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Journalists are always confronted by ethical definitions on the daily basis during their media practice. In this article, some ethical issues happened in media practice are analyzed, and aspects of both news reporters and public opinion are deeply studied, and the balance between both professional and ethics is probed seriously as well.  相似文献   

Using the stereotype content model as a guiding framework, this study explored whether the stigma that able‐bodied adults have towards children with a physical disability is reduced when the child is portrayed as being active. In a 2 (physical activity status) x 2 (ability status) study design, 178 university students rated a child described in one of four vignettes on 12 dimensions of perceived warmth and competence. Results revealed a main effect of ability status on warmth (p < 0.001) such that children with a physical disability were rated significantly higher in perceived warmth than able‐bodied children, regardless of activity status (d = 0.86). Also, there was a significant interaction (p = 0.02) of ability and activity status on perceived competence, indicating that ratings of perceived competence were significantly higher for active children with a physical disability than for all other children (d = 0.54–0.64). Results suggest that physical activity should be explored as a way to mitigate the stigmatisation of children with a physical disability.  相似文献   

Increasing physical activity opportunities in schools has emerged as a global priority among school-aged youth. As a result, many countries have designed and implemented whole-of-school physical activity initiatives that seek to increase physical activity opportunities that are available to school-aged children before, during, and after school. Considering the comprehensive school physical activity program conceptual framework, this article includes a discussion of the initiatives from four countries: Finland (Finnish Schools on the Move), Ireland (Active School Flag), Poland (PE with Class), and the United States (Let’s Move Active Schools). Background information, implementation strategies, best practices, development opportunities, and relevant research from each country will be presented. Exploring different perspectives sheds some light on the international landscape relative to whole-of-school physical activity promotion and provides direction for future and continued research and practice.  相似文献   

体育作为全面发展教育内容的重要组成部分,对学生的成长与发展起到了十分重要的作用,而当前我国体育教育评价过程中存在着不容忽视的问题,阻碍了体育任务顺利完成的进程.该文针对我国体育教育评价中伦理规范缺失的问题提出了关于体育教育评价伦理规范建设的相关思路.  相似文献   

社会工作是充满了伦理意义的专业和职业,社会工作实习教育很大程度上也是伦理抉择的过程。在目前的中西部地区,社会工作实习教育面临着实习学生与实习对象关系、实习指导老师与实习学生关系、高等学校与实习机构关系以及实习学生之间关系等方面的伦理困境。为了妥善处理这些伦理问题,需要承认社会工作实习亦是一种不可避免的道德实践,同时还要通过教育的专业化和本土化策略、服务-学习的先进理念与做法来实现超越。  相似文献   

Graduate adapted physical education (APE) courses have typically been taught using face-to-face formats where the instructor and learners physically meet in a classroom and engage in discussions and experiential exercises. However, because in-service physical educators have time demands associated with teaching, coaching, and family commitments, face-to-face meetings may not be feasible. Therefore, online learning may provide a more efficient and effective method for training in-service physical educators to become APE specialists. The purpose of this article is to disseminate guidelines for developing and implementing online coursework in APE within the theoretical framework of andragogy (adult learning). In this article, the authors describe characteristics and implementation of an online APE graduate course for in-service physical educators based on andragogy theory. Andragogy theory addresses the particular needs of adult learners and is based on the idea that there are significant differences in learning characteristics between children and adults (Knowles, 1989). This article first describes four components fundamental to andragogical instruction: experiential learning, self-directed learning, engagement, and transformative learning. The narratives provide information and characteristics about online APE course development for PE teachers’ professional development and how andragogy approach is a useful and beneficial approach to enhance learning.  相似文献   

