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During early childhood, children adopt a design-based conception of books with increasing consistency. It is not clear if or how young children spontaneously indentify the myriad of commercially produced, book-related props, toys, and other materials as support for their early literacy activities. Guidelines for evaluating these supplementary materials are presented and thirteen books are reviewed and recommended.  相似文献   

a bit与a little     
1.两者都可放在形容词之前作程度状语用,并且都可以与tired,cold,sick,sad,serious等听了令人不愉快的形容词连用。例如:  相似文献   

a little与a bit     
a little与a bit这两个词语都有“一点儿”,“少许”的意思,在使用时有时可以互换,有时则不可以互换。下面试谈谈它们的用法。一、修饰形容词或副词原级时,二者意思相同,可以互换。例如: I’m a little/a bit tired; I think Imust go home.我有一点儿累,我想我得回家了。  相似文献   

我们知道,冠词的用法有这样一条规则:序数词前面用定冠词the。是不是绝对如此,再无其他用法了呢?当然不是,请看中学英语课本中出现的四个句子: (1)He cast his net a second time, and drew in an old basket full of sand. He cast it a third time, and drew in a lot of stones. (JBⅤ, P. 128) (2)"Congratulations!" said Gessler, sneering. "Now tell me why you took a second arrow!"(SBⅠ, P. 282)  相似文献   

无疑,若干个连续自然数的和仍为自然数.反之,任一自然数都可以分拆成若干个(至少两个)连续自然数之和吗?显然,1与2应否掉(二连续自然数之和最小为3);再者,仅为2~n(n∈N)的自然数也在剔除  相似文献   

1.定义 不大于。的最大整数,记为[司,读作“a的 整数部分”.例如[3.6〕一3,[3〕一3,〔一3.6] ~一4(不是一3),[二]一3,等. a一[a]表示a的小数部分,记作{a}. 即{a}一a一压a], 例如{3.6}一3.6一〔3.6] 一3 .6一3一0.6, {3}=O, {一3.6}一立3.6一[一3.6] =一3 .6一(一4)=0  相似文献   

a little和a bit都是英语口语中常用的词组,它们的用法和意义有相同之处,也有不同之处,甚至还有完全相反的时候。现比较如下:  相似文献   

a little和a bit都是英语口语中常用的词组,它们的用法和意义有相同的地方,也有不同之处,甚至还有完全相反的时候。现比较如下:  相似文献   

在学过了alittle,little;afew,few之后,我们懂得了有a表示肯定意义,无a表示否定意义,使我们对不定冠词a的重要性有了一定的认识。由于一a之差,往往使得面目全非。请比较以下词组和例句:1郾attimes有时Attimeshismotherlethimgoshoppingbyhimself.有时他妈妈让他自己去买东西。2郾atatime摇在……时候AtatimelikethisIdon’tdoanything.在这种时刻,我什么事也不做。3郾taketurns摇轮流做某事Theytookturnsworkingyesterday.Sotheydidn’tfeeltired.昨天他们轮流干活,因此他们不觉累。4郾takeaturn摇散步,转一转Let’stakeaturnbeforewegot…  相似文献   

设a为实数,|a|与a哪个大呢?初学者往往认为|a|>a.这是不对的.首先应了解什么叫做一个实数的绝对值.规定如下:一个正数的绝对值是它本身;一个负数的绝对值是它的相反数;零的绝对值是零.即|a|={a(a≥0)-a(a<0)如|3|=3,|0|=0,|-5|=5.所以,当a≥0时,|a|=a,只有当a<0时,才有|a|>a.我们还应了解,|a|的几何意义是指数轴上表示数a的点与原点的距离.  相似文献   

a keeper     

英语短语give a hand与lend a hand都是同一个意思,即"帮忙"、"给予帮助",而不是"给我一只手"。当别人遇到困难,你想提供帮助时,你可以说"I can give ahand"或"I can lend a hand"。如果想表达"帮某人忙",还可以在这个短语中间加上某  相似文献   

1.attimes有时,atatime在……时候Attimeshismotherlethimgoshoppingbyhimself.有时他妈妈让他自己去买东西。AtatimelikethisIdon’tdoanything.在这种时刻,我什么事也不做。2.taketurns轮流做某事,takeaturn散步,转一转Theytookturnsworkingyesterday.Sotheydidn’tfeeltired.昨天他们轮流干活,因此他们不觉得累。Let’stakeaturnbeforewegotothedining-room.在去餐厅前,我们散散步吧。3.havetime有时间,haveatime费事(劲)Whenwillyouhavetime?Pleasecometomyhome.你什么时间有空?请到我家来玩。Indirahadati…  相似文献   

a bit与a little在初中英语课本中多次出现,不少同学弄不清它们的用法之间的区别,经常出错。现结合例句进行辨析。一、相同之处1.a bit和a little都可表示"稍微"、"有点  相似文献   

1.两者都可放在形容词之前用作程度状语,且通常都与那些表示"不好"意义的形 容词(如:tired,cold,sick,sad,serious等)连用。如: He is a bit[a little]tired.他有点儿累了。 These boxes are a bit[a little]heavy.这些箱子重了点。 注:a bit和a little一般不能用于表示"好"意义的形容词(如:good,well,happy, glad,satisfied 等)之前。如:  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Throughout this paper, we shall work with a filtered complete probability space (?,F,(Ft),P) sat-isfying the usual conditions. Let B=(Bt)t≥0 be a stan-dard Brownian motion with B0=0. Denote by ú the set of all non-negative real numbers. Recall that a diffusion process X starting at x≥0 is called the square of a Bessel process of dimension δ>0 if d X t = δd t 2 | X t |d Bt , X 0= x, (1) Clearly, this equation has a unique non-negative strong solution X, i.e., …  相似文献   

陈进 《初中生辅导》2013,(19):77-78
1.abit与alittle都可作程度副词,表示“稍微、一点儿”的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换。例如:  相似文献   

A chicken tanner also has some cows for a total of 30 animals, and the animals have 74 legs in all. How many chickens does the farmer have?  相似文献   


El artículo analiza las etapas iniciales de formación de la acción consciente en los niños, entendiendo por acción consciente aquella que obedece a un plan interno o programa. Se ha demostrado que esto exige la total conformación de las estructuras frontales del cerebro. A veces el cumplimiento del programa se mostrará en desacuerdo con las condiciones concretas de su cumplimiento y esto provocará un conflicto. Conflicto que será superado con la maduración gradual del niño y gracias al cual proseguirá la formación de la acción consciente.  相似文献   

The spring was com ing.The sun shone brightly.A lot of beautifulflowers cam e out.The birds sang allday.M any people went to play in thepark.W hen X iao H ua w as playing near a road,he saw a little bird.H ewanted to catch it.H e went to the bird quietly and caught it at last.“Thats great.I have caughta beautifulbird,he said to him self.Then he”played w ith the bird very happily.Justthen,he saw a little girl crying very sadly.A policem an cam eup and said,“Little girl,don t cry.W hats …  相似文献   

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