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本文从我国高职院校社会服务机构建设和社会服务现状出发,分析目前高职院校社会服务机构运行中存在的不足,并根据服务类型提出了系统集成式建设高职院校科技服务平台的框架,总结各类子平台建设和运行的相关条件,从系统集成运行角度分析了平台运行过程中的相关控制事宜,从而提升高职院校社会服务能力。  相似文献   

The paper deals with physics teaching/learning in high school. An investigation in three upper secondary school classes in Italy explored the reactions of students to a structuring lecture on optics within the discipline-culture (DC) framework that organises physics knowledge around four interrelated fundamental theories of light. The lecture presented optics as an unfolding conceptual discourse of physicists regarding the nature of light. Along with the knowledge constructed in a school course of a scientific lyceum, the students provided epistemological comments, displaying their perception of physics knowledge presented in the classroom. Students’ views and knowledge were investigated by questionnaires prior to and after the lecture and in special discussions held in each class. They revealed a variety of attitudes and views which allowed inferences about the potential of the DC framework in an educational context. The findings and interpretation indicate the positive and stimulating impact of the lecture and the way in which DC-based approach to knowledge organization makes physics at school cultural and attractive.  相似文献   

欣赏型探究是一种聚焦探寻组织优势,围绕优势进行梦想、设计和付诸实施的组织变革理论。基于组织的积极趋向性、意象导向性和信仰动力性的假定,欣赏型探究提出了"发现、梦想、设计和实现"的过程主张,强调遵循建构论、同步性、诗意性、期望性和乐观性的原则。欣赏型探究对转变我国教育改革与发展的思维观念,推动策略联盟和实现城乡教育一体发展以及发现组织亮点,促成学校变革愿景实现等,具有诸多启迪。  相似文献   

复杂性科学为研究、思考学校评价结果解释研究提供了方法论支持。 运用复杂性科学的整体原理、有序原理、动态原理和反馈原理,学校评价结果解释研究在借鉴并改造系统论、组织生命周期理论、信息论、耗散结构论和协同论等理论的思想框架基础上,将实证化方式和人文化方式有机结合,实现整体思维、综合思维、关系思维、过程思维和变动思维等思维方式的根本性转变。  相似文献   

The overarching aim of this paper is to explore how key principles inherent in human rights declarations and conventions are translated into practices associated with human rights education within school contexts. It is argued that this translation from discourse to practice opens up the potential for children and young people to encounter inequitable experiences of human rights education, and that this is an ethical issue that needs addressing. Within the paper, human rights education relates to both direct teaching about human rights, and to children and young peoples’ experiences of how school practitioners acknowledge and uphold their rights. In both national and international contexts, knowledge and understanding about school-based human rights education is lacking; this paper aims to address this issue by developing a theoretical framework through which to view human rights education practices within school settings.  相似文献   

学制作为国家教育制度体系中的重要构成,其改革事关国家教育发展的方向和未来。我国现代学制始创于1902年的壬寅学制,随后经癸卯学制、壬子癸丑学制的探索实践,至1922年颁布的壬戌学制最终确定了我国现代学制的基本框架,并延续使用百年。通过对现代学制百年演进史的梳理和审视,总结出学制改革应坚持科学性、系统性、弹性化、渐进性、合法性和集中性六原则。具体建议为:要依据学生身心发展变化确定学制改革思路;要与基础教育的整体改革相适应;要进行充分的实地调查与研究;要先试点先行,稳步推进;要完善学制的法律制度,于法有据、依法实施;要在政府统一领导下进行学制改革。  相似文献   

As a field, we have a limited understanding and a dearth of empirical research concerning the role of high school instructional coaches focused on English learners (ELs). This paper examines one EL facilitator’s work as an instructional coach and resource for supporting mainstream content teachers as they learn to meet the needs of adolescent ELs in one high school. This analysis is grounded within an examination of the influence of school structure and organization on the EL facilitator’s work and her role as a resource. Drawing on sociocultural learning theory, as well as literature on teacher leadership and instructional coaching, case study data from a year-long qualitative research project are analyzed. Implications for research, policy, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper introduces an interpretative framework that contains a characterization of epistemic schemes (constructs that are used to explain how class agents themselves are able to gain convincement in or promote convincement of mathematical statements) and epistemic states (a person’s internal states, such as convincement or certainty related to the person’s beliefs and to the schemes that explain them); a taxonomy for the epistemic schemes is also proposed. On the basis of the interpretative framework, an analysis is made of an excerpt of a regular elementary school class, a school level at which explicit mathematics reasoning rarely arises. The paper contends that teachers and students use schemes based on reasons in order to make mathematical statements credible, but that they also resort–perhaps unconsciously–to epistemic schemes that are governed by extra-rational considerations.  相似文献   

