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"博物馆的历史与文化"是一门为本科生开设、引领学生了解和认知以"博物馆"为关键词的理论专题、实践观察与自主学习相结合的通识性课程,以"双编码"和"三统一"为原则,既服务于博雅教育的本真追求,又满足专业核心课程的主题设计要求,并用统一的课程设计、教学要求和评分标准面向不同专业的学生,围绕基于核心文献的小型研讨会、师生共同参与的项目作业设计以及综合性的课业评估这三个关键要素,形成一套完整并行之有效的教学模式,探索博雅教育本土化的成功路径。  相似文献   

科学教育与人文艺术教育相融合是当今世界教育发展的一种趋势,结合专业课程教学进行人文艺术教育,是深化大学生文化素质教育的重要手段,是实施人文、艺术教育与科学教育融合的重要渠道。在物理教学中把科学教育与人文、艺术教育相融合,充分发掘科学教育的人文艺术价值,使学生在融会贯通中汲取智慧,获得心智训练和提升,是物理教师的神圣使命。  相似文献   

科普教育电视节目创作中的审美把握,就是要对事物的内涵进行美学上的审视,使感性审美向理性审美转化。研究创作表现科学美的节目,应包括创作主体对科学真善美的追求,要善于发现和评价科学美,并在创作中利用各种技艺规律加以形象表现。  相似文献   

Despite calls for greater agreement in defining the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), terms that resemble SoTL are proliferating. An NSF-sponsored center for teaching and learning coined its own term, teaching-as-research (TAR), believing it would resonate better with research-active scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. To understand whether this was a wise strategy, we interviewed 43 participants from courses that sought to explain and demonstrate TAR. Our study found that participants defined TAR with varying complexity and that disciplinary concepts generally provided “conceptual handles” for making sense of TAR. However, tailoring a term to particular disciplines entails several challenging tradeoffs.
Mark R. ConnollyEmail:

Mark Connolly   is a Researcher who studies STEM education reform efforts, postsecondary teaching, graduate education, and practitioner theorizing Jana Bouwma-Gearhart   is an Assistant Researcher whose interests include STEM K-16 educators’ teaching professional development and science learning through inquiry Matthew Clifford   is an Associate Researcher who studies the practice of instructional leadership and change in the sciences, with particular attention to the potentialities of secondary and post-secondary faculty collaboration and curriculum design.  相似文献   

以凤凰山江苗族家庭博物馆为个案,针对当前我国民间博物馆存在的种类繁多但东西分布发展不平衡、运作灵活但办馆理念不明晰、潜力较大但保障体系不完善的现状,提出了民间博物馆只有在政府的主导下,以服务民间社会为目标,并依托完善的法律法规,才能获得合理平衡、持续有效和有序的健康发展。  相似文献   

艺术院校应重视大学生的思想政治教育,注重艺术专业教学与思想政治教育的融合创新,强化艺术类教师思想政治学习意识,提高艺术类教师思想政治理论水平,创新思想政治理论课教学形式,推进思想政治理论课教学改革,将思想政治教育元素和思想政治教育功能融入专业教学和专业实践,通过音乐创作、美术写生、戏剧创作、舞蹈表演、摄影创作、电影编导...  相似文献   

香港中文大学成立已近60年,发展历程可分为创校时期、联邦制时期、转型时期、融合创新时期四个阶段,其综合化在前三阶段主要表现为学科数量增加和外延扩张,在最后阶段主要表现为学科融合创新与内涵发展,由此从单纯文理教育为主到以人文社会科学见长,今日已成为诸学科完备的综合性研究型大学。任何大学都是遗传与环境的产物,其综合化体现了变与不变的辩证法。香港中文大学的学科综合化遵循两种基本逻辑:同构逻辑强调变革须适应环境变迁,在每次经济社会转型时都能及时变革学科和组织结构;分化逻辑重视大学变革的历史延续性及独特认知方式,表现为坚守文化传统和内在逻辑。  相似文献   