Watson  Doris L.  Newton  Maria  Kim  Mi-Sook 《The Urban Review》2003,35(3):217-232
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent participants in a summer sports camp embraced values-based constructs and to examine the relationship between perceptions of values-based constructs and affect and attitude. Participants included 135 ethnically diverse boys and girls (mean age 11.98 years) attending the National Youth Sport Program (NYSP). Participants' perceptions of the extent the program emphasized values-based constructs and participants' enjoyment, interest in sport, future expectations, and respect of leadership were assessed. Factor analysis revealed three values-based constructs: Care for Others/Goal Setting, Self-Responsibility, and Self-Control/Respect. Correlational analyses revealed that emphasizing values-based criteria was positively related to the participant's sport enjoyment, interest in sport, positive future expectations, and greater respect for leaders. The practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was conducted to investigate the physical activity status of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related demographic characteristics. Thirty-four parents completed the IPAQ-S and demographic survey. Mean metabolic equivalent-minutes per week (MET-min/week) across participants was 3371. Significant correlations were found between parent’s age and moderate (τ = .287, p = .034) and vigorous (τ = .318, p = .020) physical activity minutes as well as vigorous (τ = .308, p = .021) and total (τ = .366, p = .005) MET-min/week. Similarly, significant correlations were found between child’s age and walking minutes (τ = .412, p = .002), walking MET-min/week (τ = .380, p = .005) and total MET-min/week (τ = .342, p = .010). This study provides current evidence about the physical activity participation of parents of children with ASD, and demonstrates a need for further research exploring barriers and facilitators towards physical activity for this population.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of theory-based behavior-change programs to promote physical activity, obesity and diabetes rates continue to rise. Given the notable ineffective interventions, it is important to examine why these efforts have been largely unsuccessful and to consider potential alternatives. The purpose of this article is to consider the role of values in understanding decisions about physical activity and to outline a more appropriate framework for investigating them. Aristotle originally proposed that human behavior may be better understood in terms of phronesis (practical reasoning), aimed at realizing valued goals rather than as the product of antecedent causal determinants. Instead of relying exclusively on scientific methodologies, a more comprehensive approach to study physical activity participation would also incorporate analytical processes used in the humanities, especially with respect to conceptualizing the role of values in guiding human behavior. Therefore, revising and expanding the research, teaching, and practice conducted in physical activity education are recommended.  相似文献   

Recommended approaches to promoting children’s physical activity through schools call for physical education teachers to serve as champions for, and leaders of, Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs). Little evidence, however, exists to suggest that physical education teachers are ideally prepared or supported to assume CSPAP leadership roles. The purpose of this article is to consider expectations that must be met for physical education teachers to serve as central protagonists in CSPAP implementation efforts, and to propose a conceptual model aimed at increasing both effectiveness and sustainability of CSPAPs through key external-internal partnerships. Specifically, community-based participatory research, communities of practice, and service-learning are presented as possible strategies to expand the support system for growing and sustaining CSPAPs. In sum, this article offers some reasons for rethinking current recommendations for CSPAP implementation.  相似文献   

体质人类学是研究人类体质特征在时间上和空间上的变化及其发展规律的科学,主要涉及四个方面:第一,通过对人类化石及现生灵长类的分析与研究,探索人类的起源,其目的是了解人类是如何、何时、为什么会成为与其他动物不同的“社会文化”的动物;第二,研究人类不同体质特征形成与分布的规律;第三,研究人体结构与功能、遗传与变异等方面;第四,运用体质人类学的研究方法,对现代人类的生产、生活的实际问题进行研究.本文梳理了国内外学者对体质人类学学科的阐释,并对当代中国体质人类学的学科体系与实践进行了分析和综述.  相似文献   

文中采用多种不同形式的体育课准备活动进行实验研究,为准备活动的合理安排和教学,提供了相应的依据。  相似文献   


In the wake of multiple activity program eliminations and frequent downgrading of activity programs nationwide, the question to be addressed is how we can draw upon our interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and intercultural understandings of human movement to construct physical activity programs for the future that might withstand the test of time. The perspective of this article is that while physical activity programming of the one-size-fits-all monolithic scale may be superfluous to the needs of many universities, superlative programs cleverly crafted around philosophical principles that are near and dear to a particular institution could be the wave of the future. The problem is how to conceive and incubate programs of appropriate size and appealing content that will flourish as an integral feature of the academic mission.  相似文献   

