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The relation between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction was investigated by applying a longitudinal design at a time interval of two years, and by comparing two different grade level cohorts of students. Participants comprised 1.225 Norwegian students divided by two subsamples (6th and 8th grade level/8th and 10th grade level). The results showed stationary effects of autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, respectively, from Time 1 to Time 2. There was also evidence of a causal effect from T1 to T2 between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, and reciprocal causation from basic need satisfaction T1 to autonomy support T2. These effects were grade level and gender specific. The present study provided support for longitudinal relations between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction. Autonomy support and basic need satisfaction are both antecedents to and consequences of themselves, also when measured at long term intervals.  相似文献   

Online education has grown exponentially over the past two decades, in large part due to its promise of flexibility and connectivity for students. However, this approach to pedagogy has remained relatively unexamined in regard to issues of motivation and intellectual thriving. Using self-determination theory as a foundation, we assessed the degree to which course modality (namely online vs. face-to-face) led to psychological need satisfaction and quality motivation. Our survey of 240 (n = 240) college students confirmed previous research in which higher quality motivation predicted the satisfaction of autonomy, competence and relatedness, which in turn predicted course and instructor approval. However, in a series of matched-pairs t-tests, students reported lower levels of quality motivation, autonomy support, competence and relatedness in online courses than they did for face-to-face courses.  相似文献   

The study integrated self-paced mobile learning (m-learning) into a language course, and examined what impacts were being produced on learners’ reading comprehension and student satisfaction resulting from the instruction with m-learning integration. The self-paced, learner-centered mobile learning integration instruction (MLI) was compared with group-oriented, teacher-centered instruction without m-learning integration. Six classes of students from three different departments participated in the study. One class from each department received MLI, while the other class from each department was involved in traditional learning instruction (TLI). Evaluation of the instruction was based upon data from the post-treatment reading test and one questionnaire related to learner satisfaction. The results revealed that the learners exposing to the MLI scored higher in the test than those with TLI, and they showed great satisfaction with the instruction integrating m-learning. Particularly, the students from the Department of Information Management receiving instruction supported by mobile technologies performed best in the reading test and gained the highest score on the satisfaction questionnaire.  相似文献   

Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) have been increasingly implemented in schools to foster better emotional regulation skills for students with special education needs such as learning disabilities (LDs). This pilot study aimed to evaluate the impact of a MBI on the need satisfaction of elementary students with severe LDs. A prospective quasi-experimental design involving one group and two time points was employed. A sample of 14 elementary school students from a severe LDs special education class participated in this project. Repeated-measures ANOVAs were conducted and revealed a significant reduction in need satisfaction, with a large effect size (η2 = .35). Contrary to our hypothesis, the MBI appeared to be negatively related to need satisfaction among participants. These results indicate that MBIs could be linked with better self-evaluation skills in students with severe LDs, which, in turn, may change (or increase the accuracy of) the perception that children have of their own need satisfaction.  相似文献   

The main objective of the research was to analyse the study attitudes and study behaviour of online students at DOBA Business School. Furthermore, the aim was to evaluate the interrelationship between study attitudes and study behaviour and to assess the predictive value of the two sets of variables for students’ general satisfaction with the study programmes. A total of 331 students participated in the web survey. Participants expressed the most positive attitudes towards the use of technology and flexibility of online learning, while the absence of personal contacts was also perceived as highly favourable. Average scores for both deep and strategic approaches were quite high, while the surface approach was much less prominent . Participants were highly engaged with their teamwork assignments, whereas proactive communication was somewhat less developed . Study attitudes seem to be far more powerful predictors of general satisfaction than study behaviour, which is not surprising. Satisfaction is thought to be the result of the complex subjective evaluation of all relevant aspects of the study programme implementation, as they were measured by attitudinal subscales.  相似文献   

Eighty-four students in an online health education doctoral program taking the first course in the program over one year (four quarters) were surveyed in regards to their computer, Internet, and online course anxiety, and overall course satisfaction. An 18-item anxiety tool with domains in computer, Internet, and online learning was administered in the first and last weeks of an educational research course to assess for changes in student anxiety. A 24-item satisfaction tool with domains regarding the instructor, technology, setup, interaction, outcomes, and overall satisfaction was administered at the end of the course. Results show a significant negative correlation between anxiety and student satisfaction. Student anxiety levels were in the relatively moderate range; changes in anxiety levels over time were not significant. Participants who felt anxious when using computers or the Internet, or when taking online courses experienced anxiety with other domains.  相似文献   

网络教学的特点是:学生学习的自主性;教学资源更加丰富;有利于开展交互式学习。网络教学对专业人才培养具有前所未有的促进作用,网络教学的开放性有助于改变以往教学模式,实现以学生为主体的教学,具体包括三方面:自主学习;合作学习;交互学习。  相似文献   

