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[目的]了解国内科技期刊在优先数字出版方面的最新进展,以期为各期刊的数字化发展提供参考。[方法]通过检索期刊官网、国外数据库、国内如中国知网等中文数据库,调查50种上海市高校科技期刊的优先数字出版情况,分析其特点及常见问题,并提出建议。[结果]目前上海市高校科技期刊正在实行优先数字出版的比例仅占18%,且绝大多数期刊选择国内外大型数据库进行优先数字出版,其中英文刊选择国外数据库,而中文刊则选择中国知网。优先数字出版的常见问题包括优先版本中编辑差错较多、版本更新不到位和DOI标注比例不高等。[结论]国内科技期刊实行优先数字出版的进程尚须加快,一方面须努力提高优先出版内容的编辑质量,另一方面应不断探索各期刊最适合的优先出版模式。  相似文献   


Considerable attention has been devoted in recent years to the digital divides that exist between and within countries. Within developing countries, information and communication infrastructures are often limited. This paper focuses on the digital divide within Bhutan. More specifically, the paper identifies two related dimensions of the digital divide in Bhutan—access and skills—and argues that the interaction between geography, resources and services will shape how the divide is tackled.  相似文献   

科技期刊强化宣传推广的若干策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】针对科技期刊传统的宣传策略大多存在效率低、影响范围小等缺点,提出一套依托网络技术和数字技术的期刊精细化宣传策略和技巧。【方法】 以《自动化学报》和International Journal of Automation and Computing实践为例,从宣传内容和宣传方式两个方面阐述了精细化宣传的实施步骤和方法。【结果】实践证明,自借助网络和数字新技术实施精细化宣传工作以来,两刊实现了精确定位宣传目标和细化宣传工作流程的目的,促进了宣传效果最大化和期刊影响力的提升。【结论】有效地将先进的网络、数字技术及管理理念引入期刊宣传工作中,有利于期刊品牌快速推广。  相似文献   

目的】更加准确地检索统计和分类高校学报,对认识高校学报的范畴和数量、统计和分析高校学报起到帮助。【方法】 通过使用不同索引词、检索后去除干扰项、人工核对检索结果等方法,列举和分析易影响检索统计的高校学报。【结果】得出7类易被漏检、多检或错误归类的高校学报,分别为具有2种名称的学报、刊名中高校名称简写的学报、xx大学xx学报、易被错误归入本科层次的学报、特殊名称高校主办的学报、主办高校与刊名中校名不一致的学报和科学院"学报"等。分析出不同方法检索高校学报时查全率和查准率等的差异。【结论】特殊名称的高校学报对于检索统计存在干扰,研究者应在检索统计时关注这些学报,并采取更加科学严谨的检索统计方法。  相似文献   

中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
[目的]介绍中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展的实践,以期为国内科技期刊同行提供借鉴。[方法]以中华医学会系列杂志发展策略和多种媒体发展具体案例为例,介绍中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展现状。[结果]顺应媒体融合发展趋势,中华医学会系列杂志基于集群优势逐步实现了期刊出版全程的信息化管理、期刊资源整合、数字化平台和新媒体的融合发展。[结论]掌握并积极应用先进的数字出版技术,有助于实现期刊群内容资源的有效整合,提升展示效果。  相似文献   

沈秀 《中国科技期刊研究》2015,26(11):1232-1237
[目的]从政府与社会、出版单位和编辑个体三个层面,探索在数字出版时代学术期刊出版编辑力提升的策略与路径。[方法]分析学术期刊的现实困境并指出,复合型人才缺乏,公共出版资源建设不足,出版技术难以转化为出版能力等是数字时代学术期刊出版编辑力没能快速提升的原因。[结果]政府和社会应该从多方面加强政策落实,出版单位应该在坚持传统优势的前提下实施数字发展战略,编辑个体应该加强学习,以积极的心态迎接数字出版的挑战。[结论]学术期刊要抓住政策与环境的机遇,切实加强自身建设,提升出版编辑力,发挥学术期刊对科技文化发展的引领作用。  相似文献   


The term “digital divide” has been used for almost a decade and typically relates to sociodemographic differences in the use of information and communication technology. However, the corresponding measurement is still relatively imprecise. Very often it is simply reduced to comparisons of Internet penetration rates. This article extends the measurements above the usual bivariate comparisons. Within this context, three essential approaches are presented and critically evaluated. First, loglinear modeling is used to address the interactions among the factors affecting the digital divide. Second, compound measures (i.e., the Digital Divide Index) that integrate a number of variables into a single indicator are discussed. Third, time-distance methodology is applied to analyze changes in the digital divide. The article argues that these approaches often yield entirely different conclusions compared to simple bivariate analysis. The examples are presented as a general warning against an oversimplified methodological approach to digital divide studies.  相似文献   


