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It is commonly accepted that inquiry in adapted physical activity involves the use of different disciplines to address questions. It is often advanced today that complex problems of the kind frequently encountered in adapted physical activity require a combination of disciplines for their solution. At the present time, individual research questions in adapted physical activity are most often developed and pursued by researchers from a single discipline despite incentives to the contrary. However, the inclusion of multiple disciplines to address research questions raises a number of challenges. A major one is effective communication. The language related to the use of multiple disciplines is often used loosely. Key terms, such as multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and cross-disciplinary, are often used interchangeably. We introduce the technical meaning of these terms and outline some key epistemic challenges to communication across disciplines and highlight the importance of willingness, on the part of researchers, to carefully listen to each other.  相似文献   


This article provides an introduction to the literature on interdisciplinary research. It then draws lessons from that literature for the field of adapted physical activity. It is argued that adapted physical activity should be a self-consciously interdisciplinary field. It should insist that research be performed according to recognized interdisciplinary and disciplinary methodologies. Each section of the article addresses an important aspect of the literature on interdisciplinary research and closes with a recommendation for adapted physical activity.  相似文献   


Where is the moving body in our written bodies of work? How might we articulate truly unspeakable and deeply moving moments of understanding? In what ways can we reflect and honor the knowledge of those who do not use academic words, English words, or any words at all? How might art move us to answer these questions differently—and more importantly, to ask different questions? These lines of inquiry have driven arts-based research movements within many fields including nursing, medicine, and education. In this article, we explore existing and potential uses of arts in adapted physical activity research and practice. We weave theoretical exploration, artistic engagement, and our personal experiences as researchers, practitioners and disabled movers. We do so in order to demonstrate how artistic epistemologies can enrich and expand our inquiry, understanding, and engagement in adapted physical activity.  相似文献   


To explore the movement toward increased complex systems (CS) research in education, this special issue of the Journal of Experimental Education was developed to identify some under-examined places where CS approaches have advanced research. The articles provide empirical examples of research leveraging methods and analyses from complexity science. In this introduction article to the special issue, we discuss the authors’ contributions to defining and explicating concepts and methods that fall under the umbrella of CS perspectives and how these methods were used to investigate complex processes in their topics of study. The articles capture the goal of the special issue to demonstrate how the research questions framed by CS assumptions can change our expectations about the very nature of the processes under study in education. We then take a more global perspective and acknowledge the commonalities amongst the papers, including (a) the reliance on intensive data to answer research questions, and (b) the use of dynamic approaches that yield findings about the stability and change of these systems and phenomena.  相似文献   


In this article, we reflect on the contributions of the social sciences to the field of adapted physical activity by examining the theories and methods that have been adopted from the social science disciplines. To broaden our perspective on adapted physical activity and provide new avenues for theoretical and empirical exploration, we discuss and evaluate broad ideas/tensions arising from the social science literature—the individual versus social/ecological, and social science of adapted physical activity versus social science in adapted physical activity. We intentionally focus discussion on the application of specific lines of inquiry in the social sciences that have not yet emerged (or have done so only in limited applications) in the field of adapted physical activity. Such untapped areas of scholarship in the social sciences can lead to broader understanding, innovations, and new lines of inquiry when applied to an adapted physical activity context.  相似文献   


This Editorial to the current collection provides a brief historical, cultural, regional and contemporary picture of environmental education research in Brazil. Its main purpose is to offer readers a short background and orientation to the collection, and in so doing, illustrate how its contributions relate to some wider tendencies, trends and issues in environmental education, as well as to different locales of research and knowledge generation in the country. Of particular note for environmental education in Brazil are: the effects of social and political backdrops and issues, the unique environments on which environmental education is grounded, and how environmental education research, in turn, may echo or influence particular educational and public policies.  相似文献   

美国特教印象及其思考   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10  
本文是对美国特殊教育的介绍以及中国特殊教育的思考。作者认为 ,美国特殊教育的最大特点是高度融合。融合的实现在于有先进的理念、完备的法律、充足的经费、高质量的师资以及强大的科技辅助等作为支撑。中国特殊教育的进一步发展需要在完善法律法规、提高特教认识水平、增加投入、规范鉴定与评估、加强师资培养等方面作更多的努力  相似文献   

Engaging in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is essential to lifelong health and wellness. Physical activity behaviors established in early childhood relate to physical activity behaviors in later years. However, research has shown that children are adopting more sedentary behaviors. Incorporating structured and planned physical activity breaks into classroom transition times is an inexpensive and effective technique to increase children’s physical activity during school hours. However, this approach has not been studied in preschool settings. The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple, cost-effective method that incorporates structured physical activity into the preschool curriculum through classroom based physical activity breaks. Results of a case study along with an overview of the implementation of physical activity breaks are discussed.  相似文献   

