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The current study examined the role of affection deprivation, the need for greater affection than an individual is currently receiving, in the context of romantic relationships. Using affection exchange theory, the authors hypothesized several testable relationships between affection deprivation and relational outcomes (relational satisfaction, closeness, and commitment). The study also examined the possible moderating roles of relational maximization and relational uncertainty. Overall, the results supported the predictions, with affection deprivation significantly related to satisfaction and closeness. Relational maximization moderated the significant relationships between deprivation and relational satisfaction and commitment. Relational uncertainty moderated the significant relationships between deprivation and closeness and commitment. Implications and possible directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Using family communication patterns theory, this study tested the degree to which perceptions of joint family storytelling mediate the relationship between family communication patterns (i.e., conversation and conformity orientations) and family strengths. Participants included 267 young adults from first-marriage families. Results indicated that conversation orientation is positively associated with the interactional sense-making (ISM) behaviors that characterize jointly told family stories (i.e., engagement, polite turn-taking, perspective-taking and coherence) and family strengths, while conformity orientation is negatively associated with ISM behaviors and family strengths. Indirect effects emerged for conversation and conformity orientations on family strengths through perceptions of ISM behaviors. Specifically, perceptions of storytelling engagement and polite turn-taking mediated the positive association between conversation orientation and family strength, while engagement, perspective-taking, and polite turn-taking mediated the inverse association between conformity orientation and family strength.  相似文献   

This article aimed to achieve two complimentary goals. First, this study examined verbal aggression in romantic relationships as a function of exposure to family verbal aggression in childhood and beliefs about the destructive nature of conflict. Second, this study considered the influence of conflict goals on the use of verbal aggression in romantic relationships. As predicted, history of family verbal aggression was negatively associated with destructive beliefs about conflict, and destructive beliefs about conflict partially mediated the association between history of family verbal aggression and verbal aggression in current romantic relationships. In addition, destructive beliefs about conflict were negatively associated with verbal aggression in current romantic relationships at high levels of importance of revenge-motivated goals; destructive beliefs about conflict were not significantly associated with verbal aggression in current romantic relationships at moderate or low levels of revenge-motivated goals.  相似文献   

This study investigated Chinese family communication patterns, their effects on children's conflict styles, and the children's perceptions of parent-child relationship satisfaction. The study found that Chinese family communication patterns are more conversation-oriented than conformity-oriented, and the collaborating and accommodating styles are the children's most preferred and the competing style the least preferred. The children from conversation-oriented families are most likely to use the collaborating style but unlikely to use the avoiding style, whereas the children from conformity-oriented families are most likely to use the competing style but unlikely to use the collaborating style. The finding also indicated that children are more satisfied with the conversation orientation than with the conformity orientation and with the collaborating, compromising, and accommodating styles than with competing and avoiding styles in parent-child relationships.  相似文献   

Following the interaction enjoyment approach (Burleson &; Denton, 1992 Burleson , B. R. , &; Denton , W. H. ( 1992 ). A new look at similarity and attraction in marriage: Similarities in social-cognitive and communication skills as predictors of attraction and satisfaction . Communication Monographs , 59 , 268287 . doi: 10.1080/03637759209376269 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this investigation examined whether (a) romantic couples possess similar online communication attitudes and (b) such attitudes predict frequency of email, instant messaging, and social networking site communication between dyad members. Results indicated couples possessed similar attitudes toward online social connection but not online self-disclosure; moreover, couples' attitudes predicted media use in a communal pattern, with equivalent actor and partner effects. Attitude toward online social connection positively predicted all forms of online communication, with attitude toward online self-disclosure positively predicting social networking site communication and inversely predicting e-mail communication. One implication of these results is that relational context may moderate the extent to which individual attitudes predict media use patterns.  相似文献   

“发现学习”理论在卢梭的《爱弥儿》中已经有所体现,由于其倡导的崇尚自然、赞美情感、适应人性的教育宗旨以及优美流畅的写作手法,使得他对“发现学习”的论述闪现着浪漫主义的光辉,其中二者的相融集中体现在“人的发展”中。在我国当代教育发展面临着诸多困境的时候,卢梭“发现学习”理论中的浪漫主义情怀给我们带来了启示。  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which generalized equity, a reciprocal exchange approach to maintenance (e.g., reward minus costs), and a self-interest approach (e.g., rewards only) were associated with marital satisfaction. An online survey was distributed to 547 heterosexual married individuals. Results supported equity predictions for six maintenance behaviors when using a categorical measure of equity, and for five of the maintenance behaviors when using a linear measure of equity. Counter to predictions, equity and sex did not interact on the use of maintenance. Finally, a combination of equity, reciprocal exchange, and self-interest predicted 57% of the variance in marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

社会比较嫉妒与爱情嫉妒的关系问题是学者对嫉妒情绪进行研究时首先要探讨的一个问题。前者主要在社会比较情境下产生,后者则产生于恋爱关系。由于文化差异,东方学者的研究聚焦于社会比较嫉妒,倾向于将爱情嫉妒看做社会比较嫉妒的一个特例。而西方学者主要对关系嫉妒(尤其是爱情嫉妒)进行研究,倾向于将社会比较嫉妒看成爱情嫉妒的一部分。本文在国内外学者研究基础上,从情绪体验、行为反应模式、嫉妒者认知、生理机制等方面对二者区别进行分析,并基于恋爱关系、社会比较两大背景,对二者联系进行了探讨。最后,本文认为二者产生的根源相同,从产生根源角度对二者之间关系进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

