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本文旨在利用比较文学形象学和东方主义的相关理论来解析福斯特的小说《印度之行》中的"印度形象",进而深入研究福斯特笔下的印度形象对英国集体想像中"印度形象"的继承和颠覆,并在此基础上探究引起这种距离的深层的社会文化的原因及作家个人的因素。  相似文献   

There is a general presumption among many policy makers that secondary and higher education is not necessary for economic growth and development. On the other hand, it is literacy and primary education that is argued to be important. Estimates on internal rate of return also contributed to strengthening of such a presumption. Accordingly, secondary and higher education do not figure on the poverty reduction agenda of many poor countries and of the international aid organisations. The Indian experience also testifies to all this. Secondary and more strikingly higher education has been subject to neglect by the government. Using most recent statistics, it is attempted here to show that the general presumption on the weak or negligible role of secondary and higher education in development is not valid and that post-elementary education is important for reduction in poverty, in improving infant mortality and life expectancy, and for economic growth.  相似文献   

Arpita Das 《Sex education》2014,14(2):210-224
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has been recognised globally as key to helping young people assert their sexual and reproductive rights. In India too, there is growing awareness of the importance of providing CSE not only to reduce sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies and abortions but also to teach important life skills. Simultaneously, lack of political will and conflicting interests among certain religious and political factions have ensured that no uniform CSE curriculum has been implemented throughout the country. This paper analyses the Adolescent Education Programme teacher curriculum as revised in 2009–2010 by the National Council of Educational Research and Training and the United Nations Population Fund. It highlights some of the opportunities presented by the curriculum and argues that despite its intent of providing relevant sexuality education for young people, the language of the curriculum is vague, thus potentially exacerbating confusion, and excluding people who do not conform to societal stereotypes of sex, gender, and ability. In order to be holistic, any CSE programme must be inclusive, cater to diverse needs and present content in a rights-based language without adding to the socio-cultural context of mystery and shame attached to sexuality.  相似文献   

Early years is the period of rapid physical and mental growth wherein the foundation for the child's development is laid and therefore, these years are considered extremely critical for the overall development of the child. Given the critical significance of these early childhood years, it is imperative for every child to get the opportunity to develop in a stimulating environment. The early childhood programmes provide this stimulating environment to the children. Extensive research evidence indicates towards the positive impact of early intervention and both short-term and long-term gains of an early childhood programme. However, mere participation in an early childhood programme is not sufficient. The quality of the programme attended by the children at this stage is also crucial. The various provisions provided by the programme to the children determine the quality of an early childhood programme. Curriculum seems to be the basic variable that influences the provisions provided to children in an Early Childhood Care and Education programme and in turn determines the quality of the programmes for children. This article is an attempt to study the variability of provisions provided and curriculum implemented in different early childhood programmes.  相似文献   

Policies and programmes pursuing the universalisation of elementary education (UEE) in developing nations have been influenced by a set of complex forces in international, state, and local arenas. This paper explores how a large‐scale standardised assessment programme shaped by international and market‐oriented discourses has been differently re‐worked in the south Indian state of Karnataka. We draw on observation and interview data with educators and administrators to shed some light on their roles in reconstituting the meaning and practice of this programme. The intended frameworks of ‘borrowed’ education policies are not always reproduced or sustained in local contexts. Our paper shows how policies, rather than ‘borrowed’ from one context to another, undergo a process of ‘translation’ involving the contextualisation and inevitable transformation of policies.  相似文献   

独立后的印度从自己本国的民族利益出发,在中印边界上不仅继承英国殖民主义者的侵略遗产,而且还有过之而无不及,不惜把战争强加给中国,给中印关系带来了很大的影响。  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from a wider study on the cost and cost-effectiveness of sexuality education programmes in six countries, and focusing on the examples of India and Nigeria, this paper argues that advocacy is a key, yet often neglected component of school-based sexuality education programmes, especially where sex and sexuality are politically or culturally sensitive issues. It also suggests that advocacy is not a one-off activity but needs to be carried out continuously and adapted as contexts and needs change. Overall, this piece recommends that advocacy should be a key component of sexuality education work, and needs to be planned and budgeted for. Without such investment, country-level sexuality education programmes are likely to fail.  相似文献   

印度的博士生教育开始于1857年,随后虽然经历若干低谷,但总体上发展迅速。本文介绍了印度博士生教育的历史,分析了印度博士生教育的现状,具体包括博士生教育的质量保障体系的主要组成部分、授予博士学位的程序、对博士生的资助、博士学位获得者的分布情况,最后总结了"-5前印度博士生教育存在的问题。  相似文献   


This paper contrasts approaches to supporting ethno-cultural diversity in education in Canada, the USA and India through the lens of the experiences of the Tibetan diaspora. All three countries self-identify as linguistic and ethnically diverse states that value multiculturalism. These shared values make them insightful comparative cases to consider the role of public education vis-a-vis its impact on ethno-cultural diversity within pluralistic societies. The case used to conduct the comparison is that of the Tibetan diaspora, an ethno-cultural migrant minority found in each country. Three prevailing ethno-cultural diversity orientations are identified – integration, achievement and sustainability – to describe prevalent approaches in Canada, the USA and India, respectively. The paper concludes with implications of the skewed orientations in each context, proposing a more balanced use of all three orientations for more robust and comprehensive supports for ethno-cultural diversity in education.  相似文献   

