语言研究领域中的图式理论出发,主要从3个方面探讨了图式理论对新闻英语听力语篇理解的影响,阐述了激活,丰富和扩充学生图式知识,帮助学生提高听力水平的教学策略.  相似文献   

如何在一定语言形式的基础上,根据语境进行语用推理,从而确定话语的意义,这是语用学和语言逻辑一直寻求解决的问题。日常话语理解中的语用推理是根据认知语境所做的缺省推理,它是一个双层推理系统。在这个推理系统中,大推理系统内嵌一个小推理系统,认知语境中的明示语境和缺省语境分别作为该缺省推理中的显性前提和隐性前提而存在。  相似文献   

歧义现象在自然语言中十分常见,而认知语境有助于歧义的辨别与消解。本文从关联理论视角下的认知语境出发,探讨了认知语境对歧义句意义选择的影响和制约。本文认为,利用认知语境来研究语言的多义现象,能取得解释力更强的效果。  相似文献   

阅读是学生获得信息的主要手段,从关联理论看,阅读理解也是一种语言交际活动是作者与读者通过语篇进行交际的过程。在阅读教学中,教师应有意识地建构学生的认知语境,及指导学生在阅读过程中如何运用认知语境进行推理,进而提高他们的阅读理解能力。  相似文献   

多媒体教学能够促进有意义的学习,同时多媒体学习受认知负荷的影响又是十分明显的。在多媒体学习理论框架内研究了具体多媒体学习情境下的认知超负荷现象,提出了相应的减负方法。  相似文献   

思维与语言密切相关,思维对人类的语言形式具有重要的影响。思维支配语言,并且不同民族有着不同的语言文化和思维方式。而在EFL学习过程中,英语思维方式却常常被忽略,因此造成了学习过程中的诸多困难。本文以关联理论的语境观——"认知语境"为基础,通过对EFL学习者认知语境的分析,阐明了EFL学习者认知语境的主要来源,并通过英汉思维方式的对比揭示了英语思维方式在EFL学习过程中的重要性。最后,本文就如何在EFL学习者的认知语境中建构完善的英语思维方式提出了若干建议,旨在帮助学习者们更好地掌握并运用英语这门语言。  相似文献   

随着二语习得和外语语言教学的相关研究理论的不断发展,从微观层面关注语言教育的实效已逐渐引起研究者的重视。Practice作为语言教学过程中不可缺少的环节与手段,对非母语环境下的外语学习起着十分重要的作用,其行为的有效发生与跨文化教育环境共同作用于中国学生的英语学习,影响着学习者的英语学习心理和学习效果。本文主要从学习者,话语修正理论及外语课堂学习等方面对practice的外语语言认知功能进行分析,探讨其对外语教学的启示。  相似文献   

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