章对古典主义和浪漫主义时期的音乐风格进行了分析总结,指出音乐的风格的变化好似在假向理性思考和倾向个性表现这两种流派之间所作的钟摆式的运动,当然,随着历史的不断发展,每一新的流派的风格无论如何接近某种倾向的极端,都不是简单的重复。  相似文献   

近年来,两岸客家交流日益频繁。这种交流蕴含着五缘文化理论,"五缘"人际网络在其中发挥了重要作用,从而促使两岸客家在经贸、文化、教育等领域展开交流与合作,有效地加强了两岸客家人的情感联络和客属台湾同胞的认同意识。  相似文献   

This study explored patterns and effects of communication apprehension and classroom apprehension in Nigerian classrooms. Significant correlation was found between student communication apprehension and student classroom apprehension. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in classroom apprehension by class type, but no significant differences in communication apprehension by choice of occupation. Perceptions of academic performance were negatively associated with classroom apprehension scores.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the influence of perceived alcohol consumption on appraisals of and communicative goals for problematic events in college students' dating relationships. We suggested that problematic events during which the offender was drinking would lessen offender judgments of responsibility and severity, as well as the likelihood that the offender would consider accepting fault for the event to be an important goal. We also posited that the importance of the goals to maintain the relationship and to manage positive face would vary as a function of who was drinking during the problematic behavior. Using a questionnaire, respondents (N = 228) were asked to imagine that they were an offender in one of two problematic event scenarios that described one of four offender-partner drinking conditions. Respondents then completed measures assessing their appraisals of and communicative intentions for the situation. The results indicated a pattern opposite of what was predicted in several cases, yet highlight unique implications for appraisals and communicative goals based on who was drinking during the problematic event.  相似文献   

大学生家庭价值观教育与父母教养方式关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究测量了山西大学、山西财经大学两所高校150名大学生的家庭价值观教育与父母教养方式,对其在性别、地区、父母不同教育水平方面进行了比较分析,并对二者进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

Using phase-oriented interviews (N = 65), this study explored how partners in on-again/off-again relationships negotiated the turning points of breakups and renewals in their relationships. The qualitative analysis revealed themes reflecting transition initiation (i.e., the communication or behavior instigating the transitions) as well as themes reflecting how partners enacted and managed the transitions (e.g., viewing transitions as provisional, resolving past problems and planning for new issues, and using external factors to maintain the transition). Navigating the relational transitions created a struggle for some partners, but the negotiation process elicited feelings of a fresh start for others. Collectively, the themes highlight factors related to communication as well as partners' subjective interpretations, which may be useful in further understanding how partners negotiate relational transitions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine whether the relationships among family resources, school climate, learning participation, science attitude, and science achievement are different between primary school students and junior high school students within one educational system. The subjects included 4,181 Grade 4 students and 5,074 Grade 8 students who participated in TIMSS 2003 in Taiwan. Using structural equation modeling, the results showed that family resources had significant positive effects for both groups of learners. Furthermore, a context effect for the structural relationship between school climate, learning participation, and science achievement was revealed. In the primary school context, Grade 4 students who perceived positive school climate participated in school activities more actively, and had better science performance. However, in the secondary school context, learning participation had a negative impact and led to lower science achievement. The implications about this result in relation to the characteristics of the two educational contexts in Taiwan were further discussed.  相似文献   

网络技术的发展和应用,既为高校思想政治教育带来了前所未有的机遇,叉使高校思想政治教育面临着严峻的考验和挑战。面对新情况、新问题,高校思想政治教育应着重处理好互联网的利与弊的关系、网络的监督与引导的关系、对师生的教育与服务的关系以及思想政治教育网上与网下关系。  相似文献   

This third‐generation, longitudinal study evaluated a family investment perspective on family socioeconomic status (SES), parental investments in children, and child development. The theoretical framework was tested for first‐generation parents (G1), their children (G2), and the children of the second generation (G3). G1 SES was expected to predict clear and responsive parental communication. Parental investments were expected to predict educational attainment and parenting for G2 and vocabulary development for G3. For the 139 families in the study, data were collected when G2 were adolescents and early adults and their oldest biological child (G3) was 3–4 years of age. The results demonstrate the importance of SES and parental investments for the development of children and adolescents across multiple generations.  相似文献   

北洋时期的"府院"之争,是指以总统黎元洪为代表的总统府与段祺瑞为代表的国务院之间争权夺利的斗争,根源在于体制设计时的先天缺陷:总统、总理、国会的职责、权限不明晰。而段祺瑞、黎元洪由于资历、气度、性格、处世的原因,加之各自身边智囊特别是徐树铮、孙洪伊的推波助澜,使府院之争更加激烈。而最终以徐、孙二人的双双去职而告一段落。建立民国时设计的三权分立原则遭到破坏。  相似文献   


The influence of parental involvement, socioeconomic status of parents, and instructional supplies expenditures on mathematics achievement scores of Grade 4 students in a low-income county in North Carolina were examined. An educational production function framework was used to analyze the influence of educational resources on mathematics achievement scores. Pearson product-moment correlation and ordinary least squares regression were used to determine the overall strength of each relation and the variables with the greatest impact on mathematics achievement. Results indicated that instructional supplies expenditures per pupil and parental volunteer hours were not statistically significant in explaining mathematics test scores. Furthermore, results showed that the percentage of students in free/reduced-price lunch programs was related negatively to students' academic performance in mathematics. This finding supports the notion that economic circumstances are correlated with academic achievement.  相似文献   

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