The school principal’s job is increasingly demanding and complex, but school principal well-being is understudied. Self-efficacy and job satisfaction are critical constructs for studying school principals’ well-being, and self-efficacy is a core predictor of job satisfaction. Cross-sectional research typically assumes a unidirectional ordering; self-efficacy predicts (and leads to) job satisfaction, not the reverse. However, this unidirectional ordering is inconsistent with theoretical models positing a bidirectional (reciprocal) ordering. Furthermore, the assumption is largely untested with appropriate longitudinal data and statistical models. We evaluated the directional ordering of job satisfaction and self-efficacy for a large (N = 5663), nationally representative, longitudinal (nine annual waves) sample of Australian school leaders. Job satisfaction and self-efficacy were moderately correlated within waves and over time. Consistently with theoretical models and a priori predictions, the two constructs were reciprocally related over time; prior measures of each had small statistically positive effects on subsequent measures of the other, with no evidence of directional predominance of one over the other. Support for reciprocal effects was remarkably consistent across competing cross-lag-panel models, multiple tests of the consistency of effects over time (measurement invariance and stationarity), control for covariates, and the addition of lag-2 paths. Methodologically, we critique competing models that estimate cross-lagged effects and evaluate directional ordering from within- and between-person perspectives. We demonstrate the value of both approaches in achieving a robust framework for assessing longitudinal panel models.. Our substantive-methodological synergy has important substantive implications for theory, policy, and practice—showing that school-leader job satisfaction and self-efficacy are mutually reinforcing.  相似文献   

个人陈述是一篇向录取委员会介绍申请者的短文,它是研究生院录取过程中最重要的申请文书。本文运用系统功能语言学的体裁分析理论。探讨个人陈述语篇结构和语言特点。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to discuss the implications of applying Habermas’s concept of self-critical appropriation for rethinking the structure of the modernist curriculum, specifically the organization of school subjects and instruction time devoted to each of them. To this end, the paper examines Habermas’s differentiation between the three expert cultures of science, morality and art in modernity as well as the role that Habermas envisions for education in modern societies. On the basis of the above differentiation, this paper briefly reviews three national curriculums (England, France, Finland) in order to substantiate the dominant scientific-objectivating orientation underlying the structure of current national curriculums. The review provides the contextual-factual background for rethinking the curriculum. Responding to the challenges facing curriculums in the postmodern era (both theoretical and practical), this paper presents two principles stemming from the application of the concept of self-critical appropriation: balancing the curriculum and the introduction of an integrator-subject for the development and exercise of communicative competences.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss some research findings regarding the characteristics that democratic schools appear to have in common. These commonalities seem to have contributed to their status as being seen as reputable democratic schools. For the purposes of the reported study, schools that were diverse in their philosophical approaches to education and socio‐economic composition were selected as case‐study schools. A specific selection criterion was that these schools had a reputation for nurturing the critical capabilities of students with an explicit ‘citizenship framework’. Students were not seen as ‘objects to be acted upon’, but rather were trusted to be subjects of rights and responsibilities within the school community in some form or other. The research included analysis of interview, observation and document data. Three major corresponding features were identified: (a) the principals perceived their schools to be ‘out of the ordinary’, (b) all four case‐study sites had carefully developed school rules as statements of principles rather than an extensive list of dos and don’ts and (c) three of the four schools seemed to employ differential treatment practices rather than a ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ approach to the discipline of students. The findings suggest that it is possible for schools to educate effectively in and for democracy by way of day‐to‐day educational practices that inspire some aspects of political and moral student empowerment.  相似文献   

Berg, G. & Wallin, E. 1982. Research into the School as an Organization. II: The School as a Complex Organization. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 26, 161‐181. This article starts by examining the development of general organization theory, then proposes an overall organization model for analysing the school. A distinction is made between the school as an institution and the school as an organization, the latter defined as a function of the control emanating from the societal and the ‘actor’ level. A set of conceptual tools believed to describe and analyse the school as an organization is outlined. In the latter part of the article an illustration of how the theoretical discussion can be applied to practical situations is given, firstly by an analysis of a case study and secondly by giving examples of factors worth taking into account in concrete analyses of the organizational structures of schools.  相似文献   

Teachers are facing an increasing number of changes in their job context, many of which significantly affect their work lives. This study offers a theoretical understanding of the changes in teachers’ working conditions, starting from the intensification thesis. The case study of a Flemish (Belgian) elementary school shows the existence of various and mutually reinforcing sources of intensification. Those sources emerge not only from outside school (e.g. policy‐makers and society), but also as teachers impose their own standards on their work. The case study exemplifies the compelling (and thus intensifying) character of a collective norm of willingness to innovate. However, this norm seems to act paradoxically: both as a support in dealing with external pressure and as an intensifying factor, increasing the workload. The possibly intensifying impact of changes on teachers’ working conditions is mediated by the school organization as well as the personal interpretative framework (sense‐making) of individual teachers.  相似文献   