Intelligence is an attribute that has, since time immemorial, drawn the line of distinction between man and machine. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the endeavor of the former to introduce some of this special faculty into the latter. Just as natural intelligence has undergone major changes as regards its definitions and understanding, so has the field of AI. In order to encompass the gamut of this fundamental capability and know its origins, AI researchers have often had to deal with psychological and philosophical viewpoints on the issue. From the point of view of cognitive psychology, the Information Processing (IP) paradigm and IP systems are of special interest, and we present a brief overview of these topics. While the AI community claims to have some understanding of the concept of knowledge, the idea of consciousness, which we consider of finer grain than any other, has received little practical attention. These related terms are discussed at length in the article. Further, of late there has been a movement toward incorporating a background of common‐sense reasoning in AI systems. We emphasize the importance of this trend, especially in distributed AI. The basics of adaptability and learning are also discussed. We sum up the ideas presented and link them to the current progress in AI research with specifics aimed at making it more dynamic.  相似文献   


Three arguments are raised in this article with regard to the indices used to measure the digital divide. First, I criticize policymakers who rely on simplistic measures of the digital divide, at the expense of a thoughtful analysis of (1) the purpose of the tool, (2) the level of observation, and (3) the method of approaching the data. Second, I argue that networks and associated technologies are not neutral artifacts but are political and social spaces in their structure as well as in their content levels. Accordingly, we need to factor in the context as an important actor in conceptualizing and measuring the digital divide. Third, two general types of indices are used for the measurement of the digital divide(s): focused monotopical indices and comprehensive indices. Monotopical indices are more widely available, while comprehensive ones are rare. I argue that policymakers need to promote comprehensive indices over monotopical indices. Finally, I present a conceptual definition of the digital divide and a framework for developing a comprehensive index to measure it.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨利用PC结合手写板、平板电脑、电纸书进行电子化、无纸化校对的方法。[方法]以PC结合汉王手写板、联想S5000平板电脑、ONYX BOOX M96电纸书为例,利用PC版Adobe Reader和Adobe Acrobat以及Adobe Reader for Android、智器阅读等移动版PDF阅读器作为校对软件,直接在PDF电子校样上绘制线条、书写文字进行校对。[结果]采用PC、平板电脑、电纸书等电子终端可以对PDF电子校样如同对纸质稿一样直接手写(绘)文字、线条进行直观、便捷的校对。[结论]利用电子终端可以替代或者部分替代纸质稿进行电子化校对,具有节约环保、省时便捷的优点,符合数字出版的发展趋势。  相似文献   


Higher education institutions have started using big data analytics tools. By gathering information about students as they navigate information systems, learning analytics employs techniques to understand student behaviors and to improve instructional, curricular, and support resources and learning environments. However, learning analytics presents important moral and policy issues surrounding student privacy. We argue that there are five crucial questions about student privacy that we must address in order to ensure that whatever the laudable goals and gains of learning analytics, they are commensurate with respecting students' privacy and associated rights, including (but not limited to) autonomy interests. We address information access concerns, the intrusive nature of information-gathering practices, whether or not learning analytics is justified given the potential distribution of consequences and benefits, and issues related to student autonomy. Finally, we question whether learning analytics advances the aims of higher education or runs counter to those goals.  相似文献   


Within media theory the worldwide shift from a 19th-century print culture via a 20th-century electronic culture to a 21st-century digital culture is well documented. In this essay the emergence of a digital culture as amplified and accelerated by the popularity of networked computers, multiple-user software, and Internet is investigated in terms of its principal components. A digital culture as an underdetermined praxis is conceptualized as consisting of participation, remediation, and bricolage. Using the literature on presumably “typical” Internet phenomena such as the worldwide proliferation of independent media centers (indymedia) linked with (radical) online journalism practices and the popularity of (individual and group) weblogging, the various meanings and implications of this particular understanding of digital culture are explored. In the context of this essay, digital culture can be seen as an emerging set of values, practices, and expectations regarding the way people (should) act and interact within the contemporary network society. This digital culture has emergent properties with roots in both online and offline phenomena, with links to trends and developments predating the World Wide Web, yet having an immediate impact and particularly changing the ways in which we use and give meaning to living in an increasingly interconnected, always on(line) environment.  相似文献   