顺治超前的平等观念遭到了整个统治阶级的抵制,他个人的权利也在身份制度的压制下丧失殆尽。尽管他苦苦挣扎反抗,还是不可避免地走向了死亡。他身边的人们也和他一样,在压制中饱受折磨,困顿终生。  相似文献   

19世纪30、40年代英国工业革命完成后,英国开始调整其在印度的殖民统治政策。1837年,维多利亚女王即位后,继续对印度进行殖民主义改造。维多利亚时代前期(1837—1857)英国对印度政策的调整,主要体现在1853年法案,以及根据法案精神进行的一系列改革上。英国政府继续进行殖民主义改造,实现了英国工业资本对印度的剥削。但是与此同时,英国在印度的统治出现了危机。1857年印度民族大起义既是这种危机的一种极端表现,又成了英国对印殖民统治历史的大界标。  相似文献   

本文简述了英国传统的中等教育和高等教育模式,力图从传统文化尤其是传统教育领域寻找造成英国职业教育在十九世纪末落后于欧美各国的原因。为我国职业教育改革和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

印度的学前教育与中国的学前教育在发展之初都受到宗教团体的影响,受过相同的学前教育思想的影响,也都曾探讨过本民族的学前教育应如何发展,在农村学前教育问题上甚至有过类似的做法,今天的中国与印度也还面临着相似的问题。  相似文献   

This paper reports insights into the nature and practices of inclusive schools in India using a case study methodology. Being a signatory of the Salamanca Statement, the Government of India has undertaken to implement an inclusive system of education in schools. An initial survey conducted to identify sample inclusive schools showed that inclusive education is being adopted by many schools on a superficial level. In fact, it was found that the term ‘inclusive school’ was more of an ornamental name used to create an impression of inclusion. Deliberations with the managements and teachers of these schools revealed that the concept was being adopted and implemented in Indian mainstream schools albeit in the absence of any clearly defined ideas on the subject. An in-depth exploration was undertaken into the inclusive practices followed in two case-study schools. Interviews were conducted with the school heads, class teachers, students and their parents. This was accompanied by observations of the practices followed by the so-called inclusive schools. Data thus collected were analysed using qualitative analysis. Results of the study demonstrate lack of resources, infrastructure, teaching practices, curricular and co-curricular activities which if incorporated would actually bring about inclusive practices beneficial to students of diverse needs. The paper concludes with policy proposals with respect to a clear definition of the concept of inclusive education and the various provisions that should be made available in the inclusive schools.  相似文献   

Skill development has been a major policy agenda in several countries and there is a lot of emphasis on the promotion of vocational education and training (VET) programmes. This paper investigates the labour market outcomes of the vocationally trained population in India using the data from a nationally representative survey on employment and unemployment. We find that a large section of the population in the age group 15–59 years does not have any kind of formal training. Among the VET holders, a large share is accounted for by non-formal trainees. Quite a high proportion of formal trainees in the workforce remain unemployed reflecting underutilisation of human resource. We also examine the extent to which individuals’ training matches their occupational levels and find that overall about two-thirds of the trainees are employed in occupations related to the field of training. Further, we compare the returns to general secondary and vocational education streams using the standard earnings function accounting for the sample selection bias. Our findings show that the relative returns to vocational education is higher than that to general secondary education.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper were to explore the existing status of agricultural higher education in India, application of marketing concepts in similar institutions and to find the most appropriate marketing concept to make agricultural higher education more competitive. Extensive searches of relevant agricultural education, business management and higher educational data bases were made. It was found that agricultural higher education in India is stagnant and is facing an identity crisis among its stakeholders. Marketing theories and concepts which are now being applied in higher education across the globe have not been thought of in the context of agriculture education. A review of the literature suggested that considering the objectives, the multiplicity of stakeholders and the nature of public-funded agricultural education, marketing orientation would be most appropriate. Based on the experiences of similar institutions, the paper suggests a three-level strategy for the implementation of marketing orientation in institutions of agricultural higher education.  相似文献   

印度高等教育的私有化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代,印度高等教育系统发生了重要的历史性变革。在这十年间,印度的高等教育一直致力于私有化方向的改革,并取得了一定的进展。但由于缺少与之发展相适应的政府长期规划,引发了高等教育系统的混乱。  相似文献   


This study consists of two interdependent parts. First we categorise the environmental philosophies prevalent amongst environmentalists in India by comparing the way the environmental crisis is understood and what its causes and solutions are thought to be. In the second part, we use this categorisation for a case study of three high school science teachers in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Our aim is to find out what environmental philosophies underlay their teaching. In order to do this, we collected data by interviewing the teachers, observing their classrooms, and studying their textbooks. We then looked through our data for indications of the environmental philosophies found in part 1. Although the interviews showed some signs of Gandhian, Appropriate Technology, Eco-marxist, and other philosophies, in the classrooms the teachers adhered mainly to Ecological Modernisation and Eco-capitalist philosophies, and rarely expressed their own opinions. Despite progressive policy statements, the teaching was mainly textbook based, neglecting to consider systemic causes or solutions. One of the most significant findings was the prevalence of an idealist faith in a ‘Balance of Nature’ which was trusted to rectify upsets caused by human immorality.  相似文献   

大英帝国在维多利亚时期达到鼎盛。印度作为英帝国的殖民地,成为帝国取有价值的财产,它标志着帝国的世界强国地位。因此为保卫在印度的利益,英国不仅在印度内部巩固殖民统治,而且在外部与俄国在中亚展开了争夺。这样印度因素成为影响维多利亚时期外交政策的关键。  相似文献   

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