The concept of “Bildung”, substantially developed by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and the French concept of “instruction”, substantially defined by the Marquis de Condorcet, have heavily influenced schools in German and French speaking cultures. School subjects as the general principles of ordering school knowledge prevail as soon as Bildung/instruction becomes granted by state institutions. I maintain that school subjects are the socio-historical form of the modern school system, through which Bildung/instruction continually develops in contradictory ways. On the basis of a concise definition of “Bildung”, mirrored by the contemporaneous concept of French “instruction”, the paper shows that school subjects become the common form and measure for organizing and distributing knowledge and know how to be taught and learned during the 19th century. Four theses are discussed concerning the way school subjects realize the ideals of Bildung in many contradictory forms: 1. The canon of school subjects guarantee manifold contents for developing capacities for students, in part through a realization of Humboldt’s and Condorcet’s concepts. 2. They integrate contradictory demands of society: Bildung, moralization in the sense of “governing the soul” on the one side, national cohesion, selection and distinction between students on the other. 3. They allow contents coming from higher education levels to enter primary schools. 4. They combine universal contents with local and regional ones.  相似文献   

Neoliberal policy objectives perpetuate an audit culture at both school and system levels. The associated focus on performativity and accountability can result in reductive and procedural interpretations of classroom assessment for learning (AfL) practices. Set in a New Zealand AfL professional development context, this research takes an ecological view of teacher learning as a ground-up approach to improving practice. As a framework, this paper brings together an intersubjective conception of professional learning that positions teachers as co-leaders, principles inherent in ‘the spirit of AfL’, and the notion of ‘intelligent accountability’ to illustrate evidence-informed teacher agency. It applies divergent and dialogic AfL practices to professional learning that can enable teachers to connect with issues that are most relevant to their practice. Dialogic feedback practices of this nature position teachers as capable, reflexive and resourceful practitioners and decision-makers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the changes that took place in school mathematics knowledge for pupils aged six and seven (first grade of Greek elementary school) and its pedagogical approach, which took shape following the reforms of the mathematics curricula in 1982 and 2003. Our analysis is based on Bernstein’s theoretical framework on pedagogic discourse and Dowling’s theoretical framework on textual domains. The results showed that there are differences between the 1982 and 2003 reforms, in terms both of the content of mathematics knowledge, as well as of the forms of pedagogic interaction between the teacher and the pupil.  相似文献   

The Australian Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee has been asked to examine the principles of Commonwealth Funding for schools, with particular emphasis on how these principles apply in meeting the current future needs of government and non‐government schools and whether they ensure efficiency in the allocation of school funding. The Committee will also investigate accountability arrangements including and through the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. This paper provides a critical discourse analysis of recent developments, tracking two themes: the construction of ‘efficiency and effectiveness’ in the allocation of school funding in Australia, and the impact of such a construction on a discourse of inclusive education for all schools in Australia. Through this analysis, it is argued that the current enquiry creates an opportunity for a substantial shift in focus — from funding government and non‐government schools in relation to government schools, to both government and non‐government schools — within a framework of presumptive equality and inclusion. It is also argued that extant policy, removing the substantial Catholic sector from its hitherto hybridized and separate funding position and bringing government and non‐government schools into sector‐specific funding competition with each other, realigns and rearticulates federal involvement in school funding policy areas that have been the traditional preserve of state governments and territories. In the process, responsibility for instilling and supporting inclusive educational practices is currently solely that of the states and territories where, in many cases, funding as well as inclusive education policies and programmes have been determined at local levels. The endorsement by the federal government of new principles in funding, as proposed here, linked with renewed requirements in relation to school access and participation, creates a space that potentially enables new strategies for inclusive education to be conjoined with funding allocation policy in Australian schools, to the economic and social benefits of all schools as well as the polity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how the application of multimedia design principles may inform the development of educational multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs). We look at design principles that have been shown to help learners manage cognitive load within multimedia environments and conduct a conjectural analysis of the extent to which such principles can help manage cognitive load in the highly immersive “beyond multimedia” environments that 3-D educational MUVEs represent. We frame our discussion as a design practice analysis of the River City MUVE, a science inquiry environment that has middle school students collaborating to develop and test hypotheses regarding illnesses sweeping a virtual town. We analyze the current River City interface design using a framework describing cognitive overload scenarios and associated approaches to manage cognitive load. We also discuss the potential difficulties that may be seen as multimedia principles are applied to 3-D MUVEs. Our discussion describes a blueprint for research implementations that we are undertaking to systematically investigate the effect of an educational MUVE interface design based on multimedia principles—implementations that we hope will provide an action framework for other MUVE researchers to use in their own studies.  相似文献   

Despite the wide implications of attachment theory there remains a lack of research exploring interventions which encapsulate the principles of an attachment-based framework in the school context. The aim of this research was to address this gap by implementing an intervention for a group of five primary-aged pupils with identified insecure attachment styles, and a key adult figure in the school context. The 10 week intervention consisted of weekly sessions based in a mainstream primary school. The research adopted a mixed methodology, with a predominant qualitative focus. The perceptions of children in relation to attachment concepts were explored both before and following the intervention. The findings revealed positive changes in the children’s behaviours and experiences, in that the children’s Internal Working Models were positively shifted, and impacted on their social and emotional behaviours.  相似文献   

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