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At some point the mechanics of schooling begin running of their own accord. Such has become the case with grades (A's, B's, C's, etc.). This article reconsiders the history of grades through the concepts of immanence and abstract machines from the oeuvre of Deleuze and Guattari. In the first section, the history of grades as presently written until now is laid out. In the second, the concepts of immanence and abstract machines are described, and in the third section, problems are raised by reconsidering grades as machines (grade‐machines).  相似文献   

Twenty classes in ten schools with 627 sixth‐grade students in five cities in Taiwan participated in this study. The research provides information on the performance differences among written computation, pictorial representation, symbolic representation and number sense. The results of One‐way ANOVA analysis indicate that significant difference was found among WCT, PRT, SRT and NST tests, with F=536.327, p=0.000. The a posteriori comparisons show for each pair (WCT vs PRT, WCT vs SRT, WCT vs NST, PRT vs SRT and SRT vs NST) significant difference at the 0.001 level (p=0.000), except for the pair comparison between PRT and NST. This implies that these Taiwanese students were highly skilled in written computation but their written skills were not equally transferred to use of non‐computational paths that depended on symbolic representation, pictorial representation and number sense to solve similar problems.  相似文献   

Modelling mathematical argumentation: the importance of qualification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years several mathematics education researchers have attempted to analyse students’ arguments using a restricted form of Toulmin’s [The Uses of Argument, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1958] argumentation scheme. In this paper we report data from task-based interviews conducted with highly talented postgraduate mathematics students, and argue that a superior categorisation of genuine mathematical argumentation is provided by the use of Toulmin’s full scheme. In particular, we suggest that modal qualifiers play an important and previously unrecognised role in mathematical argumentation, and that one of the goals of instruction should be to develop students’ abilities to appropriately match up warrant-types with modal qualifiers.  相似文献   

通过对数控机床的构成与特点的概述,进而对数控系统的常见故障进行了分析,并对数控系统的故障诊断与维护方法,以及应注意的事项作了较为详细的阐述。  相似文献   

IRT下题量与被试量对参数估计模拟返真性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在项目反应理论下的题库建设时,进行纸笔测验测试时需要多少被试量、题量,试题的参数估计能够达到较为精确估计?本文使用蒙特卡洛模拟方法模拟测验情境,对此问题进行探讨。分析题量的变化和被试量的变化对a、b参数估计的模拟返真性能的影响。1)从被试量角度来看,在两级、多级记分试题模拟测验情境下,随着被试量逐渐增大,项目参数估计值模拟返真指标均方误差逐渐减小。2)从题量角度来看,在两级记分试题模拟情境下,均方误差曲线在题量为25题左右时有一个拐点,即当题量小于25题时,随着题量增加时RMSE减小幅度较大,而当题量大于25题时,这时再增加题量,RMSE减小幅度很小。在多级记分试题模拟情境下,均方误差曲线在题量为15题左右时有一个拐点,即当题量小于15题时,随着题量增加, RMSE逐渐减小,当题量大于15题时,随着题量增加,RMSE逐渐增大。  相似文献   

文章认为哈代作品《还乡》的女主人公游苔莎充满了朦胧的现代意识,她的行动背离了男权社会对传统女性的期待和道德规范,张扬了女性确立自我,肯定自我的精神,体现了女性超越自身内在性,寻求自我身份的主体性追寻和女性意识的觉醒,是哈代女性角色中最为坚定的反叛者。  相似文献   

A key aim of this article is to present a discursus on learning and teaching in the context of art education that softens transcendent historical and ideological framings of art education and its purpose. In contrast it places emphasis upon the immanence and necessary transcendence of local events of learning that occur in whatever framing and which have the potential to extend our comprehension of what art and learning can become. It recommends a ‘pedagogical reversal’ whereby external transcendent lenses and their respective knowledge and criteria for practice are relaxed and proposes a pedagogy ‘without criteria’. A key pedagogical issue revolves around ‘how something matters’ for a learner in his or her experience of a learning encounter and trying to comprehend this ‘mattering’ constitutes a pedagogical adventure for a teacher. The notion of mattering in the context of art practice and learning cannot be divorced from the force of art which is the motive force that precipitates a potential for learning and can expand our understanding of what art and learning can become. The article is therefore premised on the idea that it is not a case of coming to understand art through established knowledge and practice but the force of art challenging us to think. The force of art, or art's event, can be conceived therefore as a process with a potential for the individuation of new worlds or to see that other worlds might be possible.  相似文献   

“数形结合”的思想方法的应用总结与培养的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱江红  孙兰香 《沧州师专学报》2010,26(1):99-101,103
数形结合的思想方法是非常重要且应用广泛的数学思想之一。搞好数形结合思想的教学,关键是教学中结合各个知识模块的内容、结合学生的认知结构,循序渐进地渗透这一数学思想,从而提高学生的数学品质,全面提高学生的素养。  相似文献   

结合初等数论教学实践,分析了初等数论课程内容的现状以及教学中所存在的一些问题,相应的针对此课程指出了教学过程中需要注意的几个环节,这些环节的加强有利于学生较好掌握这门课程,培养学生抽象的逻辑思维能力,从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

Math anxiety is considered a predictor of math achievement, although the cognitive mechanism whereby math anxiety impairs math achievement is unclear. The paper presents the results of cross-sectional (N = 241) and longitudinal (N = 369) studies conducted among early school-aged children on the cognitive mechanism whereby math anxiety impairs math achievement. The following hypotheses were tested: (1) math anxiety directly affects math achievement; (2) in accordance with processing efficiency and attentional cognitive theories, math anxiety indirectly affects math achievement through working memory; (3) in accordance with the cognitive deficit model, math anxiety indirectly affects math achievement through number sense. The results mostly confirm the mediating role of working memory and undermine the mediating role of number sense and the direct path in the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement. Because previous studies undertaken in adults show the direct path from math anxiety to math achievement and the role of symbolic number processing in explaining the relationship between the two, the methodological and developmental aspects of the obtained results are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