Student satisfaction is used as one of the key elements to evaluate online courses, while perceived learning is considered as an indicator of learning. This study aimed to explore how online learning self-efficacy (OLSE), learner–content interaction (LCI), learner–instructor interaction (LII), and learner–learner interaction (LLI) can predict student satisfaction and perceived learning. A total of 167 students participated in this study. Regression results revealed that the overall model with all four predictor variables (OLSE, LCI, LII, and LLI) was significantly predictive of satisfaction and perceived learning. The study found that LCI was the strongest and most significant predictor of student satisfaction, while OLSE was the strongest and most significant predictor of perceived learning. However, LLI was not predictive of student satisfaction and perceived learning. This study suggests that instructors employ strategies that enhance students’ OLSE, LCI, and LII. Research is needed to understand how LLI fosters student learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate teachers’ readiness for promoting learner autonomy. It attempts to do so by exploring the perceived importance of and the use of strategies for promoting learner autonomy among Japanese high school teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). The paper reports on the research findings from two studies, one quantitative using a closed questionnaire, and the other qualitative using a focus group interview. Results show that many Japanese EFL high school teachers, while displaying different dimensions of autonomy in different ways, are not fully ready to promote autonomy in their learners.  相似文献   

学习动机是外语学习成功与否的关键因素之一。网络课程可以提供不同于传统课堂的学习情境,因而可能作用于学习动机。本文用问卷调查的方式研究高职差生的英语学习动机类型以及网络课程对学习动机的影响。研究发现:高职差生的英语学习动机类型与本科生有所区别;高职差生喜欢通过网络课程学英语;网络课程能有效提高差生对英语的内在兴趣一一学习情境的改善增加了学习乐趣,而且使学生感到更自在。  相似文献   

The new pedagogical opportunities that massive open online course (MOOC) learning environments offer for the teaching of fee-paying students on university-accredited courses are of growing interest to educators. This paper presents a case study from a postgraduate-taught course at the Open University, UK, where a MOOC performed the dual role of a core teaching vehicle for fee-paying students and also as a “free-to-join” course for open learners. An analysis of survey data revealed differences between the two groups in respect to prior experience, knowledge, expectations and planned time commitment. The nature and experience of interaction was also examined. Fee-paying student feedback revealed four conditions in which MOOCs could be considered a pedagogic option for taught-course designers. These are: when there is a subject need; when used to achieve learning outcomes; when there is acknowledgement or compensation for the financial disparity; and when issues of transition and interaction are supported.  相似文献   

This study examined the reciprocal relations among basic psychological need satisfaction at school (BPNSS), positivity, and academic achievement in Chinese early adolescents, using a six-wave longitudinal design. A total of 712 students from Grades 7 in China (Mage = 12.92 years, 375 girls) completed measures of BPNSS and positivity in the middle of three consecutive semesters. Students exam scores for Chinese, mathematics, and English courses were obtained from school records at the end of each semester. Structural equation modeling indicated that: (a) BPNSS directly predicted academic achievement and vice versa; (b) positivity directly predicted academic achievement but not vice versa; (c) BPNSS directly predicted positivity and vice versa; (d) BPNSS indirectly predicted academic achievement via positivity; and (e) academic achievement indirectly predicted positivity via BNPSS. The findings are helpful for understanding how BPNSS and positivity temporally interrelate with academic outcomes from a positive youth development perspective.  相似文献   

Faculty satisfaction is considered an important factor of quality in online courses. A study was conducted to identify and confirm factors affecting the satisfaction of online faculty at a small research university, and to develop and validate an instrument that can be used to measure perceived faculty satisfaction in the context of the online learning environment. The online faculty satisfaction survey (OFSS) was developed and administered to all instructors who had taught an online course in fall 2007 or spring 2008 at a small research university in the USA. One hundred and two individuals completed the web‐based questionnaire. Results confirm that three factors affect satisfaction of faculty in the online environment: student‐related, instructor‐related, and institution‐related factors.  相似文献   

Little research has simultaneously examined the differential effects of autonomy support from parents, teachers, and peers (social agents) on students’ psychological need satisfaction, motivation, and school engagement. Drawing from Self-Determination Theory, this study examined the joint effects of perceived autonomy support from these three social agents on psychological needs, motivation, and engagement of 614 Chinese primary school students. Results revealed that perceived autonomy support from parents, teachers, and peers positively and uniquely predicted student psychological need satisfaction. The effect was strongest for parental autonomy support, although a model constraining the paths from all three social agents to be equal fit equally well. Need satisfaction predicted greater self-determined motivation and student engagement and mediated the effects of all three social agents on student motivation and engagement. The model showed strong gender invariance. The results highlight the importance of targeting all three social agents in multi-level interventions that aim to optimize student motivation and school engagement.  相似文献   

