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许倩  裴靖  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(4):40-41
带着第二张专辑《明明不是 Angel》,何洁降临上海。见到她是在傍晚的摄影棚,或许是刚刚从新专辑上海新闻发布会上归来,灯光下,她依旧很活泼,然而一丝疲倦已经悄然透出。镜头前的随意挥洒,谈笑着爽快利落,《明明不是Angel》这个听上去有点叛逆的名字或许是她此刻最想表达的意思。  相似文献   

徐乐  郝璐艳  黄栋 《音乐世界》2008,(2):124-125
I’m Running,I’m Free.把混凝土组成的繁华都市变成我的操场,穿越城市中的层层障碍,在都市中挑战我的极限,我是自由的,我要热情奔跑。这一次,K·SWISS 为每一位极限运动爱好者带来了全球第一双 Free Running(自由奔跑)专业鞋——Ariake。  相似文献   

"Hello!大家好!知道我为什么这么开心——学会了英语吗?嗨,还不得感谢我的一大群儿女们,他们呀,给我换了件‘新衣裳’!"嘿,高兴至极的中国,忘记了介绍自己的名字,就一个劲儿  相似文献   

《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》是一部奇幻冒险小说,于2001年出版之前被五家伦敦出版社拒绝。这是作者扬·马特尔的第二部小说,成为2002年布克奖获奖作品。以下是马特尔获奖之后与PBS NewsHour主持人SUAREZ的访谈对话,谈故事,谈人物,谈创作经历……  相似文献   

A man said to his psychiatrist, “Doctor, you1ve got to help me. I1m sure I1m losing my mind. I can1t remember anything, not what happened a year ago, or even what happened yesterday. I must be going crazy.” “How long have you had this problem?” The ma…  相似文献   

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident. Both of theircars are totally demolished( 毁坏) but amaz-ingly neither of them are hurt.After they crawl out of their cars, thewoman says, “So you?re a man, that?s interest-ing. I?m a woman. Wow, just loo…  相似文献   

在我们居住的地球上,有一些你根本无法想象的地方,看到它们,也许你会问:地球怎么了?要不要Call(打电话给)火星人来把我接走?其实,地球目前还很OK,这些好似外太空景象的所在只是某种地理现象。  相似文献   

The impact of participation in adult literacy programmes on learners’ identities is examined through an interrogation of their past and current experiences and the assessment of the effect of particular pedagogies. The findings show how learners’ positive experiences in their programmes had caused them to re-evaluate their previous understandings and enabled the construction of new identities as people that are able to learn. These changes had come about through the challenging of negative discourses, the creation of new figured worlds and imagined futures, and the use of a learning curriculum where learners’ experiences were utilized as positive resources.  相似文献   

A:Do you know We:are having guests for lunch today? B:I still have to make lunch.I'd better get rigt on it.A:你知道今天中午我们有客人来用餐吗?B:我还没开始做饭.我最好现在就开始做饭.  相似文献   

he eyes are equallyexpectant,al-though the facesare different.Silent,shy and incredibly politecollege freshman in Xi’an,China:raucous,rambunctiousand never quiet high school se-niors in Ostuni,Italy;andrespectful,mature adults in a so-cial service center in Siedelce.  相似文献   

Editor:You ish a IX)sition as a p删伽叨er(校对员)?App仇ant:Yes,sir·Mltor:DO you understand山e mpremets要求)叨山at respollsiMe eition?Appllean:k小oily,sir.矾e。er you毗e ny。s邮es In the Paper,Just hi。e them on me,ndl’11。ver say a Wh.(扬 帆供稿)I’ll Never Say a Word@扬帆…  相似文献   

A guy walks into thehuman resources depart-ment of a large companyand hands the executive hisapplication. The executivebegins to scan the sheet,and notices that the appli-cant has been fired fromevery job he has ever held.  相似文献   

推荐理由:李宗盛、林俊杰等大牌音乐人强强联手打造,萧萧尽显才女天性! 2006年闪耀亮相的美才女萧萧,签约海蝶后的第一张全新个人大碟《I’m萧萧》一经问世,便被众多媒体以及业内人士誉为2006年  相似文献   

Mother’s Day is coming.I write the followings for my respected mother,for I once misunderstood and even hated her for a very long time.When I was very young,Mother had only one child and she loved me very much.I was always spoiled(被宠爱)byher.ButthingsbegantochangewhenIwasoldenoughtogotoschool.Motherbecameseriousandstrictwithme.WhenIdidsomethingwrong,shescoldedmeseriously.Astimewenton,thingswentfrombadtoworse.WhenIwastenyearsold,myyoungerbrothercametotheworld.ItbroughthappinesstoMother,andIfeltgladtoo.ButIcam...  相似文献   

有人说刘亦菲的走红完全得益于她的美貌,她不值得人们如此厚爱。刘亦菲是坦诚的,她承认自己因美貌而走俏荧屏;刘亦菲是清纯的,她自然羞涩的微笑确实打动了无数影迷的心。刘亦菲是无辜的,因为漂亮不是罪过!刘亦菲更是自强的,她正在勤学苦练,誓做才貌双全的绝代佳人。  相似文献   

I‘ve learned that you cannot make someone love you。All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.  相似文献   

This research embedded in the National Study of Writing Instruction examines higher- and lower-achieving adolescents’ stances toward content-area writing through a qualitative discourse analysis of interviews with 40 students in California, Kentucky, New York, and Texas secondary schools. The study asked: (1) How do students’ stances toward writing compare in general and across disciplines? (2) How do stances compare among middle and high school students and among students with different achievement histories? Results suggest that adolescents generally hold positive attitudes toward writing that allows for the expression of subjective stances, which they report is more commonly assigned in English language arts classrooms. Implications for the adoption of new US standards for disciplinary writing are discussed.  相似文献   

英语表达式"I’m finished."表"我(吃)完了"或"我(做)完(某事)了"等意思,但被错误地理解成"我完了"或"我完蛋了"。这个错误既有对finish和complete的意义区别不清的缘故,又有缺乏语言使用环境,以及被汉语翻译误导的原因。  相似文献   

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