In this Perspective paper we propose a rethink on how we should approach digital and analog news. Although there are literatures that continue to focus on the many and varied characteristics of digital and analog news, we should not consider these as separate, opposing entities. In fact, the intertwining between the digital and the analog of news makes it difficult, if not impossible, to define separately what they are, even if this often is the practice in scholarly debate on news and journalism in new media. What we argue in this paper is that today, in opposition to binary definitions, it would be much more revealing, and also connected to actual media practices, to try to understand how much digital there is in the analog news and, vice versa, how much analog there is in digital news. This approach recognizes three dimensions in media platforms: digital, analog, and, between them, a cross-evolved, digitalized analog present in television, radio, and online newspapers. Recognizing these three dimensions enables us to explore more clearly the implications that the hybridization of digital and analog news has on the overall media system and on the state of news itself.  相似文献   


This study makes a systematic effort to connect digital communication research with comparative political analysis. It explores the concurrence of global influence and national resilience in digital spheres, integrating the homogenizing tendencies of networked connectedness and globalization with heterogeneous configurations of national political communication spaces, which are strongly influenced by enduring social contexts. Drawing on the process-oriented actor-connector-interlocutor model, this study uses three sets of indicators to classify national political communication spaces. It conceptualizes three distinctive types of political communication spaces – “symmetrical and fully-fledged,” “vigorous but censored,” and “infertile and unresponsive” – and identifies their characteristics, internal logics, and their linkages to other communication spaces. It offers a systematic and applicable framework that may be used in future studies on cross-national comparisons of political communication processes in digital spheres.  相似文献   

目的】以ENCODE项目为例,探讨数字环境下科学数据的出版模式。【方法】从Nature ENCODE Explorer、Thread(线程)和ENCODE analysis virtual machine三个方面分析 ENCODE项目的出版模式创新方案,并介绍引导工具的呈现效果,展望其后续发展状况。【结果】ENCODE项目基于可视化技术和数据挖掘技术,创造易于使用的可视化工具,对项目成果进行有效整合;引入分析工具帮助用户进行数据集重用和计算。【结论】数字环境下应该重视整合不同出版平台的数据资源加以分析利用,探索实现科学数据开放和共享的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的】探索网络平台在科技期刊出版中发挥的积极作用。【方法】 结合《菌物学报》有计划地将稿件分类出版、征集专题文章及主动宣传出版内容等工作实践,阐述在数字出版时期网络技术和平台在各出版流程中的应用。【结果】《菌物学报》在工作中充分利用各种期刊网络平台组织自由来稿出版专辑、利用网站和微信平台征集稿件、加强网站建设、主动推送、制作电子专辑、推动移动阅读,提高了期刊的关注度和影响力。【结论】科技期刊编辑要抓住机遇,善于运用网络技术、重视网络平台建设,推动科技期刊主动适应数字出版潮流。  相似文献   


In 1985 the Department of Household Sciences conducted research on Dutch households that use information technologies for domestic purposes. This research was part of a six‐nation research programme and was supported by the FAST‐II research activities of the EEC, and the Agricultural University of Wageningen. The use of three types of information technology was surveyed: home computer, Videotext, and Teletext. Analysis of the finding indicates the types of households likely to benefit from information technology in the future and groups households into three classes according to their attitudes to information technology—productivistic, hobbyist, and socially committed.  相似文献   

梁洁 《中国科技期刊研究》2015,26(11):1127-1133
[目的]促进高校学术期刊出版的快速、健康、可持续发展,给出高校学术期刊出版发展路径。[方法]从高校学术期刊应进行合理定位、改变出版模式、开展联盟合作等方面进行探讨。[结果]根据自身条件,积极创办英文期刊,鼓励综合性学报向专业期刊转型,通过学者化办刊,依托数字化出版平台,采用OA出版的模式,形成高校学术期刊出版群,逐渐树立起高校学术期刊出版的品牌形象。[结论]在国家政策的支持和引导下,充分发挥高校办刊的资源优势,积极配合国内学术期刊生态布局的调整,通过提升高校学术期刊的学术影响力和声誉,吸引优质稿源回流,为做大做强国内学术期刊品牌发挥作用。  相似文献   

Gamification is here to stay, and tourism and hospitality online review platforms are taking advantage of it to attract travelers and motivate them to contribute to their websites. Yet, literature in tourism is scarce in studying how effectively is users’ behavior changing through gamification features. This research aims at filling such gap through a data-driven approach based on a large volume of online reviews (a total of 67,685) collected from TripAdvisor between 2016 and 2017. Four artificial neural networks were trained to model title and review’s word length, and title and review’s sentiment score, using as input 12 gamification features used in TripAdvisor including points and badges. After validating the accuracy of the model for extracting knowledge, the data-based sensitivity analysis was applied to understand how each of the 12 features contributed to explaining review length and its sentiment score. Three badge features were considered the most relevant ones, including the total number of badges, the passport badges, and the explorer badges, providing evidence of a relation between gamification features and traveler’s behavior when writing reviews.  相似文献   

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