We used a life‐history approach to investigate the meanings and experiences of physical activity in the life of a 25‐year‐old woman with severe cerebral palsy (Amy). Amy and her mother were interviewed about Amy’s life and her involvement in physical activity. The conversation was audio‐recorded and transcribed verbatim. We interpreted Amy’s story using psychodynamic theory. Although Amy enjoyed learning to walk, she developed a sense of inferiority on entering the school environment because her skills did not compare favourably with those of her classmates without disabilities. Despite these negative experiences, Amy became more physically active as an adult than she had been as a child and as an adolescent, with the intention of delaying further functional decline, to stay socially connected to the people around her and to gain self‐esteem through displaying competence at physical tasks. For Amy, engaging in physical activity was intimately tied to psychosocial growth, especially as a young adult. Further research should be conducted to investigate whether this relationship between physical activity and psychosocial growth is present in the lives of other people with disabilities.  相似文献   

“普通地质学”野外和室内实践教学改革与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“普通地质学”是地质类专业学生必修的专业基础课,面向一年级新生开课,具有很强的实践性。本文通过探索该课程整个教学环节中野外和室内实践教学的改革经验,提出了北戴河野外实践教学过程中应关注的教学理念、路线设计、陈列室和教材建设等一系列具体教学措施。认为室内课堂教学过程中应开发和挖掘校园周围和校园内部存在的丰富多彩的地质现象,激励学生主动去发现身边存在的各种地质现象,使课堂教学更贴近实际,让“枯燥”的地质知识鲜活化。  相似文献   

本文就体操技术练习,从练习者认识活动的特点和人体机能活动以及动作技能形成的规律入手,对体操技术中有效练习的几个阶段进行定性分析,以期对体操技术练习者进行有效的学习训练有所帮助,避免练习中的无效练习和有害练习,系统和迅速地掌握体操动作技能。  相似文献   

嵩山地区“普通地质学”野外实践教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野外实践是"普通地质学"课程的重要的教学环节。基于野外教学的特异性分析,提出了"室外不够室内补,内外兼修互成辅"的实践教学原则,以嵩山世界地质公园为依托,在实践基地建设的深入与外延、实践技能训练方式上做出调整,同时将过去的认知型为主改变为以探索型为主的野外教学方式,提高了野外地质实践教学的效率和质量,也进一步完善了野外地质实践教学体系,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   


A models-based approach has been advocated as a means of overcoming the serious limitations of the traditional approach to physical education. One of the difficulties with this approach is that physical educators have sought to use it to achieve diverse and sometimes competing educational benefits, and these wide-ranging aspirations are rarely if ever achieved. Models-based practice offers a possible resolution to these problems by limiting the range of learning outcomes, subject matter and teaching strategies appropriate to each pedagogical model and thus the arguments that can be used for educational value. In this article, two examples are provided to support a case for educational value. This case is built on an examination of one established pedagogical model, Sport Education, which is informed by a perspective on ethics. Next, I consider Physical Literacy which, I suggest, is an existentialist philosophical perspective that could form the basis of a new pedagogical model. It is argued, in conclusion, that a models-based approach along with a reconstructed notion of educational value may offer a possible future for physical education that is well grounded in various philosophical arguments and the means to facilitate a wide range of diverse individual and social educational ‘goods’.  相似文献   

Reflection and reflective practice are key concepts in the educational literature as well as in research on physical education (PE) and physical education teacher education (PETE). The purpose of this article is to review the current empirical knowledge base for reflection and reflective practice in PE and PETE from 1995 to 2011. The review includes empirical research published in peer reviewed journals on the topics on reflection and reflective practice in the contexts of PE and PETE. There were 33 articles included in the review. Most of the research is conducted in the PETE context, where it was found that pre-service teachers do develop their reflective capabilities. However, the results also indicate students make little progress on critical reflections. In the PE context, it was found that teachers express a need for reflective communities. Theoretical and methodological challenges with the reviewed literature are discussed and suggestions for further research proposed.  相似文献   

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