演化计算是近年发展起来的一种重要的非线性算法,以其自组织、自适应、自学习的特征而受到广泛的关注和应用。本文从演化计算技术的主要分支、特点、发展现状等方面对这种技术进行了综述,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Scholars report desirable outcomes for all participants in classrooms where diverse learners are welcomed members. Data suggest teachers leave the profession early because of the demands of their work made increasingly difficult by the diverse range of students, lack of assistance to support the diverse range of student needs and the resulting burnout. This paper presents qualitative data from six beginning teachers, juxtaposed with the author's personal narrative, to illustrate the ongoing problems beginning teachers face, contending with political, historical and cultural barriers when teaching students with diverse learning needs. Despite policy advances and mandated courses in inclusive education in initial teacher education, beginning teachers are overwhelmed by the magnitude of teaching diverse learners in contemporary classrooms. Of note in the data are the preservice teachers’ fluid conceptions of inclusive education. The polarity of success and failure of inclusive education is re-envisaged through Deleuze and Guattari's [(1987 Deleuze, G., and F. Guattari. 1987. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans Brian Massumi. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. [Google Scholar]). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans Brian Massumi. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.] rhizome. The data illustrate the challenges and messiness of learning to become an inclusive educator. It is important to listen to the experiences of beginning teachers given the value of supportive classroom environments for students with diverse needs and the impact creating these environments has on beginning teachers’ longevity in the profession.  相似文献   

The mathematics curriculum often provides for relatively few mathematical thinking problems or non-routine problems that focus on a deepening of understanding mathematical concepts and the problem-solving process. To develop such problems, methods are required to evaluate their suitability. The purpose of this preliminary study was to find such an evaluation method by including mathematical sense making and global planning. Eighteen 11th-grade high-school students, divided into three groups of three pairs, solved six mathematical thinking problems that included the finding of a numeric solution and the writing of mathematical texts and arguments. Content analysis of the students’ solution procedures provided for three kinds of hierarchically ordered mathematical sense-making categories. The results showed the expected statistically significant difference between the kinds of problems, though only mathematical sense making enabled the exclusion of the routine problem. The implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

宋代曾登临岳阳楼并留下了相关作品的状元有吕蒙正、张孝祥、王十朋3人,吕蒙正登,临的是滕子京重修之前的岳阳楼,而张孝祥、王十朋登临的则是滕子京重修后又至少经过三毁三修的岳阳楼。另有3位状元与岳阳楼有这样或那样的间接关系。因《岳阳楼记》的推动,岳阳楼已经形成一种文化,在人们心目中已是忧国忧民、风高节亮的象征。  相似文献   

集合量词和基数词语、序数词语、概数词语都存在着选择限制关系。对这些选择限制关系进行描写分析,不仅有助于揭示集合量词和数词词语的语法规律,也有助于其他类型量词的研究。  相似文献   

This thematic issue on education and the politics of becoming focuses on how a Multiple Literacies Theory (MLT) plugs into practice in education. MLT does this by creating an assemblage between discourse, text, resonance and sensations. What does this produce? Becoming AND how one might live are the product of an assemblage (May, 2005; Semetsky, 2003). In this paper, MLT is the approach that explores the connection between educational theory and practice through the lens of an empirical study of multilingual children acquiring multiple writing systems simultaneously. The introduction explicates discourse, text, resonance, sensation and becoming. The second section introduces certain Deleuzian concepts that plug into MLT. The third section serves as an introduction to MLT. The fourth section is devoted to the study by way of a rhizoanalysis. Finally, drawing on the concept of the rhizome, this article exits with potential lines of flight opened by MLT. These are becomings which highlight the significance of this work in terms of transforming not only how literacies are conceptualized, especially in minority language contexts, but also how one might live.  相似文献   

中医针灸是我国传统医学中独具特色的疗法之一,历史悠久,文化内涵丰富。为响应互联网时代的蓬勃发展,中医针灸也当与时俱进,借势新媒体平台--微信公众号进行传播而发展。为此,基于微信公众号的研究调查,多方面阐述中医针灸在新媒体平台上的传播效果,望能让更多的人利用和发挥新媒体的传播优势,处理好新媒体的传播弊端。  相似文献   

作为极富宗教与哲学意味的儒家经典,《中庸》对儒家的天人观作了系统而深刻的阐释.在"天命之谓性"观念的指引下,《中庸》以"诚"贯通天人,揭示了儒家"天人合一"的理论内涵.就其实质而言,《中庸》所标举的天人关系是一种价值的或道德的关系,是以价值关系为纽带形成的超越而内在、内在而超越的关系.《中庸》天人观所透显出的这种特殊品格,在人与自然的关系日益紧张的今天,越发地显示出其巨大的理论优势和浓厚的现实意义.  相似文献   

基于项目反应理论中的LOGISTIC双参数模型研究共同题非等组设计下,考生能力分布与被试量对等值的影响。等值方法采用分别校准下的项目特征曲线法、Stocking-Lord法、Haebara法。等值结果采用等值分数标准误、等值系数标准误、共同题参数稳定性三种方法进行评价。研究结果表明,考生能力分布越接近,被试量越大,等值误差越小;且Stocking-Lord法较Haebara法的等值结果更稳定。  相似文献   

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