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王凯乐  张灵 《科教导刊》2021,(2):176-177
共情能力是重要的社交能力之一,对于步入中学阶段的青少年而言,共情能力的培养是一个重要课题.本文主要从共情对中学生产生的作用以及中学生共情能力现状展开论述,最后进一步提出提高中学生共情能力的相关建议.  相似文献   

Persona design aims to increase students’ ability to understand their target users and address their needs. Yet, there is a lack of conceptual frameworks that help students systematically conceptualise user needs, specifically the two key requirements of persona design: representativeness and empathy. In this study, we find an alternative method using cultural dimensions to ensure that students conceptualise personas by reflecting representativeness and empathy in a systematic way. We justify cultural dimensions and engagement aspects and suggest a classified table for representative and empathetic persona design. In a design course, we analyse personas created by students in two different groups with the table (Group 1, n = 16) and without the table (Group 2, n = 17) through comparative thematic analysis to evaluate the qualities of representativeness and empathy. As a result, the cognitive aspect of engagement is predominated in Group 2, whereas the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and social aspects of engagement are evenly distributed in Group 1. 11 cultural dimensions are identified in Group 2, whereas 20 cultural dimensions are identified in Group 1. In Group 2, a particular dimension is predominant (44.4% of individualism), whereas, in Group 1, the rate of the most used dimension is 12.2% (femininity and collectivism). The study results indicate that the method allows students to diversify and deepen their understanding of user needs and thereby conceptualising personas in in-depth and analytical ways. From instructional perspectives, it can be used by educators to help students systematically conceptualise user needs in design activities.  相似文献   

语文课堂教学是一门艺术,只有尊重艺术规律,把握矛盾的主导方面,才能最大限度地发挥艺术的审美潜能。对读和写的关系、对讲与练的关系等问题如果能从辩证法的高度去处理,便能使有限的语文课创造出最大的价值,这应该是每一个有进取的老师追求的最高目标。  相似文献   

移情在课堂教学中具有不可忽视的重要作用。教学移情艺术是指在课堂教学中。教师恰到好处地运用移情技术,设身处地地从学生角度出发,感知学生各种不同的需要和情感状态,及时调整教学策略,以促进教学活动顺利进行,最终促进学生身心和谐发展的教学艺术。教师应通过“以生为本,换位体验”、“用心倾听,理解学生”、“创设情境,促进移情”等方式,恰到好处地运用教学移情艺术。  相似文献   

民族文化传承是当今社会的一个重要课题,而民间美术教育则是民族文化传承的一个重要方面。通过讨论民间美术教育的必要性以及民间美术在学校艺术教育中的构想,总结出民间美术教育在艺术教育中具有重要的意义,它一方面丰富了课堂艺术教学,同时也培养了学生的创造性思维能力,另外还是对甘肃悠久历史文化的传承。  相似文献   

课堂评价语言不仅反映出教师的教育观念,同时也反映出教师的教育智慧。现实中的语文课堂评价方式存在一些值得注意的倾向性问题。文章结合教学实践,就中学语文教学的课堂评价艺术进行了有益的探索和归纳,以期对语文教学工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

美术课程是为学生传授美术技能、美术知识及美术文化发展的学科,以美术课程为媒介,通过创新式课堂教学,培养学生的道德情操与审美能力,最终达到教育目的。分析中学美术教学中存在的问题,提出问题解决的方法,并对创新形式的美术课堂学生满意度作以测试,旨在激发学生对创新式美术课堂教学的兴趣,提高学生学习的主动性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to expose early childhood educators, college lecturers, pedagogical advisors, and kindergarten teachers to the exciting possibilities of the use of the integrative curriculum, which combines and integrates various subjects using new technologies, including various elements of Visual Culture. The program consists of college courses that combine the use of technology with artistic expression and children’s literature. This educational program is being used in kindergartens during the pre-service kindergarten teacher training  相似文献   

语言艺术,是人类在思想交流、知识传承、心灵沟通、情感输出过程中所形成的一系列语言运用技巧与方式的综合。作为一名教师,如何在课堂教学中运用语言艺术,不仅是教师的基本能力要求,更是教学实践的重要内容之一。中学语文课堂教学中语言艺术的运用中,知识性是中学语文课堂语言艺术运用的内容核心;生动性是中学语文课堂语言艺术运用的形象表达;情感性是中学语文课堂语言艺术运用的教学共鸣;精练性是中学语文课堂语言艺术运用的取舍体悟;规范性是中学语文课堂语言艺术运用的正确表达。  相似文献   

