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Neil Duncan suggests that because of the theoretical perspectives of many of the main researchers involved in investigating bullying, important aspects of this phenomenon have been neglected. Based on findings from research into sexual bullying, it is suggested that the sexual identities formed during adolescence play an important part in producing the kinds of behaviour which are involved in bullying in general. The research findings reported here were the result of structured interviews (themselves developed from earlier work) undertaken with single‐sex groups of boys and girls. The data that these interviews generated have important implications for both researchers and those working with young people in secondary schools.  相似文献   

Neil Duncan suggests that because of the theoretical perspectives of many of the main researchers involved in investigating bullying, important aspects of this phenomenon have been neglected. Based on findings from research into sexual bullying, it is suggested that the sexual identities formed during adolescence play an important part in producing the kinds of behaviour which are involved in bullying in general. The research findings reported here were the result of structured interviews (themselves developed from earlier work) undertaken with single‐sex groups of boys and girls. The data that these interviews generated have important implications for both researchers and those working with young people in secondary schools.  相似文献   

The Early Socialization of Aggressive Victims of Bullying   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study reports the first prospective investigation of the early family experiences of boys who later emerged as both aggressive and bullied (i.e., aggressive victims) during their middle childhood years. It was hypothesized that a history of violent victimization by adults leads to emotion dysregulation that results in a dual pattern of aggressive behavior and victimizaion by peer. Interviews with mothers of 198 5-year-old boys assessed preschool home environments. Four to 5 years later, aggressive behavior and peer victimization were assessed in the school classroom. The early experiences of 16 aggressive victims wre contrasted with those of 21 passive (nonaggressive) victims, 33 nonvictimized aggressors, and 128 normative boys. Analyses indicated that the aggressive victim group had experienced more punitive, hostile, and abusive family treatment than the other groups. In contrast, the nonvictimized aggressive group had a history of greater exposure to adult aggression and conflict, but not victimization by adults, than did the normative group, whereas the passive victim group did not differ from the normative group on any home environment variable.  相似文献   

学校欺侮现象是近几十年以来心理学研究的一个比较活跃的领域,具有重要的实践意义。文章介绍了美国在欺侮研究方面的主要结论和最新动态,包括欺侮的定义及产生的原因、欺侮的行为模式及美国教育部为解决欺侮问题所采取的对策。  相似文献   

用自编欺负行为问卷,采用匿名报告方式调查了481名小学生。结果,小学生卷入受欺负比例高于卷入欺负比例;小学生的欺负行为以心理伤害为主,有明显的“隐蔽性”;小学生对待欺负行为的态度因卷入状况不同而不同;对他人受欺负的行为反应随受欺负对象和自己关系亲密程度的提高而愈来愈积极。  相似文献   

Over the years, literature on the phenomenon of bullying has evolved from treating bullying as an individual behavior to understanding it as a group process. Other than those of the bully and the victim, researchers have identified several roles children assume in bullying situations, with some assuming a pro-social role, often called the defender, in bullying scenarios. Practice literature continues to concentrate its attention narrowly on the bully and the victim, rather than on defenders. Understanding the individual and social circumstances related to defending suggests new avenues for practitioners interested in promoting improved peer relations in schools.  相似文献   

小学生欺负问题的干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用行动研究法在某小学进行欺负问题的干预研究,通过为期五周的干预,实验班学生上学和放学路上受欺负的比率和在学校情境中受欺负的程度显著下降,三年级的下降幅度大于五年级的;学生在学校里安全感增强;教师的研究意识和解决问题的能力得到增强和提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine individual and school characteristics of victims and offenders of bullying in middle school, using survey data from the New Brunswick School Climate Studies (N = 6,883 students in Grade 6 from 148 schools, and N = 6,868 students in Grade 8 from 92 schools). Results show that gender and physical condition were the most important characteristics of victims in both Grades 6 and 8. Victims came from schools with poor disciplinary climate in both Grades 6 and 8. Gender was the most important characteristic of offenders, with affective and physical conditions being secondary, in both Grades 6 and 8. Offenders, however, varied considerably in school characteristics. School size was the salient contextual characteristic in both Grades 6 and 8, but significant school climate characteristics were entirely different between Grades 6 and 8. Schools where students bullied less can be characterized as having positive disciplinary climate and strong parental involvement in Grade 6 and having high academic press in Grade 8.  相似文献   


The article begins with an introduction to the problem of bullying in schools. Next, the relative strengths and weaknesses of some interventions for victims of bullying are discussed. In the second part of this article the reader is introduced to the Social Skills Training Programme that the writers developed. In particular, some of the practicalities of setting up and conducting the groups are mentioned. The content of the sessions, in terms of the skills that were focused on and the techniques that were used, are described. In concluding the article some lessons learned for those interested in this type of intervention are offered.  相似文献   

The article begins with an introduction to the problem of bullying in schools. Next, the relative strengths and weaknesses of some interventions for victims of bullying are discussed. In the second part of this article the reader is introduced to the Social Skills Training Programme that the writers developed. In particular, some of the practicalities of setting up and conducting the groups are mentioned. The content of the sessions, in terms of the skills that were focused on and the techniques that were used, are described. In concluding the article some lessons learned for those interested in this type of intervention are offered.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of bullying and victimisation among students in special schools in Taiwan. The sample included 140 students with various disabilities, aged 12–18, from 10 special schools throughout Taiwan. Trained interviewers conducted face-to-face surveys using structured questionnaires. Results show that 31.8% of students in special schools experienced peer victimisation within the past year, while 26.5% of students had bullied others during that period. While the findings did not yield gender differences, students in junior high grades tended to report more victimisation experiences than did their senior high counterparts. Severity of disability was positively associated with both bullying and being bullied; however, no difference was found regarding types of disability. Delinquency was positively associated with student bullying and victimisation. Students who suffered victimisation also reported a higher number of suicide attempts. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国中小学校园欺凌事件愈演愈烈,并且呈现持续化、频繁化、多样化等特点.研究以伦理学的视角重新界定中小学校园欺凌的内涵与外延,通过生理、心理以及"三观"来阐释校园欺凌对中小学生主体间的影响,并从历史传统文化、社会多元文化以及多维伦理教育来探究伦理学视角下中小学校园欺凌的成因,进而充分发挥"家庭-学校-社会"无缝连接的循环纽带,以期能够达到减少乃至遏制我国中小学校园欺凌行为频频发生的目的.  相似文献   

