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雅斯贝尔斯是德国著名的存在主义哲学家、心理学家和高等教育思想家.他的高等教育思想涉及大学的性质、大学的任务、大学教师的选用、大学的改革等等.他的思想对德国乃至全世界高等教育的发展都产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to gain a deeper understanding of Arendt’s educational philosophy, her perspective of political involvement as a kind of political education, and natality as the fundamental nature of education. The current study has extended past research by elucidating Arendt’s view of participatory democratic politics, her analysis of citizenship education programs, and her assessment of the crisis of education. The findings of this study have implications for Arendt’s idea of pedagogical authority, the specific character of Arendt’s contribution to political theory, and her grasp on the link between citizenship and education.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯的大学教育理念述评   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
雅斯贝尔斯是德国著名的高等教育思想家。他认为,大学是一种特殊的学校,是一个由学者和学生共同组成的追求真理的社团。大学的职能有三,即科学研究、传授学问和教育、文化。大学教育应以培养“全人”为目标,而有效的培养方法则是科研与教学相结合、专业训练与整体知识相结合、教学自由与学习自由相结合、知识传授与能力训练相结合。  相似文献   

在对大学思想进行探讨时,学者们始终绕不开大学理念、大学人和大学制度这三个关键词。在现实中,人们并没有清晰地认识和处理好三者之间的关系,常常出现重制度建设,轻价值理念与人文关怀的现象。雅斯贝尔斯曾从其存在主义哲学思想出发,深入论述和阐释过三者之间的关系:大学人是大学的根本,大学理念是大学的灵魂,大学制度是大学得以运行的外在保障。雅氏的大学思想对扭转时下工具理性迷信的世风和促进国内大学健康良性发展颇具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯高等教育思想初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雅斯贝尔斯是德国名的存在主义哲学家、心理学家和高等教育家,他的高等教育思想内容广泛,涉及大学的任务、教育对象的选拔制度、教师的选用、大学和国家及社会的关系,大学的改革等等。他的思想对德国及至世界的高等教育都产生了一定影响,对我国当前的高等教育改革也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯不仅从哲学层次上提出了“交往”理论,而且还将交往理论引入教育领域并作了深入的探讨,具体论述了交往在教育中的意义和大学中生命的精神“交往”,由此构成其交往教育观,这对于当今的教育尤其是大学教育的改革与发展具有极为重要的现实意义。  相似文献   


The importance of the concept of reflective practice within the teaching profession has been stressed heavily in recent decades. How it is enacted and how beginning teachers, in particular, have been encouraged to exercise it remains somewhat unclear, with the risk that it becomes a cursory, ill-informed exercise in self-affirmation rather than a central pillar of professional life. In this paper, Hannah Arendt's thinking on judgement, drawn from her studies of Kant, and particularly her concept of ‘enlarged thought’, are used to suggest a stronger basis for the nature of reflective practice and for the validity of the professional judgement involved. The paper concludes with some suggestions as to what could be involved in making fruitful use of Arendt's concept of judgement in the development of beginning teachers as reflective practitioners.  相似文献   


In this paper, I explore the educational significance of the work of Hannah Arendt through reflections on four papers that constitute this special issue. I focus on the challenge of reconciling ourselves to reality, that is, of being at home in the world. Although Arendt's idea of being at home in the world is connected to her explorations of understanding, such understanding should not be approached as a matter of sense making, but in terms of ‘eccentric judgement’. For judgement to be eccentric, we must expose ourselves to otherness, which has to do with friendship if we understand friendship as a public rather than an entirely private matter. While political judgement requires a ‘being in the presence of others’ Arendt's views on thinking and its role in moral judgement indicate the necessity of solitude, of being alone with oneself. Rather than seeing this a process through which one calls oneself into question, I highlight the importance of the experience of being called into question, which I understand as the experience of ‘being taught’. I conclude that the educational significance of Arendt's work particularly lies in this link with teaching, and less so in notions of learning, reflection and sense making.  相似文献   

雅斯贝斯的生存美学可一言以蔽之为"生存艺术形而上学".由对艺术根源的探问,他将致思的重心落在艺术家个体能否作为独立的"生存"从事白由的精神创造.以"生存"为辐辏.他所倡导的生存论教育乃是一种旨在成全人的全面发展的"全人教育".这其中包含着对人的审美自由的成全.在此基础上,雅氏详尽阐发了他的艺术教育思想.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to consider the ways in which Arendt's writings on totalitarianism act as a warning sign for political and miseducational circumstances in the USA. Because the term totalitarianism has been used imprudently (largely in the mass media) to express repressive conditions in so-called models of democracy, this paper seeks to both clarify and raise questions concerning its meaning as a form of nation-state-sanctioned power and/or economic-technological force. This analysis draws largely from Arendt's definition of totalitarianism expressed as an antipolitical phenomenon characterized by terror-ruled ideological indoctrination which destroys both the public realm and the private identities. I contend that analyses of twentieth-century totalitarianism are significant to today's unprecedented questions and circumstances germinating in and having significance beyond the USA. I also describe the difficulty of action under extreme conditions. In the last analysis, I deliberate on the site of education as a totalitarian coercion.  相似文献   