Environmental field days offer a distinct opportunity to connect students with science and the environment. The literature on field days, informed by research on field trips, provides a framework for best practices. If there are best practices, however, then presence or lack of the practice should have a discernable impact on the outcomes of the field day and should be measurable and some of them should be observable. The Delphi process was modified to ground the theory and to end the Delphi using a subset of the panel in a face‐to‐face meeting to move from consensus to instrument construction. This paper describes the process and shows a summary of the findings of each of the rounds of the Delphi. The use of a Delphi method for determining consensus around the validity of the theory emerging from the research and literature on field days was appropriate and shows that this type of testing against grounded theory can prove useful for building measures to test the emergent theoretical constructs. Modifying the Delphi to focus on the theoretical constructs emerging from the initial analysis allowed the process to function as a true Delphi and eliminated the long process of construct identification.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development of a methodology that integrates virtual and hands-on inquiry in a freshman introductory biology course. Using a two time × two order-condition design, an effective combination (blend) of the two environments was evaluated with 39 freshman biology participants. The quantitative results documented no significant effect of presentation order but demonstrated a significant effect of the combined learning experience. The qualitative results showed a strong preference by students for the virtual work preceding the hands-on laboratory. The study provides practitioners an effective alternative to traditional instructional practices by combining virtual and hands-on inquiry learning.
Lisa R. LudvicoEmail:

2012年高考文科综合(历史)全国或分省卷试题,针对历史学科素养与能力考查主要体现在:基于历史学科特有的思维方式,实现对历史时序及历史阶段的基本特征的创新考查;运用丰富多彩、形式新颖的材料,从新情境、新问题、新角度考查考生对史料进行多方面的、真实的解读能力和形成对历史的认识与理解,其目标是对学习的能力与潜力的考查;基于新课程"情感态度价值观"的能力目标,创新历史学科思想素养的考查;基于跨学科知识融通的命题形式,立足于社会学科知识及内容的有机结合,拓宽综合素养能力考查的创新。  相似文献   

The arguments for, and justification of, the value of teaching art in school have been made previously, but contextually these are often situated in Western affluence. This article explores the issues with a strikingly contrasted setting. The rural school in the study is approximately 30 minutes' drive from the nearest town, and the pupils are drawn from the surrounding rural bush area which is itself developmentally and materially poor in comparison to the UK. In school, the poverty seemed initially to relate to a lack of educational resources, but the reality experienced in the classroom may have also been linked to other issues. These included the desperate preoccupation with survival in difficult climatic conditions, a postcolonial legacy and the delicate balance of utilising resources without waste. What conclusions might then be drawn about the teaching of art? Utilising the work of others who have considered the issues in Kenya, this small‐scale ethnographic case study is presented with personal reflection and observations. The author would be pleased to hear from others with similar experiences or who have recognised additional issues in seemingly challenging circumstances.  相似文献   

高技能人才应该具备专业能力、社会能力与发展能力,基于此,人才培养应与课程到达一定程度的整合。整合专业课程体系,提高职业技能;整合显性课程与隐性课程,提高学生的社会能力;通过拓展性课程和研究性实习提高可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

This research reports on the efforts of six middle school and high school science teachers in a public school district in New York City to balance innovative teaching methods and strategies with the New York State Learning Standards and Regents requirements. More specifically, this research examines the factors that influenced the implementation of project-based approaches to teaching and learning science. Observations of meetings and classrooms, and collection of artifacts such as curricula, project planners, demographic profiles, student work, and test results served as the primary data sources that were triangulated and related to current theory on project-based learning in science. Four teachers embraced aspects of project-based learning in science and two rejected most aspects of teaching project-based learning in science. Implications for science professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Although visual arts teachers have free access to high quality online artwork images offering them immense teaching resources, making meaningful use of them remains a pedagogical challenge. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition from face-to-face to online teaching caused an immediate need for teachers to enhance their digital competencies and technological capability for planning and delivering a blended art curriculum. Herein, I propose a ‘teacher-curator pedagogy’ via a study in six primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to assess its effectiveness. The study took place in the academic year of 2021-22 with 331 student participants. The proposed pedagogy puts visual arts teachers in the role of ‘digital curators’ who create virtual exhibitions for teaching art appreciation and artmaking. This paper addresses the theoretical framework, implementation strategies, and the results of the study highlighting its effectiveness, impact and limitations on teaching when using teacher-curated virtual exhibitions in both physical and virtual learning contexts. It was found that the technological capacity and confidence of the teacher participants was enhanced through the use of online resources and virtual exhibition tools. Making use of the 3D presentation of exhibits in themes and context through digital content curation, the teachers engaged students with deep interaction through the blending of online and face-to-face teaching. However, the proposed pedagogy was limited by the high demand of training and preparation work, hardware and software support, and difficulties in assessing and monitoring learning beyond class.  相似文献   