Research has begun to focus on how victims of school bullying cope, but there is still little understanding of why pupils will cope in one particular way and not another. This paper aimed to examine the effects of gender, stage of schooling, frequency of victimisation, and different emotions (anger, vengeance, self‐pity, indifference, and helplessness) upon the social support that children report using. Questionnaires were completed by 6,282 Maltese schoolchildren between 9 and 14 years of age. Analyses revealed that specific patterns of emotion and victimisation predict pupil reports of using certain sources of social support. Results are discussed in relation to possible intervention, future research needs, and implications for the theoretical framework used.  相似文献   

Currently the main approach in responding to bullying in schools is to focus on undesired behaviours and to apply sanctions. This approach is often ineffective as well as failing to address the needs of children as persons as distinct from the behaviour they produce. A proposed alternative approach is to inquire into the motivation of children who bully and to identify the desires that bullying behaviour seeks to satisfy. This paper provides a critique of the conception of bullying as located in the desire to hurt others, as proposed by Tattum and Tattum (1992). It examines a range of desires, as inferred from the reasons schoolchildren give for bullying others, that may, under some circumstances, lead them to engage in bullying. Finally, it considers how a primary focus on children’s desires rather than on their behaviour, may result in more effective and humane methods of dealing with the problem of bullying in schools.  相似文献   

近年来,中小学校园欺凌事件频发,社会影响恶劣,法律后果严重。研究校园欺凌的内涵、特点、危害,探寻造成校园欺凌宏观和微观方面的原因。建议采取加大法律惩戒的力度、加强社会环境治理、创建美好家庭、加强对学生的法制安全教育和对学生个体的引导教育等举措,以减少中小学校园欺凌事件的发生。  相似文献   

Most research on bullying in schools has focussed on characteristics of bullies or victims, and their families. Relatively little has investigated the school's contribution to pupil bullying. Information was obtained from teachers in 22 Norwegian primary schools on bullying and 3 aspects of professional culture. The school highest in bullying had significantly worse scores on all professional culture variables than the school lowest on bullying. The results are discussed with reference to the possibility that improvement in professional culture may contribute to less bullying and overall improvement in behaviour. In turn, these may be prerequisites for improvement in academic standards.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which psychological theory and research has contributed to how bullying is managed within schools. Teachers' awareness of the behaviours that constitute bullying, gender differences leading to identification difficulties, and low levels of reporting are discussed as plausible reasons for teachers' low intervention rates. Pupils' attitudes towards and responses to bullying are examined within the contexts of self‐efficacy, self‐acceptance and level of problem‐solving skill. Subsequent anti‐bullying interventions focusing on these aspects are explored and the importance of a whole‐school approach emphasised.  相似文献   

在过去十多年中,农村地区中小学布局调整是我国基础教育领域发生的最为突出的变化之一,其中最显著的特征是政府建立了大量的农村寄宿制学校;研究寄宿制学校对学生学业成绩、心理健康及人际关系等方面的影响具有重要的实证意义和政策价值。基于两省五县137所学校17000多名学生的抽样调查数据,通过描述性统计和probit模型对农村寄宿制学校中的校园霸凌问题的分析发现:农村寄宿制学校中的霸凌水平高达31.5%,高于国内城市地区的中小学校,也远超过国际平均水平;在农村寄宿制学校住校显著提高了学生遭遇霸凌的可能性;言语威胁、肢体冲突以及人际排斥等校园霸凌现象在住校生中都更为常见。在引入家校距离作为工具变量以纠正潜在的内生性偏误后,研究结论依然一致。据此,当前校园欺凌治理应重点关注农村地区的寄宿制学校,努力改善寄宿学校的住宿和医疗卫生条件,确保每一所寄宿制学校都有正式、足额的生活老师和住宿管理人员,同时,建立寄宿制学校校园安全问责制度也迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

如何减少青少年学生的校园欺凌行为是当下一个重要的研究主题。研究以职业学校学生在欺凌行为表现上的性别差异为切入点,利用调查数据,分析校园欺凌的性别特征及其背后的影响因素。研究发现,职业学校学生在"校园欺凌的发生率""校园欺凌的成因""校园欺凌的形式""校园欺凌的应对方式""校园欺凌的时间、地点"以及"校园欺凌的手段"这六个欺凌维度上均存在性别间的差异。据此,学校应根据学生性别有针对性地实施防治对策,并通过"双性化"教育和积极组织联谊来帮助学生树立正确的性别观念和健康的交际理念。  相似文献   

欺负是中小学生经常发生且较为普遍的一种现象,对中小学生的健康发展具有危害性。从自我认知、情感认知和同伴交往等方面分析欺负者、受欺者、旁观者的人格特点,联系个人、家庭、学校、环境等因素与欺负行为的关系,针对这些因素提出建议措施对校园欺负行为进行有效干预,建立社会—学校—家庭—儿童的四级模式,以期减少欺负行为的发生。  相似文献   

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