The special edition of JEAH published in August 2006 on ‘Administration and Leadership in Education: A Case for History?’ argued that history has been seriously undervalued in the study of administration and leadership in education. My introductory editorial explained why this mattered and outlined the framework in which the papers it contained were set. It then examined the concepts of administration and leadership in education and considered them as a field (or fields) of knowledge. In an exploration of how knowledge is produced, it discussed history as a form of knowledge and considered the contribution it could make to the study of the field. This was followed by a review of what was asked of the contributors and their response. The editorial concluded with ideas for future work. At the request of the new editors of the journal, this paper is a revised and extended version of my earlier editorial. Some aspects have been shortened (e.g., the review of contributions), others extended (e.g., views on history and its role), and some new material has been added (e.g., a discussion of the history of the field in the UK as represented in attempts to review the field since George Baron’s ground‐breaking keynote given at the first research conference of the British Educational Administration Society held in Birmingham in 1979).  相似文献   

Interdisciplinarity in education: A tentative synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
George Vaideanu 《Prospects》1987,17(4):487-501

随着我国社会经济高速发展,特殊教育越来越受到重视,但云南省特殊教育的发展仍相对落后.在分析云南适龄特殊儿童受教育情况、特殊教育学校发展状况、特殊教育学校师资现状的基础上,论述了云南特殊教育体育教师培养与培训的必要性.建议在昆明学院开展特殊教育体育教师的培养与培训,以满足云南省特殊教育发展的需求.  相似文献   

Graduate adapted physical education (APE) courses have typically been taught using face-to-face formats where the instructor and learners physically meet in a classroom and engage in discussions and experiential exercises. However, because in-service physical educators have time demands associated with teaching, coaching, and family commitments, face-to-face meetings may not be feasible. Therefore, online learning may provide a more efficient and effective method for training in-service physical educators to become APE specialists. The purpose of this article is to disseminate guidelines for developing and implementing online coursework in APE within the theoretical framework of andragogy (adult learning). In this article, the authors describe characteristics and implementation of an online APE graduate course for in-service physical educators based on andragogy theory. Andragogy theory addresses the particular needs of adult learners and is based on the idea that there are significant differences in learning characteristics between children and adults (Knowles, 1989). This article first describes four components fundamental to andragogical instruction: experiential learning, self-directed learning, engagement, and transformative learning. The narratives provide information and characteristics about online APE course development for PE teachers’ professional development and how andragogy approach is a useful and beneficial approach to enhance learning.  相似文献   

学位论文文献综述的撰写是“主题编织”,抑或“问题先导”,不同的撰写思路,其效果将迥然有别。“主题编织”的文献综述酷似文献汇编,它提供了相关的知识,却降低了学位论文的学术性;而“问题先导”的文献综述则澄清、凸显了拟要研究问题的价值,彰显了学位论文的学术性。  相似文献   

The sharp decline in physical activity during adolescence is a national concem. However. few studies of adherence to exercise and physical activity have heen conducted with youths. This paper focuses on ecological approaches for promoting physical activily in middle schools. Baseline data collected in physical education classes. leisure time settings, and suuctured extracurricular programs during the four-year Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition (M-SPAN) project are reviewed. Refocusing physical education goals, promoting gender equity in physical activity opportunities. and linking schools with conimunity agencies are recommended as means for promoting physical activity among adolescents.  相似文献   

我国特殊教育学校体育现状与发展对策研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对国家12省市特殊教育学校体育现状调查发现,我国特殊教育学校体育现状发展不容乐观,同普通中小学校体育和特殊学校教育自身比较有相对滞后现象,影响着我国特殊教育学校整体的发展。提出了对我国特殊教育学校体育课程建设、体育师资队伍建设、体育设施条件和特殊体育教育科学研究等问题的发展对策。  相似文献   

美国适应体育课程国家标准对我国特殊体育教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应体育课程国家标准是美国为加快特殊体育教育发展而颁布的纲要型文件.本文通过对适应体育课程国家标准的系统研究,在掌握大量适应体育文献资料的基础上,阐明了适应体育课程国家标准的基本特征,并提出适应性教学是特殊学生的体育课程学习的最佳选择,应该将特殊体育教育对象扩展到"生理与心理上有特殊体育需要"的人群,在制订特殊体育的师资课程标准时应具备本土性考虑,特殊体育教育应包含终身体育理念,适应体育专业人员的培养须采取专业证书制度.  相似文献   

我国特殊教育体育师资队伍培养体制与模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国特殊教育事业蓬勃发展,2001年国家“将残疾儿童少年义务教育作为特殊教育事业发展的重点”,目前有大量的残疾儿童接受九年义务教育,但特殊教育体育师资出现短缺现状。借鉴国外发达国家培养特殊体育师资的经验,提出符合我国基本国情的特殊体育师资培养体制与模式,旨在尽快为我国特殊教育事业培养高素质、复合型的体育师资队伍。  相似文献   

介绍了厦门大学物理化学实验教学的实践与育人概况,主要包括课程简介(历史沿革,教学理念和目的,课程特色与改革成果,考核方法及要求,教学效果)、教学大纲(含实验教学目标与基本要求,课程内容与学时分配,实验教学方式,实验教材和参考资料)、教学队伍。  相似文献   

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