A globalized world requires research to transcend geographical boundaries; this includes training students in international collaborative research. The purpose of this project was to identify the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of students from two universities (Kansas State Univ. and Tallin Univ. of Technology) working on an international research project together. For this purpose, six graduate students from the Center for Sensory Analysis and Consumer Behavior, Kansas State Univ., partnered with 20 Food Science major students from a Product Development class at Tallinn Univ. of Technology. Students worked together by distance in a partnership developing a rye bread sensory lexicon for systematically understanding the sensory properties of this product category, conducting Landscape analysis by using sensory mapping techniques on rye bread products from Northeast Europe for capturing the market complexity and to identify opportunity for new product development and new products concepts. Students from Kansas then went to Estonia for further meetings. After the trip, students and professors were asked for their feedback. Results showed that students identify learning food trends from another country as the main benefit of their international collaboration, followed by intercultural skills and knowledge transfer. Language and difference in time zones, as well as educational backgrounds, were identified by students as the main challenges of the collaboration. When US students were asked to rate the learning outcomes stated in the syllabus, understanding the cultural characteristics of Estonia was the one scored highest. Professors mentioned this opportunity is unique because it gives a cultural component programs usually not only an offer and a chance to develop time management skills by working across divergent time zones, but also to practice options for managing language barriers. This project shows that it is possible to setup a partnership between students across different countries and have a positive outcome that includes unique learning experiences for students; especially in terms of time and project management.  相似文献   

This is a case study of a one‐year arts educational project I – from dreams to reality’ in which artists worked at school with teachers and learning at the school was planned through arts‐based, co‐operative teamwork during one extra school year of 10th grade students in Finnish basic education. The theme of the year was ‘I’, and so the project was designed to highlight everyone's own way of thinking and expressing art. The research task was to determine whether long‐term holistic arts pedagogy and artist co‐operation at school have any significant connection to students’ self‐efficacy and social skills. Data has been collected through students’ self‐evaluations before and after the school year. Altogether 40 students from 10th grade participated in this case study. Half of the pupils participated in an arts educational project called ‘I – from dreams to reality’ and half formed the control group. Artists worked with the test group weekly during a period of one school year (altogether nine months). Students’ self‐evaluations concerning their self‐efficacy and social behaviour were collected by e‐questionnaire. The measures used were Likert‐based evaluation scores of pupils’ self‐assessment of their self‐efficacy and social behaviour in everyday situations at school. According to the results, artist–teacher co‐operation and learning through the arts can be worthwhile experiences to develop students’ self‐efficacy and social skills.  相似文献   

农业与旅游业融合发展是新常态下推进我国农业现代化、促进旅游业转型升级的重要途径。通过PEST分析法对河南省农业与旅游业融合宏观发展环境进行分析,发现河南省农业旅游发展拥有较好的政治、经济、社会以及技术环境,但依然还存在农业与旅游业产品融合形式单一、农业旅游产业价值链不完善、农业与旅游业融合过程中技术创新能力较弱、农业旅游产业集群发展缓慢等问题。在推进河南省农业与旅游业融合创新发展过程中,需要创新农业旅游产品,延伸农业旅游产业链,采用"互联网+"思维推动农业与旅游业融合中的技术创新,推进农业旅游产业集群建设。  相似文献   

This case study of a teacher who engaged his students in inquiry within a technologically rich classroom was conducted over 5 weeks, including 15 regularly scheduled classes. Data include extensive teacher interviews, e-mail, and artifacts such as class notes, curriculum guides, and handouts. A retrospective analysis methodology was utilized to address what Barron et al. (1998), called the major hurdles in implementing project-based curricula: the simultaneous changes in curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. In addition, a framework developed by the National Research Councils How People Learn was employed to provide detail on the nature of knowledge, learner, assessment, and community centeredness of the project-based unit. Finally, the classroom environment created during a unit of astronomy was analyzed and five principles emerged: the sense of a project, the development of independent individuals, creation of a global community of learners, a cyclic nature of instruction emphasizing conceptual and procedural understanding, and the utilization of distributedexpertise.  相似文献   

The research described in this article is a case study of a fifth grade teacher's (Melissa) efforts to construct a teaching and learning environment within her science teaching. Qualitative research methods were used to examine and analyze Melissa's science teaching practice. Drawing from socio-cultural theories, I argue that her teaching and learning environment was constructed as a form of mediated action through which she articulated and transformed the context, meaning, and action of her science teaching. In particular, she forged links between a number of factors, such as historically recognizable forms of pedagogy, perceptions of her students' socio-economic positions, knowledge of appropriate science teaching, and her experiences in a preservice teacher education program. Through her pedagogical work, the teaching and learning environment was articulated into a complex network of meanings, physical spaces, and concrete actions in which each element transformed the other. I suggest that mediated action is a form of transformation that constitutes context, meaning, and action into a dynamic and constantly-shifting teaching and learning environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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