Conceptualising difference is a key task for inclusive pedagogy, and vital to the politics of inclusion. My purpose in this paper is to consider the place that imagination has in helping us to conceptualise difference, and to argue that imagination has a key part to play in inclusive pedagogy. To do this I draw closely on the work of Maxine Greene and Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s work provides a means to conceptualise difference whereby difference is itself at the very heart of what constitutes our humanity. Greene’s work on the arts has outlined the value of the imagination, and has argued for the place of the arts in education and pedagogy. What is needed, however, is a careful account of how the imagination is connected to politics. In this paper I take up Greene’s call to ‘release the imagination’ and, drawing on Arendt, develop an account of the relationship between the imagination, thinking, and politics and how this can be used to argue the place of imagination in inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

当前我国高等教育体系中,主要有公办高校和民办高校两大主体。这两大主体在高等教育体系中的地位是不一样的,这主要表现在以下几个方面:学校数量、在校生数、师资队伍、国家政府的政策支持等方面。与公办高校相比,民办高校在以上几个方面都处于劣势地位。而这归根结底是由于我国政府部门,尤其是教育行政部门对教育的相对垄断所造成的。因此,我们必须在一定程度上进一步打破这种相对的垄断。  相似文献   

Data on 115 colleges and universities are used to examine the effect of the qualifications of the faculty and decentralization of authority on faculty influence over general educational policy and faculty appointments. The findings suggest that university administrators respond to the presence of highly qualified faculties by allowing them to have more influence which is exercised largely through the formally constituted decision-making bodies of the faculty.  相似文献   

汉娜.阿伦特作为最早对公共领域问题进行系统思考的哲学家,她在分析人的条件、极权主义起源和现代西方宪政困境等问题的过程中发现了公共领域问题的宪政理论价值,并通过对上述问题的理论解决建构起了一个独具特色的公共领域理论系统。这一理论的提出,既是她本人独特人生经历的时代感悟的理性成果,又是她对20世纪欧美社会的政治现象、政治过程和政治思想变迁的理论反思的结果。它不仅体现了阿伦特作为一个杰出政治哲学家理论创造活动的卓越之处,而且也奠定了她在公共领域理论发展史上的开创性地位。事实上,正是阿伦特的理论创建活动才使“公共领域”概念化,并逐渐成为一种新的理论范式和独具特色的话语系统。  相似文献   

Abstact Much of the writing on higher education in recent years has tended to assume that the new management push in higher education is both universal and irreversible. This paper, however, presents evidence from Portugal to challenge that assumption. While elements of the new managerialism are clearly evident in the perceptions and attitudes of academics in charge of the basic academic units (departments/schools and faculties) in the country’s universities and polytechnics, academic management remains faced with a complex, contradictory and conflicting set of demands and expectations which is likely to take a considerable time to resolve.  相似文献   

从大学和知识的关系、大学和个体发展的角度看,公益性反映出高等教育的本质属性.讨论我国高等教育的公益性问题,不能脱离我国社会转型的大背景.高等教育公益性的弱化是我国社会转型引发的特殊问题.重塑公益性的高等教育,需要政府、大学和社会的共同努力,但是政府需要发挥主导性的作用.  相似文献   


Understanding and action are central themes in Hannah Arendt's thought and an idea that runs throughout her work is that whenever human beings act, they start processes. It is in this light that she saw education as a process whose aim is to make human beings feel at home in the world. Given the centrality of process in understanding action, early on in her work, Arendt reflected and drew upon the ideas of Alfred Whitehead, the philosopher of process. Education in his thought is an art and an adventure whose object should be to enable students to grasp the process of life itself and imagine different worlds. In this light, universities are crucial in creating conditions of possibility for imaginative learning and intellectual adventures. Taking action, process, imagination and adventure as my central ideas, in this paper, I make connections between Arendt and Whitehead in an attempt to think about education within and beyond ‘dark times’.  相似文献   

叶晖  吴洪涛 《高教论坛》2007,(3):149-151
大学教师究竟应该具备怎样的精神特质?本文在考查传统研究思路的基础上,对大学教师与公共知识分子之间的关系作了探讨,并从公共知识分子的视角阐述了大学教师的精神特质,以求更为全面的展示大学教师的精神特质,意在呼吁重塑大学教师的公共性。  相似文献   

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