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Consistent romanization practice is one of the biggest challenges in cataloging Japanese materials. This study provides a snapshot of how Japanese is inconsistently or incorrectly romanized in Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) WorldCat records, and analyzes factors that might be causing the romanization problems among the records. Particular focus is placed on the analysis of word division problems that might be affected by different interpretations and applications of the ALA-LC Romanization Tables rules. Results revealed major factors behind the inconsistencies that were associated with the ambiguity and complexity of the word division rules. Solutions and ideas for further studies are suggested.  相似文献   

Like other recent library management systems, OCLC's WorldShare Management Services (WMS) is cloud-based. But unlike the others, WMS opens WorldCat for applications beyond its traditional role as a source of bibliographic records. It enables catalogers to work directly from the Master Record, which no longer needs to be exported to a local system. This article describes the impact of WMS on the roles and functions of cataloging departments, and asks if it is changing the meaning of cataloging. It concludes that while the workflows are changed dramatically, the profession of cataloging remains relevant.  相似文献   

This article reports on a survey of U.S. academic libraries that was conducted in the spring of 2008 to determine if and how academic libraries were actively cataloging e-journals in the age of the OpenURL, A–Z journal lists, and the batch loading of purchased MARC records.  相似文献   

The session explored how collaboration among libraries, suppliers, and the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) cooperative can address some of the problems being faced with the management of electronic resources. Examples of specific challenges that impact budgets and services are: libraries’ reliance on multiple non-interoperable systems; the difficulties in getting and maintaining high quality and timely metadata; and the issues with managing workflows that cross system and staff boundaries. As work continues to introduce and enhance integrated systems for electronic resource management, these cooperative efforts can improve both the quality of the services and the associated data and workflows.  相似文献   

首先分析了知识管理实践中存在的问题和发展瓶颈,然后提出了以服务理念为导向的研究思路,并阐述了知识服务理念的价值和意义,最后探讨了知识服务视角下的研究框架。  相似文献   


HOW TO MAKE BETTER SPEECHES. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1948; pp. 266. $3.00.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. (Revised edition) . Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1949; pp. 266. $3.00.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH. By Robert T. Oliver, Dallas C. Dickey, and Harold P. Zelko. New York: The Dryden Press, 1949.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH. A Text‐Handbook of Principles and Methods. By Roy C. McCall. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 240. $12.50.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1949; pp. xii: 308.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1949; pp. xx + 313. $3.50.

LIVING LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Moiree Compere. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. xii + 451. $3.00.

HANDBOOK OF RADIO PRODUCTION. By Erik Barnouw. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. xii + 324. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. ix + 368. $4.00.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press, 1949; pp. 340. $3.50.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Lorna Shogren Werner. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Co., 1947; pp. 222. $2.00.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]较低的资源配置效率使得图书馆面临边缘化的困境,从"互联网+"的视角探究背后的形成逻辑有助于找到破解困境的创新路径。[方法/过程]在对"互联网+"提出背景、基本内涵和典型特征系统梳理的基础上,分别从传统视角和"互联网+"视角对图书馆发展困境的形成机理进行分析,提出基于"互联网+"的图书馆创新路径,最后以图书馆受赠为例进行实证。[结果/结论]基于"互联网+"的理念,尊重人性,强化连接,重构模式,融合创新,打造开放的行业生态是图书馆破解当前发展困境的正确选择。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从主题视角对环境科学领域的零被引论文进行分析,对比零被引论文与高被引论文在文章内容、外在指标方面的不同,揭示零被引论文存在的原因。[方法/过程]首先,对来自Web of Science数据库的国内环境科学领域的260篇高被引论文、907篇零被引论文的摘要进行PLDA主题识别,然后通过主题相似度计算发现主题间的关联,以主题热度作为内部指标,发文时间、发文期刊作为外部评价指标,最后,把论文主题内容与外部指标结合进行零被引与高被引论文之间的相同主题、不同主题对比分析。[结果/结论]在研究主题相同情况下,期刊的影响因子大小是影响零被引论文的主要因素;在主题不同的情况下,论文研究的主题内容是导致零被引论文的主要原因。  相似文献   

The library profession needs to improve its ability to critically examine advocacy research and statistical studies. More proactive evaluations of claims made in advocacy campaigns and research reports will help improve the overall quality of library advocacy and fortify the institutional standing of libraries. As an illustration, this paper provides an in‐depth assessment of a measurement scheme used in the OCLC study From Awareness to Funding (2008).  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,许多适用于传统媒体的研究方法和工具已不再能完全沿用,内容分析法在媒体研究中的应用必须根据媒介特性的改变而作出及时的调整与改进。与传统媒体的内容分析法应用相比较,内容分析法在互联网研究中的应用,在实施抽样、确定分析单位、收集资料和信度检验等方面已发生了显著变化。内容分析的自动化将是互联网研究中内容分析法应用发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]移动互联网环境下的网络团购是电子商务发展中出现的新的产业形态,研究移动网络团购APP信息采纳行为对推动移动信息消费具有积极的作用.[方法/过程]基于信息生态视角建立移动网络团购APP信息采纳行为概念模型,运用问卷调查和结构方程的实证研究方法对模型的适用性进行检验.[结果/结论]数据结果表明,信息人是移动网络团购APP信息采纳行为模型中的关键影响因素,信息、信息技术、信息环境对移动团购APP信息采纳态度均产生正向影响,信息采纳态度对信息采纳行为产生正向影响.本研究对更好地了解移动环境下用户信息消费行为并有针对性地开发APP软件具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   