Past research has suggested incorporating design thinking in upper elementary art education helps students develop what are known as the Four Cs: collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. As an instructional strategy, design thinking focuses on empathy first and provides a structure for students to work through real-world, complex problems in small groups. This exploratory qualitative case study examined the effects of teaching empathy through design thinking in upper elementary art education. Eight teachers participated, representing public, private, charter, and independent school settings. Data included student observations, interviews, and journal reflections. An analysis of findings resulted in three conclusions: (a) design thinking can foster the development of empathy in preadolescents, (b) art education curricula at the upper elementary level can include design thinking, and (c) design thinking is a valid strategy for teaching empathy. Including empathy within art education promotes a classroom culture that is respectful and understanding of others, with students becoming advocates of justice, equity, and inclusion. As society continues to struggle with bullying, physical violence, and social unrest, teaching empathy has the potential to change how students relate to each other in the classroom, and, ultimately, in the world at large.  相似文献   

移情说强调外物的生命化,即把人的主观感情挪移到外物中去,使原本无生命的客观外物好像也有了感觉、思想、情感、意志等活动,从而产生物我融合的境界。在中国诗歌意象的选择、提炼过程中,在诗歌意境的营造过程中,"移情"手法起到了重要的媒介作用。  相似文献   

在影响外语教学众多而纷杂的心理情感因素中,移情起到重要的作用。国内外的许多专家学者已对此进行了大量的研究。在师范英语专业学生中进行的对教师移情的问卷调查和数据统计反映了教师的移情现状。教师在外语教学中应该调整和激发移情以提高交互式课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

课堂教学是英语教学的关键环节,课堂教学效果的好坏与课堂教学艺术有关系,因此课堂教学艺术已成为广大教师关注的话题,本文拟从三个方面简单探讨英语课堂教艺术的提高。(1)和谐的课堂气氛;(2)学生积极性的调动;(3)教师对学生的态度。  相似文献   

在校本课程中融合多民族文化,使当地民间美术资源与美术教育融为一体具有重要意义。而广西壮族的图腾文化是我国独特的少数民族文化资源,拥有丰富的文化价值,能帮助学生提高审美素质。因此,开发与应用民族传统资源是美术校本课程中必不可少的一环。  相似文献   

语文教学活动的实际开展过程中,教师要想更好地引发学生的思考,使学生能够始终跟随教师的思路进行探索,高质量的提问必不可少。这就要求语文教师在实际进行课堂提问的过程中能够讲求相应的提问艺术,如此,提问才能真正起到激发学生学习兴趣、提升课堂吸引力、启发学生思维、降低学生课堂知识学习难度的作用。本文就针对相关问题进行了相应探索。  相似文献   

移情是道德教育的一个重要基础点.移情能力训练是德育中不可忽视的一个方面。移情能力的训练方法多种多样。要根据学生的具体情况合理、灵活地选用。教师要重视学生移情能力的培养,促进学生道德品质的健康发展。  相似文献   

在日益深入的跨文化交际研究中,数字作为一种重要的文化语言,可以在一定程度上体现出异质文化的根本属性。随着文化移情在跨文化交际中的价值不断得到肯定,探讨文化移情观照下的数字文化研究,可以有效促进跨文化交际的深入开展。  相似文献   

英语在初中英语教学中起着重要的作用。然而根据目前的研究,我们发现,初中英语教学大多重视英语语言文化,忽略了英语课堂文化。本文从英语语言文化与英语课堂文化的本质区别出发,重点探讨初中英语课堂文化构建的途径和方法。  相似文献   

首先介绍了移情和语用移情的概念,分析了语用移情的三种策略,并深入探讨了语用移情策略在英语教学中的具体运用。笔者认为教师在英语教学中必须充分运用好语用移情策略,站在学生的角度,理解学生的情感、目标,激发学生的灵感,才有利于教师提高英语教学效果。  相似文献   

A prime concern for middle school educators is for students to become knowledgeable and skilled in the areas of economics and personal finance. Some of the reasons underscoring this concern include the questionable future of social support systems, reduction of corporate pension plans, and the lingering effects of the 2008 financial crisis on families who continue to report high debt, tenuous job situations, and reduced savings/investments. This article describes an interactive simulation role-play employed with 5th and 6th-grade students (n?=?37). Results reveal that participants’ understanding of key economic concepts and personal finance skills improved using this instructional method.  相似文献   

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