Low foreign language achievers in vocational education often have a lack of learning strategies, a tendency to feel frustrated, and unwillingness to be involved. In order to develop vocational college students’ autonomy, this study integrated on-site workshops with an online learning community by means of self-directed learning English for specific purposes (ESP). The results show that the online ESP community developed students into autonomous learners by (1) employing resource-based approach to download learning materials for preview and review, (2) utilizing curriculum-based approach to view online photos for monitoring their role-play and interactions in the learning processes and taking e-assessment for evaluating learning progress, and (3) using technology-based approach for interacting with their peers. The students developed learner autonomy to achieve significant better learning outcomes in the post-test. It was implied that self-directed learning with little teacher intervention of integrating on-site and online learning community could develop learner autonomy in ESP.  相似文献   

Learner agency plays a key role in self-regulated learning. Yet, there is a paucity of research into its role in the distance learning context. Using reflective narratives written by a distance learner of English in China, this longitudinal case study aims to investigate the ways in which learner agency mediates the language learning in the distance mode. Findings from the study suggest that agency has a major impact on learners’ self-efficacy, identity, motivation, and metacognition—four constructs which are instrumental in determining language learning success, in particular in the distance learning context. Analysis of the data indicates that positive changes in these four constructs, in turn, lead to further agentic engagement, hence forming a virtuous circle of mutual enhancement. Implications are discussed in relation to fostering distance learners’ goal awareness, enhancing their self-efficacy, maintaining their motivation, and encouraging metacognitive efforts.  相似文献   

Self‐determination theory posits that individuals who have basic psychological needs satisfied while engaging in an activity will be more likely to value and persist in that activity. Scholars in this area have also posited that autonomy‐supportive social contexts are top‐down determinants of individual need satisfaction. To understand better the progression from social to motivational to outcome variables, we tested a four‐step path model within a classroom setting. Data were collected from 220 students in an introductory journalism course, which was subdivided into 14 lab sections. Students were surveyed regarding their feelings about the course, the autonomy support of the instructor, the motivation they felt to engage in the course, and the levels of need satisfaction they experienced. Theoretically‐guided structural equation modeling produced a best‐fitting model in which teacher autonomy support predicted more self‐determined student motivation, which along with teacher autonomy support predicted greater student psychological need satisfaction, which led finally to higher predicted course grades and higher teacher‐course evaluations. Overall, the results replicate and significantly extend previous findings regarding need satisfaction and teacher‐course evaluations. Implications for pedagogy and educational interventions are discussed.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was twofold, namely to examine (1) the effect of learner misbehaviour on identified symptoms of educator burnout and stress, and (2) the possible association between demographic variables and symptoms of educator stress and burnout as a direct result of learner misbehaviour. The quantitative empirical approach was used in this study. A self-reporting questionnaire was completed by 511 educators. The data were analysed by means of frequencies, the Student's t-test and the One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) statistic. The results are reported against the background of a diagrammatical, enumerative display of the nature and frequency of different types of misbehaviour that the respondents had to address. The results prove that learner misbehaviour in Lesotho has serious negative consequences for a relatively small percentage of respondents. Contrary to the prevailing view in the literature, the data furthermore show that learner misbehaviour in Lesotho more often impacts negatively on male and on experienced educators, than on their female and their less experienced counterparts.  相似文献   

在商品经济迅速发展的今天,网络广告作为一种新型信息传递的手段,越来越受到企业、中间商和广大消费者的重视和青睐,并且逐渐形成了自己的风格。但对其词汇特征的研究还处于一个全新的阶段。文章从网络英语广告中常常出现的褒义的形容词、单音节动词、杜撰的新词和人称代词对它的词汇特征进行了初步的分析探讨,从而归纳出网络英语广告的一般性词汇特征。  相似文献   


This research has a dual purpose: to translate into Spanish and validate a classroom engagement measure and, over a semester, to analyse the effect of students’ perception of autonomy support on the need for autonomy and the effect of autonomy, in turn, on four types of engagement. Data were collected at three time points from 448 undergraduate students via a longitudinal design. The results revealed adequate psychometric properties for the engagement scale, and the hypothesised effects were supported. Autonomy support was a significant predictor of the need for autonomy, which, in turn, predicted changes in four types of classroom engagement. Emotional engagement displayed the strongest relationship with need for autonomy. Moreover, need for autonomy mediated the relationship between perceived autonomy support and each indicator of student engagement. The findings are interpreted as supporting self-determination theory’s motivation mediation model and could be considered in future intervention programmes to improve the teaching–learning process in education.  相似文献   

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