In this article, the author reviews the history of reference service from a management perspective. Topics covered include: definitions of reference service; staffing; service models; modes of communication, including remote reference services; collections; education and training; and assessment. The author discusses changes over time and current challenges for reference managers.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 51, Issue 3, pages 259–278, 2011. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2011.556936.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在全球e-science发展背景下,科学数据管理实践日益呈现出对跨学科思维和方法的渴求,运用档案学领域的相关理论和方法有利于提升科学数据保存和共享重用的质量和效率.[方法/过程]采用文本分析法和综合集成法,对OCLC、DCC、RDA、ICA四个国际组织相关文献成果中涉及的档案学理论和方法及相关科学数据管理...  相似文献   

用户跨屏行为是移动互联环境下用户信息行为嬗变的时代性标志,引发了多学科、交叉领域的关注。目前关于用户跨屏行为的研究较为分散,缺乏对跨屏行为机理的系统聚焦与整合性探讨。作为探索性研究,本文尝试通过质性的扎根理论方法,结合深度访谈与焦点小组资料,借鉴Strauss的三阶段分析法,构建“双层—四维”的UTIT整合分析框架,具体涵盖了9个主范畴,39个范畴和117个初始概念。研究从用户、任务、信息、技术四个维度,综合考察用户跨屏行为的外部表现与内部动因,提炼出表现、因果、中介、调节四类关系。该框架在理论上弥补了传统研究中将行为动因与表现形式二元割裂的局限性,并延伸出用户跨屏行为的四大类研究命题与研究方向。图2。表5。参考文献27。  相似文献   

Critical literature has largely ignored the element of purpose in Kenneth Burke's dramatistic pentad, along with its attendant philosophy of mysticism. Chiara Lubich's 1977 Templeton Prize Acceptance Speech presents rhetorical critics with a valuable opportunity to observe in practice the features of a rhetoric of purpose, as Burke has disseminated them. In fact, analysis of Lubich's speech according to Burke's criteria of purposive rhetoric suggests the existence of a discrete sub‐class of purposive rhetoric identified here as the mystical narrative.  相似文献   

社会网络分析是知识管理的重要研究范式。本研究试图以社会网络为视角,分析社会化媒体平台 中个人知识管理机制。从微观层面看,要将个人知识管理置于社会化媒体的情境中,在互动理念下实现 隐性知识与显性知识的转化。从宏观层面看,要从社会资本的视角审视知识共享与协作。具体来看,强 弱关系影响知识传播意愿,网络结构影响知识传播机会,个人认知影响知识管理能力。  相似文献   


Management Basics for Information Professionals, 4th edition, by G. Edwards Evans and Stacy Greenwell is intended as a textbook for the introductory library management course with the secondary objective of helping librarians hone their management skills. The authors aim to cover management issues in all types and sizes of libraries but focus more on academic and public libraries. The 22 chapters adequately cover the broad scope of management topics including self-management and career development. Positives include stressing that management is an art rather than a science, that no one strategy will succeed in all situations, and that managers must be aware of the internal and external environment. Additional examples of turning abstract principles into practice, more humor, and increased contributions from the behavioral sciences would have strengthened the text. A supplementary 150 page document that provides challenging case studies for classroom use is available upon request. Overall, I highly recommend this textbook and would use it if I were to teach the basic management course.  相似文献   

当前西方各国的公共文化管理体制正经历着从单一模式向双重模式的转变,由此必然对作为公共文化重要组成部分的公共图书馆及其治理结构产生深远的影响。伴随着西方国家公共文化管理体制的深刻转型,西方国家公共图书馆治理结构正呈现出与以往不同的显著特点,其主要表现为:治理单元、设置主体、建设主体、管理主体、实施主体的传统界定正在发生变化,原来泾渭分明的界限正日趋模糊,整合与相互包容的趋势日趋明显。  相似文献   

温红超 《图书情报工作》2019,63(17):110-117
[目的/意义]当前高校图书馆座位预约管理系统研究中默认系统会被广泛使用,然而实践中并非必然如此。针对座位预约管理系统的实际使用效果,分析其成因,并提出完善座位预约管理制度的思路。[方法/过程]采用实证分析和经济学分析方法,统计吉林大学鼎新图书馆座位预约管理系统的使用数据,描述其使用效果。通过讨论座位预约管理制度中的规则选择成本、分配成本、裁判成本、执行成本以及监督成本,分析座位预约管理系统使用现状的成因。[结果/结论]实践中座位预约管理系统使用人数偏少,这种现象是"先到先得"和"预约选座"两种座位资源分配规则博弈的结果。由于在规则选择、分配、裁判、执行以及监督过程中成本分配不合理,读者缺乏使用系统的激励机制。系统功能的实现程度也是影响读者使用的因素,高校图书馆引进座位预约管理系统主要为了解决占座问题。针对4种不同类型占座行为,系统功能实现程度不一。要完善座位预约管理制度,需要整体地、系统地采取措施,包括统一座位资源分配规则、完善制度设计、系统管理和人力管理相结合。  相似文献   

欧美诸多大学以iSchool运动为契机对信息管理专业教育目标进行重新定位,并开展一系列课程体系建设与改革。本文采用网络调查、案例分析等研究方法对美国26所iSchool院校信息管理专业的教育设置情况展开调查,在与2008年调查数据对比分析的基础上,归纳总结出美国iSchool院校的教育规模与专业名称的变化及发展趋势。研究发现:信息构建与信息交互教育成为美国信息管理专业教育的新定位;信息构建与信息交互教育在信息管理专业各层次教育中均有开展;我国信息构建与信息交互教育滞后但人才需求巨大;我国应该在明确信息管理专业定位差异的前提下采用多种方式开展信息构建与信息交互教育,并逐步建立相关课程体系,设置相应课程内容。表7。参考文献40。  相似文献   

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